Document of The World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized Report No: ICR0000704 IMPLEMENTATION COMPLETION AND RESULTS REPORT (MULT-24843) ON A Public Disclosure Authorized GRANT FROM THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY TRUST FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 11.8 MILLION (US$ 15.0 MILLION EQUIVALENT) TO THE INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE RECURSOS BIOLÓGICOS ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT Public Disclosure Authorized FOR AN ANDEAN REGION CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF BIODIVERSITY PROJECT June 30, 2008 Public Disclosure Authorized Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Colombia & Mexico Country Management Unit Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective June 18, 2008) Currency Unit = Colombian Peso US$ 1.00 = 1702.73 FISCAL YEAR 2008 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Agroecotur National Network of Agritourism and Ecotourism Services AICA Area of Importance for Bird Conservation CARDER Regional Autonomous Corporation of Risaralda CAM Regional Autonomous Corporation of Alto Magdalena CARs Regional Environmental Authorities (Corporación Autónoma Regional) CAS Country Assistance Strategy Research center on biodiversity and genetic resources (Centro de investigaciones en CIEBREG biodiversidad y recursos genéticos) CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research CORANTIOQUIA Regional Autonomous Corporation of Centro de Antioquia CORNARE Regional Autonomous Corporation Rionegro – Nare CORPOCALDAS Regional Autonomous Corporation of Caldas CORPONOR Regional Autonomous Corporation of Norte de Santander CORPONARINO Regional Autonomous Corporation of Nariño CORTOLIMA Regional Autonomous Corporation of Tolima CPS Country Partnership Strategy CRC Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cauca CRQ Regional Autonomous Corporation of Quindío CVC Regional Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca DMI Integrated District Management (Distrito de Manejo Integrado) DNP National Planning Department (Departamento Nacional de Planeación) EA Executing Agency GEF Global Environmental Facility GoC Government of Colombia Alexander von Humboldt Institute on Biological Resource Research (Instituto de IAvH Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt) Colombian Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Instituto IDEAM de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia) Marine and Coastal Research Institute (Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras INVEMAR "José Benito Vives de Andréis") ISAGEN Mixed utility company (power generation and energy solution sales) IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature Colombian Ministry of the Environment (now Ministry of Environment, Housing and MMA Territorial Development, MAVDT) NDP National Development Plan NGO Non Governmental Organization NPAS National Protected Areas System OBIO National Biotrade Observatory (Observatorio Nacional de Biocomercio) PA Protected Area PAD Project Appraisal Document PCU Project Coordination Unit POA Annual Operating Plan RRSC Civil Society Reserves Network SINA National Environmental System (Sistema Nacional Ambiental) SPNN National Parks System (Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales) National Parks Administrative Unit (Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques UAESPNN Nacionales Naturales) WWF World Wildlife Fund Vice President: Pamela Cox Country Director: Axel van Trotsenburg Sector Manager: Laura E. Tlaiye Project Team Leader: Juan Pablo Ruiz ICR Team Leader: Natalia Gomez COUNTRY Colombia Project Name ANDEAN REGION CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF BIODIVERSITY CONTENTS Data Sheet A. Basic Information........................................................................................................ i B. Key Dates....................................................................................................................i C. Ratings Summary........................................................................................................ i D. Sector and Theme Codes ........................................................................................... ii E. Bank Staff................................................................................................................... ii F. Results Framework Analysis...................................................................................... ii G. Ratings of Project Performance in ISRs .................................................................viii H. Restructuring (if any)................................................................................................ ix I. Disbursement Profile................................................................................................. ix 1. Project Context, Global Environment Objectives and Design ................................... 1 2. Key Factors Affecting Implementation and Outcomes .............................................. 7 3. Assessment of Outcomes.......................................................................................... 12 4. Assessment of Risk to Development Outcome......................................................... 19 5. Assessment of Bank and Borrower Performance ..................................................... 20 6. Lessons Learned ....................................................................................................... 22 7. Comments on Issues Raised by Borrower/Implementing Agencies/Partners .......... 23 Annex 1. Project Costs and Financing.......................................................................... 24 Annex 2. Outputs by Component ................................................................................. 25 Annex 3. Economic and Financial Analysis................................................................. 29 Annex 4. Bank Lending and Implementation Support/Supervision Processes ............ 31 Annex 5. Beneficiary Survey Results........................................................................... 33 Annex 6. Stakeholder Workshop Report and Results................................................... 36 Annex 7. Summary of Borrower's ICR and/or Comments on Draft ICR..................... 38 Annex 8. Comments of Cofinanciers and Other Partners/Stakeholders....................... 41 Annex 9. List of Supporting Documents ...................................................................... 44 Annex 10. Tracking tools for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priorities 1 & 246 MAP.............................................................................................................................. 62 A. Basic Information Conservation & Sustainable Use of Country: Colombia Project Name: Biodiversity in High Andes Region (GEF) Project ID: P063317 L/C/TF Number(s): TF-24843 ICR Date: 06/19/2008 ICR Type: Core ICR GOVERNMENT OF Lending Instrument: SIL Borrower: COLOMBIA Original Total USD 15.0M Disbursed Amount: USD 14.9M Commitment: Environmental Category: B Global Focal Area: B Implementing Agencies: Instituto Alexander Von Humboldt Cofinanciers and Other External Partners: National Parks Administrative Unit Government of the Netherlands Regional Environmental Authorities B. Key Dates Revised / Actual Process Date Process Original Date Date(s) Concept Review: 01/09/1999 Effectiveness: 06/29/2001 06/29/2001 Appraisal: 11/27/2000 Restructuring(s): Approval: 03/20/2001 Mid-term Review: 05/16/2005 05/16/2005 Closing: 12/31/2007 12/31/2007 C. Ratings Summary C.1 Performance Rating by ICR Outcomes: Moderately Satisfactory Risk to Global Environment Outcome Substantial Bank Performance: Moderately Satisfactory Borrower Performance: Satisfactory C.2 Detailed Ratings of Bank and Borrower Performance Bank Ratings Borrower Ratings Quality at Entry: Moderately Satisfactory Government: Satisfactory Implementing Quality of Supervision: Moderately Satisfactory Satisfactory Agency/Agencies: Overall Bank Overall Borrower Moderately Satisfactory Satisfactory Performance: Performance: - i - C.3 Quality at Entry and Implementation Performance Indicators Implementation QAG Assessments (if Indicators Rating Performance any) Potential Problem Project Quality at Entry No None at any time (Yes/No): (QEA): Problem Project at any Quality of No None time (Yes/No): Supervision (QSA): GEO rating before Moderately Closing/Inactive status Satisfactory D. Sector and Theme Codes Original Actual Sector Code (as % of total Bank financing) Agricultural extension and research 10 10 Agricultural marketing and trade 21 21 Forestry 40 40 General public administration sector 29 29 Theme Code (Primary/Secondary) Biodiversity Primary Primary Environmental policies and institutions Primary Primary Participation and civic engagement Primary Primary Rural non-farm income generation Secondary Secondary E. Bank Staff Positions At ICR At Approval Vice President: Pamela Cox David de Ferranti Country Director: Axel van Trotsenburg Olivier Lafourcade Sector Manager: Laura E. Tlaiye John Redwood Project Team Leader: Juan Pablo Ruiz Claudia Sobrevila ICR Team Leader: Natalia Gomez ICR Primary Author: Monica Rodriguez F. Results Framework Analysis Global Environment Objectives (GEO) and Key Indicators(as approved) The project development objective is to increase conservation, knowledge and sustainable use of globally important biodiversity of the Colombian Andes. Specifically, the project will: - ii - 1. Support the development of a more representative, effective, and viable Andean protected area system; 2. Identify conservation opportunities in rural landscapes, develop and promote management
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