We Inform. You Decide. www.alligator.org VOLUME 114 ISSUE 34 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2019 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida VETERANS DAY SG Senators email Murphy impeachment resolution SENATORS, STUDENTS 2020 reelection committee, to bring DEMANDED HIS Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle to campus Oct. 10. RESIGNATION LAST WEEK Murphy did not respond to calls, texts or emails to comment. By Emma McAvoy Diaz, who emailed the resolution, Alligator Staff Writer didn’t comment on Murphy’s reac- A week after about 11 people tion to the resolution. called for Student Body President Among the 107 who signed the Michael Murphy’s resignation dur- resolution are people affi liated with ing Senate, an SG senator emailed Inspire, Gator Party, people not in- Murphy a resolution for his im- volved in SG, UF alumni and stu- peachment and handed it to him in dents who used to be affi liated with his offi ce Tuesday. Impact, the former majority party. Inspire senators Matthew Diaz, Students and SG senators de- Ben Lima, Colin Solomon, Claudia manded Murphy’s resignation at Tio and Zachariah Chou co-fi led a the last Senate meeting and called resolution demanding Murphy’s re- him out for his actions. Inspire moval from his position for “abuse senators submitted the “Resolution of power” and “malfeasance,” Condemning the Use of Students’ which is wrongdoing by a public Activity and Service Fees to Host offi cial. Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly The resolution was fi led Tues- Guilfoyle at the University of Flor- day in light of released emails be- ida” on Oct. 2 after the announce- Sam Thomas / Alligator Staff tween Murphy and Caroline Wren, ment that Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle Svetlana Scalise, 6, places a fl ower on the grave of a veteran Monday in Evergreen Cemetery. Her a national fi nancial consultant for would speak at UF. father said she had the day off and wanted to spend it giving fl owers to veterans. Trump Victory, the president’s SEE IMPEACH, PAGE 5 Turning Point USA founder Two city commissioners pull public emails from online speaks, gets heckled at UF HAYES-SANTOS AND JOHNSON emails were previously uploaded to the ABOUT 400 PEOPLE the hour-long presentation, fol- Anthony Leonardi, the me- OPTED OUT portal every night, which has caused pri- ATTENDED, 20 lowed by a 30-minute Q&A ses- dia director for UF’s Turning vate information to go public in the past. PROTESTED OUTSIDE sion. While many applauded his Point USA and a 22-year-old By Lina Ruiz At the meeting, he said most cities values, protestors inside and out UF political science senior, said Alligator Staff Writer release commissioner emails exclusively By Ana Escalante disagreed with his message. the protestors were white su- through public records requests and the Kirk is known for tweeting premacists who are following Alligator Staff Writer Two city commissioners opted out board should change its policy to do the conspiracy theories and rheto- the rhetoric of Nicholas Fuen- of publishing their professional emails same. Commissioners can control which Last month, hundreds pro- ric widely viewed as infl amma- tes. Fuentes, a 21-year-old con- Thursday. emails they want published, which pro- tested Donald Trump Jr. and tory. Tuesday afternoon, hours servative, is famous for making Commissioners Adrian Hayes-San- motes “fake transparency,” he said. Kimberly Guilfoyle’s speaking before the event, he tweeted YouTube videos for his “Amer- tos and Gail Johnson said during a “There could be thousands of emails event because they deemed that Christine Blasey-Ford ica First” brand. Gainesville City Commission meeting that are taken out of there that were nev- their rhetoric as racist. Tues- “made a fortune” after testify- “Their objective is that we they preferred their city emails not be er published,” Hayes-Santos said. day night, at least a hundred ing against Supreme Court Jus- have failed some sort of obliga- published on the city website. The por- Johnson suggested the option for com- more gathered to protest con- tice Brett Kavanaugh, which is tion to be conservative,” Leon- tal to view Hayes-Santos and Johnson’s missioners to opt in or opt out of publish- servative activist Charlie Kirk not true. ardi said. “Turning Point is a emails is currently unavailable, accord- ing emails online and said she preferred because they said his rhetoric Several people, many wear- fusionist organization that has ing to the website. to not have hers published. Johnson wasn’t racist enough. ing Make America Great Again values that it wants to stand up All commissioners’ emails public re- wrote in a text message to the Alligator Kirk, founder of Turning hats, booed Kirk on mention for.” cord and are available upon request, in Tuesday that many of her constituents Point USA, a conservative of his “relaxed” stance on LG- This isn’t the fi rst time a accordance with the Florida Sunshine don’t want their emails available online. nonprofi t, and Graham Allen, BTQ+ conservatives and mass conservative speaker has been Law. “Personally, I have had multiple nega- creator of the “Dear America,” immigration. Kirk said the con- heckled by the same group. However, the commission unani- tive experiences that exposed confi den- Facebook video series, gave a servative movement should not Monday night at the Univer- mously passed a motion Thursday which tial information of my family, as well as presentation Tuesday night at alienate LGBTQ+ members sity of California Los Angeles, allowed commissioners to choose if they people that have emailed me.” Johnson the University Auditorium as and the U.S. should take “hard- Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle were want their emails published, posted a wrote. “Our current process is risky and part of Turning Point USA’s working,” “intelligent” legal booed during their stage event disclaimer informing citizens emails sent a disservice to my constituents.” “Culture War Tour.” immigrants. by Fuentes’ followers, accord- to commissioners may be available on- No members of the public commented About 400 students and Protestors yelled back that ing to the Washington Post. line and established a seven-day publish- on the motion, but Commissioner Da- Gainesville residents attended all immigration should be Outside the auditorium, ing delay. vid Arreola voiced disagreement toward banned. Hayes-Santos told The Alligator the SEE KIRK, PAGE 5 SEE EMAILS, PAGE 4 Florida updates Amber Alert SPORTS/SPECIAL/CUTOUTTakeaways from UF’s successful It was the fi rst update in 17 years, pg 4 FOLLOW US ONLINE FOR UPDATES weekendStory description fi nish with comma, pg# The Florida volleyball team earned two more Gainesville celebrates Veteran’s Day SEC wins least weekend, pg 12 Check out the coverage on, pg 3 @FloridaAlligator @TheAlligator_ @TheAlligator @alligator_newspaper 2 ALLIGATOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2019 Today’s Weather VOLUME 114 ISSUE 34 ISSN 0889-2423 Not offi cially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 • Fax: 352-376-4467 Editor Amanda Rosa, [email protected] AM PM Engagement Managing Editor Tranelle Maner, NOON [email protected] Digital Managing Editor Kelly Hayes, [email protected] HIGH LOW Have an event planned? Opinions Editor Zora Vieo, [email protected] 59° 50° Add it to the alligator’s Metro Editor Ashley Lazarski, [email protected] online calendar: University Editor April Rubin, [email protected] Local Events / News in Brief alligator.org/calendar Features Editor Karina Elwood, [email protected] Sports Editor Tyler Nettuno, [email protected] Assistant Sports Editor Mari Faiello, [email protected] First Magnitude beer launch for butterflies Editorial Board Amanda Rosa, Tranelle Maner, When: Friday, 5 to 8 p.m. Kelly Hayes, Elizabeth Tubbs Where: First Magnitude Brewing Multimedia Editor Sam Thomas, [email protected] Co. the Avenue Editor Nick Hudson, [email protected] What: The Florida Museum Copy Desk Chiefs Ellen Bausback, [email protected] of Natural History and First Meagan DiPolo , [email protected] Magnitude Brewing Co. will host a Chasity Maynard, [email protected] fundraiser to help support butter- fly conservation. First Magnitude Photographers Samantha Harrison will release a new Belgian witbier Caroline Keefe style brew called “Florida White,” RPB Presents: VanJess WHAT'S HAPPENING highlighting the Florida white DISPLAY ADVERTISING When: Thursday, 8 p.m. butterfly. The suggested donation 352-376-4482 • Fax: 352-376-4556 Where: Reitz Union Rion of $10 includes $1 off all beers; Advertising Office Manager Cheryl del Rosario, [email protected] UFSG Constitution Revision Ballroom $15 includes a signature glass and Intern Coordinator Ellen Light, [email protected] When: Thursday, 2 p.m. What: VanJess is a Nigerian- Where: Reitz Union room 2325 $1 off all beers. Merchandise will Sales Representatives Alejandro D'Agostino, Marc Fiol, American 90's style R&B duo com- also be available for purchase. All What: The UF Student Aleesha Qureshi, Isabella Nino posed of sisters Ivana and Jessica proceeds will directly support im- Government Constitution Emily Perpich, Bismarie Plasencia Nwokike. The duo has been grac- periled butterfly recovery efforts Revision Commission will be ing us with their YouTube covers holding a public hearing for the in Florida. For more information, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING since 2010, and recently released visit www.floridamuseum.ufl. purpose of receiving public com- 352-373-FIND • Fax: 352-376-3015 their own debut album “Silk edu/event/fl-white or call 352- ments regarding the current SG Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, [email protected] Canvas.” This event is free for UF 273-2022. operating constitution and any students with a valid Gator 1 I.D. recommendations to that docu- No tickets are required.
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