Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times T he Courier-Gazette. In Eastern Maine TW /CH-xi-weeK.... Tu e s d a y a n d SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Tuesday May 4 1897 Vol. 5 2 . N o . 25 WITH ROD AND 6UN COMMENT ON CURRENT EVENTS cres directly, although Greece doubtless makes ESTIMATES OF CONTEMPORARIES INA CORNER OF THE LIBRARY all the capital that she can out of the un­ Notes of Forest iw<l Stream From the popularity of the Turk from this cause. The H ook o f ft L o c a l S p o rtem n ti. The Warren correspondent complains that Tcatlinnnlftlft From Newspuper Aasoclntea A memoir of Coventry Patmore Is in prepar­ most obvious reason is the desire of Greece T o the l4itc John 11. P o r te r ation. The beautiful little tong bird* are growing the town spends a great deal of money and to obtain control of Crete and relieve the scarcer every year S > say those who are labor piling up dirt in the road for the rains large Christian population of that island from From extended obituary reference., by the Houghton, Mifflin & Co. have been obliged taking pains to find out the tru’ h of the mat­ to wash out again, repeating the process from Moslem rule. The surrender of Crete to city paper* to the late John B. Porter the to postpone publication of the second votame ter, and unless the laoies come to the front year to year without any evidence of learning Greece would stop the war, but the Great following appreciative extracts are made : of Victor Hugo's correspondence. It will and rake sides with the birds the little long* from experience that there may be a better Powers have prevented that concession and From the Star: “ The citizens of Rock­ not appear until the Fall. The Houghtons tiers will go as the buftalo has gone. I am way. The Warren road makers w ill doubtless have therefore to bear the responsibility of land and vicinity will one and all be pained are just publishing the “ Life, Letters and glad lo say that as far as my observation ex I keep on hauling soft dirt from the gutters to the war. The war is declared by the Turk, and saddened to learn of the death of John Diary” of Lucy Larcom, by the Rev. Daniel tends the ladies of Rockland do not wear pile up in the road track for a few months, hence nothing but undisguised friendship for B. Porter . Since it became evident D. Addison. birds on their hats to any great extent. On at a good deal o f expense, with no more to fhe great assassin can be inferred from their that there was no possibility of his rallying, The May St. Nicholas opens with a frontis­ the Sunday that the First Baptist church was show for it at a year from this date than a further opposition to Greece in the war now the annum ns lo an eternal life has been piece, “ The May-Pole Dance,” by C. Relyea, packed to listen to Mr. Parshley’s farewell (own full of old road tax bills, more or less beginning. F. S. fycKFORD. awaited with resignation by the invalid, and illustrating a poem with the same title by sermon, a large proportion of the congrega receipted. It is a fact though that if the aLo by his loving friends and relatives, al­ Cornell* Walter McCleary. “ How Cousin for Infants a n d C h ild r e n . roadbed is scooped out, paved with large lion being ladies, it seemed, in looking out A GREAT SOCIETY MAN though with great sorrow. To review the Marion Helped” is a story for girl* by Alice over their heads, as if I was looking onto a pebbles carefully placed, and these tilled in business life of John Porter is hardly neces­ Balch Abbot. Dr. Emily G. Hunt describes beautiful flower garden. In fact, nearly every with fragments of broken rock with a thin sary so well known was he in this vicinity. an odd pet of some of her young friends in The Pac-sim ile Signature of lady wore coating of d irt over all, you get a road that is A dim light burned in the hall aa Mr. Mr. Porter was business mannger and a New fersey, “ A White Red Squirrel.” "A darling Ittlo bonnet, actually passable when otherwise you would Laytlie fumbled somewhat long and uncer« very able, efficient and courteous gentleman With a flower garden on IS;” have a slough— a road that is worth more The Philistine has the faculty of saying tainly with the key and then let himself in to deal with, lie was a genial, social, large sassy things in a good-natured way. It is fun and where feathers were worn at all they were to the town than a railroad. But even if the and as quietly as possible slipped off his over­ hearted, companionable man, free from all without malice. The May issue seems fully ihe large ostrich plumes. But it is not neces­ town had a stone crusher where would they coat. From the distant sitting-room another pettiness of spirit and absolutely incapable of sary for the ostrich to give up his life to sup­ find the rock? Any stones by the roadsides up to the standard, with contribution* by light was reflected. Mr. Laytlie knew what any act savoring of meanness or underhand­ William McIntosh, Adelaide Lund, Frank ply these adornments. Indeed, there arc in Warren? that meant so he drew his tie a trifle streighter, edness. He was a white man in every W. Noxon and Arthur Lucas. Then Editor large numbers of this bird kept expressly for smoothed his hair with a few hurried finger sense of the word and possessed more than 11ubbard disports himself in the Side Talks, their feathers. A prominent official of the Northern Pa­ touches, pulled himself very erect and parted ordinary business ability, tact and good judg­ taking a fling at everything and everybody. I thought this fact spoke well for the Rock cific Railroad says that arrangements have the portieres. ment. His loss w ill be bitterly mourned by Little, Brown & Co. are to begin within a land ladies. Another good thing for them b< en made for shipping wheat from the Pa­ “ Ob,” he said, in an excess of affected his business associates, the merchants gener­ short time the publication of a history of the to do would be to organize an Audubon Soci­ cific Coast to China and Japan at the ex­ surprise, “ you sat up for me, did you? Didn’t ally, and a host o f friends with whom The British Navy, from the earliest time* down to ety, as the ladies in New York have done, and tremely low rate of $3 a ton This is done know you were here.” Star joins in sympathy to the bereaved fam ily.” Appears on Every W rapper. of which I may write later on. by hiring Japanese sailors who will work for Mrs. Laytlie had been nodding sleepily 1898. There will be live large octavo vol­ $2 a month, while the Ameiican sailor re umes, copiously illustrated. Various authors THC CIWTOUW COMFMXV, TT MURRAY tTW HT, HIW , Spring is surely with us. The first week in over her magazine. quires $30. This may furnish food for reflec­ From the O pinion: “ In the death of John will produce the work, among them Capt. A. April I heard the linnets and song sparrows; “ I thought I would wait,” she answered, tion. I f the Japs can can live on one-fifteenth B. Porter. Rockland loses a valued and T. Mahan. The latter’s new life of Nelson, the 23d I heard my first frog; and today, the with a shade of coolness in her voice. of an American living (he Japan market is honored citizen, one whose place in tbe by-the-way, is being royally welcomed in 26th, I saw a pair ol robins building their Mr. Laytlie threw himself into a chair and not worth more than one fifteenth of an equal business and social life of our city w ill England. nest. On the 25th I saw a nuthatch. This blew forth a tired sigh. not be easily tilled. Modest and un­ population of the United States; it is not When, in 1840, “ Georgia Scenes” was little bird stays with us through the Winter. “ Took the last degree in the United Good ostentatious, always more considerate of the worth making much of an effort to get it. It originally published, it* picture* of Southern He flocks sometimes with the chickadees and Fellows to-night,” he said in an ostentatious rights and feelings of others than strenuous is one of the greatest things in the business life in the first fifty years of the Republic won S)|F£ YOlf/f resembles the latter in color but not other­ effort to appear at ease. in behalf o f his own, it may be that his labors world to know when you have a good thing for it a large circle of readers. Il* poplarity Do 4 wise. He creeps up and down the trunks of “ Oh 1” his wife returned, in the tone that and their influence are not fully recognized of your own that some care and well directed was later increased on it* republication in the trees looking for insects, eggs, etc.
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