UNGER MEMORIAL LJURARY -825 AUSTIN STRI:.CT PLAINVIEW, TEXAS 79 U 7 2-72J~ Friday, May 31 , 1985 Issue Number 22 59th Year Voice of BuHalo Country Top Left : A lIery special moment s exchanged between board • member, Vaughn Ginn and Jaughter, Su san Ginn os the , proud father pre se nt s his ENJOYING THE WARM SUMMER DAYS and a walk on Main Street . jaughter With her diploma are Brandi Collin s, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Collins, and Top Right : Superin ten den t Be rt Skye Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mr s. Kim Po rter . Grimes changes the ta ss el on Stacy Swopes ' cop Center: Odell Selfridge IS City Manager's Report presented hl ~ diploma by Jim By Jesse Nave By rd . president of th e school board MOSQUITOES communication for Emergency Below : The Clo ss of 1985 The recent rains halle helped calls by purchasing pagers that presented the audience with produce breeding places for the will be carried by the E.M. T. ' soThe response time will be reduced special mu sIc mOSqUitoe S.. The Ci.ty is trying to and the core will be the best ever _f/Jos vt~k eep the mosquito population (;:V-" t _ below hazard lellel by treating ' in Petersburg. Petersbu rg is ~.;; ~ the breeding places, mawinQ fortunate to have the E.M .!:l . ~Clipts ~ . weed s and spraying . Residents personnel that we have trained are asked to mow weeds and for emergency care. Petersburg Co ·op Groin Elellator spray th eir ellergreen trees to VACANT LOTS IS proud to announce the first eliminate their resting places. The city will be mowing lIacant load of wheat brought in by Mr. There isn 't anyway to com pletely lots and billing the owner. Weeds M .J. Scarborough of Petersburg. rid the town of the pests but we need to be kept mowed for The load was 31 ,000 Ibs , 9.4 can keep th e population down to selleral reasons, it looks nice, moisture co ntent and a test tolerable level keeps mosquitoes away, helps the weight of 64 The dote of the E.M.S. town look neat and clean and it load was on May 29, 1985 . Friday . May 24 , 1985 , Tom Suits eliminates many complaints. A good·by Ice·cream super by was token to SI. Mary' s Hospital. CITY COUNCIL MEETS the community was held May Attendants were Mike Perry, The City Council will meet 28th for the Jerry Kunkel family, Eugene Green and Jesse NOlie. Monday, June 3, 1985 at 7:00 p .m. at the football field The Kunkels The E.M S. will update the at 1524 Main Street . are being sen t to th e Amarillo Trinity United Methodist Church, as pastor family. There was a lot of Ice cream, 1936 Study. Club News cookies , and coke. Ellerybody Reporter, ate more than the)' needed but it Sue Boyd Mrs. Henry Scarborough was was enjoyed by all the program leader. She hod is the schedule for The home of Mrs. G. R. Sell was Fo~owing asked Shirley Overstreet to Sumtner Baseball. The first team the setting of the 1936 Study Club meeting and installation of conduct the installation of new listed for each game will be the officers, Wednesday, May 22, officers for the coming year. The " home team " so fans will know 1985 . topic was "Chains of Responsi ­ where to si t Bess Millican led the group of bility" . Three links were given to June 1 (Saturday, 1: 30) - T· members, in the reciting of the each officer, challenging them to Boll · Petersburg Agri Service liS club collect, in unison prior to keep the chain strong by working Gory's Service Center. 11 , 12, 13 business . and pulling tog" ther. Each was June4 (Tuesday, 6: 15 ) T·Ball - Preside nt , Minnie Belle gillen a different responsibility to J&R Automotive vS PAS 8,9, 10 Hamilton osked each to briefly do and keep the thought in mind June 7 i Fridoy, 6: 15 ) T-Ball - tell their summer plans as this of unity. Gory's liS J&R 11 , 12, 13 was their last meeting. Business Success depends on this! June 11 (Tuesday, 6: 15 ) T-Ball ' session of minutes, treasurer' s The hostess served delightful - Gory's vs PAS 8,9, 10 'report and announcements were refreshments after adjournment. June 14 (Friday, 6:15 ) T-Ball- mode. J&R vs Gory's 8,9,10 June 21 (Friday, 6: 15 ) T·Ball ­ PAS liS J&R 11 , 12,13 Annual Fishin' Trip Tourneys - June 15-22 · 8,9, 10 The male members of the school were carp. The largest fish was a Abernathy. June 22 ·29 faculty took their annual fishing crappie caught by Vaughn " Stink 11 , 12 , 13 Idalou. trip to Bert Grimes' lakehouse on Bait", Ginn. Lake Kemp May 24 through the Records set at this conclalle Two Students 27th . Euphemistically known as were as follows: Graduation 1985 the " Pete rsburg Bo ss Club", the I. Most lures lost during a single Named to SPC faculty members join together week-end. each year for their "Annual 2. Most sandwiches consumed by Ybarra , Su~an DeVon Gin, Rube n Twenty·elght ~en l ors receilled Benediction , Billy Chandler Honor lists Fishin ' Trip and Tobacco Spiltin' ten people in a two day period. Rodriquez , Ester Champion , Contest. diplomas of graduation at ReceHional, Coral JeHe Two students from Petersburg, 3. This was the first time 01' larQe Ji mmy Joso, Diona Lynn Ramos, exermes schedu led May 23 , at Diplomas were presented to th e Michael Roden and Trina Zuber, Thi s year, as in all years, Mo~th " did not get thrown Jimmy Cruz , Rita Ann Shedd, and th e high sc hool auditorium. following members of th e senior have been named to the members of the club were to and/ or fall in the lake. Antonio Garza, Jr . The following program was class. President' s and Dean 's Honor refrain from such things as 4_ The most thrashed boat motors Marshalb included Mary gillen Sandra Gutierrez, Stacy Ree ce Lists at. South Plains College for combin ', shavin', bathin', brushin' in a week-end, Quiroz and Glen Martin. Ushers Processional, Carol Jesse Swopes, Margaret Willois the 1985 spring semester . or talkin ' shop . The penalty for The· only thing which caused were Coral Dallis, Darlene Inllocation , Meg Morrison Morrison, Lorry Odell Selfridge, To qualify for placement on such activities was to be sent home any hard feelings was when Henley, Bobby Garrett and Mark Welcome, Lezli W ienke Deirdre' Ann Watson, Moria the President's list, Michael at their or their willes' expense. Brothers, Don "Perch Fin" Raphel Finker. Closs History, Laurie King Rebecca Gutierrez, Johnny Lee Roden maintained a 4.0 or Several members were caught and Clint "Night Crawler" [add Senior Plans , Stacy Swopes Rodriquez, Rebecca Lynn Martin, Mrs . Sharla Garrett and Coach "straight A" grade point doing such things as washin' their inllited the "0/' Large Mouth to Music , Senior Class Kelly Gene Smally, Julie Ann Joe Robertson are class sponsors. overage for the semester. Trina hands prior to eatin', however, no ride in their boot, ~arge Mouth Farewell, Sondra Gutierrez Ramos , Michelle Christine Closs Colors are RayalBlueand Zuber maintianed a grade point member received punishment as was required to sit in the front of . Presentation of Senior Closs, lucero Dallid lee Ramos Mary Peach . Class Flower IS Lavender average of 3.25 or better, to no soap was used, the boot because Ladd & Raphel . J.M. Horrell Helen ' Cedillo, Toribio 'Lopez, Rose and the Class Motto is "The qualify for the Dean's list. All did not have a windshield on the Presentation of Diplomas, Bert t Lezlie Clair Wienke, laurie future belongs to those who honor students must enroll for a Fish were actually caught by boat. "01' Large Mouth got so wet Grimes and Jim Byrd le'Anne King William Gardner believe in the beauty of their own minimum of 12 semester hours. most of the brother members_ It that he was afraid that he might School Song , Sandra Chandler, N~ncy Reyes Garcia, drea~s." Peter$~urg H,igh Sc~ool "We wish to, extend our might be noted that, in previous be accused of taking a bath_ The Gutierrez and Becky Gutierrez Scotty Wade Bruington, Isabel Superintendent IS Mr. Bert Grimes congratulations to ' these fine years, the trips were considered a penalty for bathin'_i. to be baiTed and Principal is Mr. J. M . Horrell. students who have demon- success if one of the members from two annual fishi"' trips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~~d~eacademke«ellence caug~ ~ ~ad one fi~ _ The Brother members who w.... in Daniels, Shane Miller, Shay · Mayo as Reporter. which is found at South Plains action .tarted early when James· attendance we ...: "Chief 4-H members won't meet · . --- othe · k 4-H News Miler,I CI inton N orwoo,d an d ColI~," said Dr. Bud Joyner, ~sey, rw"e" nO\llfn as Cook and Iottte W,..- Terry Norwood. Our leader was again until fall. vice pre5ident for acodemic 8~ther Laroe ~ , coUOht a Steve "Crappie " By Amber Mayo Penny' Miller and guest was....l.l .................~ ... ,.......... ~Hlr""affairs. "We are always proud (off,.., during the fIrst hour of Clint "N9rt Cra""''' La The Petersburg 4-H Club met. Donna Moore, of the students who are named angline· Cudas for the I'ftOIt filh .,.ock'-..... .,.0- Monday May 20, 1985, There Club officers were elect.d. to the """'nt's and OIan', .caught Trav", "The 01' .
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