TodAy’S Weather Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Today: Partly sunny. Arcadia | Atlanta | Cicero | Sheridan Tonight: Partly cloudy. Carmel | Fishers | Noblesville | Westfield NEWS GATHERING Like & PARTNER Follow us! HIGH: 60 LOW: 45 All county government buildings closed for non-essential business The REPORTER ment and Judicial Center, the “One of the most difficult decisions we work remotely whenev- able online or through mail, The Hamilton County Historic Courthouse, Hamil- have had to make as Commissioners was to er possible and continue click here. Commissioners have ordered ton County Parks & Recre- close down County Government for the safe- to provide core functions The governor’s direc- the county to operate under a ation Department, Hamilton ty of the public and our employees. We are online and by phone. All tive asks citizens to remain only open for essential reasons. I hope and Level Three Operations in County Health Department, pray that everyone will do their part over the public safety functions will in their homes except when response to Indiana Gover- Hamilton County High- next two weeks to make the Governor’s plan continue. The lobbies of the they are at work or for per- nor Eric Holcomb’s stay-at- way Department, Hamilton to slow this virus. I promise you that we in Sheriff's Office are closed mitted activities, such as tak- home order to prevent the County Soil & Water Con- County Government will be doing everything to the public, but if you've ing care of others, obtaining spread of the COVID-19. servation District, Hamilton in our power to keep everyone safe.” been issued a court order or necessary supplies, and for Beginning 4:30 p.m. County Weights & Mea- – County Commissioner Steve Dillinger are legally required to be at health and safety. To learn on Tuesday, March 24, all sures, and the Hamilton the jail you will be expect- more about the stay-at-home county government offices County Household Hazard- spread of COVID-19,” said ing the community to do as ed to show up. Gun permits order, click here. will be closed to in-person ous Waste Center. Hamilton County Commis- much of their county busi- are still being processed by To learn more about public activity until at least “As the Governor said, sioner Christine Altman. “To ness online, by mail, or by appointment only at (317) Covid-19 and changes to April 7. This includes the the next two weeks are crit- help in that effort, we are phone as they can.” 773-1872. For a complete Hamilton County govern- Hamilton County Govern- ical if we are to slow the closing our doors and ask- County employees will list of county services avail- ment procedures, click here. Fishers Board of Public Works Carmel City Hall votes for emergency resolution closes to the public The REPORTER virus. This directive also By LARRY LANNAN Carmel Mayor Jim helps fulfil Governor Hol- LarryInFishers.com Brainard announced that comb’s new order for Hoo- Carmel City Hall closed to siers to stay at home for a On Monday morning, the public Tues- period of not less the Fishers Board of Public day, March 24, than two weeks. Works and Safety held a vir- 2020, until fur- It is important tual meeting. Mayor Fadness ther notice. City that we continue was at City Hall, and the oth- business will the work of the er two board members, Jason continue online city in as safe a Meyer and Jeff Lantz, were resources or over way possible.” on a speaker phone for the the phone. Pub- Contractors session. City Attorney Chris lic meetings will and others con- Greisl was physically with take place under ducting work the mayor at City Hall. the guidance of Brainard with the city’s The board passed a reso- Governor Eric planning, zoning lution empowering the may- Holcomb’s Executive and engineering depart- or to take certain actions Order 20-09. ments are using CityWorks that would normally require “It is unfortunate that to submit plans for review board approval. Examples we have to take these dras- and other documents on- would be city contracts in Photo provided tic measures to protect our line. This has made this excess of $50,000 or chang- Mayor Fadness (left) and City Attorney Chris Greisl talk by speaker phone residents, businesses and transition to online working ing the hours of operation with members of the Board of Public Works and Safety. our city employees. I do conditions possible. in city parks. That doesn’t want to emphasize that only The Parks and Recre- mean the mayor is planning thority to take such action if any actions authorized by the al Board of Works session, the building is closed, the ation Department has also either one of those actions the situation requires. resolution and report back to Indiana Governor Eric business of the city contin- announced the closure of now; the resolution simply The resolution also re- the board at a later date. Holcomb issued a “stay at ues,” said Brainard. “The the Skate Park at Central gives Fadness the legal au- quires the mayor to document Shortly after the virtu- home” order. closure of the public facility Park as of Tuesday, March further supports the Execu- 24. Access to the facility is tive Orders I have issued through a common gate and regarding Staying Safe the park’s size limits the During Governor’s stay-at-home at Home, which were in- amount of social distancing tended to better reduce the order, what is essential business? spread of the COVID-19 See Carmel . Page 2 WISH-TV | wishtv.com On Monday, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb Noblesville Mayor issued an executive order Westfield Mayor Cook to get Hoosiers to “stay at Jensen declares local home” to help contain the spread of COVID-19. issues executive order Holcomb has ordered disaster emergency Hoosiers to stay at home ex- The REPORTER The REPORTER higher-risk segments of the cept for work or permitted On Monday, Westfield Noblesville Mayor population. activities. Essential busi- Mayor Andy Cook issued Chris Jensen announced Jensen has directed No- nesses are still permitted. an Executive Order in on Monday the declara- blesville police and fire de- The Governor defined support of Governor Eric tion of a local partments to take essential businesses as: Holcomb’s declaration of disaster emer- reasonable action • Everything on this a Public Health Emergen- gency as part of to enforce this or- U.S. Department of Home- cy for all Indiana residents a multi-faceted der with the un- land Security, Cybersecuri- as it relates the COVID-19 strategy to ad- derstanding that ty & Infrastructure Agency pandemic. dress the evolv- this is an unprec- (CISA) list The state Stay-At- ing COVID-19 edented time. • Stores that sell grocer- Home order gives local, pandemic. The “We under- ies and medicine county and state author- executive order stand this is a dif- • Food, beverage and ities broader authority to will be effective ficult time where agriculture enforce social separation starting today, Jensen business owners • Organizations that pro- recommendations from March 25. have to make vide charitable and social the State Board of Health Photo provided “Issuing a local disas- sacrifices for the greater services and Centers for Disease Mayor Andy Cook addressed the Westfield ter emergency in Nobles- good, but the long-term • Religious entities Control and Prevention community in a video update Monday ville works in conjunction health of our community • Media (CDC). regarding Governor Holcomb’s executive with Governor Holcomb’s far outweighs the short- • Gas stations and busi- “We know that social order. He urged residents to read the executive stay-at-home order and term prosperity of staying separation will be the nesses needed for transpor- order for further understanding of essential strengthens enforcement open for business,” Jensen only way we ‘flatten the tation and non-essential businesses and services. here in our city,” Jensen said. • Financial and insur- curve,’” said Cook. “The said. “I ask you only leave Grocery stores, phar- ance institutions governor’s bold step to- part.” Last weekend, Mayor your home if you work at macies and other essential • Hardware and supply day [Monday] sets the Governor Holcomb’s Cook ordered all West- an essential business, are businesses will continue stores stage for the city to do its order details essential and field city buildings closed getting necessary supplies to operate. To view a full • Critical trades part. I have asked our law non-essential business. to the public. All essential or must leave for health and list of essential business- • Mail, post, shipping, enforcement personnel Click on the following city services will continue safety purposes.” es and to view Governor logistics, delivery and pick- to help in this effort, but links to read Governor uninterrupted, but within Jensen is asking nones- Holcomb’s Directive For up services more importantly I ask Holcomb’s Executive proper social distancing sential businesses to close Hoosiers to Stay At Home, • Educational institu- our citizens to do their Order 20-08 and FAQs. guidelines. and for residents to stay visit the state’s website at tions home and avoid unneces- in.gov/gov/2384.htm. • Laundry services sary travel. This preven- Noblesville City Court • Restaurants for con- businesses and operations and shelters tries tative measure to suspend has been suspended un- sumption off-premises • Transportation • Professional services • Critical labor union in-person contact is nec- til May 2020. If you have • Supplies to work from • Home-based care and • Manufacture, distribu- functions essary to avoid spread of a hearing, please contact home services tion and supply chain for • Hotels and motels COVID-19, particularly in • Supplies for essential • Residential facilities critical products and indus- • Funeral services relation to individuals in See Jensen .
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