SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1971 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 36 ■ Number 220 Pages 21747-21799 PART I (Part II begins on page 21777) (Part III begins on page 21787) HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. ECONOMIC STABILIZATION— Cost of Living Council, Pay Board, and Price Commission imple­ mentation of President’s economic stabilization program (5 documents). ....... ................ ..... 21788 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION— OEP rule on exemp­ tion from normal rule making procedures, and supplementary guidelines. (2. documents)_____. 21761 FAIR LABOR STANDARDS— Labor Dept, revised interpretations regarding maximum hours for certain employees of motor carriers_______________ 21778 UPLAND COTTON— USDA amendments on acre­ age allotments and set aside percentages; effec­ tive 11—11—71 __________________ _________ ____ 21751 EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS— USDA releases Mississippi from quarantine___________________ _____ 21755 ENVIRONMENT— NASA policy guidelines con­ cerning agency activities and impact statements.. 21753 COAL MINE SAFETY— Interior Dept, misceliane- ous amendments................ 21756 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY— Interior Dept, regulations on procedures for imposition of sanctions; effective 11-13 -71 ............. 21756 STABILIZATION OF AIR TRANSPORTATION CHARGES— CAB notice for all U.S. and foreign air carriers............................................. 21766 Current White House Releases WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS This unique service makes available transcripts of system of cumulative indexes. Other finding aids the President’s news conferences; messages to Con­ include lists of laws approved by the President and gress; public speeches, remarks, and statements; of nominations submitted to the Senate, a checklist of White House releases, and a digest of other White and other Presidential materials released by the House announcements. White House. This systematic publication of Presidential items The Weekly Compilation carries a Monday date­ provides users with up-to-date information and a line and covers materials released during the pre­ permanent reference source concerning Presidential ceding week. It includes an Index of Contents and a policies and pronouncements. Subscription Price: $9.00 per year Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable m advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check o money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursua to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code op Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintenae of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first Federal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R egister or the Code op Federal regulations. Contents AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Notices LABOR DEPARTMENT AND CONSERVATION Secretary of the Treasury; delega­ tion of authority concerning im­ See Wage and Hour Division. SERVICE plementation of stabilization of Rules and Regulations prices, rents, wages, and sal­ LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Upland cotton; acreage allot­ aries __________________________ 21798 Notices ments and set aside percentages. 21751 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Filing of plats of survey : AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OFFICE Missouri______;________________. 21764 See Agricultural Stabilization and W isconsin____________________ 21764 Conservation Service; Animal Rules and Regulations and Plant Health Service; Con­ Economic stabilization: MARITIME ADMINISTRATION sumer and Marketing Service; Exemption from normal rule Notices Packers and Stockyards Admin­ making procedures__________ 21761 istration. Supplementary guidance for ap­ American President Lines, Ltd.; ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH plication ___________________ 21761 notice of application. ^________ 21764 SERVICE FEDERAL AVIATION MINES BUREAU Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Equine encephalomyelitis; release Rules and Regulations of Mississippi from quarantine. 21755 Coal mine safety; standards; Airworthiness directives; Bell heli­ correction____________________ 21756 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD copters _______________________ 21752 Notices Proposed Rule Making NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND Hearings, etc.: Transition area; proposed altera­ SPACE ADMINISTRATION All United States air carriers tion ___ 21763 and foreign air carriers____21766 Rules and Regulations Eastern Air Lines, Inc_________ 21765 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Environment; quality and control. 21753 Servicio Aereo de Honduras, Notices S.A. (SAH SA)________________ 21766 Cities of Lafayette and Plaque- PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION mine, La., et al.; order accepting ADMINISTRATION complaint and prescribing hear­ Notices Notices ing procedures__________________ 21767 Interior Department: Walkerton Livestock Sales, Inc., Grant of authority to make et al.; proposed posting of FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM stockyards ____________ .*__ ____ 21764 noncareer executive assign­ Notices ment _____;_______________. 21767 Revocation of authority to make American Holding Corporation of PAY BOARD New Jersey; order approving noncareer executive assign­ Rul es and Regulations ment __________________ 21767 action to become a bank holding company ______________________ 21768 Stabilization of wages and sal­ COAST GUARD Commerce Bancshares, Inc.; order aries ----------------------- --------- 21790 Rules and Regulations approving acquisition of bank stock by bank holding com­ PRICE COMMISSION Mississippi River below Baton pany --------------------------------- 21769 Rouge, La.; anchorage regula­ Connecticut Bank and Trust Co.; Rules and Regulations tions__________________________ 21756 order approving application for Price and rent stabilization______21792 Proposed Rule Making merger of banks________________ 21769 Notices Neuse and Trent Rivers, N.C.; Huron County Banking Co.; order drawbridge regulations_________ 21763 approving application for mer­ Secretary of the Treasury; delega­ Notices g e r------------------------------------ 21769 tion of authority concerning im­ plementation of stabilization of San Francisco Bay; security zone. 21765 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT prices and rents________________21798 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT See also Land Management Bu­ SMALL BUSINESS See Maritime Administration. reau; Mines Bureau. Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION CONSUMER AND MARKETING Notices SERVICE Equal employment opportunity; procedures for imposition of Manager, Disaster Branch. Office, Rules and Regulations sanctions _______ ______________ 21756 Philadelphia, Disaster Branch Handling limitations: Office; delegation of authority. 21770 Grapefruit: INTERSTATE COMMERCE Grown in Indian River Dis­ COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT trict in Florida. _____________21751 Notices Grown in Interior District in See Coast Guard; Federal Aviation Florida — ______------------- 21752 Assignment of hearings___________ 21770 Administration. unions grown in California and Fourth section applications for Arizona--------- [■+____________ 21752 re lie f____________________ 21771 WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION Louisville and Nashville Railroad COST OF LIVING COUNCIL Co., and Birmingham Southern Rules and Regulations Jules and Regulations Railroad Co.; rerouting or di­ Fair labor standards; revised in­ version of traffic________ .______21771 terpretations regarding maxi­ werage, exemptions and classifi­ Motor carrier temporary authority mum hours for certain em­ cation of economic units_______ 21788 applications____________ 21771 ployees of motor carriers______ 21778 21749 21750 CONTENTS List of CFR Parts Affected The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears following the Notices section of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1971, and specifies how they are affected. 6 CFR 1 4 C FR 32A CFR 101___.. 21788 39 ___ ____ - — ______ _ 21752 OEP (Ch. I ) : 201____ 21790 1204______________________ _________ 21753 ES Reg. 1_____________ ___________ 21761 21792 Circ. 26____________ ____ ____ 21761 300____ P roposed R u les: .. 7 CFR 71_____ _____________ - __________21763 33 CFR 722. 21751 29 CFR 110__—______—— ______________ 21756 910. 21751 21778 P roposed R u l e s : 21752 782___— 912 117___________________ - __________ 21763 21752 913. 30 CFR 9 CFR 75_______ 21756 43 CFR 75_____ 21755 4 21756 21751 Rules and Regulations * Running bales Chapter IX— Consumer and Market­ Title 7— AGRICULTURE (1) Estimated domestic con­ ing Service (Marketing Agreements Chapter VII— Agricultural Stabiliza­ sumption, 1972-73 marketing
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