by James Jones resource sheet 2 what kind of people? n the ordination services for has St Paul writing to the factious, I urge you to imitate me deacons and priests there are conceited and loveless Christians at Even though Paul knew he was far Iimportant passages from the Corinth: from perfect he would urge others Bible. Reading and re-reading them to model themselves on him – a and meditating on them provides ‘Even if you had ten thousand forgiven sinner. Throughout his invaluable spiritual exercises in the guardians in Christ, you do not have letters it is clear that he saw a line process of discerning God's call: many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I of succession – imitate him and Isaiah 6:1-8; Romans 12:1-12; Mark became your father through the you will be imitating Christ, imitate 10:35-45; Isaiah 61:1-3; Malachi 2:5-7; gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate Christ, the icon of God and you will 2 Corinthians 5:14-19; John 20:19-23. me. For this reason I have sent to you be imitating God himself. It may not Timothy, my son whom I love, who is be fashionable or politically correct Listening to the direction of God faithful in the Lord. He will remind you to draw attention to this, but my through the daily study of the of my way of life in Christ Jesus.’ own conviction, rooted in Scripture, Scriptures is singled out by the bishop is that those aspiring to the ordained in the ordination charge. Therefore, I became your father through ministry of priesthood ought to bear it is appropriate to see whether or the gospel the hallmarks of Christ-likeness. not there is an appetite for this in a This is not a sexist or a gender potential ordinand. Those seeking statement for in 1 Thessalonians 2 There ought to be a desire, nurtured ordination do well to reflect on these Paul also wrote: 'as apostles of Christ by Word and sacraments, to become passages and to ask God to show we were gentle among you like a like Jesus. In old-fashioned language, how they relate to their own calling. mother caring for her little children.' it is a desire to be holy. Of course, we More than ever the Church needs walk and follow Christ with clay feet. The passage of Scripture that ministers with the desire and the gift But, unlike those who feel that public has most influenced my own to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ. and private life can be separated, we understanding of the apostolic call to Do you love Jesus Christ? Do you know that the whole of our life is be a priest or presbyter in the church enjoy people? Have you already had under scrutiny. That is why purity in is from one of the letters Paul wrote some experience of helping people our relationships and probity in our to the church at Corinth. The first come to, and grow in, faith? These are handling of money are important letter to the Corinthians (4:15-17) important indications of the call. criteria in those seeking ordination. www.cpas.org.uk what kind of people? For this reason I have sent Timothy followed in Paul's footsteps. The spiritual life is the source of the Timothy... who is faithful in His own life of word and deed were to strength. When the former dries up the Lord be a powerful reminder of Paul's ‘way so does the latter. It is important to Just as Paul sent Timothy, so the of life in Christ Jesus.’ Interestingly, hear, therefore, how a person has Church through ordination sends you the word ‘remind’ is the same one coped with conflict, disappointment, to join that line of succession that that Paul uses of the way the bread frustration and tragedy and to hear traces back to Christ himself. When and the wine remind us of Jesus. The how they have interpreted God's you visit the sick and comfort the life and the teaching of Timothy and presence and action in their lives at dying you will be doing so in the place Paul were to remind us of Christ. This such times. There is no definitively of Christ; when you preside at Holy is the pattern for all of us called to correct answer. But the way a person Communion you will stand at the Holy ordination. describes their journey may well be Table and repeat the words of Christ suggestive of the call of God. himself. You will be ordained not as a manager or communicator or even as an Ordained ministers will find enabler or as a counsellor themselves as both leaders and (although these gifts will managers. A manager lives by the The call must arise out of not go amiss). You will be art of getting things done through prayer and drive you to ordained by the bishop others willingly and well. But the prayer. People will have and to ‘grow up into Christ's church is fundamentally a voluntary likeness’ and to ‘be an organisation (the biggest in the live by different patterns example’. Your life and country) and managing volunteers but the ordinand must be a your teaching, your is like herding cats! The Church (to pastoral and sacramental mix the metaphors) runs on the oil prayerful person. ministry are all to point of goodwill. Managing volunteers is people to Christ. To this end very different from managing salaried the Church is looking for people people. Therefore, the priest needs with a desire to make Jesus known. to evidence the skills of motivating That desire must be latent in every people differently in a culture where The proper reaction to this in an intending ordinand. the principal motivation is financial. ordinand is a mixture of awe and anticipation. Ambition to do this The Church is not looking for The priest is also a leader and the without any sense of unworthiness humourless, pushy people but those essence of leadership is ‘followership’. suggests egotism; to be completely with winsome and open personalities People follow people with a vision. daunted and overawed to the point of who can laugh with those who laugh But in the Bible vision is not about feeling that this is impossible suggests and weep with those who weep, those strategies but exclusively ‘of God’. A that the call is not yet there. who can listen and enjoy listening to desire to know God and an appetite other people's stories and who can tell for theology are vital to apostolic and He will remind you of my way of a good story themselves. priestly ministry. life in Christ ‘He will remind you of my way of life Some of the most moving words in the Holy matrimony? in Christ which agrees with what I Ordinal are spoken by the bishop to Although it is widely recognised that teach everywhere in every church.’ the candidate: spouses will follow their own calling 1 Corinthians 4:17 (hence they are not invited to a 'You cannot bear the weight of this Bishops’ Advisory Panel), there is no Everything that Paul taught was calling in your own strength, but only doubt that the vocation to priestly consonant with his life. The gift by the grace and power of God. Pray ministry has a major impact upon of being both pastor and teacher therefore that your heart may daily be the whole family. Public ministry is indispensable to ordination to enlarged and your understanding of brings its own blend of opportunities parochial ministry. Again, some the Scriptures enlightened.' and demands to the household of a evidence of being able to teach the minister, therefore the married partner Christian faith either in a house group The call must arise out of prayer and must be in sympathy with the calling. or with children and young people drive you to prayer. People will have If this support is not there, then the is an important indicator of this and live by different patterns but the marriage may experience greater stress particular call. ordinand must be a prayerful person. when the pressure is on. Furthermore, 2 ©CPAS it is clear from the New Testament or the Church of England Newspaper, In the Name of Jesus, that the example to be shown by the which are available from newsagents. Henry Nouwen, (DLT). minister extends to how he/she is This is a good way of keeping up A thought-provoking look at Christian within the relationships centred on the to date with issues on professional leadership and ministry. home. This inevitably has implications ministry and current debates on other for the home and the family. It is a subjects. Ministry in Three Dimensions, facet that needs to be borne in mind Steven Croft, (DLT). by the increasing number of older Vocation candidates who have a partner and The Life and Work of a Priest, older children who have been used to Called or Collared, John Pritchard, (SPCK). a very different life-style. Francis Dewar, (SPCK). An exploration of the meaning of The Fire and the Clay, the Priest in Ministry and Vocation – a short calling as a whole without restricting Today's Church, book list the idea to ordination. George Guiver, (SPCK). The Ministry Division of the Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help your The Christian Priest Today, Archbishops’ Council publishes a Church Grow, C Peter Wagner, Michael Ramsay, (SPCK). booklet called Ministry in the Church (Regal Books).
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