ALLERDALE HIGHWAYS WORKING GROUP Meeting date: 11th June 2019 From: Acting Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure A595 PETER LANE TO THURSBY ROUNDABOUT – 50MPH SPEED LIMIT OPTIONS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide Members of Allerdale Highways Working Group (“the Working Group”) with a selection of options for the proposed introduction of a 50mph restriction on the A595. 2.0 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS 2.1 The Working Group is advised that generally the measures contained in these proposals contribute to the Council Plan by continuing to ensure that the Council are able to provide and effective, efficient and safe Highway Network. 2.2 There are no equality implications at this stage. 3.0 RECOMMENDATION 3.1 That Members of the Working Group make a recommendation to Allerdale Local Committee to proceed to statutory consultation on Option 2, namely the introduction of a 50mph restriction on the A595 to the extent shown on the plan attached as Appendix 2 of this report, namely from the Carlisle/Allerdale District boundary to a point approximately 185m south-west of Nealhouse Junction. 3.2 That Members note that Carlisle Local Committee will need to agree to the introduction of a 50 mph on that section of the A595 within their control, ie, from Peter Lane to a point at the Allerdale and Carlisle district boundary. 4.0 BACKGROUND 4.1 On Monday 1 April 2019, Members of the Working Group heard a presentation from the Local Member for Dalston and Burgh-by-Sands on his concerns regarding the number of collisions that have occurred in areas between Peter Lane and Thursby Roundabout. This item had previously been brought to Allerdale Local Committee on the 6 November 2018. 4.2 The Local Member for Dalston and Burgh-by-Sands asked that the Allerdale Highways Working Group review their earlier recommendation and support a reduction of the national speed limit to 50mph. 4.3 It was acknowledged that alternative proposals could be considered involving a 50mph limit over a reduced length of the A595, instead of the whole stretch from Peter Lane to Thursby Roundabout as previously discussed. 4.4 It was agreed the item be brought to the next meeting of the Allerdale Highways Working Group accompanied by a report which sets out various options for consideration and recommendation to the Allerdale Local Committee. 4.5 Three options have been prepared for Members consideration, details of which are as follows: 4.6 Option 1 – Introduce a 50mph restriction on the A595 extending from Peter Lane to Thursby Roundabout. (Note - Only that section of the A595 from the Allerdale and Carlisle district boundary to Thursby Roundabout is within the remit of Allerdale Local Committee as detailed on the drawing attached as Appendix 1 of this report) 4.7 Option 2 – Introduce a 50mph restriction on the A595 extending from Peter Lane to a point approximately 185m south-west of Nealhouse Junction. (Note - Only that section of the A595 from the Allerdale and Carlisle district boundary to a point 185m south-west of Nealhouse Junction is within the remit of Allerdale Local Committee, as detailed on the drawing attached as Appendix 2 of this report) 4.8 Option 3 – Introduce a 50mph restriction on the A595 extending from Peter Lane to the Great Orton Roundabout, as shown on the plan attached as Appendix 3. This falls entirely within Carlisle district, and as such, only Carlisle Local Committee has authority to introduce Option 3. 4.9 The introduction of either Option 1 (from Peter Lane to Thursby Roundabout) or Option 2 (from Peter Lane to a point 185m south-west of Nealhouse Junction) would require both Allerdale Local Committee and Carlisle Local Committee to agree to implement the restriction. 4.10 Between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2018, 31 collisions have occurred on the A595 between Peter Lane and Thursby Roundabout. Of these collisions, 24 were classified as slight, 6 serious and 1 fatal. A drawing showing the locations of the collisions is attached as appendix 4 of this report. 4.11 From studying the collision locations, it is noteworthy that all 31 occurred between Peter Lane and the Nealhouse Junction. No collisions were recorded between Nealhouse and Thursby Roundabout. 4.12 Given the lack of collisions along the Nealhouse to Thursby stretch, the wide nature of the road and good visibility with few hazards, it is felt that a 50mph limit would not be suitable along this stretch. Therefore, officers would recommend introducing the 50mph as per Option 2 (from Peter Lane to a point 185m south-west of Nealhouse Junction) 5.0 OPTIONS 5.1 That the Working Group recommends that Local Committee agree to proceed to statutory consultation and advertisement on the introduction of a 50mph on part of the A595 under its control, ie. from Thursby Roundabout to the Allerdale boundary with the Carlisle District, as per the drawing attached as Appendix 1 of this report (Option 1). 5.2 That the Working Group recommends that Local Committee agree to proceed to statutory consultation and advertisement on the introduction of a 50mph on part of the A595 under its control, ie. from a point approximately 185 south-west of Nealhouse Junction to the Allerdale District boundary with Carlisle, as per the drawing attached as Appendix 2 of this report (Option 2). 5.3 That the Working Group recommend that Local Committee do not agree to proceed to statutory consultation and advertisement on the introduction a 50mph on the A595 from the Allerdale District boundary with Carlisle to Thursby Roundabout. 6.0 RESOURCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 There are no direct resource or value for money implications arising from the recommendations in section 3 of this report. 7.0 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 7.1 The County Council, as Traffic Authority, must take into consideration the matters contained in section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”) detailed below, in considering whether it is expedient to agree to the implementation of the Traffic Regulation Order detailed in this Report. 7.2 Under Section 122(2), the matters which must be taken into account in exercising that duty are: - (a) The desirability of securing and maintaining reasonable access to premises; (b) the effect on amenities of an area; (c) the national air quality strategy prepared under section 80 of the Environment Act 1995; (d) the importance of facilitating the passage of public service vehicles and of securing the safety and convenience of persons using or desiring to use such vehicles; and (e) any other matters appearing to the authority to be relevant. 7.3 Local Committees may, pursuant to Part 2D, paragraph 5.1.2 (g) of the Constitution approve the making of traffic regulation orders in accordance with powers under Parts I, II and IV of the Road Traffic Regulation act 1984, except for the making of Traffic Regulation Orders which involve the introduction for on-street residents permits, which are delegated to the Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure subject to a decision of the appropriate member body to introduce such charges. 8.0 CONCLUSION 8.1 That Members of the Working Group make a recommendation to Allerdale Local Committee to proceed to statutory consultation on Option 2 in relation to that section of the A595 from a point approximately 185 south-west of the Nealhouse Junction to Thursby Roundabout. Angela Jones Acting Executive Director – Economy and Infrastructure June 2019. APPENDICES Appendix 1 – Option 1 – Peter Lane to Thursby Roundabout (Allerdale Section only) Appendix 2 – Option 2 – Peter Lane to a point 185 south-west of Nealhouse Junction (Allerdale Section Only) Appendix 3 – Option 3 – Peter Lane to Great Orton (Carlisle Section only) Appendix 4 – Collision History, Peter Lane to Thursby Roundabout Electoral Division(s): Thursby * Please remove whichever option is not applicable Executive Decision Yes* No* Key Decision Yes* No* If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? Yes* No* N/A* Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? Yes* No* If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant Yes* No* N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained? Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? Yes* No* If so, give details below. Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been Yes* No* N/A* undertaken? Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? Yes* No* N/A* N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Corporate Director has obtained the necessary approvals. PREVIOUS RELEVANT COUNCIL OR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS [including Local Committees] “No previous relevant decisions”. CONSIDERATION BY OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny. BACKGROUND PAPERS No background papers RESPONSIBLE CABINET MEMBER Cllr Keith Little REPORT AUTHOR Matthew Reeves, Traffic Management Officer [email protected] 01946 506550 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 .
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