The Newsletter of the Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Inc. Issue 404 December, 2018 Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Club Macquarie, Argenton commencing at 7.00 pm. Social events and outings are held on the following Sunday but may alter. Members should check the 'club runs' in this Newsletters calendar. COMMITTEE PRESIDENT: Frank Wilkinson Mob: 0419 233 886 Email: [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT: Terry Jones Ph: 0427 508 627 Email: [email protected] SECRETARY: Debbie Maxwell Ph: 4950 2284 Email: [email protected] Mob: 0409 502 284 TREASURER: Mary Jones Ph: 0421 642 251 Email: [email protected] REGISTRARS: Ken Morris Mob: 0417 467 232 Email: [email protected] Wes Coghlan Mob: 0423 083 274 Lynn & Stephen on their arrival at Hexham Email: [email protected] Macca’s for their organized run, and outing to Australian Army Infantry Museum at Singleton for CLUB-CAPTAIN: Ken Barrett Mob: 0402 603 655 our members and visitors to enjoy their day. Email: [email protected] MID-WEEK RUNS: Gary and Ruth Newcombe Mob: 0427 222 075 Mob: 0408 689 652 RALLY COMMITTEE: Terry Jones and Neville Maxwell WEBMASTER: Glenn Towndrow Ph: 4991 2421 Mob: 0418 221 462 EDITOR: Ros Walker Ph: 4934 4617 Mob: 0407 916 374 Email: [email protected] Articles appearing in this Newsletter reflect the views on the contributor and not necessarily those of the Club, the Frank and Donna’s Story Inside Committee or of the Editor. Web Site: http/carclubs.shannons.com.au/newcastlerestored Club email: [email protected] Official Postal Address for NRVC: PO Box 217, New Lambton. NSW. 2305 N.R.V.C. Club Calendar –, 2018 OFFICIAL CLUB MEETINGS and RUNS CLUB MEETING December 2nd Xmas Party and General Meeting 7 points. THE FOLLOWING FOUR POINT RUNS WILL BE HELD OVER THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. DECEMBER: Sunday 2nd This is our Xmas Party and General Meeting which will be held at Bargoed House. As usual we go straight there, punch in the code at the gates and drive down towards the waters edge of Lake Macquarie meeting there from 9 am. This is a 7 POINT RUN. Santa attends around lunch time. MID-WEEK RUNS Wednesday December 12th Leaving Edgeworth Macca’s at 9.30 Morning Tea and Lunch at Budgewoi McKenzie Park. This is our Mid-Week Xmas. BBQ Lunch supplied, but please bring some Xmas Snacks. UPDATES: 2019 - Please note that there is no General Meeting in January. Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday 15th January, Our first General Meeting in the New Year will be on February 5th. For members with vehicles on Historic plates please be reminded vehicles must be as close to original as possible. Also N.R.V.C. Inc. By-Laws PART 8 – ISSUE OF ROADWORTHINESS TO NEW MEMBERS: New members are required to attend a minimum of three (3) club outings or events before they will be considered for the issue of RMS plates. These outings are not to include Club meetings. Any registered and roadworthy vehicle can be used for these (3) outings. Attendance must be noted in the day book. To maintain eligibility to historic registration members must attend Club outings, events or meetings to accumulate 30 Club points per year. Attendance must be noted in the day book. The Committee will consider exemptions due to personal or unexpected circumstances on a case by case basis. Failure to comply could result in the eligibility to Historic registration being withdrawn. THE BELOW LINK TO THE COUNCIL OF HERITAGE MOTOR CLUBS NSW INC. Homemaker Centre 240-260 Hillsborough Road Warners Bay, NSW Phone: (02) 4953 7461 autObarn 60 Shipley Drive Rutherford NSW Phone (02) 49323499 fax (02) 49320313 NRVC Car Club Members ask for discount McFADYEN’S HAULAGE Road Freight Haulage Lot 101 Campbell Drive TOMAGO NSW 2322 Ph. 49649049 GENERAL MEETING – Tuesday 6th November, 2018 Meeting Opened 7pm Apologies: Lynn Farmer, Stephen Nichols, Glenn and Natalie Towndrow, Sandra Steele, Barry and Zira Scarr, Michael Riordan, Michael, Quida, Seth and Maggie Lockwood, Julie Willson, Frank Wilkinson, Donna Griffis. Visitors: Jeff Johns, Ken Ross, Bill Soult. Secretaries Report: Newsletters received from various clubs, Invitation to Motor Fest, Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest, Minutes from the Council of Heritage Motor Club half yearly meeting 2018. Moved Pez Perry, Seconded Tom Shannon. Treasurers Report: Mary read out her current income and expenses for November. Moved Ray Ives, Seconded Gary Newcombe. Registrars Report: In the last month Wes and I have inspected 17 vehicles which included 2 Classic Vehicle Scheme renewals, 14 Historic Vehicle Scheme renewals and 1 Historic new registration. Registration day is Sunday 18 November at Wes Coghlan’s workshop Marks Street Belmont from 0800 hrs. You must pay your membership and supply a copy of your insurance as well as a copy of your 60 Day Log Book. Please check your own vehicle before presenting it for inspection. There will be a BBQ on the day and a mini swap meet. As raised at an earlier meeting I am proposing to introduce Pink Slip inspections combined with dating/ authenticating inspections in the New Year and will table an amendment to the By-Laws at the February General Meeting. A copy of the proposed changes will be published in the Good Oil. This change will take a lot of liability off the individual that holds the Registrars position and opens the role to anyone with a broad knowledge and interest in Historic vehicles. Your feedback is most welcome. NRVC will host the next CHMC Mid-Year meeting next October. Don’t forget anyone interested in going to the CHMC AGM and Rally at Griffith in May next year should be in contact with either Mary Jones or myself. A route has been planned and some accommodation confirmed. Rally entry forms are required now. I was unable to attend the CHMC mid-year meeting so Frank Wilkinson attended for me. Ray Ives chaired the meeting as CHMC President. From Ray Ives- The CHMC affiliation year has changed and is therefore due by the end of December. There is fee adjustment in place to enable a realignment of membership years without penalty. The AHMF Rally is on in 2020 and further information will be distributed. The CHMC contact person with RMS has changed so we look forward to fostering that relationship. Please advise your Club of your vehicles details to enable better representation across all vehicle ages at National level. Census forms are now being collated by your Club. Club-Captains Report: Folders being passed around members for upcoming events, Xmas Party Sunday 2nd December at Bargoed House. Lynn and Stephen’s run to the Army museum as well as Rego Day was mentioned. Editors Report: Ros hoped everyone was enjoying reading the Good Oil, and thanked those for their report and photos which are really appreciated. Mid-Week Report: Good run with 15 members and 2 visitors for morning tea at Coorangbong, Lunch at Allison Homestead. Award went to Wayne Brentnall. Lake Mac Awards: These went to Bill and Collene Kalb, Rob Taylor, Brian Jackson, Frank Kowalski and Margaret Evans. Thanks everyone who helped out on the day. Next Year Lake Mac big weekend is on 18th-19th October, 2019. Army Museum run went to Greta for morning tea then on to the Museum. Some members had lunch in the Café, some had lunch outside. A good Day, awards went to Mick Stroud, Bob and Noleen Purser. Vice-Presidents Report: Last Meeting at Club Macquarie for the year. President Frank is on holidays, Steggles prizes for the raffle, Code for Xmas Party at Bargoed House will be emailed to members. General Business: Wayne Brentnall thanked everyone that helped him out after breaking down, thanks Gary. A special award for Ross Skillen, Terry, Ken and Norm went out and visited Ross at the home, they 20thClub Macquarie, as at times it is hard to hear Committee members talking. Wes Coghlan thanked NRVC for the card received for the birth of their daughter. Andre thanked everyone for mate ship to Ross, thanks to those who went and visited him. November 22nd V8 Super Cars re – Meet at McDonald Jones Stadium, then on to Gregson Park to meet the drivers and take cars that have nominated, will take drivers in parade, all NRVC members are welcome to come. December 9th Maddie Hill Breast Cancer Show at Cameron Park go-cart track. $10 per car. The cars on the front page of the Good Oil Frank Kowalski spoke about his car came from Queensland, original motor 69 HK Holden. Terry spoke about his Jag, he hasn’t got it anymore. Gave it away, it was a great car and went to Tasmania. Meeting Closed 9.10 pm COMMITTEE MEETING – Tuesday – 20th November, 2018 Meeting Opened 7 pm: Attendance: Debbie, Roslyn, Terry Mary, Ken Barrett, Frank Kowalski, Bill Kalb. Apologies: Ken Morris. The following items were discussed: Super Cars Thursday 22nd November, Lake Mac 2019 – 18th/19th October, Australia Day 26th January at Spears Point, Xmas Party Sunday 2nd December at Bargoed House, Ken Ross was accepted as a new member, Ken Barrett is working on a calendar for next year runs, and Membership – nearly all paid. MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EMAIL ADDRESS FOR DEBBIE MAXWELL HAS CHANGED. It is now [email protected]. AUST. ARMY INFANTRY MUSEUM – Sunday 4th November, 2018 Preface written by the Museum Website. Roving Photographers: Brian Johnston, Ros Walker. Australia’s infantry soldiers have earned worldwide respect for their skill. It started in 1885 in the Sudan War where Australian soldiers first served as a contingent, and has continued since then right through to recent conflicts in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan.
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