Volume 31, Number 6, April 2021 Museum’s new experience educator has passion for telling history’s stories Greg Garrett can trace his fas- everything Texas.” cination with history to the times Garrett, who grew up in Lock- when he would accompany his fa- hart, headed up the highway to ther on metal-detecting trips. Austin after graduating from high “I’d hear some of the stories of school and began a career running other metal detectorists’ finds,” kitchens in area restaurants. Garrett said. “That really rubbed “It’s hard work. You have to trust off on me and, eventually, it turned and have each other’s backs,” Gar- into a career.” rett said of the restaurant industry. After 17 years of working in the “I loved every minute of it, and I restaurant industry, Garrett ob- thought it was going be my career. tained a bachelor’s degree in his- Then my dad passed away in 2004, tory from The University of Texas and I slowly began to realize that I at San Antonio. He soon went to kind of needed to solidify things a work at the Institute of Texan Cul- little bit.” tures in San Antonio while acquir- Garrett had taken classes at Aus- ing his master’s degree at UTSA. tin Community College off and on. In January, Garrett joined Victoria He earned his bachelor’s degree in College’s Museum of the Coastal 2010 and began working at the Bend as its museum experience ITC as a volunteer. Lupita Barrera, educator. the ITC’s director of research and “The great thing about work- education, noticed Garrett’s enthu- ing at the Museum of the Coastal siasm for Texas history and offered Bend is that I get to focus on one him a part-time, paid position. region,” Garrett said. “At the ITC, “She saw me talking to people Greg Garrett was hired in January as the museum experience educator at Victoria College’s Museum of the Coastal Bend. Contributed See MUSEUM, pg. 9 we had to know a little bit about photo. Distracted driving continues to plague roadways IN THIS ISSUE Cell phone use, other distrac- TxDOT is reminding all Texans tions cause 1 in 5 traffic crashes to put their phones down and give Deputy Wells............. pg 3 Sadly, distracted driving is still driving their full attention when- near the top of the list when it ever they are behind the wheel. Noticias..................... pg 4 comes to crashes on Texas road- “A serious or fatal crash can ways, coming in at No. 2 for traf- happen in an instant,” said TxDOT Charlando................. pg 6 fic crash causes. Last year Texas Executive Director James Bass. roadways saw nearly 1 in 5 crash- “If you are distracted by your es caused by a distracted driver in phone or doing anything else that Very tacky............... pg 10 which 364 people died and 2,200 takes your focus away from driv- were seriously injured. ing, you are putting yourself, your La Cocina................pg 11 April is National Distracted passengers and everyone else on Distracted driving. Contributed photo. Driving Awareness Month, and See DRIVING, pg. 10 2 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Spring is Farmers’ Market’s busiest season by Meridth Byrd, manager of Farmers’ sight – trees with buds, wildflow- local farmers who had to protect en, turkey and Market ers popping up and adding a rain- their animals as well as crops from lamb all raised bow of color to the landscape. the extreme cold temperatures. on farms lo- Signs of spring are a welcome February’s freeze was hard on As a direct result of the freeze, cated in Victo- the farmers’ market did not have ria and DeWitt much produce to speak of during counties. March and into April, especially Pastured compared to previous years. eggs and meats Spring vegetables are being har- have a higher vested nutrient con- Never fear, things are looking tent, particu- up! Our farmers havereplanted larly vitamin E their gardens and the first harvests and omega-3 are starting to come in: zucchini, fatty acids, than Spring vegetables are back. Contributed art. yellow squash, radishes, and ev- meat from ani- eryone’s favorite – homegrown to- mals raised on businesses set up booths at the matoes. As the weather warms up, factory farms. Vitamin E is essen- farmers’ market. We have tables our weekly offerings will include tial for good vision and a healthy full of the homemade foodsyou peppers, sweet corn, okra, and wa- immune and central nervous sys- would expect to see – pickles, termelons. tem. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce A TODAS LAS PERSONAS Y ENTIDADES INTERESADAS: salsa, jellies, breads, and pastries Growing a garden is extremely the risk of heart disease and blood – as well as an array of foods that rewarding and so good for the clots, inhibit plaque buildup in the Zinc Resources LLC, se ha registrado con la Comisión de Calidad might take you by surprise such soul. We know that many of our arteries, and slows the rate of tri- Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ o Texas Commission on Environmen- assauerkraut, barbecue sauce, customers enjoy planting their glyceride formation in the liver. tal Quality) para el Permiso por Reglamento de Calidad de Aire mustards, marinara sauces, brittle, own gardens, so the farmers bring Local honey Núm. 164399, el cual autorizará la construcción de una instalación candies,wines, coffee, and season- all sorts of garden starter plants Raw, unprocessed honey is one de reciclaje de polvo de horno de arco eléctrico ubicada en 1750 ings. All foods at the market are – tomatoes, squash, peppers, and of the most sought-after foods at Farm-to-Market 1432, Victoria, Condado de Victoria, Texas. Esta homemade by the farmers, bakers, a large assortment of herbs. Not the farmers’ market. The color and solicito se está procesando de manera expedita, según lo permitido and vendors themselves and they only can you fill your garden with flavor of honey varies from season por las reglas de la comisión en Título 30 Código Administrativo take great pride in offering cus- healthy vegetables, you can get to season, location to location, and de Texas, Capitulo 101, Subcapítulo J. Información adicional con- tomers high quality foods at fair gardening advice straight from the even from hive to hive. In addition cerniente a esta solicitud puede encontrarse en la sección de anun- prices. Come out and see for your- experts who make it their way of to its use as a sweetener, both the cios públicos de este periódico. self every Saturday in the parking life. American Academy of Pediatrics lot of the Pattie Dodson Center on Heart healthy meats and eggs and the World Health Organiza- Navarro. Fruits and vegetables are typi- tion recommend honey as a natural Meridith Byrd manages the Vic- cally the images that pop into remedy for coughs. toria Farmers’ Market held every mind when you think of a farmers’ Support small farms and local Saturday at the Pattie Dodson market, but do not forget about our businesses Public Health Center. Contact her farm fresh eggs and meats. Each Each Saturday, anywhere from at 361-218-9246 or mbyrd@food- week we have pork, beef, chick- 12 to 15 local farms and small bankgc.org. www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, April 2021 — 3 Deputy sheriff files for school board trustee, District 2 Kenneth Wells. Contributed photo. It is with great pride that I an- your tax dollars are being spent. nounce I am running for VISD I am asking for your support School Board Trustee District 2. in the upcoming election May 1, I am a lifelong resident of Vic- 2021. toria, a father of an East freshmen, and 23 years law enforcement of- ficer. I was fortunate to spend 15 years in the classroom teaching the D.A.R.E and G.R.E.A.T programs to our elementary and middle school students. It was there that I would see many of our teacher’s passion to educate students. It is my goal to bring that type of passion to the school board. If elected, I would work with the other trustees to get our students out of the bottom 12 percent in Texas with STAAR testing. I would also look for other ways to get our teachers out of the bot- tom 27 percent pay-wise in Texas. I am against the bond that is on the ballot on May 1, 2021. I believe many households are still having financial problems related to COVID-19 and raising taxes is not a way to ease the burden of hard-working families. I will work together with the other trustees with the current bud- get on being accountable, respon- sible, and accessible with where 4 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com La Casa Blanca – Fauci prevé El principal experto de enfer- contra el coronavirus: sus benefi- que la vacunación con Johnson medades infecciosas del Gobierno cios siguen siendo mayores a sus & Johnson contra el COVID-19 afirmó también que duda “muy se- riesgos. se reanude esta semana, posible- riamente” que se decida paralizar El principal experto en enferme- mente con alguna limitación del todo el uso de la vacuna de J&J dades infecciosas del Gobierno, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Contributed photo. Anthony Fauci, dijo este domingo recibirán un pago de estímulo que estaría “muy sorprendido” si complementario esta semana los reguladores de Estados Unidos mientras el Servicio de Rentas no anunciaran medidas para reanu- Internas (IRS, por sus siglas en dar el uso de la vacuna contra el inglés) continúa procesando las COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson declaraciones de impuestos corre- la próxima semana.
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