'aBO». GOA.-& 1 Panaji, 14th September, 1979 (Bha:dra 23,1901) SERIES II No. 24 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU EXTRf\ORDINf\RY 10) Letter dated 4-9-1978 from Shri K. P. Dessai, GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN E~25-Aquem-Alto Margao-Goa. 11) Letter No. nil dated 4-9-1978 from the Chair­ AND DIU man Kasarpal Group V. K. S~ S. Society Ltd., o Kasarpal Bicholim Goa alongwith the copy of resolution No. 6 of the proceedings of the local Administration and Welfare Department managing committee meeting held on 3-9-1978. 12) Letter No. SBS/78/79/562 dated 11-9-1978 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies from Shri J. A. Rane-Corlim Mapusa Goa. No. RSR/Seva/Sanjivani/Vol. IV/78 13) Letter No. 18/78/79 dated 12-9-1978 from the Chairman Rivona V. K. S. S. SOCiety Ltd., Read: 1) Bye-laws of Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari Rivona Sanguem Goa. Sanstha Ltd. Panaji. 14) Letter No. nil dated 25-9-1978 from Secretary 2) Bye-laws' of the Primary Agril. CwlltjM. P. Shri Mahalaxmi V. K. S S. Society Ltd., Service Cooperative Societies listed in the Netravali, Sanguem Goa enclosing therev.ri.th Annexure I. the copy of the resolution No. 5 of the pro­ ceedings of the managing committee, meeting 3) The audit report of the Sanjivani Bagayatdar held on 4-8-1978. Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., for the years 1972-73, 1973-74, 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77 and proforma (I) The Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari Sansilia Ltd., was (provisional) statement of accounts of the registered on 30-4-1968 as a Resource society with Goa Dis~ society for 1977-78. trict as its area of operation. The society was reorganised mainly with the object of extending S. T. M T. loans to needy 4) The report of the "Pradhan Committee" on bigger cultivators for sugarcane and bagayati crops (Horti­ the reorganisation of Primary Agril. Credit cultural crops), distribution of fertilizer in Goa District, Coop. SOCieties into lead societies in the com­ operation of irrigation schemes established by Government, mand area of the Sanjivani Sallakari Sakhar guide the beneficiaries covered under the irrigation schemes Karkhana Ltd., Panaji. towards sugarcane cultivation, processing of agriculture 5) This office letter No. PRD-(a)-3/Goa/VoI. 1/78 produce and its marketing, cultivation of Government waste dated 13-6-1978 sent to the Chairman, the lands under food and commercial crops and establishment Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd., in terms of seed farms for paddy, pine~apple, sugarcane and coconut of Sectioll 17A(1) of Maharashtra Coopera­ seedlings. tive Societies Act, 1960 as applied to the (II) The society carried out the objectives of extending Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu loans, sale of fertilisers against the kind component of loans read with Rule 14A(1) for calling the opinion extended to the farmers till December 1970. The society on the draft scheme of division and amalga­ entered into the processing line by establishing a jaggery I mation of Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari manufacturing unit in Satari taluka and thereafter a·modern Sanstha Ltd. jaggery plant at Piliem Darbandora. The jaggery manufac­ 6) This office letter No. RSR/Seva/Sanjivani! turing activities however proved to be a loosing proposition. Vol. IV/78 dated 12-7-1978 forwarding there­ The cUtssification of the society was also changed from the with the draft !'3cheme for diVision of amalga­ "Resource society" to the "Agricultural Processing Society" mation to the Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari vide this office memo No. PRD/(a)/3-Goa dated 28th Decem­ Sanstha Ltd., and otheF societies in terms _of ber 1970, since the society started jaggery manufacturing Ii aCtiVities. Section 17A(1) read with Rule 14A(1). .7) The letter No. Govt./RCS/3216 dated 3rd July (ITI) The Sanjivani Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., was 1978 from the Chairman, the Goa state Coop._ established on 15th August 1970. It went into production in Bank Ltd., Panaji. the year 1973-74. With the sugar factory going into production, the cane produced in the area of operation of the Sugar Fac­ 8) Letter No. 30/78-79 dated 19-8-1978 from the tory got diverted for _sugar production and the jaggery plant Vice Chainnan, Darbandora V. K. S. S. of Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., became idle. SOCiety Ltd., Darbandora Sanguem enclOSing The Bagayatdar Society sold this plant to two agencies for therewith the copy of the resolution No.4 of the total value of Rs. 2.53 lakhs. the proceedings of the Managing Committee meeting held on 19-8-1978. (IV) In the year 1974-75 the Sanjivani Bagayatdar Saha­ kari Sanstha Ltd., with the collaboration of Shaw Wallace 9) Proceedings of the special general bQ(;ly meet­ & Cp. started pro-duction of fertiliser mixture at Sancoale ing held on 10-8-1978 forward~d by the Baga­ Industrial Estate. This hand mixed fertiliser was supplied yatdar society vide letter No. 1-78-79-547 dated to the loanee against the ki~d component of Agricultural I 26-8-1978. short term loan. This activity _continued in the years 1974~ 75 ·ce. 264 SERIES II No. 24 and 1975-76 when there was acute shortage of fertilisers in for the purpose of securing the proper· management any' this Territory. But when the granulated fertiliser mixtures society that the two or more societies should be amalg~:"· of 4'tdig~npus manufacturing companies were readily available mated or any society should be divided. Therefore, ·out· of" the members declined to receive the hand mixed fertiliser of the three matt-ers on what matter ihe proposed division the society and therefore, the 'fertiliser mixing activity and .a~d amalgamation is based. its sale came to a stand still. (c) The members have invested money in this society· (V) Since year 1976-77 the activities of the society have for seeking the benefit and not for benefiting others. It remained confined only to disbursement of S. T. and M. T. does not mean that the department has to act in any way.. loans to its members mainly towards the sugarcane culti­ vation and no activities of agricultural processing are car­ (d) The society gained profit of Rs. 86,621-12 till 1976-77 ried out. and in the year 1977-78 it has gained further profit of Rs. 82,369-62, thu~ the total profit is Rs. 1,69,060-74 and The present working of the society is not different from under such a position and when there is likelihood of" that of Primary Agricultural Credit or multipurpose service getting dividend by members and when the share capital cooperative societies. is intact there is possibility of diminishing the value of shares from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 1/- if the society is merged with other (VI) In the "Pradhan Committee" report on the reorga­ societies. nisation of Primary Agril. Credit societies in the command area of Sanjivani Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., it has (e) The members are not interested in closure of the been suggested for taking suitable steps for transfer of society and if the department is interested in closure of· loan business of Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari Sanstha the society than the share capital contribution from members Ltd., to the respective lead society or reorganised sqcieties be refUnded and the members are prepared to refund the· with commencement of trial production season of the sugar loan. However the members are against the society's division factory. and amalgamation. (VII) The village level primary agricultural credit so­ (f) Closure of the society, means it is encroachment on cieties in Pernem and Canacona Talukas have been reorga­ the basic. rights of the members and therefore, the registrar nised into a single taluka level farmers' service cooperative cannot act without the consent of the members. The members societies for providing integrated credit and allied facilities. are free to decide as to where their share contribution The primary agril. "credit societies in the areas of Bicholim, should be. Sanguem, Quepem have been reorganised and the existing (g) The order for division and amalgamation has been societies in the same talukas and other talukas are capable issued without taking into consideration the position of taking activities of Agricultural loaning. of the employees who have served in the society for last 7 (VIII) Since the Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari Sanstha to 8 years. Neither the responsibility of employees has been Ltd., has been acting only as the credit extending society passed on any other societies nor accepted by Government and ceased to work as agricultural processing society and and how it is proper that the employees should be paid as the sugar factory going into production has helped to esta­ per law and their services be dispended with. blish a cycle for linking of credit with marketing of agri­ (h) When the Pradhan Committee has suggested for San­ cultural produce and recovery of credit from the farmers, jivani Bagayatdar Society Ltd., of taking up processing it is felt that in the interest of the cooperative movement activities (Jaggery project) instead of loaning why, particularly in respect of resource societies that separate nothing was done in the last five years and how suddenly existence of Sanjivani Bagayatdar Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., the action for closure of the society is decided now in 1978 .. as agricultural processing society carrying out the duties of resource society is not necessary and the activities of the (1) What is the difference in the Sanjivani Bagayatdar loaning should go to the concerned resource societies. Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., and other primary agril.
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