“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University Knowledge Horizons - Economics Volume 7, No. 2, pp. 123–125 P-ISSN: 2069-0932, E-ISSN: 2066-1061 © 2015 Pro Universitaria www.orizonturi.ucdc.ro THE LATE RECOGNITION OF TUDOR ARGHEZI BY THE COMMUNIST REGIME Mirel ANGHEL1, Diana-Ligia TUDOR2 The Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Faculty of International Business and Economics, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail: [email protected] Abstract One of the leading Romanian poets, Tudor Arghezi had many problems with the Communist Keywords regime that ruled our country, especially after 1948. The poet was excluded from the Romanian Tudor Arghezi, literature for approximately eight years, but his late recognition (after 1956) came as a normal Communism Romania, consequence of the impossibility of the Romanian authorities to deny the overwhelming Romanian literature influence the poet had on our culture and literature. 1. Introduction last days. The year 1963 represents the beginning of In the 60s an ideological thaw takes place, the publishing of various books: New Poems - 1963, following the death of Stalin (on March 5th 1953) and Cadences - 1964, Syllables - 1965, Rhythms - 1966 the change of the internal political climate. The and Night - 1967. ideological thaw and the emergence from the Subsequently there are published three more dominance of the Social Realism current will happen volumes: Your Leaves - 1968, Branches - 1970 and until 1956, the year of the Hungarian revolution. After XC - 1970. In these books he recaptures the old this year, a period begins in which there will take place theses, his poetry having "the same compartments: trials of writers and arrests, everything because of fear patriotic verses, verses on the theme of art and the of a possible "contamination" from Budapest. creator, new fragments from the large, unfinished Congress IX of PMR (which becomes PCR, the poem of the psalms, poems pertaining to the small Romanian Communist Party), also has the universe, verses (...) which spring from the state of joy significance of a thaw, of a De-Stalinization and the and disturbance of the old age" 1 . His old age is not country's liberation from the ghost of the former ruler an ordinary period for Tudor Arghezi, but it represents Gheorghiu-Dej, sanctioning the new leader, Nicolae "an open eye with great gravity toward the world (...), a Ceauşescu. Until 1971, the year of "Theses" brought more accentuated sentiment of the limits"2. to light by Nicolae Ceauşescu, the Romanian interwar In the new cultural climate, Tudor Arghezi is able to literature is recovered. And Tudor Arghezi is among return to older ideological standpoints, to the religious those accepted once again in the new political regime. problem. He paid his debt to the Communists political In 1960, the poet has the venerable age of 80 regime. Now is the time of his freedom. In the volume years. Still, he has a great power of creation. In the Song to the Man (1956), he adopts a materialistic new political and cultural circumstances, he is stance, he rejects his faith. Now, however, Tudor considered a "national poet" and treated as such. Arghezi becomes once again the poet of questions. Starting with 1960 there is a process through which Arghezi wants to show that he did not forsake his way Arghezi is recovered, after many years (1948-1956) of thinking, but managed to adapt. Nevertheless, he is, during which he was cast aside by the Communist essentially, the same "psalmist" from the past. regime from the Romanian literature. The poet withdraws from the world and is reborn 2. An improved relationship with the under his own feather, retakes the old themes and Communist political regime gives them a greater depth. His poetic creation in the In January 1965, Tudor Arghezi is nominated by last years of his life is characterized, firstly, through a Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei from Italy for the dense spirituality. There is a “breeze of death” which Nobel Prize for Poetry, at the initiative of Rosa del lingers above the Arghezian poems, and it is felt more acutely towards the end of his life and his creation, in 1Eugen Simion, Scriitori români de azi, vol II, Românească the years 1966-1967. Tudor Arghezi published until Publishing House, Bucharest, 1976, p. 71. the last year of his life. Moreover, he wrote until his 2 Ibidem Knowledge Horizons - Economics Volume 7, No. 2, pp. 123–125, © 2015 Pro Universitaria Conte. The proposition is supported by intellectuals sorrow with the event of the passing of the bright from various European countries3. representative of the Romanian culture - Tudor In the beginning, he was not supported neither by Arghezi"4. the Romanian Academy, nor the University of In this obituary the great merits of Tudor Arghezi Bucharest, because of the period in which the poet are highlighted. His fellow Romanian writers also had been excluded from the literary life, between the underline the outstanding contribution of Tudor years 1948-1956. Ultimately, the Department of Arghezi to "the social progress" made through the Literature of the Romanian Academy sustained his poems written in his 67 years of creation. The most nomination. The news was so surprising for the important distinctions received by the poet are authorities that not all the volumes of his poetry could mentioned as well: he was member of the Romanian be found in order to be sent to Stockholm. Eventually, Academy, President of the Union of Writers, but they the collection from the poet's library was used. Many do not mention an interesting fact: these were the of his volumes no longer existed, because they were things that he rejected his entire life. In his articles, destroyed in the period of the years of his exclusion Tudor Arghezi always criticized other writers and the from the Romanian literature. The effort of isolating Union because of the controversial practices that Tudor Arghezi was so great that, in those years, no existed among writers. After his release from Văcăreşti one talked about him. prison, in the year 1919, he was actually excluded The poet was considered the favourite for winning from the Union of Romanian Writers, led by Mihail the prize, the foreign press having come to Bucharest Dragomirescu. for interviews with him about the Nobel Prize. The obituary from Scânteia is coupled with a Furthermore, the other writers nominated for winning micro-biography of the poet. It contains much fake the prize had abandoned this competiton as a sign of information regarding the poet’s life, all being invented veneration for Tudor Arghezi. The surprise was great by some Communist writers. His presence in the when the announced winner was the Russian prose conscience of modern writers is also made evident writer Mihail Şolohov for the novel The Quiet Don. through his activity as a journalist. The vehemence For Tudor Arghezi, the recognition of his merits at with which Tudor Arghezi wrote against the "Fascist an international level is made through the awarding of dictatorship and Nazi occupation" 5 is also mentioned, the prize Gottfried von Herder, on April 30 1965, as Tudor Arghezi being considered a fighter alongside well as through his election as a member of the the communist political regime. Scânteia brings Serbian Academy of Sciece and Letters, in the same hommage to Tudor Arghezi in its pages for three days, year. These are signs of the appreciation the poet continuing in the numbers from July 17 and 18, 1967 enjoys on an international scale, and the celebration to publish articles in which the poet is described as as "national poet" at his 85th birthday rehabilitates him one of the most important European writers. Now all fully after the difficult era of the past. Numerous the praises are destined to "the one who sang as no translations of his literature are made now: in other the superior virtues of the Romanian people"6. Portuguese, German, English, Russian, Serbian- All the political figures pay their respect to Tudor Croatian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, Swedish, Arghezi at the Romanian Atheneum. From all of them Ukrainian, Czech, Arabic, Armenian, Tatar and is remarked the figure of the General Secretary of the Georgian. Communist Party, Nicolae Ceauşescu. After his wife's, Paraschiva, passing, on July 29, The moment of Tudor Arghezi's death is very well 1966, Tudor Arghezi dies on July 14 1967, leaving speculated in the funeral speeches. Firstly, the poet's behind an inestimatable literary treasure, a testament merits are praised through the publishing of the to those who will be. The cause of Tudor Arghezi's volumes 1907 - Landscapes and Song to the Man. death is a pneumonia which triggers cardio-vascular, Some concepts are endlessly repeated, such as: renal and hepatic problems. The poet dies through peasants, work, humanity, peace, the new social cardio-pulmonary arrest. accomplishments, and the original approach of reality The first page of the official newspaper Scânteia in his poetry (through volumes like Flowers of Mildew announces the passing of Tudor Arghezi in the or Fitting Words, the ones for which he was fiercely number 7403, from July 16 1967: "The Central criticized in the past): Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, The "Adhering to the contemporary existence of the State Council and The Council of Ministers of the country, Tudor Arghezi also engaged in the service of Romanian Socialist Republic expresses their deep the ideals of Socialism, along with his civic 3 D. Vatamaniuc, Tudor Arghezi (1880-1967). Biobibliografie, vol. I – 4 Scânteia, XXXVI, no. 7403, Sunday July 16, 1967, p. 1. Opera, Institutul Cultural Român Publishing House, Buccharest, 5 Ibidem.
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