OCTOBER, 1970 Volume 27, Number 9 (whole number 294) The long "Strand of Hair" variety (see page 266) D D Official Journal of The British North America Philatelic Society CANADA Judging by the 1971 Scott Catalogue, we BNAPSers are not the only ones who put Canada close to the top of the list of favourite countries. Actually, the dramatic increases in modern Canada, 1900-1950, only reflect what has been going on for the past year in the open market. Shortly after the 1970 cata­ logues were released many of the Cana­ dian prices for this period became obsolete. like most dealers, we have had our problems trying to keep our stocks up. However, in most cases we have man­ aged to "roll with the punches" and find replacement stock somewhere, but rarely at the same price as the previous purchase! Whether values tend to level off or up­ ward pressures continue through 1971 , we will continue to do our best to keep up our stocks of the broadest pos­ sible variety of good quality Canadian stamps. Your want lists will always be welcomed. ~eorge &. Wrgg l.tb. 37 VICTORIA STRm (half ~ block north of the King Edward Hotel) TORONTO 1 - CANADA Telephon•: 368-7528 489-1344 Area Code 416 We are Canadian Agents for Robson Lowe Limited, London, England NEWIBARRIS ·US/BNA HARJltS 1970-1971 tO triON CATALOG UNITED STATES With STAMPS thousands of price changes $JOO • 200 PAGES, 2,000 ILLUSTRATIONS. • DELUXE FLAT·BACK BINDING. • HEAVY WASHABLE COVERS. • HIGH QUALITY PAPER. • LATEST UP-TO -THE-MINUTE REVISIONS. One of the most important editions in our more than 37 years of publishing this most widely used catalog - a "must" for every stamp collector. Com­ piled and edited by the experts of H. E. Harris and Co., The World's Largest Stamp Firm. • A ll major U. s. Postage and Airmail Issues ... PLUS Special Delivery, Parcel Post, Envelope Squares, Postal Cards, Officials, R'evenues, Postage Dues; also other popular specialt ies. • Complete Illustrated U. S. Possessions, Confederate States, United Nations and British North America. • Big "Americana" section. Mounted collections, albums, popular supplies and accessories. • U. S. Stamp Identifier - fully illustrated, check your own collection for valuable hidden stamp treasures! MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! r:. E. HARRI S & CO., Catalog Dept. Bosto n, Mass. 02117. Please RUSH me, post free, the NEW 1970·1971 EDI TION ot H. E. HARRIS your 200 page catalog, UN ITED STATES STAMPS, U.S. POS­ SESSIONS, UNITED NATIONS & BR ITI SH NORTH AMERICA. I including the U. S. Stamp Identifier, etc. I am enclosing $1.00. &CO. Nem•---------------------------------------- CATALOG DEPT. I BOSTO N Addre11 MASS. 02 117 1City& \.!':••:• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Zip ;;;;;;~JL~F~o:u~nd:e:d~in~l~9~1~6~~ BNA TOPICS / OCTOBER, 1970 I 257 ALL-WORLD RARITIES and BRITISH COMMONWEALTH in two fine Sales from STANLEY GIBBONS AUCTIONS: October 15-16 All-World Rarities and Selected items including many flne Classic issues 1852-57 medium hard wave paper, 3d. Choice British Commonwealth material and Amer­ red (S.G. 10 ) extremely rare block of four icas, together with strong sections of Europe with lightly cancelled with blue "target" many early Classics in superb condition, including Est. £250 Finland, German and Italian States, Switzerland, etc. A "connoisseur" Sale of note: De-luxe Catalogue (colour pla tes) $1.75 October 22-24 British Commonwealth and Foreign Cou·ntries A General Sale with fine ranges of most countries, including attractive High Values and a strong section of Collections offered e n bloc. This Sale closes with a " Saturday Special" of particular interest to general collectors and Investors. Illustrated Ca ta logue $1.20 And announci n g THE FOURTH "MAXIMUS" GREAT BRITAIN AUCTION to be held on November 25-27 Over 500 lots of Line-Engraved issues, ranges of Embossed and Surface Printeds including Proofs, etc. A wealth of really Classic items and rarities: a "must" for G.B. collectors everywhere I De-luxe Catalogue w ith colour plates $2.75 "A Gibbons Auction is a real experience - fine material, superb presentation and expert handling in comfortable surroundings. I e njoy myself at Gibbons auctions." - R.S . • . You may not be able to attend a Gibbons auction- but you can always participate, as if you were jn the room - by postal bidding. Why not take out an annual subscription to all the Catalogues; that way you won't miss a thing I All Ca talog ues a nd Realisa tions (airmail) $14.00 Stanley G.ibbons Auctions Ltd., Drury House, Russell Street, London WC2, England. 258 / BNA TOPICS I OCTOBER, 1970 D D OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICA PHILATELIC SOCIETY 'Whole No. 294 OCTOBER, 1970 Vol. 27 No. 9 EDITOR E. H. Hausmann ARTICLES EDITORIAL BOARD Olalrman: V. G. Greene TORONTO BRANCH AND R. 1. Woolley C. Raaaell McNeil STREET POST OFFICES 1ob.D H. M. YCIWI& Some fu rther aspects, this time CIRCULATION MANAGER by E. A. Smytbies, FRPSL .................................... .. 260 C. Russell Mc:Neil Ste. 3<. 187 Park St. S. POSTMARK ODDITIES Haml1t011 10, Ontario Max Rosenthal explores ASSOCIATE mrrou an interesting field .... .. 262 Dr. R. V. C. Carr P.1. Hunt A PHILATELIC AND POSTAL HISTORY L . 1. LaFrance Dr. W. G. Moffatt OF NEWFOUNDLAND K. G. Rose Part eight of a series by Glenn P. Hansen Brien C. Damien ............... ............................... ..... .. 265 ADVERTUING MANAGER Edward 1. Whiting "STRAND OF HAIR" VARIETIES 2$ Kinas Clrcle Peter J. Hurst's further study Malvern, Pa., U.S.A. 193$$ of Small Queens varieties ....................................... 266 POSTMARK ILLUSTRATIONS LIBRAJIJAN Frank W. Campbell ................................................ .. 271 Michael Squlrdl 241 12th Anaue Uvely, Ontario SALES a.RCUIT MANAGER COLUMNS 1amee C. Lehr 2818 Cheshire Rd., Devon Some Philatelic Posers .............. ................................... 264 WUmloaton, Delaware u.s.A. t9803 British Columbia Notes ......................................... .... 267 Rounding Up Squared Circles .................................... .. 270 DIRECI'OR OJ' PUBLICITY A. W. Mcintyre Topics: The Newsfront ...... .............. ............................ .. 272 10918 84th Avemle Some Sketches of BNAPSers ............ ........... ........... ..... 275 Edm.onton, Alberta Mail from Our Members ............................... ............... .. 276 OOMMITI"E& CIIADlMEN Board of E.xamlncrs: 1. N. SlssoiiS Conventions: R. A. Peters TOPICS: THE BUSINESS SIDE Elections: H. RelDhard Perftn Study Group: Memo from the President ............................................. 273 R. 1. Woolley Ualaon Study Groups: From Lbe Secretary ........... ... ...... .. ................................. 273 E. A. RJcbardaon and Notes from the Librarian ............................................. 274 C. A. Welthaver Handbooks: BNAPS Regional Groups ............................... ........ .. 274 E. A. RJcbardson Classified Advertisements ............................................ .. 278 Membership and Nomlnatlna: Al. H. Kessler Published at Toronto, Canada, by the British North America Philatelic Society. Subscription: $$.00 per year: sin&le copies, from the Circulation Manaflcr, 60 cents. Opinions expressed are those of the writers. Printed by Mls&ion Precs, $3 Dundas St. E., Toronto ADVERTISING: Display advertisement copy must be received by the Advertising Maoaaer al.x weeks prior to the month of pubUcation. MEMBERSHIP: Write the SecretarY: see "Elected Otl'lcers" in this issue. EDITORIAL MAlTER ahould be sent to The Editor, c; o V. G . Greene, 77 VIctoria Street, Toronto, Oat. BNA TOPICS / OCTOBER, 1970 / 259 Furher notes on TOR.ONTO BRANCH and STREET po~t offices by E. A. Smythies, FRPSL 1 111 ••111 11XIII TO lltON'TOOX'T l?oR f( - S 1 'TO~ ONT O ~~~~~Ill sr.-.rtoN e. I'll XIII iO ROI\ITO 111:~111 Y OR K -Sf •••••••lO RO NlO• 111!~111 An article by Dr. Stulberg on Toronto post offices in a big city like Toronto. · The Branch and Street Post Offices, published in Director of Public Relations in Ottawa has Topics last May, 1970, listed cancellation~ very kindly explained the position to me, of various types-Squared Circles, Du­ and sent me a printed list of the different plexs, etc., but largely ignored the most types of post offices in Toronto in 1930, so prolific source of such cancellations, the the correctness of the information below first type of Rollers with 8 thick broken is established. vertical bars (the later type have thin hori­ Four different types or classes of post zontal bars). In this article, therefore, I offices must be distinguished: propose to carry on where Dr. Stulberg left ( 1) The Head Office, with its extensions off, and give some idea of the hundreds of called Postal Terminals: As the town grew, Toronto Branch and Street cancellations areas were added to the Head Office, and used in the forty years from 1894 to 1934, these areas (called Postal Terminals) were as recorded in the recently published sec­ an integral part of the Head Office, which ond edition of the Roller Handbook. staffed, organized and ran them, although I must first explain a unique feature of they were usually physically separated from Rollers which accounts for the enormous it . numbers issued in Toronto. The postal authorities to a very considerable extent (2) Stations: There were a number of pinpointed the post office of origin of mail Branch POs called Postal Stations (no with roller cancels by engraving on the connection with post offices at RaHway Sta­ roller the name and/or a letter and/or tions). These were managed by the postal
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