April 21, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 7477 Charles. The duo was an instant suc- progress. In addition, under Dr. ent, phenomenal showmanship, and ex- cess and became Birmingham’s top Doerrer’s able leadership, the Ritenour traordinary success. It is with great rated radio morning show for 81⁄2 years. School District was recently named as pride to recognize the contributions of John Ed and Tommy then moved to one of the ‘‘Best Places to Work’’ by this nationally known musical group WVOK-AM/WQUS-FM for a short time the St. Louis Business Journal. which has brought honor to its school, before going to WERC radio in 1985. Dr. Doerrer has truly exemplified in- its community, and to the State of They were a talk radio force to be structional leadership in our State. Mississippi.∑ reckoned with, remaining No. 1 in Bir- Whether it is staff development, in- f structional technology, human re- mingham, until Tommy’s passing in MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT 1996. Following Tommy’s death, Doug sources, or data driven decision- Layton joined John Ed and they stayed making, Dr. Doerrer has provided the Messages from the President of the on the air until February of 1998. In vision and energy that has brought dis- United States were communicated to June of 1998, John Ed joined his son, J tinction to the Ritenour School Dis- the Senate by Ms. Evans, one of his Willoughby and Scott Michaels for a trict. It is with admiration that I secretaries. morning show devoted to talk radio on honor Dr. Doerrer today and congratu- f WAPI-AM called ‘‘The Breakfast late him as the 19th recipient of the EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Robert L. Pearce Award.∑ Club.’’ He would finish out his career As in executive session the Presiding at WAPI. f Officer laid before the Senate messages I have had the pleasure of being ATTACHE´ SHOW CHOIR from the President of the United interviewed by John Ed numerous ∑ Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, the States submitting sundry nominations times over the years. Whether it was Attache´ Show Choir from Clinton High which were referred to the appropriate in-studio in Birmingham, in Wash- School in Clinton, MS, is celebrating 25 committees. ington during one of his visits, or over years of excellence and has gained na- (The nominations received today are the phone, John Ed has been inform- tional recognition as the premier show printed at the end of the Senate pro- ative and fair. His listeners could count choir in the country for its outstanding ceedings.) on a funny and enlightening show winning tradition. The Clinton High f every morning. School Attache´ Show Choir was formed John Ed is blessed with a wonderful MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE in September 1980 by Winona Costello. family. I suspect that his newfound At 1:04 p.m., a message from the Since 1992, the award winning Attache´ free time will give him the opportunity House of Representatives, delivered by Show Choir has been under the direc- to enjoy more time with his wife Jean, Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, tion of David and Mary Fehr who truly son J, daughter-in-law Kim and grand- announced that the House has passed have a passion for excellence. the following bills in which it requests daughter Samantha Jean. Incidentally, Since 1980, Attache´ has established a the concurrence of the Senate: J Willoughby has assumed the reins winning tradition by capturing 52 from his father, and is on the air with H.R. 504. An act to designate the facility of Grand Champion titles, 5 second place the United States Postal Service located at Richard Dixon. titles, and 4 third place titles in 64 John Ed has been a great friend to 4960 West Washington Boulevard in Los An- competitions during the last 25 years geles, California, as the ‘‘Ray Charles Post me and a familiar and loyal voice to so at prestigious competitions throughout Office Building’’. many in Alabama. He will be greatly the Nation. Nationally, Attache´ has H.R. 1001. An act to designate the facility missed by his devoted listeners, but I achieved unprecedented recognition of the United States Postal Service located am certain they join me in wishing him and has received numerous awards at 301 South Heatherwilde Boulevard in Pflugerville, Texas, as the ‘‘Sergeant Byron the very best as he embarks on many through the years for Best Vocals, Best new endeavors.∑ W. Norwood Post Office Building’’. Choreography, Best Overall Effect, H.R. 1072. An act to designate the facility f Most Creative Show, Best Show De- of the United States Postal Service located IN RECOGNITION OF DR. PAUL W. sign, Best Repertoire, Best Costume at 151 West End Street in Goliad, Texas, as Design, Best Visuals, Best Instru- the ‘‘Judge Emilio Vargas Post Office Build- DOERRER ing’’. ∑ mental Combo, Best Rhythm Section, Mr. BOND. Mr. President, it is a and Best Brass Section competing The message also announced that the privilege today to bring to the atten- against choirs from all over the Na- House has agreed to the following con- tion of my colleagues the accomplish- tion. In its last 35 competitions dating current resolution, in which it requests ments of Dr. Paul W. Doerrer, the 2005 back to the 1995/1996 season, Attache´ the concurrence of the Senate: recipient of the Missouri Association of has captured the Grand Champion title H. Con. Res. 126. Concurrent resolution ex- School Administrators’ Robert L. 33 times. During the last 15 consecutive pressing the condolences and deepest sym- Pearce Award. The Pearce Award is the competitions, Attache´ has captured pathies of the Congress in the aftermath of most prestigious honor that can be be- the recent school shooting at Red Lake High Grand Champion titles and therefore, School in Red Lake, Minnesota. stowed on a school superintendent in has the longest grand champion win- f the State of Missouri, particularly so ning streak of any show choir in the because the honoree is selected by a Nation. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED committee of peers. In the last 10, Attache´ has had the At 4:57 p.m., a message from the The Ritenour School District in St. privilege of hosting a number of com- House of Representatives, delivered by Louis County has been fortunate to petitions, including Showstoppers Invi- Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, have the leadership skills of Dr. tational in Orlando, FL, and Show announced that the Speaker has signed Doerrer for the past 35 years. The Mis- Choir Nationals in Nashville, TN, the following enrolled bill: souri Legislature and State board of where they also performed the opening S. 167. An act to provide for the protection education were in the forefront and en- number at the Grand Ole Opry in of intellectual property rights, and for other acted standards-based education long March 2005. During the 2005 competi- purposes. before the passage of No Child Left Be- tion season, Attache´ captured Grand The enrolled bill was signed subse- hind. In fact, the standards set in Mis- Champion titles at the 10th Anniver- quently by the President pro tempore souri are among the highest in the Na- sary Fame Show Choir Cup in Branson, (Mr. STEVENS). tion. Under the able instructional lead- MO; the Fame Show Choir America in f ership of Dr. Doerrer, the Ritenour Orlando, FL; the Petal Invitational in School District has not only met but in Petal, MS and the Buchanan Invita- MEASURES REFERRED many cases has exceeded the rigorous tional in Troy, MO. The following bills were read the first goals our State has set for student Attache´ has gained extensive praise and the second times by unanimous achievement of adequate yearly and accolade for their remarkable tal- consent, and referred as indicated: VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:56 Mar 06, 2009 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR05\S21AP5.002 S21AP5 erowe on PROD1PC63 with BOUND RECORD 7478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 April 21, 2005 H.R. 504. An act to designate the facility of ance for Emergency Exemption’’ (FRL No. Pension Fund v. Heinz’’ (Rev. Proc. 2005–23) the United States Postal Service located at 7709–3) received April 18, 2005; to the Com- received on April 18, 2005; to the Committee 4960 West Washington Boulevard in Los An- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- on Finance. geles, California, as the ‘‘Ray Charles Post estry. EC–1844. A communication from the Acting Office Building’’; to the Committee on EC–1835. A communication from the Prin- Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office Internal Revenue Service, Department of the fairs. of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Envi- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the H.R. 1001. An act to designate the facility ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Applicable Federal of the United States Postal Service located pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Rates—May 2005’’ (Rev. Rul. 2005–27) received at 301 South Heatherwilde Boulevard in ‘‘Spiromesifen; Pesticide Tolerance’’ (FRL on April 18, 2005; to the Committee on Fi- Pflugerville, Texas, as the ‘‘Sergeant Byron No. 7705–1) received April 18, 2005; to the nance. W. Norwood Post Office Building’’; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and EC–1845. A communication from the Acting Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Forestry. Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, ernmental Affairs. EC–1836. A communication from the Prin- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the H.R. 1072.
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