A&M News Sept08

A&M News Sept08

ȱ ȱ ȱ Take a Bow 2008 Diary N o v e m b e r ȱ ȱȱȱ1 Saturday Ely ȱ 2 Sunday Ely ContemporaryȱCelloȱBowsȱ 3 Monday Ely ȱ 4 Tuesday Ely Welcomeȱ toȱ ourȱ specialȱ newsletterȱ containingȱ fullȱ 5 Wednesday BIRMINGHAM detailsȱ ofȱ thisȱ autumn’sȱ sellingȱ exhibitionȱ ofȱ 6 Thursday Ely internationalȱ contemporaryȱ bows.ȱȱTakeȱ aȱ Bowȱ 7 Friday Ely 2008ȱpromisesȱtoȱbeȱtheȱmostȱexcitingȱcollectionȱofȱ 8 Saturday Ely celloȱbowsȱwe’veȱeverȱassembledȱandȱweȱareȱveryȱ 9 Sunday Ely muchȱ lookingȱ forwardȱ toȱ sharingȱ theȱ bowsȱ withȱ 10 Monday MANCHESTER cellistsȱinȱElyȱandȱonȱtourȱaroundȱtheȱUKȱ(seeȱtheȱ 11 Tuesday MANCHESTER diaryȱoppositeȱandȱtourȱdetailsȱonȱtheȱbackȱpage).ȱ 12 Wednesday MANCHESTER ȱ 13 Thursday Ely PrizeȬwinningȱBowȱMakersȱ 14 Friday Ely ȱ 15 Saturday SOMERSET ThirtyȬthreeȱ bowȱ makersȱ areȱ sendingȱ bowsȱ toȱ theȱ 16 Sunday SOMERSET exhibitionȱthisȱyearȱincludingȱfamousȱnames,ȱprizeȬ 17 Monday Ely winnersȱ andȱ excitingȱ newȱ makers.ȱȱTheirȱ 18 Tuesday Ely biographiesȱonȱpagesȱfourȱandȱfiveȱgiveȱanȱinsightȱ 19 Wednesday OXFORD intoȱtheȱwonderfulȱexpertiseȱandȱtalentȱwhichȱTakeȱ 20 Thursday Ely aȱBowȱbringsȱtoȱtheȱUK.ȱȱContemporaryȱbowsȱofferȱ 21 Friday Ely 22 Saturday Ely exceptionalȱ qualityȱ andȱ valueȱ andȱ alsoȱ makeȱ 23 Sunday Ely excellentȱlongȬtermȱinvestments.ȱȱAȱlistȱofȱinterimȱ 24 Monday CARDIFF bowȱpricesȱcanȱbeȱfoundȱonȱpageȱsix.ȱȱȱ ȱȱȱ 25 Tuesday Ely 26 Wednesday Ely ElyȱExhibitionȱ ȱ 27 Thursday GLASGOW Theȱ mainȱ exhibitionȱ takesȱ placeȱ atȱ ourȱ workshopȱ 28 Friday Ely homeȱ atȱ 7ȱ Cambridgeȱ Roadȱ inȱ theȱ beautifulȱ 29 Saturday Ely cathedralȱ cityȱ ofȱ Elyȱ (seeȱ pageȱ sevenȱ forȱ maps).ȱȱ 30 Sunday Ely ȱ ThreeȬhourȱ appointmentsȱ canȱ beȱ bookedȱ sevenȱ D E C E M B E R ȱ daysȱ aȱ week,ȱ startingȱ atȱ 10am,ȱ 1pmȱ andȱ 4pm.ȱȱ 1 Monday Ely Pleaseȱphoneȱ01353ȱ668559ȱasȱsoonȱasȱpossibleȱtoȱ 2 Tuesday Ely bookȱ yourȱ visit.ȱȱForȱ aȱ fullȱ descriptionȱ ofȱ theȱ 3 Wednesday Ely exhibitionȱprocess,ȱseeȱinside.ȱȱ 4 Thursday Ely ȱ 5 Friday Ely ExhibitionȱTourȱ 6 Saturday COPENHAGEN ȱ 7 Sunday COPENHAGEN Inȱresponseȱtoȱrequestsȱfromȱthoseȱlivingȱfarȱawayȱ fromȱEly,ȱweȱareȱvisitingȱmostȱcornersȱofȱtheȱUKȱonȱ Advanceȱbookingȱisȱessentialȱforȱallȱvenues.ȱȱ anȱextensiveȱtourȱwhichȱincludesȱSomerset,ȱCardiff,ȱ Seeȱbackȱpageȱforȱtourȱdetails.ȱȱOnȱtourȱdaysȱ Birmingham,ȱ Oxford,ȱ Manchester,ȱ Glasgowȱ andȱ ourȱcontactȱnumberȱisȱ07765ȱ413636.ȱ Regularȱupdatesȱwillȱbeȱpostedȱat: London.ȱȱPleaseȱ contactȱ usȱ wellȱ inȱ advanceȱ toȱ arrangeȱyourȱvisitȱtoȱtourȱvenues.ȱȱForȱtourȱdetails,ȱ www.aitchisoncellos.com/exdetails seeȱtheȱdiaryȱoppositeȱandȱalsoȱtheȱbackȱpage.ȱ ȱ w o r k I n g t h r o u g h t h e` b o w s ȱ ȱ Theȱaimȱofȱtheȱexhibitionȱisȱtoȱgiveȱcellistsȱanȱ Theȱ‘semiȬfinal’ȱstageȱusuallyȱinvolvesȱputtingȱ opportunityȱ toȱ tryȱ exceptionalȱ contemporaryȱ eachȱ bowȱ throughȱ aȱ systematicȱ seriesȱ ofȱ testsȱ celloȱ bowsȱ inȱ aȱ supportiveȱ andȱ comfortableȱ inȱorderȱtoȱnarrowȱtheȱselectionȱdownȱtoȱtwoȱ environment.ȱȱComparingȱtheȱplayingȱqualitiesȱ orȱthreeȱbows.ȱ ofȱaȱwideȱrangeȱofȱfineȱbowsȱatȱtheȱsameȱtimeȱ ȱ Inȱtheȱfinalȱroundȱyouȱareȱlikelyȱtoȱbeȱchoosingȱ andȱ placeȱ isȱ anȱ idealȱ wayȱ toȱ discoverȱ exactlyȱ betweenȱ twoȱ orȱ threeȱ bows,ȱ eachȱ ofȱ whichȱ whichȱ bowȱ bestȱ suitsȱ youȱ andȱ yourȱ cello.ȱȱ mayȱappealȱinȱdifferentȱways.ȱȱWeȱareȱhappyȱ Visitingȱ cellistsȱ haveȱ atȱ leastȱ threeȱ hoursȱ toȱ toȱlistenȱandȱtoȱgiveȱfeedbackȱasȱyouȱplayȱeachȱ playȱ throughȱ theȱ collectionȱ ofȱ bowsȱ inȱ ourȱ bowȱandȱwillȱalsoȱgiveȱinformationȱaboutȱtheȱ comfortableȱmusicȱrooms,ȱassistedȱbyȱaȱfriendȱ bowȱ makersȱ andȱ provideȱ anȱ insightȱ intoȱ theȱ orȱ colleagueȱ ifȱ theyȱ wish.ȱȱWeȱ areȱ happyȱ toȱ craftsmanshipȱofȱeachȱbow.ȱȱȱ accommodateȱplayersȱforȱasȱlongȱasȱtheyȱneed;ȱ ȱ ourȱ recordȱ soȱ farȱ isȱ sixȱ hours!ȱȱDrinksȱ andȱ Doȱfeelȱfreeȱtoȱtelephoneȱorȱemailȱifȱyouȱwouldȱ snacksȱ areȱ freelyȱ availableȱ throughoutȱ yourȱ likeȱtoȱdiscussȱanyȱaspectȱofȱtheȱexhibition;ȱweȱ stay.ȱȱȱ willȱbeȱonlyȱtooȱhappyȱtoȱhelp.ȱȱ ȱ ȱ Withȱatȱleastȱfiftyȱbowsȱtoȱtry,ȱyourȱfirstȱ playȬthroughȱisȱlikelyȱtoȱtakeȱwellȱoverȱanȱ hour.ȱ ȱ Whenȱyouȱarriveȱweȱwillȱshowȱyouȱtoȱoneȱofȱ ourȱ musicȱ roomsȱ whereȱ youȱ willȱ haveȱ exclusiveȱaccessȱtoȱtheȱentireȱcollectionȱofȱcelloȱ bowsȱwhichȱareȱnumberedȱandȱstoredȱinȱboxesȱ ofȱ six,ȱ soȱ youȱ canȱ workȱ throughȱ themȱ systematically.ȱȱWeȱprovideȱfeedbackȱformsȱonȱ whichȱ youȱ canȱ recordȱ yourȱ impressionsȱ ofȱ eachȱbow.ȱȱIfȱyouȱdoȱnotȱhaveȱaȱcompanionȱtoȱ helpȱyou,ȱweȱareȱhappyȱtoȱtakeȱnotesȱforȱyouȱ andȱ toȱ tighten,ȱ loosenȱ andȱ rosinȱ eachȱ bowȱ soȱ thatȱ youȱ canȱ relaxȱ andȱ focusȱ onȱ playingȱ theȱ bows.ȱȱȱ ȱ Weȱ recommendȱ playingȱ throughȱ theȱ wholeȱ ȱ collectionȱasȱquicklyȱasȱpossible.ȱȱWithȱatȱleastȱ ȱ fiftyȱ bowsȱ toȱ try,ȱ thisȱ firstȱ playȬthroughȱ isȱ Forȱinsightsȱintoȱtheȱbowȱtestingȱprocess,ȱyouȱ likelyȱ toȱ takeȱ wellȱ overȱ anȱ hour.ȱȱTheȱ aimȱ ofȱ mightȱlikeȱtoȱread:ȱ thisȱ firstȱ stageȱ isȱ toȱ discardȱ aȱ significantȱ ȱ numberȱ ofȱ bowsȱ onȱ theȱ basisȱ ofȱ tone,ȱ Theȱappealȱofȱbows:ȱ articulation,ȱ weightȱ orȱ balanceȱ andȱ toȱ reserveȱ http://www.aitchisoncellos.com/bowart2.htmȱ ȱ aboutȱaȱdozenȱbowsȱtoȱtestȱmoreȱextensivelyȱinȱ Bowȱtestingȱtechniques:ȱ aȱsecondȱround.ȱIt’sȱmostȱeffectiveȱtoȱstartȱbyȱ http://www.aitchisoncellos.com/bowart.htmȱ tryingȱtheȱbowsȱ‘blind’ȱwithoutȱreferringȱtoȱtheȱ ȱ makerȱ orȱ priceȱ ofȱ theȱ bow.ȱȱThisȱ allowsȱforȱaȱ Playersȱtestȱbows:ȱ moreȱ objectiveȱ selection,ȱ basedȱ purelyȱ onȱ theȱ http://www.aitchisoncellos.com/bowart3.htmȱ bow’sȱperformanceȱinȱyourȱhands.ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ‘Aȱbowȱisȱmoreȱpersonalȱtoȱtheȱplayerȱthanȱanyȱinstrument.ȱȱItȱisȱaȱprolongationȱofȱyourȱrightȱ arm,ȱaȱpartȱofȱyou,ȱandȱifȱyouȱgetȱitȱright,ȱthereȱisȱaȱhappyȱmarriageȱbetweenȱthreeȱparties:ȱ theȱplayer,ȱtheȱinstrumentȱandȱtheȱbow.’ȱȱBernardȱMillantȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ t o p t I p s f o r t r y I n g b o w s ȱ ȱ Bringȱyourȱownȱbow.ȱȱIt’sȱveryȱusefulȱtoȱplayȱ yourȱ ownȱ bowȱ whenȱ youȱ firstȱ arrive,ȱ toȱ groundȱ yourselfȱ andȱ toȱ getȱ usedȱ toȱ theȱ acousticȱofȱtheȱmusicȱroom.ȱȱYourȱexistingȱbowȱ canȱ alsoȱ actȱ asȱ aȱ controlȱ toȱ compareȱ withȱ theȱ bowsȱyouȱtry.ȱȱȱ ȱ Bringȱ aȱ fellowȱ cellist,ȱ friendȱ orȱ partner.ȱȱ We’reȱ veryȱ happyȱ toȱ helpȱ youȱ handleȱ theȱ bows,ȱ makeȱ notesȱ andȱ giveȱ feedbackȱ butȱ it’sȱ especiallyȱgoodȱtoȱhaveȱaȱfriendȱwithȱyou.ȱ ȱ Allowȱ yourselfȱ plentyȱ ofȱ time.ȱȱYouȱ areȱ welcomeȱtoȱtryȱbowsȱforȱasȱlongȱasȱyouȱneedȱ toȱmakeȱyourȱchoice.ȱ ȱ Prepareȱ aȱ selectionȱofȱphrasesȱwithȱwhichȱtoȱ exploreȱeachȱbow’sȱstrength,ȱtoneȱandȱagility.ȱȱȱ ȱ Don’tȱhesitateȱtoȱaskȱifȱyou’dȱlikeȱanyȱhelpȱorȱ feedbackȱ aboutȱ theȱ bowsȱ youȱ areȱ trying.ȱȱIfȱ youȱ areȱ strugglingȱ toȱ getȱ throughȱ theȱ collectionȱweȱcanȱhelpȱtoȱfindȱbowsȱwhichȱareȱ mostȱlikelyȱtoȱsuitȱyouȱasȱaȱplayerȱandȱwhichȱ willȱalsoȱmatchȱtheȱcharacterȱofȱyourȱcello.ȱ ȱ ȱ P u r c h a s I n g b o w s ȱ ȱ ȱ Ifȱyouȱdecideȱtoȱbuyȱaȱbowȱfromȱtheȱexhibitionȱ Ifȱyouȱfeelȱyouȱneedȱtoȱtryȱaȱbowȱforȱaȱlongerȱ youȱ willȱ beȱ invitedȱ toȱ payȱ aȱ 20%ȱ depositȱ toȱ periodȱbeforeȱmakingȱaȱfinalȱdecision,ȱyouȱcanȱ secureȱ theȱ bow,ȱ withȱ theȱ balanceȱ payableȱ byȱ bookȱ oneȱ orȱ moreȱ bowsȱ forȱ aȱ sevenȱ dayȱ trialȱ theȱendȱofȱtheȱexhibitionȱonȱ7ȱ Decemberȱ2008.ȱȱ periodȱafterȱ1ȱDecember.ȱȱTheȱcostȱofȱbookingȱ Allȱsoldȱbowsȱwillȱbeȱmarkedȱwithȱredȱstickersȱ aȱbowȱtrialȱisȱ£20ȱtoȱcoverȱtheȱcostȱofȱpostingȱ –ȱ asȱ inȱ aȱ traditionalȱ artȱ exhibitionȱ –ȱ andȱ willȱ bowsȱtoȱyou.ȱ remainȱ withȱ theȱ exhibitionȱ untilȱ 1ȱ Decemberȱ ȱ Ifȱanotherȱplayerȱsubsequentlyȱpaysȱaȱdepositȱ soȱ thatȱ theȱ workȱ ofȱ eachȱ bowȱ makerȱ canȱ beȱ onȱ aȱ bowȱ whichȱ youȱ haveȱ bookedȱ forȱ homeȱ appreciatedȱbyȱtheȱmajorityȱofȱvisitors.ȱ ȱ trial,ȱ yourȱ trialȱ willȱ beȱ cancelledȱ andȱ theȱ feeȱ Soldȱ bowsȱ willȱ beȱ sentȱ toȱ theirȱ newȱ ownersȱ willȱbeȱrefundedȱinȱfull.ȱȱȱ fromȱ 1ȱ Decemberȱ orȱ asȱ soonȱ afterȱ thatȱ asȱ fullȱ ȱ Weȱwillȱdonateȱ5%ȱofȱtheȱpriceȱofȱsoldȱbowsȱtoȱ paymentȱ hasȱ cleared.ȱȱAllȱ purchasersȱ willȱ theȱ Internationalȱ Pernambucoȱ Conservationȱ receiveȱ aȱ freeȱ insuranceȱ valuationȱ andȱ willȱ Initiativeȱ (IPCI)ȱ anȱ internationalȱ organisationȱ needȱtoȱarrangeȱinsuranceȱcoverȱfromȱtheȱdateȱ ofȱbowȱmakersȱworkingȱtoȱsupportȱtheȱfutureȱ theȱ bowȱ isȱ delivered.ȱȱAllȱ bowsȱ remainȱ theȱ ofȱtheȱpernambucoȱtreeȱinȱBrazil.ȱȱȱ propertyȱ ofȱ theȱ makersȱ untilȱ fullȱ paymentȱ isȱ ȱ received.ȱȱPaymentȱ methodsȱ includeȱ internetȱ Toȱ discoverȱ moreȱ aboutȱ theȱ workȱ ofȱ theȱ IPCIȱ bankȱ transfer,ȱ chequeȱ orȱ creditȱ card.ȱȱAȱ 2.5%ȱ youȱcanȱreadȱourȱrecentȱarticleȱat:ȱȱ processingȱ chargeȱ isȱ payableȱ byȱ thoseȱ whoȱ ȱ www.aitchisoncellos.com/articlepernambucoȱ wishȱtoȱpayȱbyȱcreditȱcard.ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ B o w M a k e r B I o g r a p h I e s ȱ ȱ MORGANȱANDERSENȱattendedȱtheȱViolinȱMakingȱ THOMASȱGERBETHȱstudiedȱwithȱDürrschmidtȱandȱ SchoolȱofȱAmericaȱinȱSaltȱLakeȱCity.ȱȱUponȱgraduation,ȱ LeichtȱandȱworkedȱwithȱRichardȱGrünkeȱ1991Ȭȱ1997ȱ heȱstudiedȱbowȱmakingȱwithȱFrankȱPassaȱinȱSanȱ beforeȱestablishingȱhisȱownȱworkshopȱinȱVienna.ȱȱPrizes:ȱ Franciscoȱandȱsinceȱthenȱheȱhasȱworkedȱinȱhisȱnativeȱ goldȱ(vc)ȱManchesterȱ1992;ȱbronzeȱ(vc)ȱManchesterȱ1994;ȱ WashingtonȱState.ȱȱPrizes:ȱgoldȱmedalsȱ(va,ȱvc)ȱVSAȱ 2ȱgold,ȱ1ȱsilverȱMittenwaldȱ1997;ȱ2ndȱprizeȱ(exȱaequo)ȱȱ&ȱ 1986;ȱgoldȱ(vc)ȱVSAȱ1988.ȱȱBetweenȱ1992ȱandȱ2006ȱheȱhasȱ CertificateȱofȱMeritȱforȱPerfectȱWorkmanshipȱ(vn)ȱandȱ judgedȱbowsȱatȱfourȱVSAȱcompetitions.ȱȱ Certificateȱofȱmeritȱ(va)ȱParisȱ2004.ȱ ȱ ȱ JOHNȱANIANOȱmadeȱhisȱearliestȱbowsȱunderȱtheȱ HOWARDȱGREENȱhasȱaȱworkshopȱinȱFife,ȱScotland.ȱHeȱ guidanceȱofȱWilliamȱSalchowȱandȱhasȱworkedȱwithȱbowȱ initiallyȱtrainedȱasȱaȱprofessionalȱcellistȱandȱhasȱbeenȱ

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