11974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 27, 1993 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JAMES McKAY RORTY OF THE his mother. The same is true of Irish America McKay Rorty even as the elements eroded FIGHTING 69TH-AN AMERICAN today; it is not unique to the Irish, but provides the marble stone that marked his grave. But PATRIOT that special care for all peoples with whom we the record of Rorty's words and deeds have share bonds of blood and affection. It is a inspired a later generation to replace his crumbling gravestone with an impressive HON. PETER T. KING strength of American society that these ties granite monument-and by their tribute, to OF NEW YORK exist; it is a strength of the American political keep his memory green. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES system that these concerns can be expressed James McKay Rorty was born in Donegal Thursday, May 27, 1993 through the Congress, concerns enlightened Town on June 11, 1837, the first of ten chil­ by intimate knowledge. James McKay Rorty dren of Richard and Catherine Rorty. Like so Mr. KING. Mr. Speaker, one cannot read was a leading champion of Liberty for his na­ many other young Irishmen, James sought a military history without being deeply im­ tive Ireland and the Irish as well as for the en­ brighter future in America, emigrating to pressed, even inspired, by the sacrifice and tire United States, his adopted country. A New York in the year 1857. Working as a courage of men and women whose heroic book canvasser and dry goods salesman, de­ member of the 69th New York and of the Irish spite financial reverses he managed to raise acts and steadfast courage go far beyond Brigade, he fell in battle on the July 3, 1863, what reason would suggest is even the most enough money to bring two of his brothers to very near the "Highwater mark of the Confed­ New York. It was not until the summer of enlightened self-interest. There is a certain eracy." 1863 that funds were available to ensure the something that gives a special cohesion to a His body was recovered from its shallow passage of the rest of the family to America. military unit in combat, something that goes grave on the field at Gettysburg and reinterred Disappointed as he was in business pur­ beyond the defense of hearth and home, be­ in New York's First Cavalry Cemetery. This suits, James Rorty found an outlet for his yond what even individual courage might ac­ Saturday, May 29, 1993, it will be my great hopes and dreams of an independent Ireland complish alone. That special quality flows from honor to participate with Jack Conway and the through his association with the Fenian the brotherhood of arms. Some of the most Irish Brigade Association, the county Donegal Brotherhood. He soon began to make a name for himself in Irish nationalist circles, both heroic of acts, "above and beyond the call of Association, the 69th Regiment of New York as a writer and orator; one associate de­ duty," are the acts of men who would rather and the Veteran Corps of the 69th Regiment scribed him as "gifted with a power of elo­ lay down their own lives than to let down their in the dedication of a new memorial stone-­ quence rarely vouschafed to so young a buddies. The brotherhood of arms exists not the original having succumbed to acid rain-at man." In 1859 Rorty signed on as a member only in the present tense among members of the grave of James McKay Rorty. While my of the "O'Mahony Guards," a militia unit the same unit, but it exists over time among own service with the 69th New York is sepa­ named in honor of the Fenian leader John those who share the same military traditions. rated from Rorty's by over a century, the tradi­ O'Mahony, and one of 40 independent compa­ The traditions of the corps or of the regiment nies comprising the Phoenix Brigade. tions of the regiment run so strong that I, and On April 20, 1861, a week after the Confed­ can provide a sense of the spiritual presence my fellow veterans of the 69th, truly feel that erate bombardment and capture of Fort of members of former generations that the sol­ we are honoring a fellow comrade in arms Sumter ignited long-simmering sectional dif­ diers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast who is as much a part of our brotherhood as ferences and plunged the United States into guardsmen of today can feel that they are part those who were with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Civil War, James McKay Rorty enlisted in of an ongoing tradition which is a psycho­ Father Duffy in France, or with Col. Gerry Company G of the 69th New York Militia-a logical reality. Kelley and Frank McCrorken on Makin, on unit commanded by Colonel Michael Cor­ When I march with 1st Sgt. Barney Kelly as Saipan and-also with Father Lynch-on Oki­ coran, one of the founders of the Fenian Brotherhood. The 69th New York was the a member of the Veteran Corps of the 69th nawa, or those who stood immediately beside Regiment of New York, I can still feel that spe­ pride of Manhattan's large Irish community, us in the ranks of the "Fighting 69th". and three days after Rorty enlisted the regi­ cial thrill which I first felt as a private in the Historian Brian Pohanka has written an ex­ ment was given a thunderous send-off when line of the "Fighting 69th." The green battle cellent monograph on James McKay Rorty they departed for the seat of war at Washing­ flag and the regimental flag with its multitude which is being published by the Irish Brigade ton, D.C. of battle streamers and 62 battle rings is a Association, with the assistance of-among Private Rorty and his comrades spent sev­ tangible link with those men of earlier genera­ others-the Rorty and Blount families and the eral weeks wielding picks and shovels in the tions who fought on Makin Island, in France 69th Regiment veterans. Mr. Pohanka has construction of a line of defensive fortifica­ and on the battlefields of our own civil war. tions on Arlington Heights before marching been kind enough to prepare a condensation forth to what nearly everyone expected to be The 69th Regiment New York State Militia, in of his work on Rorty for me to insert in the a single, deciding confrontation with the response to President Lincoln's personal re­ RECORD. I therefore offer: Southern forces gathered near Manassas, quest, stayed beyond the expiration of their FROM DONEGAL TO GETTYSBURG-CAPT. Virginia. In company with the other units in active duty time to defend the Union at that JAMES MCKAY RORTY Colonel William Tecumseh Sherman's bri­ terrible Battle of Bull Run; the regiment acquit­ The roll call of Irish-born heroes of the gade, the 69th New York crossed the sluggish ted itself well on the field that day, but among American Civil War is a long and honorable stream called Bull Run, and charged into the its losses were the capture of its commander, one: Corcoran, Cleburne, Meagher, Sweeney, vortex of fire that swept the slope of Henry Col. Michael Corcoran and a number of his Mulligan, Smyth ... Soldiers, orators, pa­ House Hill. For a time it seemed the North would win the day, but a combination of men including James McKay Rorty-who later triots-the names evoke a legacy of bravery and idealism that still retains the power to faulty generalship and plain bad luck found escaped and then volunteered for combat with inspire. As the poet William Butler Yeats a defeated Union army in chaotic retreat the Irish Brigade. wrote of a later generation of Irish heroes, back down the road to Washington. Private James McKay Rorty, like most members of those of us who draw inspiration from that Rorty stood by Colonel Corcoran and the the 69th, was an Irish nationalist, a faithful offi­ gallant litany "murmur name upon name remnants of the 69th New York as they tried cer of the Fenian Brotherhood, and a patriotic . whenever green is worn." to stem the tide of disaster along Bull Run. American devoted to the Constitution and On May 29, 1993, Irish American and veter­ Waging a last-ditch stand in a roadside farm­ Union of the United States of America. For ans organizations, Civil War historians and house, Corcoran, Rorty, and some two dozen Rorty and his generation there was no conflict uniformed re-enactment units will gather at followers were surrounded and captured. First Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, New Three days after the battle of Bull Run, of interest between his American citizenship York, to honor a son of Erin who gave his Rorty found himself incarcerated with hun­ and his desire to see the blessings of Liberty life for his adopted country in the great and dreds of other Federal prisoners in a Rich­ extended to the land of his birth; it is the same terrible battle of Gettysburg. The passage of mond, Virginia warehouse. After two months as a man being able to love both his wife and time has obscured the memory of James of debilitating confinement, Rorty decided e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.
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