^ *r. i f ■ K f ■y IM lSDAY, OCTOBER W, 1#M PAO* TWENTY-FOUR xttptting Ifpralb \ Your Public Health Nurse Needs Your Support-Give to Drive Now A Halloween costume party for A b o u t T o w n Junior members of Covenant Con-1 Average Daily Net Preas Run The WeotlMt gregational (jhiirrh will be h e l^ o - For the Week Emled For •« 0. ff, WeMMr i The Army-Navy AuxlUaiy wlU morrow at 7 p.m. gt the homoBof MANCHESTER Oet. U . 19M « 0UTSTANDIN8 QUALITY, Miss Eltls Johnson, 31 Oak Grove OPEN TOMIHT elect offlcera after g meatless Fair smt eaa| agata lamgibK LaW' potluck Wednesday, Nov. 4, at BL y n Sk-Si. MaaOy M r, UtOa ckaat* W 6:80 p.m. at the clubhouse. UBLIC MARKE TILL till 13,036 Memorial Temple, Pythian Bis­ ► ' 1 803 805 MAIM STREhT temperatara Salanlay. IB ters, will hold a kitchen social at. Member ef the Andit Mo. priced for thrift Anderaon-Bhea Auxiliary, VFW, ihe home-'of Mrs. Herbert Alley, BoreM e f OlrealmthMi will hold a card party tomorrow 66 Washington 8t„ tomorrow at HrirteheeUr— A City of Village Charm at 6 p.m. at the pest home. 8 p.m. Membera arc asked to bring articles. Friends are Invited. (ClaaMflad ABverlMag ea Faga 1 6 ) PRICE FIVE CEfm There’s plenty of evidence that you fgrt Members n{ Washington Loyal VOL. LXXIX, NO. 26 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER SO. 1969 Orange Lodge will meet at Orange f R M U i n C N H X ilfi more srood eating for your money, when Hall Bnnday at 9:30 a.m., and. Miss Jean Cook you buy Pinehurst carefully trimmed wtth members of two other Orenge lodges, will travel- to Third Con­ CHOICfE GRADE MEATS . Compare gregational Church, Middletown, Heads Fund Drive —see how ounce to ounce you save at to hear the Rev. Robert Hender­ son speak on Reformation Sun­ Mlse Jean Cook. 826 E. Middle Scorpions Invest Area Pinehurst . day at the 11 a.m. service. Tpke.. Is captsln for the Connecti­ ?."c^lSi|US W Demands Court cut College for Women Both anni­ Dr. Albert K. Burke, nswa versary fund campaign In Man- Hartford, Oct. 10 OP)—Tht cost analyst for WNBC-TV, will be one cheater, East Hartford and Glas­ of a haircut might soon be only a of the speakers at a fonim on tonbury, which opena today. FRESHLY GROUND -Of Mexico Storm-Flood two-bit Up short of a deuce. "The Changing Face of Connecti­ Assisting Miss Cook are Mrs, Greater Hartford's 400 union cut" to be held Thursday, Nor. 13 Richard T>. Forde, Miss Jean M. barbers will.meet Monday morning from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the HandlsFr--and Mrs. Thomas H. ^ _ OvrOwRMoliB HAMBURG at 10 in the Hartford Labor Temple Connecticut Light and Power Co. Johnston Jr., all of Manchester, to consider an increase in the pres­ Upset T-H InJunction building on' the Berlin Tpke. The and Mrs. Virgil'John Gabel of Bol­ 1,000 or More ent 11.50 tab for a trim. gtetewide meeting, • spoheorert by ton. ^ 5 9 c Salvatore J. C^pello of Hart-' the Service Bureau for Women's ■A kick-off tea for all workers $ 1 . 1 0 ford, president of Employers’ Guild sm Organieatlons a)id open to the wilt be- held at ihe home of Miss 43, refused to reveal what price the^,' Dead Expected public, will discuss new highways, Marcella R .. Putnarti Ih Hartford tonsorial artists will consider. He redeveloped -.areas, expanding today. An Open meeting at the 2 Lbs. said only that a hike will be dis­ rtfy MfAi-— cities and community problems. Connecticut General Life Insur­ In Coast Zone cussed. Denies Law ance Co. auditorium In Bloomfield But union barbers were leas Sunday, Nov. 8 will include a panel adapt at keeping their secrecy HERTS SIR VALUE BAROAIN PRICED FOR ECONOMY! The Luts .Tiininr. Museum an­ By 0HABUB8 fl. OUFnLL nounces a new exhibit which will of studenta and faculty, a college LEAN. FRESHLY GROUND parts straight. They hinted' broad­ ht displayed for one week only singing group and pictures of the ^ n ,A T OR ROI-LED. FANCY, WELL TRIMMED CHUCK BEEF Colima, Mexico, Oct. 30 (/P) ly that the price of an ear lowering Applies to beginning today. This Is s dis­ college. The public is invited. —With 1,000 or more feared may go up to 91.76. play of silk screen printing de­ Alumnae and friends of the col­ dead from a sneak hurricane One barber .pointed out that, BONELESS BRISKET....................... ■>. 79e while the price-of a haircut in most J s m d s U L , signed to show a form of simpli­ lege are seeking a national total Lh. and widespread floods, the of 13 million, half of which has 69c 2 ,h. ?1.30 ! Connecticut cities is 91.50. it has Steel Strike fied printing techniquea, and has CHUCK or CROSS-CUT ............... lb. 75e dazed people of this smallest been loaned to the museum by the already been raised In other parts ■ gone up to 91.76 In Stamford and Eastern Arts Assn. of the country. of Mexico’s 23 states today i barbers In Mlddletoum and New Washington. Oct. 86 ifPi LEG ' LAMB ^ RIB or NAVEL P IE C B S ................... N». 2Se struggled against privation Britain are negotiating for the J liW o h h iL SmoN, Lffon higher tab. — The Uniteif Steelworkers 0 The first fall meeting of the and swarms of poisonous scor­ "They’re all gradually getting to Union today appealed to Uie Men's Club of Covenant Congrega­ Short SbanK pions. 9175." he Supreme Court to overttm a Here's a deliglitftil dmner-time taste ad­ Whole tional Church will be a potluck at Police Arrests t t i V E E I Head of The dlBMter—Mexico’! worit In 1 Whether any hew price schedule venture In htwest to g'oodneai dellcloui 6:30 p.m. tomorrow In the lower recent history—covered an area I would effect the -OO shave and Taft-Hartley injunction that Leg auditorium of the church. The Rev. 9 1 ordered 500.000 strikers bock lamb! Turn one to a savory-brown this Howard Phillips, 47, and Harry on the Pacific coaat slightly larg­ 91.35 haircuts for children on weekend and obeerv-e the twinkles of or C. E, Winslow, pastor of the r n C B * CABBAGE SMOKED er than New Jersey ^th a popu­ weekdays was not divulged. to work for 80. days. deep appreciation all around the place. (Thurch of the Nazarene, will be Leister, 39, both bf no certain ad­ Rump dresses, were arrested ls,st night lation of about 100,000. The injunction, iasued in Pitta- Too. this fine Iamb la easy on the w-alat- Half Lb. gueat speaker. His topic will be The violent storm that roared burgh Oct. 21 by VJS. out. Jodka line, rich In protein and food Iron for "So You Want a New Church.” and were charged with intoxica­ F One Bolid head of Cabbaffe FREE with each SHOULDERS tion. They are held today in lieu through the port of Manzanillo Herbert Sorg, has been delayed at only pennies a portion at Pinehurstr ^ purchase of our tasty Corned Beef. TuMtay and the flooda that fol- least until Monday by the ‘IliM Anderson Hiea Post and Auxili­ of 625 Imnd each for court ap­ 6 Children Die ary, VFW, will hold an annual pearance Saturday. Mild Cure. loiAkl.ll^ve thousands from their Circuit Court In Phuadalplila. homes. Blocked over communica­ The union In addition to aalilag To roast leg of lamb roast In open pan, al­ Hallowen party for members and 4 to 6 lbs. 39c friends Saturday at the post home. ^ FR6SH DRESSED from NEARBY FARMS tion line* and overran highways, As Fire Levels overthrow of the injunction also low about 3H hours for a 7 to 3 lb. leg. Be hindering rescue efforts. , filed a motion asking the High sure to let your lamb roast "set" for 18 or A children's party will be held from 8 to 6:30 p.m. with prlsea TOP GRADE CHOICE The dead may Include three U.S. Tribunal to continua the stay. 30 mtnutea before slicing . .. gives you Women who were aboard a small Slum Dwelling A Justice Department raply thinnsr slices . easier to carve............. for costumes, games and refresh­ CORRENTl'S ments. A teenage record bop will 90 Birch SL, Manchester NATIVE POULTRy coastal freighter apparently lost brief, oppoataig any Buprame Conrt be held from 7 to 9 p.m. The adult at sea. ; Ottumwa. Iowa. Oct. SO (/Pi— action on the sp p im l, was expactsd I taster today. costume party will begin at 9 p.f. Got year reek ITALIAN BEEF CUTS j Seven young children, crowded in­ IF YOU WANT A r MEDIUM SiZE r e i (Coattained on Page Ten) After studying the ankm'a re­ Everyone enjoye tender Pinehurst Roast All adults will be required to wear SAUSAGE Imv« . to a small 2-room house with a beg of Lamb. -<lf ydu want to serve the masks. The party will include W For Frying BONELESS CBOSS-OTT FOB) ANIOB a babysitter, died today when fire quest for a review, and govern­ ment papers In oppoaiUon, the BETTER CHICKEN finest, b u t flavored lamb, you’ll thop '^ne- dancing and refreehments. L Or RoAsting ^ destroyed the slum area dwelling.
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