- 1!"rt rwiir- ij. isjmiyr' j TRAFFIC TOLL WEATHER Ckradjr, oecesietuU rate ht; 17 Injured In Big Dead, Spring Daily i Wednesday partiy eteedy Herald and warmer. Howard County, 10U VOL. 13; tiO. 295 (AP-Asao- cited Press) BIG SPRING, TEXAS, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1941 Eight Pages Today FINE LIVESTOCK Legislature BRITISH, GREEKS, GERMANS PREPARE TO Hearing ON EXHIBIT HERE Sets With more than 100 fat animals from five counties on On Strike Act FIGHT AS YUGOSLAVS SIGN AXIS PACT display, the fourth annual district- - club boy livestock show was off to a good start hero Tuesday morning. Committee Of Whole Judging was scheduled to begin at 1 p. m. with R. M. Mil-holle- n, House To Take Up Allies Shift C'sofu JlSISIll Soviet War San Angelo, in charge. First on tap was a special Matter Thursday BULGARIA placing for Howard county l r wi H$ii;:i: AUSTIN, March 95 MO Heed- ?:; animals. crowd. All during the morning - .VJ fctw.wii Tnw WSSBsskkw :::: n l. a r jc Materials Go largo number of people visited ing appeals for prompt action, the Troops Over A YUVJJ- TROOPS ON GREEK- - Entries were Hated from Howard, a house of representatives today set Martin, Sterling, Taylor and Glass- and after noon the place waa be- ginning to look packed. for hearing Thursday Governor W. cock counties at noon. emergency bill de- I V fcI.m li:!H!-:i:;j:j::::::- were seven calves shown Lee O'Danlfl's Into Marshall Allen, who with George There signed prevent violence Wider Front ,jsV Turkey by Martin county 4-- boys. Sterl to force or White. Is 'serving as clerk, had 72 lng county had six calves ana iu in labor disputes. Democracies Now A ) ioo.ooo ru?Ksii!ill British Prepare To drylot calves entered, 26 show show lambs, Glasscock county had The representatives overwhelm- lAT ingly a. which FRONTIER Break Relations lambs, and two sows with 12 pigs. one lamb, and Taylor county two killed motion would Must Hold Front vs , Jfi&MMA S In addition, there were five regis- calves. The rest were from How have deferred the hearing until Of Harder Nature With Yagoelatfa H boys' fVT tered lamb from Sterling county ard county and FFA next Tuesday, for exhibition along with five lots. The measure, submitted yester BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, ex-- SALONIKA Karakul ewes, a kid and a ram The animals will remain on day In a special message from ALBJ SOO, OOO $$jM$$W$r 25 (AP) Wednesday when March 25 (AP) Yugo- March Headlines ''shown by XI, H. Jones of Big .hlblt until noon the governor, was I 100,000 BRITISH VAXiTZ5?&e$mikSS9 in red ink and blaring ardios Spring. they will be transferred to the Big from the labor committee to a slavia's alignment with the P $ Howard Spring Auction ring east of town of, told Yugoslavs today that Grounds around the committee the whole house. axis opening way for a JliiJIlll&GSTSs RDANELLES county warehouse. In the north- for a sale. More than 40 local men Backers of that move said their the J r r n vr r their country had signed the west part of town, and where tho have guaranteed 12 cents market purpose was to expedite the bill's German - British battlefront three-powe- r pact in Vienna show Is being held, were soaked, for top calves and Fort Worth passage. down on prices on lambs. in the Balkans was expect ri;lil!iliXlA!ljliliSl!lS TURKEY as Germany, Britain, Greece hut that did not cut the best The proposal would make It a - Tj uu is!;!:;:;:. :.... .!....;!:sss:;!;N!;!;:;:i!i!. O and Turkey cleared tho to- :::! decks felony for any person acting In ed by military observers (:::s::::!fl::i:::SWSW:::::Si ? Z!St MILES I 1 concert with one or more other day to force Britain and for possible large scale war- Yugoslavia hav-XIl- C on persons to assemble at or near any Greece to revise entire rnr, T as a Balkan clash appears Imminent Is Illustrated in the above map. fare a new Balkan front. place where a labor dispute exist- 'their ljinclip jng Joined the axis, BrIUsh and Greeks are hurried spreading their troops west- While Yugoslavia's premier and Increased Farm ed, and by force or violence at joint defense plan. ward along the Yugoslav frontier, preparing to defend a 100-ml- le frontier. In Turkey (1) Russian aid foreign minister wtre affixing their tempt to prevent any person from Again, It was said, German dip was declared likely, and on the Yugoslav-Gree- k border (2) certain Serbian officers were reported cross- signatures to ths axis alliance and. engaging in a lawful vocation, lomacy apparently had won an ad ing Into Greece to offer their services against tho unwanted nazls, who soon are expected to pour their Yugoslav opponents were It was Intended by Governor vantage for German arms before down the Vardar river valley to attack the Greek border at the same point. crying treason, these developments Loans Approved O'Danlel to be In part a substitute the first shot could be fired. Increased observers' belief a show- antl-strlk- e down is Imminent! UP) day's committee session, Bankhead for his bill ruled uncon- Almost certainly, these experts WASHINGTON, March 25 stitutional last week by Attorney pen putting 1 Britain appeared prepared to which lta author said In approval, declared, the stroke Legislation said, were unanimous General Gerald C. Mann. Yugoslavia In axis camp sever dlplomatlo relations with would add "about $1,000,000,000 a the Bankhead said his bill aimed at The senate state affairs commit would out, British-Gree- k HEAVY Yugoslavia and Hungary after ad- through rule the RAINS BOLSTER year" to farmers' Income cotton, tee scheduled vising ths Belgrade government government loans was ap- assuring producers of had a' hearing this strategy of holding the naxls higher on antl-strlk- e legisla- she could not "condone" its alliance today by the senate agri- wheat, corn, tobacco and rice a afternoon from Bulgaria along the short proved tion. Struma line. with the axis. culture committee. "parity or fair exchange price" for rler 2 Some house members, question- Instead, It was said, the defense Soviet Russia, whose atUtude The author, Senator Bankhead their products through loans ed the necessity for unusually long has been an enigma, pledged ,(D-Ala- ), bill was Intend- probably would have to be drawn said the designed to serve as a "floor un- fast action on the problem. WATER SUPPLY "full and comprehensive neutral- Macedonia at CITY'S par- deeper Into Greek ed, to place farmers "nearer a you the papers ity" In the event tha Turkey, and Industry." der market prices." "If read this best beyond the broad Vardar river ity with labor morning," said Rep. E. Tay,-lo- r Britain's ally, is attending to-- Bankhead said that the gov- James valley, and possibly widening the The 13 senators of Kerens, a national guard of- "obliged to enter the war for the ernment loan would represent battlefront to 200 miles from Al- ficer, "you should realize that this bania to the border of Turkish defense of her territory." "full parity price less the amount Is a crisis." Agricultural British Ships Lakes Catch S Soviet war materials were Thrace. reported flowing across of soil conservation payments." "But that labor trouble was In British the British Say Chicago wasn't It?" Inquired Rep. The chances that end Caucasus frontier Into Turkey As an example, he said, the pres- Greek forces could hold the Stru- Nazi only a few hours after this pact Leonard Carlton of Commerce. Bul- Best Repulse ent "parity price for cotton la "Yes," responded, ma front against attack from Outlook Record Fill was announced in Ankara. Taylor quickly been regarded In 15.87 cents a pound while soil get to garia alone had V 4 Reports from Bulgaria said Sea Losses "but It could 'down Texas some quarters as g6od. conservation payments amounts mighty quick." Dive Bombers minor fronUer clashes already had The valley of the Struma Is In Many Years. Of Floodwater taken place between Greek troops to 1.37 cents. Thus the loan price narrow, gouging through moun- and German forces poised for a Are Dropping under this bill would be It 1--S tains, and would leave nazl forces By LARRY ALLEN thrust toward he Mediterranean. cents a pound. The proposed gov- Police Tell without rail or highway llr.es of Rain, the gold of West Texas, ABOARD THE AIRCRAFT Two Big Spring city lakes m 5 Greece Indicated she would supply back to their Bulgarian ranges With county 1923 treaty UP) A ernment loan on wheat would be soaked into fields and CARRIER FORMIDABLE southeastern Howard Tues- terminate a giving LONDON, March 25 bases. Yugoslavia port zone Sa- $1.05 n bushel, and on corn 713 Tuesday to give ihe section glow- ths British Mediterranean Fleet, day morning held 675,000,000 gal- a free at A H British admiralty announcement valley, lonika, If Yugoslavia consented te " In Britain's cents a bushel. The broader Vardar ing agricultural prospects to March 25 UP) Britain's battlefleet, lons of water, considerably more today showed a drop Of Violence winding down from Yugoslavia and the passage of German or Itallaa 'sea losses for the second succes- These loans, much higher than leave this Immediate area with lta hunting trouble even on convoy than enough to suffice ths demand ammunition ' trains through returns blow government the farther west and emptying Into her sive week, while she past loans under the Gulf of Salonika, has rail- - best spring seasoning In years.
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