Un ited states Department of the Interior, J . A. Krug, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Albert M. Day, Director .,.--- ------ Fishery Leaf let 320 • Washington 25, D. C. October 1948 . ROSEFISH COOKERy .... '1\ DElliONSTP..ATIOH MANUAL By Sarah P. Weems , Home Ec onomi·st ..1a r ket Development Section Branch of CofllJn eTcia1 Fisheries ---- - ----,....--,...---.-~ ---Contents " Page Page ·Introduct i on------..::------------ -2 Recipes (Continued) Re cipes -~-- - --~------ - - ------~-- . 2 Oven- Fried Rosefish .Fillet.s---- 4 -Rosefish Lo af-------------..:-- 2 Tartar .Sauce--- - ------------· ---- 5 Rosefish Fil18ts Baked in Sugge s t ed Gar ni she s - - - ~- -- --~----~ 5 Spanish Sauc e ---------~---- 3 Market Order- - - -·-- - --- - ----------- 5 Rosefish 8al ad--------------- 3 Bqui pmen t r·;eeded--------- --------- 6 Bo iled Rosefi sh Fi 11et s -- - ~ -- 3 Preparations befor e Demonstrations 7 Egg Sauce-------~----------~- 4- Outline of Demonst t~t ion ------ - 8 Creamed Rosel'isn- - -------'-..;---"- · 4 Discussi on During Demons t ration- 11 Br ead Timbales-------~-~----- 4 Refer ences-------------- --------- 19 INTTIODUCTlor F i sh cooker' demonstrat ions h ' e ' been carr' d on ex ensively by the Fish and Vvildlife Ser;ice to acqua int t he American p ople ' th th wide varie y of fisher~ products ava ilabl e as well as the many r cipes sui a l e for preparing each pr"octllct . The s e demonstrations ha 'e e n i n ,bef or e 'I/O n I s clubs , hom economics t eachers and s tudents, homE' demonst ration a nts, school l unchroom supervisors, fish dealers, and oth rs interes ed in oods . The demonstr ation outli:led in thi s 1 afll is es ciall y 0 shovf such €:roups s ome of the ways of pr eparin an rose fish and contains r ecipe s, s uggested garnishes , a market or er" a lis of equipmen t needed, p r ~p­ ar ation s be f or e the demonstration , an outline: of s eps in thE. demonstra on, an accompanying discussion, and r ef erences . A publica t ion of his type is intended as a gu' de for ho se lan in si ~ ila r demons r ati ons o Changes ~ay b~ m de ~cc ordin to the ~eeds d des'res of the aud i en c ~ , availabl e suppli2s, and cquipmc Th disc ssion shou d no be memo rized , but s hould s erv(; as a pattern for ht. d(;ITlonstr ator '/ho '/ '11 elab­ or ~te on vari ous phas e s of thf~ pro ram as time and oc .. asion de . and . The ge e ral techniques ar c , o f co urse, applic~ble 0 ot er s e cies of fish and 0 oth foods . l.2C IPES The f ollohin' tested r e cipes ha been se l ected from t e Fis h and " 'ldlife Ser vice Test Kitchen files and from F i shery LE:afle t i-io . 85, II Rosefish Reci pes II , vlb ic.h .contai n a dditi on.:ll ncipes for pr eparing r osefish', Co i s of ·t.he la t.er may oe.obt o.ined by wri tin~ the U. S. De partment of . he Interior, Fish and 'ild­ life S er vice, \T,a shington 25, D. c. ROSEFISH LOAF 4 .cups cooke d f l aked rose fish l ~ t eas poons s a _t 3 cups soft br ead crumbs 3 t abl e spoons me lte d cut er or -3/4 .cup milk oth r fat 2 eggs, we ll beat en Few r a ins cayenne l~ table s poons minced p2 rsley 2 t olespoons onion, r a ed 1 l t o.bl e spoon l emon juice '2 teaspoon cel e ry s alt Combi ne a ll i ngr edients, mDClng "vel l. Pla ce in a greased loaf pan. Bake in a moderate oven 3500 F., from 40 to 45 minute s or until l oaf is firm in the centor. Unmold on a hot pl a tter , and s er ve wi t h a bright- colored sauce. Suggested garnish-carrot curls, gr een pepper rings , and carrot tops e Ser es 6~ 2 ROSEF ISH F TILETS AKE .....7" PAI( ISH S I:;E 2 pounds rose fish fillets 1 ba- lea f 1 me dium on i on, s lice d ' 1 teaspoon salt 3 t ablespoons fat or salad i l 1 whol e clo e 1 2 tablespoons flour 2" t as oon ar 2 cups canne d t oma t oes Da sh of er 1 2" green peppe r, diced Coo k on ion in fat· until t e r. ci.e r. Add flour and enc . Add .all t' _. r e- maining in r edi ents ex c ept f i sh and cook, stirrin .. cons antI un il thick ned . Remove bay l eaf and clove . Arrange 'skinned fillets in a shallow, J ased bakir g dish and cove r ylith sauc e . Dake unco ·erE.d in a mo d~ra e 0 35 () for 25 to 30 minutes, or unt i l f i sh f l ake s easil y vlhen t e;stcd wi 1 a f 'Jr\ • Gar n i sh and s er ve hot. Suggeste d' ~a r l! i s h - celer y curls and c el e r ,,- l ea e s . Serve s 6. ' ROSEFISH SALAD 2 c ups c ooked flaked r .osefish 2 tab ::!..e s poons onion , chopp d 1 I, GUp mayonnaise or salad. 'dr e ssi nE 2 hard- cook ci. .g,s , diced I cup cel e r y , diGed ~/8 teaspoon peppe r 2" c,up pea s · ~( t easpoon s alt 2 t abl e spoon s sweet p i~ k l e , diced Being. c ar eful not to br eak fis l1 into tOQ small pi eces, c om ine all in­ gr edie nts and s er ve on lettuce cups r Gar nish wi th to .ato wedges . Se; r':es 6. BOILED ROSEFISH FILLETS 2 pounds ros e fish fillets J t abl espoor.s sal 2 quarts wat er Plac e fillets in a wire basket or on a plate . The pl a E; i: used, should be tied in a p i ec e o f cheesecloth, 10vter the fish into boilin ,, ' sal "'3d fa e and simme r (never boil) , for 10 t o 12 minut s o~ lmtil fLh flak . s easil: when t e s ted with a f ork . Remove fish 'c ar e fully 0 a ~l o t platter . Ga r n~sh and sar e hot vy ith a rich, b right-coldr eD sauc e . SUi:: asted gar li sh - 8c..-? sauce, . ~ : :ican corn , gr een peas and par s l E;Y . Se rv s 6. 3 EGG SA JC~ 2 tablespoons butte r 2 hard- cooked 'e s 2 tabl espoons f lour ~ ... asp00l") s alt 1 cup milk Dash pepper Melt butter in t op of do uble boiler, and blend in the flo AQd • ilk and cook unt:i.l thick 'and smo oth,' stirring canstantl . Chop e sa vin one yo l k . Add. e gg 3 and seasoning , and hea't . Pour hot sau e a e r fish iITL'llediat 1 befor e se rvino • Gar n ish ,:vv i th tr e olk put thr o ,h a ,sieve . Ser es 6 . C REMffiD HOS , ISH 2 cups cooked, flak80 rosefiqh '4 teaspoon salt 3 t.abl e spoons but t er or other fat Da sh pepper 3 table spoons flour 6 patty she lls or 12 b r ead l~ cup s tn il~ timbales or toast trian les Use Boil.:; d Rosei-ish reclpe for coo .ing fille ts . Me lt fat ir. the t op part of a dou 1 boil rand l e d in h f l o Add milk and cook unt.il tl icl ~ and sme :'h, stirr i.'1g co s Jan tl~ . Add and fis h ; heat . Ser T e, ~n patt y shells, bread imbal es, 0 toas rian Su - g~s"Le d garni~ h - papr i ka , l emon we dges , and par s l ey. 12 slices br ead ta l e s oons bu t e r R.em ove crust f r om t r ead . Br ush li::;h tl wit: me l t(d utter . oF i ' into l arg€ -;- size , ' gr t-; ased r.lUffL'1 pans . Bro in in a .oder ate 0 e at 3 , 5 F. or 1 5 miriute s . :~ al.<:es 12 tiI:lO ale s . OVE - FRIED ROSEFISH FILLETS 2 pOw'1ds r osefish fillets 1. cup br ead crUmbs 1 tea s poon salt 4 t abl e spoons but e r or o'ther ' 1 cup milk fat, mel ted Add s al t to milk and m :i.x~ Dip fillets into the m'lk, r oll in crumb s, and place i n a vle11- gr e as€d baking pan . Spr il1kle each f ille t with el ted fat . Bake in a ver y hot oven, 5000 .F . for 8 t o 10 mi nute s or w'1til fish i s br owned ~n d flake s e asily when tes ted with a fork . Serve i.mrnedi atel v on a hot pl atter ~ , plai n or wi th a sauce. Su gested gar n ish - r adish roses and parsley.
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