Dinah Shore and on Campaign I111964 - 4 .- Universitymethodist Church,Austin - � 1

Dinah Shore and on Campaign I111964 - 4 .- Universitymethodist Church,Austin - � 1

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: DINAHSHORE Freedom of Information » e and ~» Privacy ~' . E»-.-4., . ,-~ svBJE¢T e > -I If-?:_.". "-P, -v_:__' FILE NUMBER _,3,2<_ /JQQ3-£7.57 '' ""<.- -ow. - /P p"""'4 - b$? 3 45$ 4; <3; z} owK JQ 4 Z1 $1 fr sf: 4, ¢,¢¬"»Z X} $4? v..Q of 921" ' IQ"pl __ Federal Bureaueof Investigation . _ V. _- , __,, . .-v..v.._.._-,, _., ~ _,_. __,.,_. -_.,,,,_,,,_. ,..,__.,._..._..._._._._.__,R~..,--_._.......-.__,_.__._ .,._.,. ._ I D. i ornounroam92o no. D-r 0 l- I, 2s*7 . - UNITEDSTATES GOVERI»,ANT _ 4 » ETHIIQM 8 Callahan Mem0randun'§'T~s -T ~ ~-"""T y L~_;.»*W£ To IMR.'rRoT'1'1;é¬_:3J>*92 A om:3-17-61 S . ~ ¥;?;.$§iii;"_t FROM : A. K. Gondy,___._-- ' lnqrmgré SUBJECT W KNOWN TDENTIFICATION.s. SECRET MATTERO MumsSERVICE /5,,,~;¢,'J / v_Q.; 3 N ' _@£:;E.1I/!'?£}'IfG»»_ <- ,,,,..-,.w---»"""-"""""""M 3 ifesterday, we received request from Washington Field Office of U. S. Secret Serviceto check 13 names in our ngerprint indices to see whether we . entertainers,have any arrest recordsincluding that Diiaahggdre,a be possiblywho identical.willperform Thesethe at areRadio names- Television of V Correspondents dinner here in Washingtontomorrow night, which President Kennedy I is Planningto attend. ' - ¢ i ~' §>_Wefound record in searching these names A 5 h ame is A 41 192 I ase on same date and place i IF-iii arrestedby1 CityNewPolice on 1 I 92 infiles Ident.Secret of Service is being advised today 4 of results of these name checks ACTION: . ' /at For information. 92 1 x 7%. 1/ 92 z%I!{B:sx:1/3,00'' -»~= I r-. " _.»/ R£ >.62' /50$;is? I /ji/-any 1-Mr.DeLoach' * a "*-'*~'-*4-Pw1 1 - Mr. Belmont attentionLiaison Section!A I MAR271961 t P 1 - iii ~' "'" - '"-'*~ ~»----'-=1--.>¢..|§ '- - 1 1 , . - j *.<_-- .~ 95 *1. Ct,-1 J44 i 5 4 Freedom ofInformation - and " Privacy Acts SUBJECT Z2jQQéQségmi FILE NUMBERQ 3Q£f-3/ ~ 4¢"."'~o ¢ENT OFJ0 _. Y 4;; {Y 4}} Q. ~»f"<1 1:»$4: Q Q 6 A ¬4U OF "_ ' in-"19 Federal Bureau of Investigation ___.-_._____,_ Mm. mm ____ FEDERAL FFUR[P¥.'0? .21-.E~T¥Cf92|l0N Mm. DdhnanL.._... U S. DEPARTMENI OFJUSTICE M-Il. nbht.._._._.. commumcmoms CTION Mm @¥=?l1*a?ran__. SEP' 1 » TELE" _ E Mr, MI, R gen Sullivan - a Mr. Tave!_.___ 1W1", '-fl-otter Tl, Room Mr. lnx'ram.___ RE Mil Ggndy __'*_¥_'_v¢- EL ERRED 9 25-61 43h FM RJL TO DIRECTOR, FBI /92-3088/ FROM SAC HICAGO /92-348/ 2P -G-p AKA. AR. DAILY SUMMARY;M L ' ADVISEDTHATHAS A LwAYs 'CONSIDEREDire BE THE s1" INTELLIGENT AND CAPABLE or THIS INFORMANT ADVIQED THAT I DVIQED .w AT"ma IN rxrmzs, MID E 4 DINAH ===== SPORE-Q TV EROQPQ@,wAND A CLOQL ::P" ASSOCIATE or ND W S BECOME SEP 2b -- END FACL ONE 2 J -z ¢. '/,92.492r_ .3 -5 LI *1 . qy 75 7P AM COPY SENT TO LOS ANGELES. 'liD~ A _ 0.. - ',-' _ CORRECTIO N PLS. E--~NlNE/%%E%NE ~SEGO%"" V OULD BE / MARITAL/ ' " ' .. , ,, __x , 1- . 92 92~ .7 mm AND ACK 1-on TWO PLS -,-,- . >- V WA 5-39 P M OK.FBI WAMSL RECEIVEUTWOon ."v ._» r ' - n 40 = ¬ h _ - _ - _ - I TU DIS» . " A "'""' "8. 92d& '1'~ . ., I .- v I z Freedam ofInformation e W and L Privacy Acts» I . ~-" . -> .-. SUBJECT 12/936, E5355 FILE NUMBERé3- Q-QQQZQZ, Qo""""4 45* F10 v ~13 $1° 1;-*~"*» * Q 13 ¢, <1153> $194 Y &¬4Uor *4Q. N--"--0" Federal Bureau of Investigation . =92 " ft é =5 , . t i Za». % 7 Qctober so, 1975 _ ' ¢ _L_ _ _ Qliséliellaneouso-Non_-S|1:i:vor;;iv| 3'. 92 ¬_H-u é I .003 . Du: 'binim§ ,. W . It was a real phunza to neat you during _ the tap1ng§o£ ymu: show Tuesday. I qrcgtly Qpp:'Q- MM @111"! rw-= wrwiwlrwnl and the mm: "Lu mm you haadlodnylntcrvlaw. ~ ' - _.» - ~:4 1 L I anpleuqd up! nxicournqod by Q L V 1;: _ r - in pzabllclslaq . ' 6: 5 .2 »»~;1~¬»-4' ~ . .;~_._,.F, ». -.-92 ' =~;'- - > A , , '_ * would cthazvlu ' ~*- ' V _ ,-, » - A . 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