3.18 MEMS Atomic Clocks Svenja Knappe, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, CO, USA Published by Elsevier B.V. 3.18.1 Introduction to MEMS Atomic Clocks 572 Introduction 572 Vapor Cell Atomic Clocks 573 Coherent Population Trapping 575 CPT in Small Vapor Cells 577 3.18.2 Design and Fabrication 578 Introduction 578 Physics Package 579 Introduction 579 Vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser 580 Vapor cells 581 Optics 584 Heating 585 Magnetic field control 586 Local Oscillator 587 Introduction 587 Oscillator designs for CSAC 588 Other MEMS resonators 588 Control Electronics 590 Packaging 591 3.18.3 Performance 592 Introduction 592 Frequency Stability 592 Introduction 592 Short-term frequency stability 594 Long-term frequency stability 595 Power Consumption 596 Size 597 3.18.4 Advanced Techniques 597 Introduction 597 Resonance Contrast 597 Buffer Gas 599 Spin Exchange 600 Noise Suppression 600 3.18.5 Other CSAC Approaches 600 Introduction 600 End-State CSAC 600 Nanomechanically Regulated CSAC 601 CPT Maser 601 Raman Oscillator 601 Ramsey-Type CPT Interrogation 602 N-Resonances 602 Others 603 3.18.6 Other MEMS Atomic Sensors 603 References 605 571 Comprehensive Microsystems, vol. 3, pp.571 - 612 572 MEMS Atomic Clocks Glossary HBAR High-tone Bulk Acoustic Resonator AM Amplitude Modulation ITO Indium Tin Oxide ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit KOH Potassium Hydroxide CAD Computer-Aided Design LO Local Oscillator CPT Coherent Population Trapping MCXO Microprocessor-Controlled Crystal CSAC Chip-Scale Atomic Clock Oscillators CSAM Chip-Scale Atomic Magnetometer MEMS Microelectromechanical Systems DBR Distributed Bragg Reflector NEMS Nanoelectromechanical Systems DFB Distributed Feedback OCXO Oven-controlled Crystal Oscillator DRIE Deep Reactive Ion Etching STIRAP Stimulated Raman Adiabatic DRO Dielectric Resonator Oscillator Passage EIT Electromagnetically Induced Transparency TCXO Temperature-Compensated Quartz Crystal EOM Electro-Optical Modulator Oscillators FBAR Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator UHV Ultra High Vacuum FM Frequency Modulation VCO Voltage-Controlled Oscillator GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems (e.g., VCSEL Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting GPS, Galileo, Golnass) Lasers 3.18.1 Introduction to MEMS Atomic Chantry et al. 1996, Ho et al. 1998, Koyama et al. Clocks 2000, McClelland et al. 1995, 1996, 1999, Rochat et al. 2002, Suzuki et al. 1998) with volumes around Introduction 100 cm3 and power requirements of a few watts have Frequency references provide the base for a large become commercial standards. They are manufac- number of applications such as digital communica- tured in the tens of thousands for use in cellular tion, navigation systems, synchronization of telecommunication networks (Kusters and Adams networks, or power distribution. As the amount of 1999). Space-qualified versions became critical mem- data transferred increases and data rates become fas- bers of the clock ensembles in Global Navigation ter, more stringent requirements are placed on the Satellite Systems (GNSS). But a large number of timing systems. At the same time applications have portable in-field applications require smaller and become more mobile, increasing the demand for less expensive frequency references with much small low-power frequency references. lower power consumptions. Temperature-compen- Atomic oscillators have provided the most stable sated quartz crystal oscillators (TCXOs) are small frequency references for more than 50 years (Lyons low-power, low-cost devices with relatively good 1950, Quinn 2005, Townes 1951). They provide performance over longer times, which have proven unmatched frequency stability over long periods of useful in such battery-operated portable applications. time (from a few seconds to many years), because Nevertheless, their frequency stability at longer their resonance frequency is determined by the times (one hour to several days) is not sufficient energy transition of the atoms – in contrast to crystal for the requirements of many applications in the oscillators, where the resonance frequency is deter- civil and military navigation and communication mined by the length of the crystal and is therefore sector (Fruehauf 2001, Lee et al. 1996, Murphy and much more susceptible to temperature changes, for Skidmore 1994, Sturza 1984, Vig 1993). Figure 1 example. But in order not to perturb the resonance summarizes typical performances of different com- frequency of the atoms and to probe it, often very mercially available oscillators as a function of complicated setups are required. Therefore, the large averaging time (see Section for an explana- size, cost, and power consumption of most atomic tion of fractional frequency stability). It can be seen clocks have restricted their use in real-world applica- that crystal oscillators can be good frequency refer- tions. Nevertheless, smaller versions of optically ences over short times (see Section, but they pumped rubidium standards (Bloch et al. 1993, are outperformed by atomic clocks at longer times. Comprehensive Microsystems, vol. 3, pp.571-612 MEMS Atomic Clocks 573 10–9 1 hour 1 day 1 week 10–8 s 10–10 –10 10–11 10 10–12 10–12 Allan deviation at 1 10–13 Fractional frequency instability –14 –14 10 10 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Characteristic cell size (m) Averaging time (s) Figure 2 Estimate of the Allan deviation at 1 s as a Figure 1 Typical performance of different commercially function of characteristic cell size for a cell with a available oscillators: cesium beam standard (blue), rubidium 100 kPa nitrogen buffer gas (red) or a paraffin wall coating vapor cell clock (red), oven-controlled crystal oscillator (black). (OCXO, green), temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO, black). et al. 2002). It can be seen that the fractional fre- quency stability of the clock degrades with smaller Furthermore, it can be seen that atomic vapor cell size, because of the more frequent collisions of the clocks also have drifts over very long timescales (see atoms with the cell walls. Nevertheless, stabilities Section below 1 Â 10À10/1/2 seem possible with a cell size The size of the optically pumped rubidium atomic of 1 mm (for an introduction to Allan deviation as a frequency standards (RAFS) is largely limited by the measure of frequency stability, see Section size of the microwave cavity and the power goes Since its proposal in 2002, the field of CSACs has mainly into heating the cell and the lamp. All-optical rapidly progressed, largely due to the establishment clocks were proposed years ago (Cyr et al. 1993, Levi of a CSAC program of the US Defense Advanced et al. 1997), but the lack of reliable, low-noise, easy- Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The goal of this to-use diode lasers at the atomic wavelengths have program is to develop a MEMS atomic clock with a prevented their implementation into commercial frequency instability of 1 Â 10À11 at 1 h of integration clocks. When single-mode vertical-cavity surface- in a package of volume 1 cm3 consuming 30 mW of emitting laser (VCSEL) became available at 852 nm power. While this is still an ongoing project and the (the D2 line of cesium) with large modulation band- goals have not been reached yet, this chapter tries to widths (King et al. 1998), their practicality for outline some of the major developments so far. Since coherent population trapping (CPT) spectroscopy a majority of the work presented here was performed was demonstrated (Affolderbach et al. 2000). Soon under the DARPA project with the goal of product after, the first miniature CPT clock prototype was development, many approaches cannot be reviewed demonstrated (Kitching et al. 2001a, Vanier et al. here in detail, because no published information 2004). The idea to combine this CPT spectroscopy exists. Therefore, this review focuses mainly on with fabrication methods developed for microelec- MEMS clocks based on CPT, as most current tromechanical systems (MEMS) into a chip-scale approaches follow this route and a lot of published atomic clock (CSAC) was proposed (Kitching et al. information exists. Nevertheless, other non-CPT 2002). MEMS fabrication techniques would allow for approaches were successfully demonstrated and small size in an all-optical design and the use of a some of these are reviewed in Section 3.18.5. VCSEL in combination with small volume for corre- spondingly lower power requirements. An estimate Vapor Cell Atomic Clocks of the fractional frequency instability of the clock stability at 1 s of integration as a function of cell size The atoms in the gas phase are chosen for the best is shown in Figure 2 for a 100-kPa N2 buffer gas cell atomic clocks, because it is desirable to have distinct (red) and a paraffin wall coating (black) (Kitching energy levels that are largely unperturbed by the Comprehensive Microsystems, vol.
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