21550 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 September 14, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING SGT RICHARD F. a forum for information and dialogue on critical cludes providing infrastructure to pipe water to CANNON issues and fostering a sense of local history, the Rocky Boy’s Reservation. The Authority community pride, and citizen empowerment. conducted public hearings for each of its HON. CHRISTOPHER JOHN LEE In 1934, Temple University journalism stu- member entities. In total over forty-five public OF NEW YORK dent, Richard Thorpe Lawson, launched the hearing were held. Based on this outreach, all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mayfair Times. With just a handful of pages in the member entities reaffirmed their participa- each issue, the paper covered local news and tion in the Authority. They include: Town of Monday, September 14, 2009 was supported by advertising from mom and Big Sandy, Brady County Water & Sewer Dis- Mr. LEE of New York. Madam Speaker, it is pop stores in the area. Lawson eventually ex- trict, Town of Chester, City of Conrad, City of with great pride that I rise today to honor a panded his staff, purchased better printing Cut Bank, Devon Water Inc., Town of Dutton, WWII Veteran, SGT Richard F. Cannon. Ser- equipment, and moved into a building on Galata County Water District, Hill County geant Cannon recently passed away at the Frankford Avenue. The newspaper expanded Water District (includes the communities of age of 84. A true patriot, Sergeant Cannon to cover additional neighborhoods in the Kremlin, Gildford, Hingham, Rudyard, Inver- played an instrumental role in ending WWII. Northeast, including Frankford, Tacony, and ness, Joplin), City of Havre, Town of Kevin, Sergeant Cannon was a member of U.S. Army Holmesburg. Loma County Water District, North Havre Air Forces and was part of the mission that After Richard Lawson’s death in 1961, his County Water District, Oilmont County Water dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki on wife Eleanor Smylie succeeded him in the District, Sage Creek County Water District, Aug. 9, 1945. business, expanding to almost 100 employ- City of Shelby, South Chester County Water Born and raised in Buffalo, Sergeant Can- ees. She computerized operations, changed District, Town of Sunburst, Sweetgrass Com- non graduated from Bennett High School and the publication’s name to The Northeast munity Water District, Tiber County Water Dis- earned a degree in accounting from Canisius Times, and updated the format to a smaller trict. College in 1950. During World War II, he tabloid size. In time, Eleanor’s children, Robert Requesting Member: Hon. DENNY REHBERG served in the Army Air Forces as a radar op- and Tim, became responsible for publishing Bill Number: H.R. 3183 erator, attaining the rank of Sergeant. As part and advertising sales. The Northeast Times Account: Bureau of Reclamation—Water of the 509th Composite Group, Sergeant Can- continued to grow in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and Related Resources non normally flew aboard a B–29 named Nec- expanding throughout the Northeast and ex- Requesting Entity: Assiniboine and Sioux essary Evil. His crew was reassigned to the tending into some suburban neighborhoods in Tribes and Dry Prairie Rural Water, P.O. Box Big Stink, a B–29 Superfortress, to provide Bucks and Montgomery counties. 1027, Poplar, MT 59255 camera support to the Bockscar, a B–29 The Northeast Times continues to inform Description: FY 2010 funds will be used by bomber, as it dropped the A-bomb on Naga- and give voice to the people, businesses, and the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes to complete saki on Aug. 9, 1945. community organizations of the Philadelphia’s the regional water treatment plant, intake and After the war, Sergeant Cannon returned to great Northeast on significant issues, as it has extend the main transmission pipelines to Buffalo and started a food broker company, since 1934. Both the local coverage and op- Poplar and Wolf Point. When water reaches the R.F. Cannon Company, which he ran until portunity for civic participation provided by The Poplar, it will serve the third largest community his retirement in 2000. He was president of Northeast Times builds and maintains commu- in the project and replace existing water sup- Buffalo Food Brokers Association and served nities. I ask that my colleagues join me in plies, threatened by Brine Plume contamina- as commissioner of Williamsville Junior Foot- celebrating this milestone 75th year and rec- tion, with Missouri River water treated to na- ball for 8 years. He was also the president of ognizing the critical role played by The North- tional drinking water standards. Dry Prairie will the North Forest Civic Association. east Times in our city. build distribution system in Valley County pur- Mr. Cannon is survived by his wife of nearly f suant to a recently completed agreement with 61 years, the former Marion Dauphinee; two Boeing to use its water system at St. Marie daughters, Kathleen Lane and Maureen EARMARK DECLARATION until the regional water treatment plant and Chiofalo; four sons, Richard Jr., Timothy, main transmission line reaches Valley County. Kevin and Gregory; one sister, Annette HON. DENNY REHBERG This will improve water supplies for about 200 Marmion; and 17 grandchildren. OF MONTANA rural users and the Town of Nashua. Madam Speaker, in recognition this brave IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Requesting Member: Hon. DENNY REHBERG Bill Number: H.R. 3183 patriot, I ask this Honorable Body to join me Monday, September 14, 2009 in honoring the legacy of SGT Richard F. Can- Account: Bureau of Reclamation—Water non. Mr. REHBERG. Madam Speaker, pursuant and Related Resources f to the Republican Leadership standards on Requesting Entity: Saint Mary Rehabilitation earmarks, I am submitting the following infor- Working Group, 74 Fourth Street N, Glasgow, HONORING THE 75TH ANNIVER- mation regarding earmarks I received as part MT 59230 SARY OF THE NORTHEAST of H.R. 3183—Energy and Water Develop- Description: This project initiates the reha- TIMES ment and Related Agencies Appropriations bilitation and construction of the St. Mary Di- Act, 2010. version & Conveyance Works in Glacier Coun- HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ Requesting Member: Hon. DENNY REHBERG ty MT, identified in Section 5103 of the 2007 OF PENNSYLVANIA Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Water Resources Development Act (P.L. 110– IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Account: Bureau of Reclamation—Water 114). This funding would be used to rehabili- and Related Resources tate the aging St. Mary Diversion and Convey- Monday, September 14, 2009 Requesting Entity: North Central Montana ance Works before the system suffers a cata- Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, I rise Regional Water Authority, 48 Second Avenue, strophic failure. today to honor and congratulate The North- Suite 202, Havre, MT 59501 Requesting Member: Hon. DENNY REHBERG east Times for 75 years of community jour- Description: Ultimately, the project will de- Bill Number: H.R. 3183 nalism. From its modest beginnings, The liver water to roughly 30,000 Montanans living Account: Department of Energy—Fossil En- Northeast Times has served as an important in a large, roughly rectangular region of Mon- ergy R&D chronicle for the people of Philadelphia’s tana that is about 150 miles east to west and Requesting Entity: Center for Zero Emis- Northeast neighborhoods, providing them with 70 miles north to south. Part of the Project in- sions Research and Technology, Montana ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:29 Apr 03, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E14SE9.000 E14SE9 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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