THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND,' SEPTEMBER J5." l'9l'o. Franklin Building Not Ready. The HiBERiAKg Leave for Laktview. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Franklin High School building not Four members of the local division of EDUCATIONAL. oeing completed, the Fall term will re the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Ed- open in. Creston building. The grammar ward Deery, Dan J. Curran. Thomas CHAPTER 2 JAEGER BROS." STORE NEWS OBECOX1AX TE KS. graduates from Glencoe and Mount Ryan and John P. O'Hara, left Thurs- Managing Editor. Main 7070, A 6095 Tabor will enter high school in Frank- day- for Lakeview. where they will Open -- ny cunor Main tV i O, A tjOHa lin as well as those from the grade be honor guests at the annual picnic of eundav Editor Main 70T0. A Mr. schools previously Y. M. C. A. DAY SCHOOLS Monday Advertising Department Main 7070. A J013 that have entered tne Ancient Order of Hibernians on Sept. 6 Oity Circuiation Main 707U. A 0U5 this school For the convenience of the Labor day. A large number of candi- Composing-roo- Main 7070. A 6nto Glencoe and Mount Tabor pupils all rintingr-room dates will be initiated under the direc- Main 7070. A 6005 courses be offered Glencoe - SILVERWARE AVERAGE EARNING CAPACITY OF JMAN will in the tion of Mr. Curran. Superintendent Building.. .Main 7070, A 60ao building- - and the students from all This By Miss Mc Carthy grade Water Main Being Completed. Fore Jam Jar $2 BIATHEMATICALLY EXPRESSED AMUSEMENTS. schools that enter Franklin will man Gray is completing a water fOU attend Glencoe if taking the Commer- on THINK SILVERWAUE. HEIL.IC5 THEATER (Broadway and Taylor - main Atillingsworth avenue to East Has Sterling THINK OF JAKOKK. BROS." Beeaoae man -- muscle $10 a week street Motion pictures. cial course. Thirtieth street as rapidly as possible here yoa cam do better. - Birth of Top and Spoon- - - - -- a nauun. z ana a t . ja. John Farrell Goes South. John so the new Kennedy schoolhouse will r? man - muscle and skill. SIS a week BAKER THEATER Slxth Farrell, treasurer of the Hibernian be supplied. The main has companyand Morrison --laspevtloa of our stock will roavlnce yon man - - muscle, skill and education. week streets) Baker Etock In 'With- Building Association, left yesterday on been laid from the standpipe to Union , that Jaearer Bros, are $39 a in the Law." Afternoon and night, 2:13 the steamer Great Northern for San avenue, but has not been connected llrerwirp. (The eoanolaaeursvery of and 8:15 P. M. Francisco, he up some parts. stock la lance, Day Schools KATIONALi where will meet Mrs. because of missing many exelnalve dealgaa being ahowa.) Unit Courses THEATER (Park and West Farrell and their children. They will Motor 4000 Accounting Park, near Washington) Musical comedy, Trip or Miles Taken. Automobile Advertising iderra an "Two Married Men." Performances 2:3U, return in about two weeks to Portland. Mr. and Mrs." B. H. Bowman have re- Algebra ,atln b Mr. 4000-mi- le I ant well aware oar College Preparatory 7:30 and P. if. Farrell will also confer with some turned from a motor trip, in- Boat that valuee ire Ueciianlcal Draft, OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK Verted amuse- prominent Hibernians in San Francisco cluding a tour They saaiail. Ererr dir, as a aalealad Drafting ing ments, away. of California. in the Silverware Department, I come Business, Shorthand or Penmanshlrj concert band and vaudeville. while He ispast treasurer of visited hundreds of places of interest, In acton I contact with many buyers w ho Arithmetic PANTAGES (Alder at Broadway) Vaude- the Portland division. taking in the San, . Combination Automobile Pharmacy ville- Performances 2:30. 7:lio and 9:30 fair at Francisco and admit this fact. Bookkeeping Physics P. SI. Arthcr- Lynn to Sing. Arthur San Diego, the old mining towns, and Civil Service aoys School Public Speaking EMPRESS (Broadway and Stark) Vaude- Lynn, the converted operatic singer, other ponts -- Electrical 3uatness Uw Salesmanship ville. 2:o0, The JAM JAR Illustrated to the left Chemistry y. Performances 7:30 and 8:13 will sing at the Fourth United Brethren Grksham Has New Librarian. Miss price --' will emphasise Civil Service M. 11 whatr I Boys' School Shorthand Church this morning at o'clock and Pearl Durst has been transferred from The prioe finoted la our rea-nla- price, Efficiency School Surveying and' In the evening at the Lents'. Baptist the North Portland Library to the thDRh most atorea would malt f--l. General English School Electricity .Mapping 8 English for Foreign Church at o'clock. Mr. Lynn has Gresham Library, and she entered on . Men traveled in Europe, her work September 1. (Men) Telegraphy OREGONIANS AT RESORTS. Canada and the there The hours And yon English Grammar Typewriting I United States In operatic will be: 12 o:3D 7 9 below will find other Items of Chemistry Reading-Freehan- and concert From to and to eo.oat ' vslne which more atronerly em- Trades and Vocal Music , Subscribe with the following agents work. He was recently converted and P. M. daily, except Sunday. The Li- A "Most Unusua phasise the advantage of yonr becoming; Wireless Draw in t W ireless Telegra- - at your Summer resort to secure the left the stage in order that he might brary win be closed Monday. Offering a Jaegjer Bros.' customer now. Geometry pnv prompt The-Ore-- use his talents singing GospeL most delivery of in the Sellwood Board or Trade to Meet. the school or subject in which you gonian. .City rates. Subscriptions by Nebraska Society to Meet. The The Sellwood Board of Trade will deck are interested and send to 4 matt are payable In advance: Nebraska State Society of meet next Tuesday evening in the Y. Examples Jaeger Bros. Y. M. C. A,, Portland M. C. A. of Values Taylor and Sixth Streets Bar View K. K. Jackson will hold its annual picnic Saturday rooms, Spokane avenue and JAM A R, gr 1 a a etched, with STERLING CANDLESTICKS, Hood J - Catalogue Will Be t Bay ctty. Or B. P. Marcher afternoon and night at the Oaks. There East Fifteenth street. Several im- sterling- tops, 91.75 np. ave l ana up. Free Sent T will be a programme of portant local matters are coming up Bay Ocean W. S. Johnson diversified at STERLING MINT PITCHER AND CHEESE SERVERS, In many dr-als- ns Brighton, Or V. A. amusements and music. The members this meeting. Including economy in city - i Rows . 1 SAUCKR, also aaed as a grarr and- patterns, 75 eenta up. Carson, Vach Carl B. Smith will bring basket lunches and affairs. bowl, 99.SO. , S . will serve coffee. All former Rev. John R. Speak. Rev. .. .1 Mineral Springs Hotel Parkes to TABLE! BELLS, HA-bL- E, HAVE YOU SEEN JAEGER Nebraskans. whether of John R. Parkes occupy STERLING DIA- 4 Columbia Bearh members the will the pulpit 75 eenta up. BROS. SPECIAL 9100 I Mrs. N. E. Burkhead society or not, will be made welcome. of the Sellwood Presbyterian Church MOND RING f It la Portland's 11 LEMON SETS IN CASE. A most I Kcola. Or . Crone Gill Bros.' Dahlias. Greatest display this morning at o'clock. This church Greatest Diamond Value. LINK'S BUSINESS ' of committee is unusual offerlns; at 94. COLLEGE Garibaldi D. C. dahlias in the West. Take Mount seeking a new pastor to Large, ed f Ellis Hood depot car on succeed Rev. J. E. clean, rooms. Five (5) special, experi- t Gearhart, Or Mrs. M. 8. ElUot Montavilla line to Youel. - who moved 89th street, then 3 blocks east and 4 to Tillamook. enced teachers. Class and individual instruction. I Lonjr Beach J. II. strauhal north. i Uks Lytic Frank Miller Automobiles take Base Line River Excursion to Multnomah Falls NEW CLASSES AVILL BE STARTED THIS WEEK road to Russellville School, then north and Cascade Locks, Monday, Labor Jaeger Bros., We Manhattan Frank Miller Jewelers offer the best business training given in one mile. Adv. day. on Bailey Gatzertv leave Alder-s- t, Portland. We save Manzanlta E. J, KardeU dock 9 A. M. ; you time; we save you money; we you thoroughly. Megler, Foresters Confer Degree. Court at U round trip. Main "On Portland's 5th Avenue" train Ask Or .Ixmis cehn Mount Hood, No. 1. Foresters of Amer- 914. A. 5112. Adv. for illustrated catalogue. Enroll Monday. Nahcotta, Wakh. ....... .J. H. Brown 131-13- 3 ica, conferred the Arabian riesrree on 7 Miss Edith Kelly, teacher of piano, Sixth Street, Oregonian Building T. LINK, Newport. Or .....O. F. Herron candidates last Tuesday evening. The Leschetizky Method; 515 Eilrs bldg. A. General Manager. Ocean Park D. E. Beerhey next ivian win lane place at Court Adv. Telephone Main 5083. Tilford Bldg, Tenth and Morrison Cts, Ocean Lake Park....O. L. ComHtock Multnomah, the date to be announced Clifford's Orchestra returned; open Portland, Oregon. Rorknnay Beach Frank Miller later. for engagements. For terms, Marshall Balralr Frank Miller Y. M. C. A. Talk Announced. Rev. 897. Adv. - tion, and Mr. Mudge was requested by Seaside, Or ..Clark St rat ton Frank D. Findley. "DRStor of the HifKt Pure Apple Cider Vinegar for pickling PUFiLS FURNISH SCHOOL the state Educational department to Seavlew, Wash. .Constable A Putnam United Presbyterian Church, will speak Postoffice box 544. E. N. Wilson, Adv! take charge of this part of the Ore- Twin Rocks Frank Miller at the Y. M. C. A. at 4:30 o'clock today gon exhibit until the schools open in on For Lease. Complete restaurant-chea- Eugene. Tillamook, Or J. S.
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