'.\ J\EGD., OOA, ~ 6 I Panaji, 10th November~ ,1988 (Kartika 19,1910) SERIESUI No. 32 -...... '0'. ...... ..»FFI'CIA'"o • .........••.". '..•..........•.. "t" 1 ··'GAZETTE, GOVERNME.NT OF GOA GOVERNMENT()~,(;OA Agricult~re Department " Direcioraieof Agriculture Soil Conservation Division ' Short Tender Notice No; 9/SCD/DA/88-89 _Director of Agriculture, Soi~ Conservation Division, Panaji, invites on behalf of Governor of Goa, Item' Rate and percentage rate tenders from the approved and eligible contr:actor in appropriate Class upto 3.00 p. m. on 15-11..;1988. Estiniated Earnest Time limit Cost 'of :Sr. No.' Name of works cost money includlD1r ' tender ' Class of Rs., mon..,.lfln contractor ..... --.:.: ... Rs. period form .',.:, . ~ 1. Reconstruction of sluice gate-defending the paddy field 1,05,535-39 ·2638/- 120 days ,100/- m (H&I) "Bhavka1 Khazan", situated at Mayem of Bicholim Taluka., 2., Const~uction of wing walls of the existing sluice gate 64,148-00 i604/- 120 days 30/- IV (H,&I) d.efending the paddy field ,"Mulenda Khazan'" ,at Salvador do' Mundo' of Bardez Taluka. The tenders will be opened on the same day at 3.30 p. m. from the contractors without Earnest Money Deposit in pres­ Earnest Money should be deposited by way of Deposit Call ,cnbed form are liable to be rejected. COntractor should ,Receipt froni state Bank of India or. any 'other Scheduled produce "alid Income-tax Clea;rance Certificate at the time Bauk ,and enclosed with the' tender. Conditions of contract of issUe of ten«rer forIns.Right to reject ,any "or all the and Tender Forms can, be had, from this Qfflceon payment tenders 'including the lowest is reserved ,witltout assigning ,of cost as mentioned above (non-refundable) on all working any reason thereof. ' days fr:om'11.00 a. m, to 4.00 p. m. The last date to receive , , ,applications' for issue of tender forms is 11-11-88. Tenq.ers' Pamtji, 21st October, 1988. - The DireCtor, U.' M. Duarte. ••• V~tedn:ary Services terminate forthwith the ,service of Department :oJ Animal' Husbandry and Veterinary Services Smt.: ,SU1;ekha Rainesh Naik, Labourer with effect from 28~12-87 (F.,N.) 1. e. from the date of· 'absconding from services; Office "Order No. 285/88.89 PanaJi, 18th October, 1988.-The Director, Dr. A. 8. Wagle. Order of termination of service issued under provision' to Sub~Rule, (1) and Rule 5 of the Central Civil ServiCe Tem- p,orary Service Rule 1965. ' ••• :.;. ' In pursuali.ce of the provision of SUb:-Ruie (1) Rule 5. of forestDepa~tment the Central Civil Servic,es (Temporary Services) Rule 196q, 1, Dr, A. ,S. Wagle, Director of, Animal Husbandry and Vetennary .Servicesterminate forthwith the ,services of Notification .8hri Ramdas D. Ogle, Peon with effect from. 23-12-1987 (F.N.) 1. e.from tile date Of absconding". No. '6/7/86/FORjPart IV Panaji, 18th October, 1988;-The Director, Dr. A. 8, Wagle." Wher:eas 1t was proposed by Government Notification NO. 6-3-82-FOR dated 7th September, 1982, published in the Official GlJ,zette, No. 26,. Series m, dated' 23rd September, ,1982, to constitute the land specified below as reserved Office Order No. 282/88-89 , Fo:rest','(hereinafter referred to as the 'said land", under Or<}er of termInatiQn of services issued under the proYisi~n the, ,Indian, Forest Act, 1927 (Central Act XVI of ,1927) ''to, Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 5 of the Central Civil '-Service (herefllafter referred to as the '~id' ,Act') ; ,(Temporary ,Service) Rule 1965. ' And, :~vhereas the period fixed by the said Act for the 'In' pursuance of provision ,to Sub-Rule (1) of Rwe 50f pre.sentatlon of claims to ,Il'ights in and over these lands, the Central. Civil Services (Temporary Service): Rule 1965, forest and forest produce has expired and all claims, if any. I, Dr.' A. S. Wagle, Director of Animal Husbandry and made have been disposed off; 390 SERIES 111 No, ~: , And whereas the period f.or appeal from the .orders passed N.ow, therefore, fu exercise.ofthe: powersc.onferredi" 'by .on the said· claims has elapsed and no appeals are pending secti.on 20 .of the said Act, the Government .of· G.oa . hereby' declares the said land and' f()lrest t.o be reserved as specified. of.. with the, appellate auth.ority; hereunder with effect fr.om the . date of issue of this Notifi:" cation in the Official Gazette subject to the provisi.onthat And whereas all lands (if any) t.o be included in the pr.o­ the villages namednerelnafter' shall have n.o rights and, posed· forest, which the Forest Settlement Officer.has, enj.oy' n.o concession therein;' ' . under secti.on 11 .of the said Act, elected t.o, acquire under the Land Acquisiti.on Act, 1894 (Central Act 1. of '1894) By .order and in the name.of theG.overrt.or ..of Goa. nave, bec()lIIle vested in the Government under section 16 Panaji, 17th August, 1988. - A. T. Fernandes, Under' Of th~ said Lan9, Acquisition Act, 1894~ Secretary to the Govt. of Goa, Forest. Dept. ••• Jrrigation Departmer.f Works Division VII. Xelpem.·Mapusa~Goa .Tender N.otice N.o. ID/WDVII/F.8-1 (Vol. VI)/6/88;.;89 The Executive Engineer, Works Divisi.on VII, :r1:rtgation Department;' MapUsa~G.oa. invites on behalf of the G.oVern­ ment of G.oa, sealed Item Rate Tender P. W. D. Form 8, .approved and eligible c.ontractors of C. P.W. D. and th.ose on approved' list of Union Territories/State, PWD/M.E.S./Railways and Post and Telegraph upto 3;00 p.m. on 1·9-11-1988 f.orth.e below mentioned work: - ., . Estimated; Earnest 'rime limit C015t of cost put money including Class of Sr. No. Name of work tender ,.,.. to tender deposU monsoon Us. contractor R", tts 1. Construction of Superpassage at ch. 0.120 km; .f.or 1,19,870~00 2,997-00 60 days 100-00 'Class III & Right Bank Main Canal of Tillari Irrigati.onProject ab.ove at Ankane in Pernem Taluka. 2. Constructi.on· of Superpassage at ch. .1.260 km. for 1;17,720-00 2,943:"00 60 days 100-00 Class . III . & Right B,ank Main Cartal of Tillari Irrigati.on Project ab.ove ' at Ankane in Pernem. Taluka. The application sl:).ould rell,Ch this. .officeupto 17-11-1988. The tenders of the contract.ors, wh.o d.o' n.ot deposit, Earnest Money Dep.osit in prescribed manner are liable Tender will be .opened at 3.30 p. m. .on 19-11-1988; The t.o be rejected. The. contract.ors must produc,e their valid. Earnest Money Dep.osit sh.ould b~ deposited in th~ State Income-taX' Clearance Certificate, Registration Certificate Bank' .of India in term Dep.osits at Call Receipts in fav.our of before the issue of tender f.orms .. ,The tender papers will be . issued bnlyto those c.ontractors. who have succeSSfully com-· Executive Engineer" W.orks Divisi.on VII, Irrigation Depart­ pleted at least one w.ork .of similar nature and of such ment, .Xeldem-MapUl~a-Goa and. should be enclosed' with the magnitude. tender. Conditions and tender forms can be. had from. this Right to accept or reject any .or all the tenders inc1uding office on .18-11-1-988 during .office hours on payment of the I.owest tender without assigning any reason is reserved. Rs. 100/- for each tender, if required by P.ost, an amount Mapusa, 29th October, 1988.-The Executive Engineer,. ?f Rs. '15/-, will be charged extra. Sd/-. ,~--.... ~-- Department of Community D~velopment and Panchqyats Office of the MamlatdarofBardez Notification No. ELN/MAM/BAR!VC/19S8 In pursuance of Rule 13(c) of the G.oa, Daman and Diu SCHEDULE Village Panchayat (Electi.on of Chairman and Vice-Chairman) ,Sr. Name of the Village Name of member elected Rules 1968,. it is hereby n.otified for public informati?n that No. Panchayat . as Chairman -----------~--'------.-,-.-.----' --~---- 1 '2 ' . 3 the. memb~r of Panchayat as appearing in C.olunm·3, of 1. Penha de Fl'ance 'the schedule has been declared elected on 5-10-1988 as Shri .Ashok Jaganath Chodankar Vice-Chairn1an of the Panchayat shoWn in column 2 of the .' Mapusa" 5thOct.ober; ;1.988. ~ The . :M:amlatdar, P, .E. .said schedule. Borkar. 'Office of Mamladar of Pernem Tahika' Notification N.o. ELN/VPT/Gasarvernem-Chandel/88/27f In pursuance of the provision of Rule13(C)of'itlieGoa, Shri 'PanduraD:g .J3alaNaik .ofCasarvernem-Chandel ~n Daman and Diu; Village Panchayat (Election of Chairman Pernem Taluka,. Goa. and Vice-Chairman): Rules, 1968, K.S. Poori!ah;'1#mlatdar I, " Pernem -12th October, 1988• .,..:- The Mamlatdar, K. 8_ ~.f. Pernelll Taluk'a,:hereby.notify for 'public i~orniahonthat Poonia;h,; "', -", . ---""'----,_._-------- ;:, ·~ublit·Wor!<s Department .·Wor.ksDivis)6n II (R &B),Panai\-Soa' 'Short ,Tender Notice No:WDli/R & B/PWD/ASW /26/88-89 . The ~ecutive Engineer, Works Divislon:UfR&B) PWD, 1i>anaji-Goa;,invites' sealed percentage rate tend.ersfrQnr approved. and. eligible, .c.ontractors. ~()f .Goa PWP/ O'PWD /MES/Railyvays : and ,::;tat~, 'p:vvpupt@ Novembe~ '.15th, .1988 i)UpW';, 2.30 p.m~ forthefol~¢virigwork: 7'" ' .•. ;:,'" . ' ' .. ,'.' . ,'. ...... ....;..------;;....;....;..--;......--'-~....,......,....,.......,-...."..--.------.....,--...---.;..,........ .....,~ ,,"- . ,,-', E.stlmatcd .Earnest CoSt ct S~;NO. DeiiCTl}}ti011 . 008t mopey te.Hner 'rime' 'lln{lt" ; .Clas~ot Rs. H..;: Rs.. contractor 1. Urgent repairs to P8,l1aji - Mercies :r:6a'.<i' (Ref:ender). 12820.0() . ;' ..: 321/': SO/'- 30 days V&above 'I'enders."Wiil. teopen~ iinrlle<llatelyafter··2.30 p.in. .on the· .. /I'hejntendingtendererswillnave'1:9 produc:eyalidlDcon:te-· same day ~ , Earnest, Money' shoWn:aga,iIistthe .wprk .should, be .
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