134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 6, tion of immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Naturalization. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual Also, resolution of Springtown Council, No. 929, Junior Order report of the Attorney-General for the fiscal year 1905 ; which United American Mechanics, of Springtown, Pa., demanding re­ was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to striction of immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and be printed. Naturalization. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER. Also, resolution of Pipersville Council, No. 620, Junior Order United American Mechanics, of Pipersville, Pa., for the restric­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual tion of immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and report of the operations of the Government Printing Office for Naturalization. the fiscal year ended June 30, 1905; which was referred to the Also, resolution of Henry Seybert Council, No. 520, of Abing- Committee on Printing, and ordered to be printed. tou, Pa., in favor of restriction of immigration-to the Com- ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate ·the annual Also, resolution of American Star Council, Junior Order report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the fiscal year 1905 · United Americ:m Mechanics, No. 53, of Bryn Mawr, Pa., for which was referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered restriction of immigration-to the Committee on Immigration to be printed. and Naturalization. LAWS OF OKLAHOMA. Also, petition of A. T. Vandegrift, T. E. Gusman, and other The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica- members of Camp No. 215, Patriotic Order Sons of America, tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant of Ambler, Pa., for restriction of immigration-to the Committee to law, copies of the journals of the council and bouse proceed­ on Immigration and Naturalization. ings of the eighth legislative assembly of the Territory of Okla- By l\fr. WEBB: Paper to accompany bill for relief of John C. homa, together with a copy of the session laws of 1905, etc.; Keener, of Ingalls, N. C.; John M. Williamson, of Lowesville, which was referred to the Committee on Territories. N. C.; Daniel 1\f. Rose, of Charlotte, N. 0.; John A. Roberts, of . LAWS OF HAWAII. ~~~~~:~~~e~~i~~s~nd Robert Boon, of Wing, N. C.-to the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica- Also, petitions of Davidson (N. C.) Council, No. 56, and Park tion from the Secretary of the. Interior, transmitting a copy of Council, No. 90, Junior Order United American Mechanics, fa- the house jour~al of the third. legislature of Hawaii, regular voring restriction of immigration-to the Committee on Immi- and extra sessiOns, 1905, submitted, pursuant. to law, throu~h gration and Naturalization. the. Department by the secreta17 of the Terpto.ry of Hawan; By Mr. WEISSE: Papers to accompany a bill for an increase I which was referred to the Committee on Territones. of pension to Christopher Pletzke-to the Committee on Invalid LAws OF PORTO RICO . Pensions. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica- Also, papers to accompany a bill granting an increase of pen- tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant sion to Willis Painter-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to law, one copy each of the acts and resolutions of the second Also, papers to accompany a bill granting an increase of pen- legislative assembly, convened in extraordinary session, and of sion to Nathaniel Cooper-to the . Committee on Invalid Pen- the first session of the third legislative assembly of Porto Rico, sions. and journal of the executive council of Porto Rico, third legis­ By Mr. WILEY: Paper to accompany bill for relief of John lative assembly, first session, 1905, submitted through the De- Sanspree-to the Committee on Pensions. partment by the secretary of Porto Rico, etc. ; which was re­ ferred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. LAWS OF NEW MEXICO. SENATE. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant WEDNESDAY, December 6, 1905. to law, one copy each of the laws and the council and house Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDwARD E. HALE. journals of the thirty-sixth legislative assembly of the Terri­ ANSELM J. McLAUJUN, a Senator from the State of Missis­ tory of New Mex.ico, 1905; which was referred to the Committee sippi, appeared in his seat to-day. on Territories. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ LAWS OF ARIZONA. proved. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica.· REPORTS OF SECRETARY OF SENATE. tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, a copy of the acts, resolutions, and memorials of the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ twenty-third legislative assembly of the Territory of Arizona, tion from the Secretary of the Senate, transmitting, pursuant to together with the journals of the council and house proceedin~s law, a full and complete statement of the receipts and expendi­ for the session; which was referred. to the Committee on Terri· tm·es of the Senate of public moneys remaining in his posses­ tories. sion from July 1, 1904, to June 30, 1905; which, with the accom­ INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS. panying papers, was ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ retary of the Senate, transmitting a full and complete account tion from the Attorney-General, transmitting, pursuant to law, of all property, including stationery, belonging to the United a list of all final judgments in Indian depredations rendered States in his possession on the 4th day of December, 1905; in favor of claimants and against the United States under the which, with the accompanying paper, was ordered to lie on the provisions of the act of March 3, 1891, not heretofore appro­ table, and be printed. priated for; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Indian Depredations, and ordered to be REPORTS OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. printed. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ FINDINGS OF THE COUBT OF CLAIMS. tion from the Sergeant-at-Arms, transmitting a statement of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica· the receipts from the sale of condemned property in his posses­ tions from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmit· sion since December 5, 1904; which, with the accompanying ting certified copies of the findings .of fact filed by the court in papers, was ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. the following causes : ~e also laid before the Senate a communication from the Ser­ In the cause of The Trustees of the Presbyterian Church of geant-at-Arms, giving a full and complete account of all property Moorefield, W. Va., v. The United States; belonging to the United States in his possession December 4, In the cause of The Trustees of the Calvary Protestant Epis­ 1905; which, with the accompanying papers, was ordered to lie copal Church, of Culpeper County, Va., v. The United States; on the table, and be printed. In the cause of ~'he County Court of Berkeley County, W.Va., v. The United States; INDEX OF PRIVATE CLAIMS. In the cause of The Trustees of St. John's Protestant Epis· The VICE-PRESID.IDNT. The Chair lays before the Senate copal Church, of Harpers Ferry, W. Va., v. The United States : a record and index of private claims before the Senate in the In the cause of The Trustees of the Presbyterian Church of Fifty-eighth Congress, made through the chairman of the Com­ Wytheville, Va., v. The United States. mittee on Claims, the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. WARREN], In the cause of the Trustees of the Methodist Protestant in accordance with the act of March 3, 1905. The record and Church of Middleway, Va., v. The United States; !ndex have already been printed, and the document is ready for In the cause of the Vestry of Aquia Protestant Episcopal distribution, as provided in the statute. Church, of Stafford County, Va., v. The United States; 1905. ; ' CONGRESSIONAL _RECORD- SENArE. 135 In the cause of the Trustees of Berea Baptist Church, of punish certain persons in that Territory for perjury and false Stafford County, Va., v. The United States; testimony given in connection with mining suits; which was In the cause of James W. Adams v. The United States; referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. In· the cause of the Wardens and . Vestrymen of St. Paul's He also presented a petition of the Christian Endeavor 'So­ Episcopal Church, of Culpeper County, Va., v. The United States; ciety of the First Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, Nebr., pray­ In the cause of the Wardens and Vestrymen of Merchants ing for the establishment of an international congress to consider Hope Protestant Episcopal Church, of Prince George County, questions of common interest; which w~s referred to the Com­ Va., v. The United States; mittee on Foreign Relations. In the cause of the Trustees of Elk Branch Presbyterian He also presented the petition of Sarah Miranda Clymer, of Church, of Du:ffields, W. Va., v. The United States; Bridgeton, N. J., praying for the enactment of legislation In the cause of the Trustees of the Baptist Church of Red­ granting relief to those who are alone in the world and unable banks, 1\iiss., v.
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