E1632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 1, 2017 lives, proven through the quick thinking that PERSONAL EXPLANATION vote on Roll Call No. 646, I would have voted saved Marie Boyer’s life. She has truly proven AYE; had I been present to vote on Roll Call to be a role model and the true essence of a HON. BETO O’ROURKE No. 647, I would have voted AYE; had I been model citizen. OF TEXAS present to vote on Roll Call No. 648, I would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have voted NO; and had I been present to f vote on Roll Call No. 649, I would have voted Friday, December 1, 2017 YEA. CONGRATULATING THE LATINA Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, I was un- LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE IN SAN avoidably absent from the Chamber on Mon- f ANTONIO, TEXAS day, November 13. Had I been present, I would have voted Yea on Roll Call votes 623, BICENTENNIAL OF PERRY HON. LAMAR SMITH 624, and 625. COUNTY, OHIO f OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CELEBRATING 36 YEARS OF DIS- HON. STEVE STIVERS TINGUISHED SERVICE—KEITH S. OF OHIO Friday, December 1, 2017 PARKER Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like to congratulate the Latina Leadership In- HON. TED LIEU Friday, December 1, 2017 stitute (LLI) in San Antonio, Texas, for the OF CALIFORNIA good work they are doing in San Antonio to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the people of Ohio’s 15th Congres- train, educate, and encourage the next gen- Friday, December 1, 2017 eration of Hispanic women who aspire to pub- sional District to recognize the bicentennial of lic office. Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. Speaker, I Perry County, Ohio. Since German settlers LLI’s mission is to increase the number and rise to celebrate the retirement of Keith S. first made their way to Southeastern Ohio influence of Hispanic Women in elected and Parker—public servant, fierce education advo- from Pennsylvania, Perry County has exempli- appointed office positions in the United States. cate, public servant, and community leader, fied many of our nation’s core values. This is a noble and worthwhile mission and I after 36 years of service. From its foundation, Perry County has pre- Keith began his career with the University of am proud that this organization is located in served our proud tradition of military service, California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1981 and my hometown of San Antonio. its first residents choosing to name the area has held numerous positions since that time for Oliver H. Perry, a hero of the War of 1812. The LLI program is highly personalized to including Senior Consultant in the Staff Affirm- Today, there are over 2,700 veterans living in each woman’s individual goals and endeavors. ative Action Officer, Staff Affirmative Action Perry County, all of whom have made tremen- Program participants are encouraged to get Officer, and Executive Officer in the Adminis- dous sacrifices to preserve our freedoms. outside their comfort zones and build key trative Services division. He has held the posi- leadership skills and experiences that will tion of Assistant Vice Chancellor, Government For the past 200 years, the overwhelming equip them for public office in the future. It is & Community Relations since 1998 and has characteristic of the people of Perry County is an excellent model for other cities around the devoted his career to advocating for important the compassion they hold for one another and country to emulate as they seek to elevate issues for UCLA. Keith is the true embodiment their determination to do what is right and just. young women into political leadership roles. of a public servant. In the 191h century, residents worked dili- The local governments of San Antonio and During his impressive career that spans gently in support of the Underground Railroad. Texas, as well as the federal government, will over three-and-a-half decades, he has worked Today, the people of Perry County refuse to benefit from the aspiring leaders being trained on many important issues affecting students have their communities destroyed by the and encouraged by the Latina Leadership In- and faculty, including building relationships opioid epidemic, and are uniting to support stitute. with community leaders, organizations, and their neighbors and find paths to healthy, pro- elected officials at the local, state and federal ductive lives. f government throughout the Greater Los Ange- Much like the kindness of its citizens, the les area, integrating community service NDAA SUPPORTS GOLD STAR natural beauty of Perry County is unparalleled. projects into advocacy activities, and UC sys- WIDOWS From the picturesque landmark of Buckeye temwide Advocacy Days in Los Angeles and Lake, to the foothills of the Appalachian Moun- Washington, D.C. tains, there is a steep appreciation for the sce- HON. JOE WILSON Prior to his service with UCLA, Keith worked nic landscape of the County, as described in at the Minnesota Department of Education in Clement L. Martzolff’s poem, ‘‘The Beauty of OF SOUTH CAROLINA the area of staff development and as an In- Our Hills.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES structor in the Afro-America Studies Depart- There is beauty in these hills of ours for him Friday, December 1, 2017 ment at the University of Minnesota. Keith has with eyes to see; truly been a champion for UCLA and has de- There is beauty smiling at us from the mead- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- voted his life to helping others and the greater ows broad and free; er, as Chairman of the House Armed Services Los Angeles community. There is beauty in the woodlands; there is Readiness Subcommittee and a conferee for UCLA has been extremely fortunate to ben- beauty ’long the brooks; There’s beauty in the violet light as it the FY2018 National Defense Authorization efit from his experience, leadership and kind- Act, I am grateful for the continued support of gleams through leafy nooks. ness. I ask my colleagues to join me in cele- And a beauty out of heaven over all the land- Gold Star Widows included in the FY2018 brating Keith’s 36 years of distinguished serv- scape rills NDAA. The bill includes a permanent exten- ice to the University of California, Los Angeles When the sun shines down upon these Perry sion of the Special Survivor Indemnity Allow- and wish him peace, happiness, and joy in his county hills. ance under the Survivor Benefit Plan. The retirement. Today, Perry County remains a beautiful more than 60,000 Americans whose spouses f died either on active duty or during retirement place to work, live, and raise a family. I am will continue to receive $310 per month plus a PERSONAL EXPLANATION grateful for the leadership of the County Com- Cost of Living Allowance indefinitely. My pred- missioners, James O’Brien, Ben Carpenter, ecessor, the late Chairman of the House and Dave Freriks, and all of the neighbors and HON. JOHN K. DELANEY friends who have maintained Perry County’s Armed Services Committee, Floyd Spence, OF MARYLAND beauty and history. championed this kind of relief for our military IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES families, and I have continued that fight be- I am honored to represent this county, cause our military personnel risk their lives to Friday, December 1, 2017 where community, faith, and freedom are cele- defend our nation and they should be able to Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I was unable brated not just in recognition of the 200th an- trust that the benefits they designate for their to cast my vote on Roll Call No. 646, No. 647, niversary of its founding, but each and every spouses and families will always be there. No. 648, and No. 649. Had I been present to day. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:18 Dec 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01DE8.003 E01DEPT1 December 1, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1633 RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- Collegeville, Minnesota. Ed has had a 41-year PERSONAL EXPLANATION EN MISSISSIPPI SOLDIER ARMY career in life and health insurance, and most SPECIALIST (SPC) MELVIN LEE recently served as chief executive officer of HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ HENLEY, JR. CNO Financial in Carmel, Indiana. Ed joined OF ILLINOIS CNO Financial Group as Chief Financial Offi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TRENT KELLY cer in 2007 from National Life Group, where Friday, December 1, 2017 OF MISSISSIPPI he served as executive vice president and ´ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chief financial officer. Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- avoidably absent in the House chamber for Friday, December 1, 2017 Upon Ed’s arrival, CNO Financial found Roll Call vote 642 on Thursday, November 30, Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, itself in a time of severe economic struggle. 2017. Had I been present, I would have voted today I rise in memory of fallen Mississippi Following the recession, CNO stock had plum- Yea on Roll Call vote 642. soldier Army Specialist (SPC) Melvin Lee Hen- meted to under 30 cents a share. Today, CNO f ley, Jr. who gave his life while in service to stock trades at more than $25 dollars a share. our nation on November 21, 2007, during Op- Additionally, in his time at CNO Financial, the COMMEMORATING THE 90TH ANNI- eration Iraqi Freedom. SPC Henley died at company saw enhanced shareholder value, VERSARY OF THE METHODIST Camp Striker in Baghdad, Iraq of injuries sus- extended customer reach, and delivered DALLAS MEDICAL CENTER tained in a non-combat related incident.
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