191-9. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 24llt Joseph Lev::tnSaler, POINT OF NO QUORUM. John H. Reed, 1\Ir. CALDWELL. 1\Ir. Speaker, I make a point of oraer that Harry L. Rogers, and t!here is no quorum present. Walter Zur-Linden. "The SPEAKEll.. Will the .gentleman withhold that for a Lieut. Shirley A. Wilson, retired, to be a lieutenant commander moment? on the retired list of the Navy, for t-emporary Service, from the !r. CALDWELL. I Will 1st day of Jnnuary, 1919. Lieut. John L. Fox, retired, to be a lieutenant .commander on LEAVE OF ABSENCE. the retired list of the Navy, for temporary service, from the 23d By unanimous consent, l\Ir. DRANE was granted leave of .ab­ day of April, 1919. sence, for three days, on_account of important business. Capt. Joseph Strauss to be a rear admiral in the Navy .fi·om PROPOSED TIME 'OF MEETING TO-MOP.JWW. the 30th day of June, 1919. 1 Mr. DYER. MT. Speaker, will the g~ntleman hold his re­ Commander Powers Symington to be a captai~ in the Navy quest ifor a moment for me to ask unanimouS consent! I want from the 30th day of June, 1919. te ask -unanimous consent, in view of the faet that we nave 1ost The foliowing-named lieutenant commanders to be com- so much time to-day upon the prohibition bill, that when the manders in the Navy from the 15th {lay of .August, 1918·: House adjourns to-day it adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock a. m. Benyaurd B. Wygant and to,morrow, so we may go on with debate on the prohibition bill · Burrell C. Allen. and get to a final vote within .at least the next two weeks. Lieut. Commander Walt(;!r N. Vernou to be a commander in 1\Ir. CALDWELL. Mr. .Speaker, I object. the Navy from tlle 16th day of December, 1918. Lieut. James J. Manning to be a lieutenant c{)IDmander in the POINT OF NO QUOBU¥. NaYy from th~ 15th day of Augu-st, 1918. The SPEAKER. The .gentl~man from .C ew York makes the Lieut. Char1es G. Davy to be a lieutenant coim;llande.r in th~ point of order that fhe.re is no quorum present, and obviously Navy from the 27th day of September, 1918. there is not. Lieut. Richard R. Mann to ,be a lieutenant commander in the · J\Ir. CAMP13ELL of Kansas. '1\lr. Speaker, I move a call.rrf .tbe Navy from the 11th day of October, 1.918. Hause. Lieut. Horace T. Dyer to be a lieutenant communuer in the The motion was agreed to. Navy from the 7th day of November, 1.918. The SPEAKER. The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the I Lieut. Charles C. Gill to be a lieutenant commander in the Sergeant at .Arms will notify absentees, and the Clerk will call Navy from the 12th day of November, 1918. the roll. Lieut. Augustin T. Beauregard to :])e a lieutenant commander The Clerk callcil the roll, lllld the following Membel's fulled .to in the Navy fi·om the 16th da.y of December, 1918. answer to their names : The following-named lieutenants ·(junier grade) to 'be lieu- Anthony Fuller, Muss. Lazaro Rayburn tenants in the Navy from the 8th da,y of June, 1918: Ashbrook Garland Lon.,crwo.rth Reed, W. Va. BaCharach Garrett Lufkin Riordan Harold W. Scofield and Baer ·Glynn Luhring Rob&ion, lty. Beriah M. ThomJ)son. Bell Goodall McAndrews Rodenber_g · The following-named lieutenants ·(junior gr.age) to be lien- Bland, Mo, Gould McClintic RQSe Bowers -Green, Iowa McKenzie .Rouse tenants In the Navy from the 7th <lay ·of :rune, 1919: Britten Greene, Vt. ~ lcl\:Jniry Rowan William H. P. l3landy, Browne . Griest McKinley Saba:th Elmer L. Woodside, Brumbaugh Griffin McLallghlin, 1\fich.Sanders, Ind. Burdick Hamill 11I<·Laughlin, Nebr.ScuUy Glenn B. Davis, Burke Rarri13on Mann · Sears Palmer H. Dunbar, jr., Cannon Hastings Ma;·tin Slemp George W. Wolf, Cantrill Rays Mason Small C:uaway Heflin .Minahan, N. J. Smith, N.Y. Roy Dudley, Chtistopberson Hicks Mandell Snyder · James E. Brenner, and Classon Howard .Mooney Stevenson Karl E. Hintze. Crago Hutchinson Morin Stiness Dempsey "Johnson, S.Dak. Mott Sullivan Ensign Arthur Landis to be a lieutenant (junior grade) in the Dooling Johnson, Waah. Mudd Taylor. Colo. Navy from the 5th day of June, 1918. , Drane Jones, Tex. Neely Tinkham Surg. John T. Kennedy to be~ medical inspector in tile Navy, Dupre :Kahn Nolan Vare Eagan Kelley, Mich. Olney Ward with the rank of commander, from the 15th day of O.ctober, 1917. Ellsworth Kennedy,.Iowa Parker Wason The following-named passed assistant paymasters to be pay­ Emerson Kennedy, R.I. Peters Whaley ,masters in the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant commander, Evans, Uont. King Phelan Winslow Fairfield Kinkaid Porter WoodyQ.rd from the 1st day of July, 1918: Focht Langley l>nrnell Zihlman El \VOOd A. Cobey .and Freeman Larsen Rainey, H. T. Robert S. Chew, jr. The SPEAKER. Three hundred and eighteen 1\Iembers have: Boatswain James Reilly to ·be a chief boatswn.in in the Navy answered to their names ; a quorum is present. from the 11th day of January, 1919. i\Ir. DYER. Mr. Speaker, I move to dispense with further Gunner George W. Waldo to be a chief gunner in the Navy proceedings under the call. from the 13th day of January, 1919. The ·motion was agreed to. Pay Clerk William C. Jahnke to be a chief pay c1erk in the The SPEAKER. The Doorkeeper will unlock the doors. Navy from the 15th day of March, 1919. Und~r the special order for to-day, the gentleman from Iowa ~'IT. GooD] has lea\e to address the House for 15 minutes. WITHDRAWAL. [Applause.] Nomination withd-ra;u,'n trorn the Sen.a'te July 10, 1919. Mr. GOOD. Mr. Speaker, it has long been a custom at the end of each session ·of Congress to Teview the appropriations made: Miss Effie A. Frisbee to beTegister of the land oflice .at Juneau, at "that session. When, however, th~ Sixty-fifth Congress came Alaska. to an end on the 4th day of last March it was found that eight of the great supply bills had failed. Consequently no statement HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. could be made as to the aggregate of the appropriations granted at that session. The failure of the third session of the ·sixty­ THURSDAY, July 10., 1919. fifth Congress to pass the Agricultural appropriation bill, the Army appropriation bill, the District of Columbia appropriation The House met at 2 o'clock p.m. bill, the Indian appropriation bill, the Navy appropriation bill, The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Oouden, D. D., offe:r..ed the fol­ the .Sundry Civil appropriation bill, the appropriation for the lowing prayer : Railroad Administration, and the third deficiency appropriation, Let the light of Thy countenance, aur God and our Father, made it absolutely necessary fer the President to convene Con­ shine upon us, and let Thy counsels prevail in the· minds and gress in extraordinary session ; otherwise, the Sixty-sixth Con­ hearts of the lawmakers of a .great Nation, that in the pursuits gress would not ha>e convened until the 1st day of next Decem­ of peace our people with all the peoples of the world inay ber. To have failed to call Congress in extraordinary session in prosper in everything that makes for larger life and happiness, order to pass these great supply oills would ha>e left these exec­ and thus distribute among us ,a_nd .all peoples a broader, .fuller utive departments without funds after the 30th day of June, 1919. common sense, to the glory and honor of Thy holy name and to Now tha.t ·these "Supply bills have been enacted into law it is the good of Thy Children eTerywhet'e. In His name. Amen. my purpose to make only n ~ brief statement, in order to furnish The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was Tead and ap­ information ·so widely so11ght by 1\Iembers of Congress .and by proved. the public. 2412 - CONGRESSiONAL RECORD-. HOUSE. JULY 10, The President did not see fit to call Congress in extraordinary ered by this Congress totaled $15,635,701. The amount, there­ session until the 19th day of May. When the Sixty-sixth Con­ fore, by which this bill became a law is $918,057 more thau was gress was thus convened only 37 legislative days remained of carried in the similar bill in the last session of Congress, but is the fiscal 1ear ending June 30, 1919, an altogether insufficient $271,280 less than the amount estimated by the District Com­ time within which Congress was required to organize and to missioners. In this connection it must be remembered that pass these great supply bills by the 1st of July. A huge task during the war the work of improving our streets and of build­ thus confronted the Sixty-sixth Congress when it convened. ing new school buildings had been stopped. ·The result was that That it performed this task and passed all of the great supply the streets of the city of Washington were in a deplorable con­ bills which had failed in the previous Congress by the beginning dition a'nd the school facilities, so far as buildings were con­ o,f the fiscal year is to the credit of the industry and fidelity to cerned, were grossly inadequate, and large appropriations are duty of its membership. [Applause.] - · contained in the present act for improvement of streets and en- How well this Congress performed this great work, the ap­ largement of school building facilities.
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