Patriot Press Page Guide News............................................1 @LibertyPublicat Features........................................2 Entertainment...........................3-5 Center Spread............................6-7 Sports.....................................8-10 Viewpoint...................................11 Back Page..................................12 Senior Issue: May 2017 www.pinterest.com/tyearbook Volume 23: Issue 6 6300 Independence Avenue, Bealeton, Virginia 22712 Senior Advice 2017 Eagles Are Preparing For Take Off by Alyssa Brennan ~Staff Reporter As this school year comes to an Eagle Award, Caroline Duckworth. and senior class officers to make sure this end, many seniors are preparing them- Seniors and their families and is a spectacular event,” said O’Brokta. selves for their future, the real world, and friends will attend the graduation ceremo- Graduation is a time when ev- of course, graduation. Graduation will ny, and there isn't a maximum number of eryone can have fun and feel accom- be held on Thursday, May 25th, 2017, guest that can attend. There are only two plished with what they have done to get 7:00 p.m. at the Jiffy Lube Live Pavil- things that the seniors have to worry about to that point. But, what the guests that ion. Before this day can come, there is in means of preparing for graduation: watch graduation don’t know is that it's a lot of work to be put into it by our ad- which is that they arrive at the Jiffy Lube a lot more complicated than it looks. We ministrators, principals, and seniors. Live pavilion at 5:30 p.m. and be ready see a line of seniors walking across the Amanda Maskell “Initially, we as administrators have to walk by 6:00 p.m. sharp. That means stage and getting their diplomas handed to make sure that the students have they have to be wearing their caps, gowns, to them, while everyone else that planned “I would say to get involved with their caps, gowns, and tassels. We also tassels, the whole nine yards. There is one the ceremony sees all the hard work and activities and just do more. There are a lot have to plan out what chords they are major stipulation to this though, and that is time put into it. Mrs. O’Brokta believes of things that you can do in high school going to get,” said Mrs. O’Brokta. the fact that you must attend a mandatory that the most stressful thing about plan- that involve sports and clubs, and I think The day of graduation seniors graduation practice on May 24th, at 7:30 ning graduation is “making sure that we everyone should experience that.” receive colored cords based on their GPA a.m. If any senior does not attend the gradu- hit all of the little details because there are (Grade Point Average). “The colors are dis- ation practice, they will not walk across the so many things to address. Many times, tributed based on whether or not they have a stage to get their diplomas the next day. So small details are overlooked and those highest distinction, high distinction, or just as a note to all seniors, go to the practice; are the most important things to remem- distinction with their GPA,” said O’Brokta. you all have worked too hard to get where ber because they are what make each and They also have to plan out where you are, so don’t miss this experience. You every graduation unique in its own way.” everyone is going to sit, if there are any have been preparing for this moment for “Even though there is a lot of planning, businesses that would like to spon- the last four years of what are considered it’s great to see the seniors and everyone sor the graduation, finding and prepar- the best years of your life. Wouldn’t it be get excited about moving on to the next ing speakers, and of course organizing great to finish those years with something step in their lives,” said Mrs. O’Brokta. the event with Jiffy Lube Live to make dedicated to you and all your hard work? In the end, everything will be sure all the plans are set and in place. “This year is actually my first year planning worth it. This day will live in your mem- Casey Edmonson The speakers for graduation consist graduation, and I have to say that there is ories for as long as you will live because “Don’t goof off. It might sound pretty of the Senior Class President, Jen- a learning curve. My favorite part of plan- it is a symbol of your accomplishments. obvious, but the next few years will fly by nie Smith, the SCA President, Aman- ning graduation would have to be collab- We love you and will miss you, seniors! and you will be wishing you would have da Newville, and the winner of the orating with the administrators, principals, tried harder because now that you goofed off, you won’t get accepted into the college that you want. Work hard, get good grades, Seniors Make a Memorable Impact on School by Philip James and when it’s your time to go to college, The end of the year at Liber- under their wings, and the main reason for ~Sports Editor you will be able to get into the college that ty High School is the best time for most that is because they teach them. One day we you want.” students, they have accomplished a These seniors have no limits of where they can be just like them, taking this school by lot. Students have made great memo- can make the greatest senior memories. storm and being leaders to any underclass- ries not just with their fellow graduates, “My favorite memory is of actu- men that may feel like they do not fit in. but with ninth, tenth, eleventh graders, ally two seniors, and that is when Joseph “I have a lot of great memories and even their teachers. These seniors Glass threw the football to Michael Tap- about our Patriot Press Editor-in-Chief have touched all the hearts and souls of scott to win the Bird Bowl this past year. Amanda Bacon, one being when we all these underclassmen and teachers. It made the entire team get hyped up, it were at the VHSL (Virginia High School “I work with Kaitlin Vannatter, and it really made the night and the whole sea- League) awards. Amanda was so over- is really fun when we get to hang out at son great.” said freshman Joshua James. whelmed that she almost fell on the ground work. There was this one time, when “My greatest memory is on the when we won first place. My other mem- we just made ice cream and the choco- first day of ag class, and Joshua Boggs ory is when I watched her develop a two late ice cream was really soft. And she walked up to me and took me under his page center spread on nothing but makeup. Brooke Leonard accidentally dropped it and it went all wing. It was really great for him to do It was so impressive and I honestly don’t “Many people are going to come and go, over the entire room. It was really fun- something like that because sometimes se- think it could have been done by anyone your heart may break, and you may think ny,” said junior Mackenzie Mitchell. niors can be jerks about hanging out with else,” said publications advisor Ms. Miller. life is tough to handle, but you will make it. You can encounter a good memory lower classmen, but he was totally cool The seniors have not only had a great im- At the end of it all, you will find the person anywhere. Whether it is at school, or work, about it!” said sophomore Gage Henry. pact on the students, but also the teachers. you are meant to be.” we can be anywhere to encounter a fun time. Seniors have been taking underclassmen 2 Features May 2017 Saying Goodbye to a Wonderful Sophomores Gain Editor-In-Chief Interviewing Skills by Kristina Rigsby by Kristina Rigsby, Jaslynn Thomas, Edwin Campos, and Zachary Senior Amanda Bacon ~Entertainment Editor took journalism for the first Learnard has taken journalism since her published in the school’s news- time, but she definitely found ~Patriot Press Reporters freshman year, totaling a number paper. However, working coop- her voice as she worked on im- On March 10, 2017, tions under pressure. Overall, I of five whole classes. Now hold- eratively with others is a must. proving her journalistic writing. community employers, school think it went pretty well,” said ing the title of Editor in Chief, This can sometimes be difficult. As Editor in Chief, she was an board members, county office sophomore Cameron Tannehill. Bacon has soared in her journal- “Working with every- effective leader in addition to be- employees, and LHS admin- Many students were very ism career and leadership skills. one was really hard at first be- ing a more confident interview- istration conducted “mock in- nervous about the interview, as “I decided to take jour- cause I was really shy. I would er and editor,” said Ms. Miller. terviews” for all sophomores most of them had never even been nalism my freshman year, be- not really voice my opinion, so Many ideas that are currently enrolled in an English in an interview setting before. “I cause in eighth grade, there was that was difficult,” said Bacon. now in place have come from class. Sophomores received inter- was a lot less nervous after it.
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