463 AIaIIars Under RcAe 377 MARCH 12, 1992 RIy. ~,1192-113- 464 G8n-DIscuIII; Res",. ~ of R/y. Con.. Comm.; Dam. for GtanIIs (RlySJ, '1IS2-113; lind SuppI. Dem. for ".". (RIys.), (vI) Need to formulate an In... formulates some scheme for '119'-92constructing grated National Education pucca roads, the scheme Is left hal way due Pollcytocheckthedeteriorat- to paucity of funds with the Govenment of Ing standard of hlghareduca- Bihar. The youths of both the districts are tlon. preparing themselves for taking to extrem- Ism. [ Ttanslallon) Therefore, I urge upon the Central SHRI RAM BADAN (Lalganj): Mr. Govemment to sanction an amount of Rs. Deputy Speaker, Sir. even after 42 years of 10 crore for providing roads and a building independence, our present education sys- for primary school and Irrigation facilities in tem is stiD based on the colonial approach of Buxar and Bhojpur districts so that both the British Raj. For bringing about improve- these districts may get an opportunity for ments In our education system their development. Radhakrishnan Commission was applnted in 1949, Secondary Education Commission (vIII) Need to giver clearance to the was appinted In 1958, Mudaliar Commis- propoaalto State Govemment sion in 1960 and SafrlJOomanda Education of Kerala regarding Patta Committee was appointed in 1962. Thereaf- right. to the fanners of that ter, All India Council of Secondary Educa- State. tion and Kothari Commission were consti- [English) tuted. All the Commissions submitted their reports but these were not implemented SHRI P.C. THOMAS(Muvattupuzha); even after their consideration. There is a Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I wish to raise the continuous deterioration in the standard of following matter under Rule 377: education In nearly 150 universities and S500 coUeges in the country. The issue of Patta to Kerala farmers Is pending approval from Centre. I, therefore, Due \0 in1\\\ration mpolitics in vi\\ages request the Centra\ Govetmment \0 give etc. 50"10 mthe Students 0' higher classes 'inal sanction to It Immediately. This will save have started active participation In politics. , thousands of small farmers. woul'd like to draw the attention of the Gov- ernment towards the future of the students and would also like to emphasise that a 14.59 hrs. comprehensive education policy be framed in the Country to enable our nation to ac- RAILWAY BUDGET 1992-93-GENERAL quire r.aspectable and prestigious place In DISCUSSION-RESOLUTIONRE-RECOM· the world, as was announced by Late Prime MENDATJON RAILWAY CONVENTION Minister Shri RajivGandhi while announcing COMMITTEE DEMAND FOR GRANTS the new Education Policy during his term of RAILWAY 1992-93; AND SUPPLEMEN- office. But the Govemment did not take TARY DEMANDS FOR GRANTS (RAIL- proper steps to implement that policy. WAYS) 1991-92-CONTD. (vII) Need for more Central fund. [English] to the State Government of Bihar for proper development MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Before we takE of Buxarand BhojpurdlBtrieta up item Nos, 12to 1S In today" order paper I have to Inform the House that some Mem· SHRI TEJ NARAYAN SINGH(Buxar): bers have desired that they may be aIIowec Sir, Buxar and Arrah are very important to move their cut motions to the Demand. places of Bihar State. Buxar Is a district now for Grants (Railways). Their request hal and Arrah is famout; as Bhopur districl been acceded to. Therefore, hon. Mamben There are so many villages in both these present In the House, whose cut motions te districts, where the people have tp cover a the Demands for Grants have been clrcu distance of 10 kms. on foOl to reach a pucca lated may, I they desire to move their cu road. If the District Planning Committee motions, send sBps to the table within 1! 465 Rty. Budget. 1992-93 PHAlGUNA 22, 1913 (SAKA) torGrants (RIys). 466 Gen-Dlscuss; ReB reo recommendations 1992-93; and SuDoL of Rly. Con. Comm.; Oem. Oem. for grants (Rlys.). 1991-~2 minutes Indicating the Serial Nos. 01 the cut House by the hon. Minister 01 RaIlways wi motions they would Ike to move. Those cut put undue burden on the common man and motions only will be treated as moved. A list the weaker sections living In both rural and showing the Serial Nos. of cut motions will urbanaraas.lnadOdlon,excesslvelncraase be put on the Notice Board. In freight charges has taken place. which Is unprecedented , and no Railway Minister Hon. Members who are not prasent has done it during the last so many years. An today or whose cut motions already re- my calculations that before the initiation of celvedtoday and circulated tomorrow morn- discussion on the 'RailwayBudget' , the hon. Ing, may move their cut motions tOmoROW, Minlsterof RaIlways will make an announce- I.e. 13 March, 1992 when the discussion on ment about cut In the proposed freight hike, these Hems is resumed. have proved wrong. In all shrewdness In his Budget speech the hon. Minister of Rail- 15.00 hrs. ways stated that the maximum Incidence of hike would fallon the sections travelling In SHRI RAM NAIK (Bombay North): For higher classes in trains. Mr. Deputy Speaker, the information of the House. I have know Sir, I had heard his whole speech, He has given my Cut Motion No. 229. It is about the put a burden of Rs. 1366 erores through the failure of the Government with regard to Budget. In the outset of his speech, he has season tickets-monthly and quarterly. I would stated that there Is 20 percent hike inthellrst request my National Front friends and oth- class and airconditioned class to meet out ers to take an early decision, so that there this burden. In the speech, it was also would not be any chaos next time at the time contained that fares of second class and of voting and that would appear first. So I seasons tickets will also be Increased In the would request them to consider it right from range of 50 p and Rs. 5.25. I would like to now. so that there would not be any chaos submit that the additional mobilisation of As. at that time. 1366 erore through the 'Railway Budget' wi. have an inflationary effect. The prices are SHRI RAM KAPSE (Thane): There Is a bannd to increase and in addition to that the hike of unprecedented nature in the season common man and the people of rural and tickets. remote areas travelling by trains will face extreme hardships and especially their eco- SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE nomic problems will getfurthercompounded. (Bolpur): He is agoodfriend;but he need not How shrewdly the hon. Minister of Railways advise us. We can look after ourselves. has hiked the fares of first cIass'and Aircondilionedclasses by 20% It seems that SHRI RAM KAPSE: We ara moving the hon. Minister of Finance had drawn those amendments because the hike Is Inspiration from the hon. Minister of Rail- unprecedented and very high. ways while finalising his 'Budget' proposals. Now gradually the people are realising the SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: You ramifications and adverse effects of the are moving only those amendments which General Budget they have permitted you to movel [ Translation] Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir,ln the beglning, II was fett that the fares of higherclass of rail SHRI KASHIRAM RANA (Surat): Mr.. travel have only been hiked, but now It Is Deputy Speaker, Sir. I would like to thank becoming clear that the hike In the case of you for giving me the opportunity to initiate second class rail fares is also not less. Even discussion on the 'Railway Budget' about In the case of second class fare, the in- which I would like to say a few things. crease is to the tune of 20 percent I would like to cite an example. Fare from New Delhi It seems that the 'Railway Budget' for to Bormey Central by second class Mall the year 1992-93 presented in this august travelwasRs.147,butnowithasbeenhiked 467 RIy. Budget, 1992-93· MARCH 12.1992 torGlanIS (flIysJ 468 GBn-DIsi:uss; Res 'r,. 1IICOm·'lIMdIItIons 1992-93,' Md~ 01 Rly. Con. Comm.; Oem. Oem. forgrants (RIys.J. '99T-"92 (Sh. Kashlram Rana) to submit thal1heIr contention that the Bud- get hIws wOI not prove inflationary. Is total, to RI. 172. Sir, the hike from RI. 147 to RI. wrong. this Budget does not on., misguide 172 amounts to 18 percent hike In fare. th. august House but the people 01 india Similarly, the hike In fares of suburban trains also. The han. Minister of RaDways stated in is even more than this. Everyday Iowpaid th. House that 8 months ago RI. 900 crore employees and workers travel by suburban additional burden was thrust oonn the coun- trains. They travel by these trains not for fun. .". Freights are proposed to be hiked by 7.5 but to reach their places of work to earn their percent and last year 10 percent hike In IiveUhood. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, fares of freight was announced in the Railway Bud- suburban trains to have been hiked. People get. As. 1366 emre additional burden Ia travelOng between 35 to 40 kms wiD have to Impossble for the country to bear upon. I pay Rs. 105 instead of Rs. 70 at present 1.8. would like to submit that It Is not proper that Rs. 35 more which comes to approximately burden on the people is being proposed to 50 percent increase. During the Budget be increased by 20 percent on one side speech, the han. Minister of Railways stated while relief has been extended to first class that he had kept in mind the Interests of and Ain:onditioned class passengers on the common man, low paid people and people other side.
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