Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1999-12-08 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1999). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2840. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2840 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UNIVERSITY 85thyear, issue 14 www.xu.edu/soalnewswire/ SGA,Nf\_NA form· taskforce BY SARAH KELLEY Senior News Editor In an effort to resolve issues with the North Avondale Neighborhood Association (NANA), Xavier's Stu­ trators and Campus Police Chief dent Government Association Mike Couch. (SGA) is. forming a NANA The committee will continue to taskforce. resolve. issues including the han­ "I'm glad Xavier is making an , dling of student disciplinary fines effort to listen· to students," saidjim­ and shuttle service to and from par­ iorLiz Barksdale. HI think talking ties. with NANA ·is a step in the right · "We don't just want this to be a direction." debate," said Moster.. "We want to . The committee; which will. con- work together throughout the . vene early next semester, will in­ school year and continue to com­ .elude SGA members, Xavier ad­ municate." ministrators, students and NANA . Moster is proposing th~t meet­ members. ings be held on a regular basis. "The main goal of the commit­ "I attended a NANA meeting tee is to keep open communication and found that they are very inter­ between the Xavier community and ested in communicating with the the NANA community," said SGA Xavier community," said Moster. Administrative Vice President Nate For future tipdates about the up­ NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY VIVIAN WHITE Moster, chair of the committee. coming NANA taskforce, look for The Xavier Chamber Orchestra (above), the Concert Choir and the Vocal Chamber Ensemble The taskforce is intended to the SGA advertisement each month . all performed in the Holiday Concert last Sunday-in Bellarmine Chapel. The program function as a follow-up to issues in The Newswire . included various German eight-part pieces by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Christmas music ·discussed at a forum held on cam­ For more information, or if you and traditional carols. pus in October, where students were are interested in participatin-g, call able to voice concerns to a panel of Moster at 985~5849. NANA members, Xavier·adminis-. ISC buys, sells textbooks. online New service will pro.vide students with bookstore alternative . I BY SARAH KELLEY the two students to contact one an­ "I'm glad! don't have to rely on Senior News Editor .. other·imm:ediately. Xavier's bookstore to get all my Xavier's· Information Systems books," said senior Katie Bardon; Club (ISC) has created a Web site, "This will allow,, · ."I wish they had come up· with which will allow students to buy something like this sooner." and sell textbooks to each other at the buyer to get· in .Kerley came up with the idea for reduced prices. This service js be­ touch with the seller. the Web site last January. With the ing provided to students as an al" support of other-members in ISC, ternative to buying textbo_oks from Both students will get . he has been developing the service the bookstore. since April. ·Students interested in purchas­ a better price than ISC is funding the service with ing books can log on to the Web site. a portion of their allotted budget for To find out if a book is available, they would going this year. Initially, ISC considered ·students can search by entering a through· the turning the project into a means to specific department code, book make money. However, they finally title, author or teacher. A list will bookstore." . clecided to present it to students. as appear, indicating if the requested - Pat Kerley,· a public serv"ice. book is available. Web site creator "We are hoping students will ·"This service makes it easier for begin to use it when they go to buy students to 'get in touch with other "This will allow the buyer to get their books next semester," said •. 'The. StuderitAc.tivities Coundl_.·announced last.week that students," said ISC member senior in touch with the seller," said Kerley. :Spuptin~ Cro\IVs-haVe'.d~dinedto• perforrn.-at Xavier next Pat Kerley, creator _of the online Kerley. "Both students will get a "This sounds like it will be a lot l'''~e1TI~st~r; ;The_•band 'has·•d¢ddecl to begin touring inthe service. and founder of the club, better price than they would going cheaper than going through the 'sl1h"lt1{er:C?f:t()qo: · _.· · }'. ' ... \ · _· ;', \' ;,, > · . · . ·_. which began last year. through the bookstore." bookstore," said· senior Kelly ····~J\C:•Wi!!;~eginJg put~l1e 9(')9 ,Gpopolls (pictured above) The list of books on the Web site Students who want to advertise Thorn. "They alwaY,s raise the ~~.cl. ~yclef j~a i1 .f¢at~ri!1g tlj~ ReflJgee Al LS ta rs,. .. .. will include the sal~ priee of the their books on the Web site can do . prices of used books when you go _.--.r~_~p~-~iy~_ly,::~(')~fil.1;~9,e 9!U~>~(>t~_·h,e1v~.-··~~~,n.approved by .. book as well as the bookstore price. so by clicking on 'add books' and to buy them and .they cheat you If a student is interested in buy• typing in the class and code for each when you sell them back." 0 ing a book from the site, they can book they wish to sell. The student Visit this Web site at http:// ~~~~1~~1ill~l~t~,~~Q~t~r(~~~~~~~~.: • • ••••• , • • • : ~ < ' •,. ' •• ~ •, •• ~ :::· <.. ncert, confirm it right away by sending an must also type in the determined maverick.xu.edu/bookstorel. .· ....::;·:.:'··>.:= ., . ...~: ·.·.;···~.:.~~·,.>·' "' \'-:·':.~·=.:,: :... ... ·... "·. ,, :. =_,,._.~ ~-.:·:·>~~):·:. '•·:-:-: ~: ;-~· :· < :·=·~:;,,:,.<: .: e-mail to the seller. This enables sale price of the book. ;·.:.:· ·..··,··.<..:,: ..-'·. :-.~::;~.:.:·.<:'. ... ·'< ·,. >-··; NEWS:. OP-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: /SS advice for Student with AIDS Men!s basketball The 20th century Internet use and Y2K sp.eaks on condoms improves to 4~1 ·in movies PAGE3 PAGE 6 PAGE 10 PAGE 16 2 week of DECEMBER 8, 1999 CAMPUS NEWS. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE BRIEFS mrn11 ! ijJ 1m:awt1 !Hmsa H e:uea 11m 1 >Bryan Riechman, Editor ADDRESSING ·coNDOMISSUES >News Room: 745-3122 >[email protected] ~ mcmammtm~~!!S&a!! Shoutout finals Three Xavier µndergraduates:. have advanced to the final round of the Crosstown Shoutout, an annual speech competition against the University of Cincin­ nati. The finals, open to the pub­ lic, will be at 3 p.in. on Friday, ·Dec. 10 in Schott Hall, room 200. Refreshments will be served. · Xavier finalists are junior Erin Ryan, ari English and advertis­ ing major, junior Marc Schifalacqua, an organizational commu.nications major, and sophomore David Allen Tell, a · political science and. public re­ lations major. They will compete . Rev;James ~ullivan,.0.P., delivered a speech to Xavier students and fac~lty last Thursday in Kelley Auditorium. The pres~ntation, against UC's top three speakers. entitled "Condom Condemnations: Just or unjust?" was sponsored by Students for life .. Scholarship The nomination deadline for the 2000 Antoriio Johnson · Clubs•· embrace·.bolicJay spirit Sc;holarship Award is Friday, Dec. BY CAROLINE CRISPINO ' the stores to sit on Santa's lap. 10. The award js presented an- . Contributing Writer . "_It made us feel good to have nually to an African American Xavier is in full swing for the "It was so fan to se~ the.kids so excited the kids talk to Santa, even though junior who has demonstrated aca­ holiday season, and several.clubs what they asked for was not always. demic excellence, outstanding are sponsoring Christmas events for about Christmas and Santa, If.we can give . something Santa could give them." leadership, involvement and ser~ students and the community. The children were given framed vice, and significant contribu­ the kids one afternoqn to be kids, then we · The activities are aimed at keep­ pictures of themselves sitting on" tion to. the Black Student Asso­ ing the Christmas spirit alive for . Santa's lap; ciation. Call Mila Co.aper for hq.ve ~one our job. " needy families, young children and "It was so fun to see the kids so more information at 745-3181. Xavier students alike. - Senior Kathy Lampe excited about Christmas and Santa. Commuter Services this year is president of College Friends If V'e can give the kids one after­ Help Needed sponsoring the fifth annual Adopt noon to be· kids· then we have done Campus Ministry needs vol­ a Family Program along with the Organizers of this year's AdoQt · Traubert said, "Two offices will our job," Lampe said. unteers to help buy gifts for the Hamilton County Department of · a l".amily project began in Novem­ be filled with presents for Cincin­ Junior Annie Bqgenschutz said, Family Services. ber, sending mass mailers to find nati families from all of the dona- "The kids had as much fun as their adopted family they are sponsor­ . ' ing during the holiday season. Between 40-50 families wiffbe volunteers to "adopt" families of . tions from students and faculty.· big buddies - the Xavier' students Volunteers are invited to come on adopted by the students, faculty and various sizes. "People are always coming up -did. Thursday, Dec. 9, from 9:30 a.m.~ staff of Xavier. Once the families were selected. to us and asking if they can adopt a .·''It was great to see how excited 2:30 p.m.
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