H288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 15, 2006 We must call on Hamas to put an end to vi- (Mr. HYDE) that the House suspend the Nevada (Mr. PORTER) and the gen- olence and terror. They must cease their rhet- rules and concur in the Senate concur- tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each oric of hate. The U.S. and the international rent resolution, S. Con. Res. 79. will control 20 minutes. community must strongly urge Hamas to rec- The question was taken. The Chair recognizes the gentleman ognize Israel’s right to exist. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the from Nevada. Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, Hamas maintains opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of GENERAL LEAVE and asserts a radical, violent ideology within those present have voted in the affirm- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask its charter—the destruction of Israel. I believe ative. unanimous consent that all Members that S. Con. Res. 79, which reaffirms that no Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, may have 5 legislative days within U.S. funds should go to the Palestinian Au- on that I demand the yeas and nays. which to revise and extend their re- thority if the majority party maintains a position The yeas and nays were ordered. marks and include extraneous material calling for the destruction of Israel, is a good The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- on H. Con. Res. 300, as amended. first step in creating a more peaceful region. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Voting in support of this Resolution is not a Chair’s prior announcement, further objection to the request of the gen- hard choice. proceedings on this question will be tleman from Nevada? But harder choices and questions lay postponed. There was no objection. ahead. Should we choose a knee-jerk reaction f Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I yield that cuts off all communication, as well as all myself such time as I may consume. PAYING TRIBUTE TO SHIRLEY assistance to the Palestinian people? The al- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H. HORN ternative is taking a deep breath and reflecting Con. Res. 300, which pays tribute to Ms. on more constructive ways to bring about a Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I move to Shirley Horn, one of the leading jazz long-term, sustainable peace within the region, suspend the rules and agree to the con- musicians of her generation. Ms. Horn while maintaining our opposition to a political current resolution (H. Con. Res. 300) passed away this past October, leaving party that supports the idea of the destruction paying tribute to Shirley Horn in rec- behind a legacy of unsurpassing musi- of another nation. ognition of her many achievements and cal achievement and a family thankful The reasons behind Hamas’s victory are contributions to the world of jazz and for her dedication as a wife, a mother, complicated. Polling data continues to show American culture, as amended. and a grandmother. I thank the resolu- that the majority of Palestinians want peace The Clerk read as follows: tion’s author, Mr. CONYERS, for draw- and believe in a two-state solution. Palestin- H. CON. RES. 300 ing our attention to Ms. Horn’s accom- ians are tired of a corrupt government and are Whereas on October 20, 2005, the United plishments and her status as one of exhausted by living in poverty. The U.S. Gov- States lost jazz legend Shirley Horn, who America’s artistic treasures. ernment’s actions should not feed these root contributed greatly to the musical landscape Ms. Horn’s talent was evident in causes of Palestinian discontent. In fact, we of the Nation through her artistry and musi- early life. She began playing the piano should be supportive of efforts to mitigate cal talent; at age 4 and started formal musical these problems, including continued support Whereas Shirley Horn was born in 1934 in Washington, DC, and started her musical ca- training at age 5. At the age of 12, she for NGO-run humanitarian assistance. This reer at the age of four on her grandmother’s studied composition at Howard Univer- path of moderation, I believe, will help bring piano; sity in Washington, DC and received a more security to Israel, Gaza and the West Whereas at the tender age of 12, Shirley scholarship to the Julliard School in Bank, and some day a Palestinian State. Horn studied composition and piano at How- New York at the age of 18. Unable to Silence does not create peace and we ard University and was invited to attend the afford the high costs of living in New shouldn’t turn our backs on the Middle East prestigious Juilliard School in New York York, Ms. Horn instead remained in and push all Palestinians down a path of isola- City when she was 18; Washington, again studying music at tion and extremism. The U.S. and Israel must Whereas jazz gives a powerful voice to the American experience and is born of a diverse Howard University. remain engaged and push for a peace proc- society, uniting people across the divides of Ms. Horn released her first album in ess that supports moderate Palestinian voices race, region, and national boundaries, and 1961. The record, entitled ‘‘Embers and and peaceful leaders and urge Hamas to con- draws from life experience and human emo- Ashes,’’ established her as a gifted jazz duct itself as a legitimate political authority by tion; musician and attracted the attention renouncing the ideology of the destruction of Whereas over her long and distinguished of such musical luminaries as Miles Israel. career, Shirley Horn performed and worked Davis and Quincy Jones. Following the I urge Hamas to change its charter and urge with jazz legends, including Miles Davis and release of ‘‘Embers and Ashes,’’ Ms. the U.S. State Department to choose peace. Quincy Jones; Horn recorded two more albums and Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate this Whereas Shirley Horn recorded over two dozen albums and was lauded with numerous spent several years touring major jazz resolution being brought to the floor so quickly honors, including the Grammy Award for clubs throughout the United States. and urge its passage. best jazz vocal performance in 1998, election However, Ms. Horn struggled with The Hamas victory in Palestinian parliamen- into the Lionel Hampton Jazz Hall of Fame the travel demands of an active tour tary elections is of great concern to me and in 1996, an honorary doctorate from the schedule and chose to spend the bulk of many others and presents a major challenge Berklee College of Music in 1998, the 2003 her time at home with her husband and to the peace process. There is simply no way Jazz at Lincoln Center Award, inclusion in daughter, occasionally playing at local our government can meet with or provide as- ASCAP’s Wall of Fame as the 2005 living leg- jazz clubs in the Washington and Balti- sistance to a government led by a terrorist or- end, and the 2005 NEA Jazz Master, the Na- tion’s highest honor in jazz; more areas. Then, in 1980, while attend- ganization. Whereas Shirley Horn never forgot her ing a musicians’ convention in Wash- Hamas ran a campaign based on cleaning roots and continued to support and perform ington, she was rediscovered while out the corruption of the Fatah party. The Pal- in her local community of Washington, DC, playing at a hotel piano with a group estinian people responded to this pledge, but receiving the Mayor’s Arts Award for Excel- of old friends. sadly in the process elected a terrorist govern- lence in an Artistic Discipline; and This rediscovery led to several years ment. Unless Hamas recognizes the State of Whereas Shirley Horn’s voice and piano of touring and recording, with audi- Israel’s right to exist, ceases incitement and had a profound effect on her listeners around ences and critics alike responding en- the world: Now, therefore, be it permanently disarms and dismantles their ter- thusiastically to her resurgence. Ms. rorist infrastructure, the United States will not Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress— Horn received nine Grammy nomina- work with this government, nor can we expect (1) notes with deep sorrow the death of tions during this period, culminating Israel to. Shirley Horn and extends heartfelt sym- in her 1998 Grammy Award for Best Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I pathy to her husband and family; and Jazz Vocal Performance for ‘‘I Remem- yield back the balance of my time. (2) recognizes Shirley Horn’s many ber Miles,’’ her tribute to Miles Davis. Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, I yield back achievements and contributions to the world the balance of my time. of jazz and American culture and notes the b 1100 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. loss to American culture with her passing. Ms. Horn’s awards also include a 2003 KOLBE). The question is on the motion The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Jazz at Lincoln Center award for Artis- offered by the gentleman from Illinois ant to the rule, the gentleman from tic Excellence, and being named the VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:40 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H15FE6.REC H15FE6 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 15, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H289 2005 National Endowment for the Arts health barriers to overcome. Neverthe- With encouragement from Miles and Quincy, Jazz Master, this country’s highest less, she persevered.
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