THE ALASKA PI PELI NE ft s..Tt U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACT Six years ago the National Environmental Policy role EPA, as th e principal Federal regulator of Act, often de cribed as one of the most significant pollution control matters. ha pl ayed in reviewing Jaws of thi century, was signed. proposed actions and seeking to reduce environmen­ T hi s act imposes a number of requirements, tal damage from these project . including o ne which has achi eved wide fame and The group within E PA responsible for coordinat­ some notoriety, preparation of environmental impact ing the key fu nction of evaluating environmental statements. impact statements i the Office of Federal Activities. Essentiall y this last provi ion tates that whenever EPA's regions and program offi ce all play a role in a Federal agency proposes to take a major action the review process. having a ignifi cant effect on the quality of the Also reviewed in this issue are some of the other human environment. it must prepare a detailed responsibilities of this Office. such as helping to tatement on the environmental effects. ensure that Federal facil ities curb their own pollution. This law i regarded by some as an extraordinar il y aiding America's Indians in their efforts to protect effective environmental measure which has revolu­ their environment and helping with a traini ng pro­ tionized Federal decision-making. Others view it as a gram which finds jobs in the environmental area for tool for obstruction and a giant paperwork machine. welfare clients. Several thou and environmental impact statements As part of the Agency's ob er vance o f the have been prepared. Both the draft tatement . the Nation's Bicentennial. the Journal is beginning in this tage where review and comment by appropriate issue A Parade of the Regions. Each is ue of the Federal. State and local environmental agencies as magazine in 1976 wi ll have a section devoted to one well a the public begins. and the final statement are region. We begin with ''Region I On Parade ." In filed with the Council on Environmental Quality and these articles we hope to cover not o nl y what E PA made available to the publi c. is doing in each region to protect the environment The statement' primary purpose is to di close the but also to take a look at ome of th e environmental environmental consequence of a proposed action. treasure in each sector of the Nation· marvelou ·ly and assess al ternative cour es of action. Thi process di verse and exciting natural land cape. helps ensure that th e agency' programs are consist­ We a lso have articles on "Clean Rivers for ent with national environmental goals and alert the Whom?" and a report on the Agency's Fifth Anni­ public to environmental risks involved. versary and Honor Awards Ceremony in Washing­ As a re ult of environmental impact statements. ton. some projects have been stopped or sub t antial ly With this issue, EPA Journal begins its second altered fo r the better. The Corps of Engi neers. fo r year. Our mi sion remains as we described it a year example, dropped plan for a pier to cond uct ocean ago: to keep employees better informed about EPA's research at A ateague l land National Seashore many activities, stimulate a greater sense of esprit de after analyzing the adverse effects on the park and corps in belonging to the EPA famil y and foster pride reviewing possible alternative plan . and enthusiasm for o ur role in the enormously An example of action that was improved by the difficult, complex and vital task of protecting the environmental impact statement process is the Trans environment. o Alaska Pipeline. Article in this is ue report on the U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTENTS PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL WATCHDOGS 2 AGENCY EPA 's role in the impact statement process. Russell E. Train GUARDING OUR NORTHERN TREASURELAND 4 Administrator Reducing the environmental impact of the Alaska pipeline Patricia L. Cahn is one of EPA· s challenges. Director of Public Affairs THE SACRED SOIL 8 Charles D. Pierce EPA is working with Indian tribes on environmental projects. Editor SETTING AN EXAMPLE 10 Staff: A total of more than $800 million is being spent by the Federal Van Trumbull Government to reduce pollution from its own facilities. Ruth Hussey EPA OPENS NEW DOORS. 11 The Agency is helping to train welfare clients for environmental work. Cover: Alyeska pipeline workers CLEAN RIVERS FOR WHOM? 12 drilling for blasting operations atop HONORS CEREMONY HELD ON FIFTH ANNIVERSARY 14 Dietrich Pass in Alaska's Brooks Mountain Range. REGION I ON PARA DE 19 PHOTO MY NEW ENGLAND by Elizabeth Strock 22 CREDITS INSTANT DIKE BACK PAGE COVER Alyeska PAGE 5 Dennis Cowals• PAGE 7 Al ye ska PAGE 9 Terry Eiler• PAGE II Glad Harris PAGE 12 Ron Hoffman PAGE 13 Ivan Massar• Charles Stcinhacker• David Falconer• PAGE 14 15 Ernest Bucci PAGE 18 Anne Labastille" Neil Valis DOCUMERICA• The EPA Journal is published monthly. with combined issues for July-August and November- Decem­ DEPARTMENTS ber, for employees of the U.S. Envi­ AROUND THE NATION 16 ronmental Protection Agency. It does not alter or supersede regulations. PEOPLE 18 operating procedures or manual in­ INQUIRY structions. Contributions and inquiries should be addressed to the Editor. (A- NEWS BRIEFS 107) Room 301. West Tower, Water­ side Mall. 401 M St.. s.w .. Washing­ ton, D. C. 20460. No permission nec­ The appearance of the magazine paper has paper, a step consistent with the overdll emphasis at essary to reproduce contents except changed because we have finally succeeded in ob- EPA Headquarters on using this type of paper. copyrighted photos and other mate­ taining a printing contract requiring use of recycled rials. PAGE ENVIRONMENTAL WATCHDOGS "/ have some good news and some bad news for you," God 2,000 Reviews told Moses. "The good news ls that I will part The Red Sea so that you can lead your people to aYear the Promised Land.'' EPA reviews about 2 .000 impact "And what is the bad news?" statements each year. About 95 per­ asked Moses. cent of them are handled in the Re­ "You 11ii/f have to write the After the General Services Adminis­ gions. Each Regional Office has an tration was persuaded to make an impact statement coordinator, with a environmental impact state­ impact swdy it became clear that the staff ranging from about two to six ment." planned location was entirely unsuita­ persons. They depend heavily. of ble from the standpoint of traffic course, on the cooperation of experts congestion and air pollution. in the program offices for help in • Many shoreland ''developments" reviewing and commenting. This joke that has been going around requiring the dredging of shallow bays When the statement involves national the business banquet circuit illustrates and the filling of wetlands have been policy considerations or when the ac­ an important fact of American life. No halted or drastically revised to con­ tion or project involves two or more major action· of a Federal agency. no serve natural areas. EPA Regions, it is reviewed by the major project involving Federal • A ·$500-million inigation project in Office of Federal Activities, in con­ money or Federal permission can be North Dakota is in abeyance after junction with other EPA offices. Each undertaken until the environmental ef­ environmental studies showed that sa­ of the Office of Federal Activities' fects have been fully considered. line drainage from the project might reviews is coordinated by one of its ! 2 Although the impact statement con­ damage Canadian rivers and lakes. An liaison officers, who. are assigned to tains no veto power in itself. it is a international commission is restudying work with all of the major Federal potent weapon for environmental bet­ the plan to see if this and other agencies. terment, according ro Rebecca Han­ hazards can be avoided. The impact statement process has mer. Acting Director of the Office of In none of these examples was the roots that are older than EPA. In the Federal Activities, which oversees impact statement the only factor in National Environmental Policy Act of EPA comments on impact statements. identifying environmental problems. 1969 (NEPA), Congress set the policy The public impact statement has Court suits brought by States or citi­ that all Federal agencies should con­ proven to be a powerful tool for zens' groups or both, public hearings. sider environmental effects ''to the guarding air and water quality and and even new legislation have helped fullest extent possible" hlfore making enhancing the environment. Some ex­ to bring about actions that enhance decisions in any matter that could amples: the environment. have an environmental effect. During •The Cross-Florida Barge Canal, The impact statement serves as a consideration of the bill that was to already begun, was halted because of catalyst. Ms. Hanmer pointed out. It become NEPA, Congress had recog­ strong environmental concerns. and an brings out facts and opinions. scien­ nized the need for an '"action forcing impact statement is currently being tific data and differing points of view. mechanism" which would require that prepared as the major document for so that the whole decision process can agencies integrate NEPA 's goals the President and Congress to use in be carried out under public scrutiny. within their decision-making proc­ deciding on the future of the project. Moreover. she said. the mere pros­ esses. That mechanism eventually • Many stream-channel straightening pect of having to file an impact state­ took the form of a requirement that projects were changed or abandoned ment is causing Federal agencies to agencies prepare impact statements in after impact studies revealed that fre­ al!er many projects in the planning connection with every major action quent local flooding along winding stage to make them more environmen­ which significantly affects the environ­ streams helped to conserve water and tally acceptable.
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