Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana Modena, Novembre 1999 Biostratigraphy and sedimentation of the Vidrieros Formation (middle Famennian-lower Tournaisian) in the Gildar-Mont6 unit (northwest Spain) Javier SANz-LOPEZ Susana GARcfA-LOPEZ José Roman MoNTESINOS Miguel ARBIZU Facu!tade de Ciencias da Educaci6n Facu!tad de Geologia Facu!tade de Ciencias da Educaci6n Facultad de Geologia Universidade da Corufia Universidad de Oviedo Universidade da Corufia Universidad de Oviedo KEYWORDS- Conodonts, Ammonoids, Biostratigraphy, biofacies, Cantabrian Zone ABSTRACT-Famennian to lowermost Tournaisian associations ofconodonts, ammonoids and trilobites have been recorded ftom a section of the Vidrieros Formation in the Cantabrian Zone. The fauna! associations range ftom the Lower marginifera to the sulcata conodont Zones. The location ofDevonian/Carboniferous boundary in the formation has been discussed and lithological, and fauna! changes have been found at the positions ofthe Enkeberg, annulata and Hangenberg Events. The relationships between Famennian conodont associations along the Cantabrian Zone and the changes in the rate of basi n subsidence are outlined. RIASSUNTO- [Biostratigrafia e sedimentologia della Vidrieros Fm. (Famenniano medio - Tournaisiano inf.) nella unità di Gildar- Mont6 (Spagna nordoccidentale)] - In una sezione stratigrafica della formazione Vidrieros misurata nella Zona Cantabrica è stata rinvenuta una fauna a co nodo n ti di età dal Famenniano al Tournaisiano inferiore. Le associazioni, in termini di biostratigrafia a conodonti, sono più precisamente databili dalla Lower marginifera Zone alla sulcata Zone. !!limite Devoniano/Carbonifero è stato individuato, così come cambiamenti litologici e faunistici in posizione agli eventi Enkeberg, annulata e Hangenberg. Sono infine state sottolineate le relazioni fta le associazioni a conodonti del Famenniano e le variazoni del tasso di subsidenza. INTRODUCTION The base of the Vidrieros Formation was dated as lower Famennian by Schindewolf & Kullmann The Cantabrian Zone is the external part of the (1958), and Kullmann (1960), accordingto ammonoid Hercynian orogenic belt in the northwestern Iberian faunas. Later, Budinger & Kullmann (1964) reported peninsula. Devonian outcrops of the Cantabrian Zone a sequence of conodont zones between the Famennian are subdivided in two domains: Asturo-Leonese and and doVI, and Adrichem-Boogaert (1967) Palentine (Brouwer, 1964) (Text-fig. 1). The Asturo- recognised Famennian and lower Tournaisian Leonese domain bordered a hinterland area during the conodonts from severa! sections of the Vidrieros Devonian, the Asturian geanticline of Adrichem Formation (Text-fig. 2). Later, Becker (1976, 1981 and Boogaert (1967) or Asturian mainland of Garda- 1982) analysed some Famennian ostracod faunas, Alcalde & Menéndez-Alvarez (1988). The Palentine Smeenk (1983) indicated the presence of trilobites of domain is considered an allochthonous unit that Famennian age, and Arbizu (1985) and represents the southeastern and deeper continuation Arbizu et al. (1986) reported trilobites of the of the Asturo-Leonese area (Frankenfeld, 1981). Famennian do III and ammonoids of the Later, Famennian rocks of the Palentine domain present Montesinos & Arbizu (1988) determined trilobite a succession composed of the upper part of the Cardano species of the lower part of the Famennian doiV, as Formation (c. 15 m), the Murcia Quartzites (l 00 m) well as associations of Famennian ammonoids. and Vidrieros Formation (100m) ofvan Veen (1965). Only the western an d southern parts of the Asturo- A large number ofbiostratigraphic papers dealing with Leonese domain present lower Famennian rocks Palentine Famennian rocks focused on the Gildar- (External zone of the Asturo-Leonese domain after van Mont6 structural unir (Text-fig. l) of Marqu{nez & Loevezijn, 1986), consisting of 75-150 m of dark Marcos (1984), from which associations of ammonoids, nodular shales and sandstones with intercalations of conodonts, ostracods and trilobites have been conglomerates (Fueyo Formati o n of Comte, 19 36), an d described. The upper Cardano Formation and the 5 to 75 m of alternating sandstones and shales (Ermita Murcia Formation contain lower Famennian faunas Formation of Comte, 1936) with upper Famennian (Arbizu eta!., 1986; Sanz-L6pez eta!., 1997). Middle conodonts (Higgins et al., 1964; Garda-Alcalde & and upper Famennian faunas come from the Vidrieros Menéndez-Alvarez, 1988). The Ermita Formation Formation, composed of shales with interbedded overlies or interfingers with the Fueyo Formation and nodular limestones. This unit is overlain byTournaisian rests disconformably on a varied substrate, which is shales an d cherts of the Vegamian Formation of Com te older towards the Asturian mainland. The siliciclastic (1959). upper part of the Ermita Formation is covered or 394 SANZ-LQPEZ et alii 43o OO'N o 10 20 MESOZOIC-TERTIARY COVER UNCONFORMABLE PALEOZOIC ROCKS IN THE MAJOR THRUST UNITS OF THE CANTABRIAN ZONE STEPHANIAN ROCKS 1111111 PALEOZOIC ROCKS OF THE ASTURO-LEONESE DOMAIN PALENTINE DOMAIN 111111 WESTASTURIAN-LEONESE ZONE ,- ,· PRECAMBRIAN :.:.:. LA SOBIA- t=;I;I PICOS DE D CENTRAL COAL r:-=-=l PISUERGA- ffi! •· •·.• BODON UNITS EUROPA BASIN " ' ROCKS (NARCEA CORRECILLA UNITS t:::::I::I t.::.:J CARRION ' ' ANTIFORM) UNI T Text-fìg. l - Geologica! map of the Cantabrian Zone with location of stratigraphic sections referred: section l is a typical section of the Asturian-Leonese domain. Sections 2 are located in the External part of the Asturian-Leonese domain (van Loevezijn, 1986). This External part includes rocks of the western and southern parts of the Somiedo-Correcilla and Esla units. Area 3 is the position of the Gildar-Mont6 uni t. substituted locally by l to 12 m of bioclastic with the biostratigraphical frame known for the limestones (Baleas Formation ofWagner et al., 1971) Famennian of the Cantabrian Zone. with conodonts of the expansa to sulcata Zones (Garda-Alcalde & Menéndez-Alvarez, 1988; Menéndez-Alvarez, 1991). THE STRATIGRAPHIC SUCCESSION The present paper describes the conodont content and distribution of the Vidrieros Formation in the The Pefia Quebrada section is located south of the stratigraphic section of Pefia Quebrada, Palentine locality of Caldevilla, in the high hills a t the southern domai n (Text-fig. l). Conodont associations are Valde6n valley (Le6n) (Text-fig. 1). This succession was correlated with the conodont zonal subdivision described by Montesinos & Arbizu (1988), and it proposed by Ziegler & Sandberg (1984, 1990). The corresponds to: the F outcrop in the Monto area of Pefia Quebrada section has a great regional interest, Kullmann (1960), the section described in Budinger because several important faunal groups, such as & Kullmann (1964), section CALli of Adrichem- ammonoids, conodonts, ostracods and trilobites, have Boogaert (1967), and locality 110/3 ofBecker (1981). been studied there. In this paper, the referred faunas In this paper, we follow the subdivision of the Pefia are checked (ammonoids by Montesinos, and trilobites Quebrada succession made by Montesinos & Arbizu by Arbizu), and new conodont data are provided (Sanz- (1988) (Text-figs. 2-3). L6pez and Garda-L6pez). The results are compared Unit l overlies above sandstones of the Murcia &, C(Q N \Oç:C/l00 _,., N -n ::l"' "'::l o::l o...= ......o o- .... 11 Polygnathus glaber glaber (b - · 11 - 11 Pal. p. schindewolfi c:r o..;:; · 11 ---------------------------------- D D IO Poi. c. communis 11 ---11 "Aiternognathus subserratus" sensu Adrichem-Boogaert 11- 11 ------ - - - - - - - --D- -----D- --- 11 D DPa/matolepis gracilis gracilis 11--------------- DPal. distorta 11 11 lcriodus cornutus ::r..., 11 11 Po/ygnathus nodocostatus nodocostatus 11 11 Po/ygnathus cf. pennatuloideus -5-'·a a 11 11- ----· 11 Po/ygnathus? diversus t;j - · 11 Palmatolepis minuta minuta " "Mehlina strigosa ------------------- x--------- " " Palmatolepis marf!inifera 5:1.,d(JQ "'.... xPa/. glabra pnma 11 Branmehla ampia D - - - - - - - - - - - - D Scaphignathus velifer (D _...._:::n perlobata sigmoidea Bispathodus stabllts x- ----11- - - . 11 ::l 0\"' Branmehla inornatax- --- - 11 0...---.Jr;::' Branmehla bohlenana D --- - D -::;-:-n Bispathodus jugosus" Bispathodus acu/eatus l(] ,_.::lo> Bispathodus costatus D- -11 ---.J0-0... Bispathodus spinulicostatus .., lO Vl" s-."' Pseudopolygnathus nodomarginatusx Polygnathus longiposticus 11- -- 11 Bispathoaus ultimus D 20::r Potvgnathus inornatus 11 ' r ' ' o g g g ' ..:::!"' DD l quadrantinodosa : "' O...NM cn CJ Upper cropida Q) i 3:§ b. :l ' c. ' c. ' ' Q, ' ' CD o - Q) :l :lc. tTJoo •- ---------- • --•- - • • Bairdia (Rectobardia) cf. philippovae. x (JQ Q IO • - Richterina stria tula - • --• • --· • ------------ •• --- ---•- --· • • ---- •- - • • • - --•- - - ---- • Processobairdia spinanterocerata a<D :l •- · •- --·!l. Processobardia bulla "'::l "o....., o.. •- -• --eoi- •- - • ---• - - •- --·•• --eBardia (Bardia) feliumgibba IJ) ;r •- ·•- · ••- ·•-- •---•-- •--- •• --•Bardia(B.)sp.B Q) •- ·•--••- ·• • •--- • B. (B.) nidensis ::r..., •- ·•--••- ·• • •--- • B. (Sbgn.A) comvelifera •- ·•--••--- • •---•-- •----•-- ••Acratia cf. rostrataformis o...... "'" c:ro if • Acratia postspina -""'cr •- ·•--••- ·• •---- -•-- •---- • Ceratacratia cerata cno ::r 1:: - •- ·•- -••-- -•---- -•-- •--- ·• Tricornina (Bohemina)paragracilis o .... " • Tricornina (Bohemina)leongraci/is -i o g--o e- - - • Parabairdiacyp,ris ? pa/enciana (JQ ..., o .., - - .., . ., "Tubulibairdia
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