CSIRO PUBLISHING www.publish.csiro.au/journals/is Invertebrate Systematics, 2007, 21, 137–145 Phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of subterranean and surface genera of Australian Atyidae (Crustacea:Decapoda:Caridea) inferred with mitochondrial DNA Timothy J. Page A,C, Kristina von RintelenB and Jane M. Hughes A AAustralian Rivers Institute, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Qld 4111, Australia. BMuseum of Natural History, Humboldt-University Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-10115, Berlin, Germany. CCorresponding author. Email: [email protected] Abstract. The biogeographic and phylogenetic relationships of six of the eight Australian genera of freshwater shrimp from the family Atyidae were investigated using mitochondrial 16S rDNA and cytochrome oxidase I sequences. Previous studies on two of the epigean genera (Caridina, Paratya) indicate that Australian species have strong links to congenerics from outside, with Australian members of Paratya being monophyletic and Caridina polyphyletic. The present study found that the endemic Australian epigean genus Australatya forms a strong clade with Pacific ‘Atya-like’ genera (Atyoida, Atyopsis), and that the endemic Australian epigean genus Caridinides falls within a clade containing Caridina species from the Australian ‘indistincta’ group. The two hypogean genera included in this study (Parisia, Pycnisia) form a strong clade in all analyses, implying an Australian subterranean speciation. The possibility of a relationship between Parisia/Pycnisia and an Australian Caridina species may have implications for the monophyly of the highly disjunct genus Parisia (Australia, Madagascar, Philippines). Parisia may descend from local Caridina species and represent convergent morphologies. Introduction The Atyidae is an ancient family of freshwater shrimps with a great age, and dispersal (both small-scale and transoceanic), very wide distribution on all continents, bar Antarctica. because of variable levels of salinity tolerance in some taxa Australian atyids are relatively small (<35 mm, except the genus (Bănărescu 1990). The wide range in geographic distributions Australatya McCulloch & McNeill, 1923, with species reaching and complex evolutionary history, both ancient and recent, ~60 mm: Davie 2002) and are largely found in freshwater makes the Atyidae of particular interest for biogeography. creeks, lakes and caves, with some using estuaries for breeding There are currently eight genera of Atyidae recognised in (Davie 2002). A particular feature of the Atyidae is the brush of Australia (Choy and Horwitz 1995; Davie 2002). Four of these setae at the ends of their chelae (claws) (Bruce 1992). genera are epigean (surface): Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 Despite the salinity tolerance of some species, there are no (widespread and speciose in the Indo-Pacific: Page et al. in known fully marine atyids (Huxley 1880; Fryer 1977), in con- press); Paratya Miers, 1882 (anti-tropical: Page et al. 2005a); trast to the other family of common freshwater shrimps in Caridinides Calman, 1926 (endemic to northern Australia: Australia, Palaemonidae (e.g. the genus Macrobrachium Bate, Smith and Williams 1982); and Australatya (endemic to eastern 1868), which has many marine representatives (Short and Australia: Chace 1983). The remaining four genera are Doumenq 2003). The atyids have been in freshwater environ- hypogean: Parisia Holthuis, 1956 (Madagascar, Philippines, ments for an extremely long time, as evidenced by the occur- Northern Territory (Australia): Cai and Anker 2004); Pycnisia rence of fossil atyids in freshwater deposits (Tertiary, Brazil; Bruce, 1992 (endemic to northern Australia: Suzuki and Davie Oligocene, France: Glaessner 1969), as well as a complex mor- 2003); Pycneus Holthuis, 1986 (endemic to Western Australia: phology adapted to fluvial conditions (Fryer 1977). Holthuis 1986); and Stygiocaris Holthuis, 1960 (endemic to Furthermore, there are many hypogean (subterranean) atyid Western Australia: Williams 1964). genera and species around the world, including Australia The biogeographic and phylogenetic relationships between (Holthuis 1986), with specialised, and presumably very old, these Australian taxa and non-Australian taxa are likely to be adaptations to living in the underworld. complex. Much of the Australian freshwater biota is thought to Although particularly speciose in the tropics (Bănărescu have colonised the continent from south-east Asia in the north 1990), some atyid taxa display an anti-tropical distribution as the Sahul plate met the Sunda plate during the Miocene (Page et al. 2005a). This extremely wide distributional range is (Bishop 1967; Williams and Allen 1987), but some species have likely the result of a combination of vicariance, because of their vicariant Gondwanan heritage, such as parastacid crayfish © CSIRO 2007 10.1071/IS06023 1445-5226/07/020137 138 Invertebrate Systematics T. J. Page et al. (Williams and Allen 1987). Australian atyids and freshwater Specimens were kindly provided by many museums, institutions palaemonids, in particular, are thought to have come from and individuals from around the world (Table 1). south-east Asia (Bishop 1967; Williams and Allen 1987). This has been partially tested within a phylogenetic framework, in DNA extraction and sequencing that both Caridina (Page et al. in press) and Macrobrachium Genomic DNA was extracted and fragments of the most widely (Murphy and Austin 2004) from Australia have multiple inde- used genes in crustacean studies (Lefébure et al. 2006) were pendent phylogenetic links with taxa from south-east Asia and amplified, namely the mitochondrial genes for the large subunit further afield, implying multiple dispersal events in the distant 16S rDNA (16S) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). These past up to the present day. In contrast, Australian species of were amplified and sequenced as per Page et al. (2005a). For the Paratya (Page et al. 2005a) are monophyletic and so a single 16S polymerase chain reaction (PCR), forward primers were colonisation is likely. either 16S-F-Car (von Rintelen et al. in press: see Page et al. in The relationships of the remaining six Australian atyid press for primer sequences) or 16Sar (Palumbi et al. 1991). The genera, of which five are endemic and four hypogean, are reverse primers were 16S-R-Car, 16S-R-Car1 (von Rintelen et unclear. Of particular interest are the subterranean taxa, which al. in press or 16Sbr (Palumbi et al. 1991). For the COI PCR, can present a biogeographic conundrum. The occurrence of forward primers were CDC0.La (Page et al. 2005b) or COI.f Parisia in Madagascar as well as Australia may argue for (Palumbi et al. 1991), and COIa.H (Palumbi et al. 1991) was the Gondwanan ancestry, whereas the presumed close relationship reverse. Genetic material from all individuals was sequenced in of Parisia, Pycneus and Pycnisia (Bruce 1992) may imply an both directions with 16S and COI primers. We used BigDye Australian subterranean radiation. In fact, Australia hosts a very version 3.1 Terminator (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, rich and diverse subterranean fauna (Cooper et al. 2002; USA.) for the sequencing reaction and all sequences were pro- Humphreys 2006) of which 82% of the stygobitic (obligate duced on an Applied Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyser at the groundwater) families are crustaceans (Humphreys 2006). DNA Sequencing Facility at Griffith University. Sequences were The inference of phylogenetic relationships from subter- edited and primer regions removed using Sequencher 4.1.2 ranean fauna can be especially challenging because of morpho- (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.). logical homoplasy owing to the particular requirements of cave Sequence alignment and dataset construction life (Cooper et al. 2002; Proudlove and Wood 2003; Lefébure et al. 2006). For this reason, we use molecular data to test the 16S sequences were aligned using ClustalX (Thompson et al. morphology-based taxonomy to clarify the systematic and bio- 1997) at a variety of gap opening/extension values (1, 6, 10, 15, geographic relationships of the Australian atyid genera, as has 50), resulting in similar datasets of between 489 and 498 base been done effectively for various freshwater crustacean groups pairs (bp). The default settings of 15/6 (gap opening/extension) (e.g. Murphy and Austin 2002; Munasinghe et al. 2004; Zakšek was chosen to generate an aligned dataset of 493 bp, et al. 2007). Molecular data should aid morphological study, corresponding to positions 11434–11908 of the atyid and vice versa, in an ‘integrative’ taxonomy (Dayrat 2005; Page Halocaridina rubra Holthius, 1963 mitochondrial genome et al. 2005b), because a more-or-less complete view of evolu- (GenBank accession number NC008413, online at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/:Ivey and Santos in press). Poorly tionary history can only really be attained through accessing the aligned sites (8%) were excluded (as recommended by relative strengths of both morphological characters and Lefébure et al. 2006) after being identified with Gblocks molecules (Hillis and Wiens 2000; Lee 2004). version 0.91b (Castresana 2000) (Parameters = minimum Materials and methods number sequences for conserved position: 30; minimum number sequences for flanking position: 30; maximum number Specimen collection contiguous non-conserved positions: 6; minimum length of Specimens of six of the eight genera of Atyidae reported in block: 4; allowed gap positions: with half). We
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