Public Strategy & Delivery Committee Tue 11 May 2021, 09:00 - 12:30 MS Teams Agenda 1. Standing Items Michael Imperato 1.1. Welcome & Introductions Michael Imperato 1.2. Apologies for Absence Michael Imperato 1.3. Declarations of Interest Michael Imperato 1.4. Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th March 2021 Michael Imperato 1.4 - Public Minutes - Strategy & Delivery Committee v3 -March 2021 AF.NF Final.pdf (14 pages) 1.5. Action Log of the Meeting held on 9th March 2021 Michael Imperato 1.5 - Public Action Log - 09-03-2021 v3.pdf (2 pages) 1.6. Chair’s Action taken following meeting held on 9th March 2021 Michael Imperato 2. Items for Approval 2.1. Draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) report Karen May , Fiona McGinigle, Paul Burns 2.1 - Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) report je.pdf (3 pages) 2.1.1 - Appendix 1 CV UHB PNA Timeline April 2021.pdf (1 pages) 2.1.2 - Appendix 2 Cardiff and Vale Draft PNA.pdf (318 pages) 2.1.3 - Appendix 3 CV PNA EHIA.pdf (24 pages) Khan,Raj 2.2. Strategic Equality Plan – Action Plan 05/06/2021 17:00:36 Rachel Gidman, Keithley Wilkinson 2.2 - Strategic Equality Plan - Action Plan je.pdf (2 pages) 2.2.1 - Appendix 1 - SEP Delivery Plan 2020-2022 Caring about Inclusion.pdf (6 pages) 2.3. Employment Policies for Approval Rachel Gidman (A) Respect and Resolution Policy (B) Special Leave Policy (C) Recruitment and Retention Policy 2.3 - Employment policies report May 2021 je.pdf (4 pages) 2.3.1 (a) - Respect and Resolution Policy 1 May 21.pdf (25 pages) 2.3.2 (b) - Special Leave Policy - 2 May 21.pdf (17 pages) 2.3.3 (c) - Recruitment and Retention Policy - 3 May 21.pdf (12 pages) 2.4. No Smoking and Smoke Free Environment Policy Fiona Kinghorn 2.4 - No Smoking and Smoke Free Environment Policy FINAL V1 je.pdf (3 pages) 3. Items for Review and Assurance 3.1. Recovery Planning Update – Presentation Steve Curry 3.2. Shaping Our Future Wellbeing Strategy (SOFW) Update : Abigail Harris (A) Flash Update (B) Deep Dive - (Rehabilitation Model Implementation) 3.2 (B) - SOFW Update - Deep Dive.pdf (2 pages) 3.3. Strategy & Delivery Dashboard Demo Update David Thomas VERBAL 3.4. People and Culture Rachel Gidman VERBAL 3.5. Performance Reports Steve Curry / Rachel Gidman (a) Organisation Key Performance Indicators (b) Workforce Key Performance Indicators 3.5 - (a) Performance Report - Operational Indicators 11 05 21.pdf (6 pages) 3.5 (b) - Workforce & OD Performance KPI Dashboard Reports je.pdf (3 pages) 3.5 (b) - Workforce & OD KPI Dashboard Report Mar-21 - Appendix 1b.pdf (1 pages) 3.6. Board Assurance Framework Nicola Foreman Khan,Raj 3.6 - Board Assurance Framework (BAF) Report je.pdf (3 pages) 05/06/2021 17:00:36 4. Items for Noting and Information 4.1. Induction Support For New Committee Members Nicola Foreman VERBAL 5. Review of the Meeting Michael Imperato 6. Date & Time of Next Meeting:Tuesday 13th July 2021 at 09:00am Via MS Teams Khan,Raj 05/06/2021 17:00:36 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Strategy & Delivery Committee Tuesday 9th March 2021 – 9:00am – 12:00pm Via MS Teams Chair: Michael Imperato MI Committee Chair Members: Sara Moseley SM Committee Vice Chair & Independent Member – Third Sector Rhian Thomas RT Independent Member – Estates In attendance: Abigail Harris AH Executive Director of Strategic Planning Caroline Bird CB Deputy Chief Operating Officer Ceri Dallimore CD Principal Informatics Analyst Dan Crossland DC Transformation and Innovation Lead Occupational Therapy David Thomas DT Director of Digital Health Intelligence Fiona Kinghorn FK Executive Director of Public Health Lee Davies LD Operational Planning Director Neil Jones NJ Consultant Community Addictions Unit Nicola Foreman NF Director of Corporate Governance Rachel Gidman MD Interim Executive Director of Workforce & Organisational Development Scott Mclean SM Director of Operations – Children & Women Stuart Walker SW Executive Medical Director Secretariat Raj Khan RK Corporate Governance Officer Apologies: Gary Baxter GB Independent Member – University Steve Curry SC Chief Operating Officer S&D 21/03/001 Welcome & Introductions Action The Committee Chair (CC) welcomed everyone to the meeting. S&D 21/03/002 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were noted. S&D 21/03/003 Declarations of Interest Independent Member – Third Sector (IM-TS) declared an interest as the Director of Mind Cymru S&D 21/03/004 Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 12th January 2021 Khan,Raj 05/06/2021 17:00:36 The Committee reviewed the minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2021. Executive Director of Public Health stated in relation to S & D 21/01/014: Healthy eating standards: 1/14 1/446 Paragraph 1, should say ‘where 75% of the food and drink consists of healthier options’ not ‘could be’ Resolved that: (a) The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2021 as a true and accurate record pending the update. S&D 21/03/005 Action Log following the Meeting held on 12th January 2021 The Committee reviewed the action log and the following comments and updates were made: S&D 15/09/007 - Strategic Equality Plan – Action Plan – the Interim Executive Director of Workforce & Organisational Development (EDWOD) stated she would follow up with the Equalities Manager to bring this back to the next meeting The Director of Corporate Governance (DCG) and Director of Digital Health Intelligence (DDHI) confirmed that the integrated performance report would be taken to the May Board meeting. The remaining actions were confirmed to be completed or on the agenda for the meeting. Resolved that: (a) The Committee noted the Action Log. S&D 21/03/006 Chair’s Action taken following the meeting held on 12th January 2021 The CC and IM-TS met with the Equalities Manager and had followed up with him regarding the Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Policy. The CC as part of the Wales Vice-chairs meeting had met with Eluned Morgan - Mental Health Minister who had stated that her focus was on CAHMS and the CC confirmed that it was opportune that the committee was focusing on the topic today. The CC highlighted the Mental Health Minister’s interest in the Welsh Language Strategy and that she would want Health Boards to capture and measure developments and improvements in Welsh language. The Interim Executive Director of Workforce & Organisational Development (EDWOD) reassured the CC that this was happening and that there was an Equality & Welsh Language Group from which they RG Khan,Raj 05/06/2021 17:00:36 monitor outcomes. She offered to bring this back to a future committee meeting to which the CC agreed. 2/14 2/446 S&D 21/03/007 Employment Policies for Approval (a) Job Planning Procedure The Executive Medical Director (EMD) stated that this had taken a year, which included a 5–6-month negotiation with BMA, which did not result in a consensus result although many of the recommendations were considered. The EMD confirmed that the procedure was there to support the implementation of a uniform, fair, equitable, and transparent job planning process for all consultants. The EMD added that this came out of the need to properly job plan all senior medical staff and an internal audit saying they had limited assurance on their job planning processes. The EMD stated that it was partly written from fresh, partly taken from an older version, and partly taken from a Hywel Dda equivalent. He had circulated to all other health boards at their request as they wanted to utilise it themselves. The EMD advised that the procedure had come to the committee for sign off and he felt that it was a good piece of work with many keen to get the process started. He mentioned that they had started uploading job plans electronically a few weeks previously which had increased to 20% of all plans. IM-TS queried if there was anything that needed to be highlighted in terms of risk The EMD highlighted that the biggest risk was the balance of job plan in the delivery of direct critical care (DCC) and supporting professional activities (SPA). The EMD stated that in the English contracts, it says consultants will have on average 7.5 DCC and 2.5 SPA but the Welsh contract says typically consultants will have 7 DCC and 3 SPA. He highlighted that it says “typically” which was a deliberate obfuscation in the contract due to Welsh Government and BMA not agreeing. He advised that the way people were interpreting this was on the basis that they had an entitlement to 3 SPA’s which was not what the procedure said. All new Welsh job plans have to get Royal College approval and have to have 3 SPAs. Resolved that: (a) the committee APPROVED the Job Planning Procedure S&D 21/03/008 Research & Delivery Strategy 2021-2024 Khan,Raj 05/06/2021 17:00:36 The EMD reminded members that he brought the 3 year strategy to the committee the previous year for sign off. Since then, a number of things had changed i.e. Covid, research response & learning, UHW2 and additional thinking about what a learning healthcare system means. Another change he highlighted was the ongoing relationship with Cardiff 3/14 3/446 University and how this was getting stronger. The EMD stated that all these things made them think that they needed to refresh the strategy already rather than wait another 3 years. Resolved that: (a) the committee NOTED the contents of the re-written strategy, and APPROVED its contents and the direction of travel of the Health Board’s R+D services.
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