![Deaths at 1,200 in Iran](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Tka Weather rerwawl ef O.-f.-Wmeaer aa ATerage Daily Net Preas Ron ror the Week Ended c w y tiiJafct. y >•>» A pril UMO mmn. Iwedey, ehuMM ei ehuw 1 3 ,0 9 5 enk nugiiaav 10. Member et the Audit BprenU o f OtrenlutkMi Manchester— A City of Village Charm (OMaUlea Adwaataf oa Pufu U ) PRICE ITYB CENTS (TWENTY, PAGES) I (iii ' "»■ City Demolished State News' Roundup Deaths at 1,200 .0 ’ Kent, April 26 (/P)—State PoliCe today Captured two es­ Capees from the Osborn State] Prison F irm at Enfield. | In Iran Hie Capture ended an intenrtw i hunt of woodlands in this north-! western ConneCtiCut Community. i PoliCe used bloodhounds during TehrM , IrMi, April, 2R W Ipress t S L 'regret j ^ S /S '’ t t T S U X p “ ; the searCh. About 20 troopers, as •»A giant earthquake has uid to pledge aid. It made 100 tons well as auxiliary ahd loCal poliCe­ devastate! the south Iranian of flour quiCkly available. men, began the searCh after last Says W o rld City' of Lar. The death toll in Queen Farah ordered govern­ m idnight. w* ' Soviet Chief ment authorities to bring to me The pair was Captured off Rt. ■ Lar and neighboring villages Queen’s Tehran orphanages all the 341 hereby State Trooper John] Standiog at is estimated offiCially at 1,200 Children of Lar who lost their par­ WilCox and student ’Trooper James ^ to 1,500. UnoffiCial estimates ents In the quake. Lamlweft. - i Airs Policy range to 3,000. SpeCial trains and other Convey­ ObjeCts of the searCh were John, The quake atruCk yeeterday. anCes moved injured viCtims to a Di^els, 33, New Haven, and Carl ] C rossroads Demolition of two eChool build- City hospiUl in fihiraz. 170 miles F. RauCh, 38, Hartford, who es­ Caped from the Osborn State Pris­ f o r Sum m it inge trapped many Children in t ^ north of Lar. Beds were pushed Washinifton, April 25 {JP)— meet de^rutCive disturbanCe of together to make additional r o ^ on Farm at Enfield A pril 15. the Earth’s Crust sinCe 12,000 were and more Cots were plaCed Inline PoliCe have ConCentrated their By A. I. GOLDBEBO FrenCh President Charles da , kUled In the MoroCCan town of hospital Corridors. ' searCh In the northwestern seCtion MosCow, April 25 (fl*)—Pre­ Gaulle told the U.S. Congress Agldar the night of FOb. 29. The village of OeraSh. W miles of the State ever sinCe the two mier Nikita S. KhrushChev de­ today that the great po-wers men slipped away from the mini­ The Children had assembled in south of Lar, also was «>mpletely Clared today that the westeip are faCing their “last mo­ the sChools for Children’s day Cele­ mum-seCurity institution. Both brations. ResCue workers reCov­ (Continued eu Pagb Four) were serving terms for breaking powers will lose even their ment” for making a start on ered 880 small bodies from the and entering and larCeny. rights to fly into Berlin if he nuClear diBarmament. Failure debris. signs a separate peaCe treaty to - disarm, he said, would One hundred bodies were found Gift for State Park with East Germany. And he doom mankind. elsewhere in a Contlnumg himt Gist qf Living Hartford, April 25 iJP)— A 860,- warned the Soviet Union is De Gaulle ConCluded his summit though the City of 17,000. Of Lar’s strategy talks with President El­ poliCe forCe of 55 ir.en, only one 000 gift to toe ConneCtiCut SUte prepared to meet “forCe with Park and Forest Commission has senhower shortly before going to was said to have survived. Hits New Peak forCe.” toe Capltol to deliver his-1,000- Gov. Noerat Qarib reported the been made for toe purChase of Outlining toe Soviet position word address. , . , dty destroyed. "Clarkhurst." a park area on toe lor the sumnUt meeting,. Khrush­ y (ff)—The ^ 43^neetiCut. River .Ini.Eaat Mamp- The tw o 99-year-old AlJUid 1«M* Chev repeated that "of Course w era spent an hour together fit tho —my own offiCe—has ' toppled," natk^’s UvinJ CoiU hit "a now fon. ' -bull go it aione" and sign an East AnnounCement of the gift of too White House and De Gaulle re­ Qartb said in the first report an­ reCord in MarCh. German peaCe treaty if the .west­ ported as he left toe President’* nounCing the disaster. "Nothing trustees of the George Dudley ern powers "ignore the issue Con­ The first rise in food priCes in Seymour esUte of New Haven was offiCe; “All la very weU.” Can be seen beCause of the bUlow- trary to Common sense.” ing Clouds of dust. Please rush food six months edged toe m a^ today by Park and Forest The FrenCh leader spoke to the partment’s Consumer’s priCe li^ex But he said that “toe Soviet House Slid Senate membera—as- and tents.” Commission direCtor, Conald C. government beUevea Common sense Most of the viCtims were be- to a new peak of 125.7 per Cent of M athews. aenffiled in the big Houae Chamber the 1947-49 living' Cost average. vrill prevail.’’ . —in aonoroua FrenCh. But English Ueved to be women and Children. ’’Clarkhurst." aCross the river The Soviet leader spoke at Men were working in the fields The average priCe InCrease over from Higganum Landing, is a translatlona of his speeCh had bean the February level was only^on^ Baku, Soviet oU Center His speeCm distributed ao toe membera Could whan the quake struCk. 200-aCre traCt of river meadow at a jubilee Celebration o f toe 40th The menaCe of poisonous snakes tenth of one per Cent The MarCh and wooded hills fronting for over follow toe text. average was 1.9 per Cent above the anniversary of the Azerbaijan De GauUe got two spontanCow addpd to tne horror. / a mije on the east bank of the Communist party, was reported by Gov. Qarib r^ rted that snakes same month last year. river in East Hampton and Had- Cheers— a rare display o f tentlm* toe Soviet news agenCy Tass. slaam as he took his plaCe at the found their way upatr the deteds Arnold Chase. Labor Depart­ dam, midway between old Say- KhrushChev told his audienCe and attaCked trapped viCtims. ment priCe Chief, foreCast that brook and Hartford, and; adja­ House rostrum. A ftsr hla 18 mlnuta that A peaCe treaty with East Ger­ speeCh he got a n oth er rousing Many of those r^eermed were suf­ food priCes will Continue a gradual Cent to Hurd State Park. many—whiCh toe West refuses to rise up to July or August. He ovation. fering from shake bites. Author­ ’The loCation is suited for pubUe reCognize as a sovereign «^te— Veteran Capital obaervera aald It ities appealed to ’Tehran for snake said the ChanCes are this will Carry reCreation as well as the aCCom­ would pat an end to the World K ?;; living CosU to still higher leveU RiChard Nixon, left, and House Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex). (AF FBOtoraxi. ___________ ___ waa one of ths biggest welComes bite serum. modation of boatsmen. War n aurrender terms. until late summer. ever given a visitor to the CapltoL Shah Mohammed Rexa Pahlevl ’The new park was'at one time This is the position he has taken Meiteme de GauUe, who a^ved ordered quiCk relief measuree. 'The MarCh living Cost rise the estate of Thomas, George all along. But he went further brought a one-C«it-per-hour pay in th e- gallery about 10 mimitea Iranian Air ForCe planee para- and Henry dark and inCluded a to menUon the air lanes, whiCh Missing Judge inCrease to more than 800.000 em­ _ ahead of her husband, also got a dmted flour, sugar and Eggs ir^ great manor bouse sCeCted by the the Western Allies are beUevrt to ployes of the railroad industry. High Court Denies the ana and set up an airlift to brothers in the latter part ef the be planning to use—as in th e^ l^ The adjustmwit means k payroll fern hr other food, mediCine and last Century. airlift—^if East Germany takes Foimd DCfld 1 dlaarinament he made theae'other '' (Oenttamed on Page Nine) ’The Clark brothers worked to­ over toe lend routes. tl.8. govenunent was the gether in toe manufaCture of the This is toe way he put it: ^ Clark Cutaway harrow, designed "If the weatem powers did not Stay for Chessman Lake Midiigaii «er a aelntlea ef to stCB a peaCe treaty, t u t ioBtadhKr erooM im tM titls them to _fne ChiCagOjjAprfl 25 M e In ImproeMf uuime nm i lU bti they want pwsMweAr - i y I Waahlngton. April 26 (F)—ThefieumstanCea Of the last rtay, fftod - of Judgte W. Lynn pfifWhion. rtelatloiie by rriaxing tensions, {rabid naturally G a s, Guns Scatter whoae* body was found in Laka would be “unflorttmate and un- Ribieoff Opens PSirUif right of aCCess to West Berlin by 19 death date, other appeal by Caryl Chesaman, Brown on a F.b. MiChigan yesterday alx months a f-1 Hrwiy” if anyone triqd to forCe Hartford. April 26 (F) — Gov­ S d . wattr and air." were emphasised in Chessman’s ter he dUappeared, ha* b e » {suCh-iasuM now, De Gteulla aald— ernor m wCoff said today thkt the BerilB, 100 mllttB from W ett Oer- Los Angeles sex terrorist SChedul­ ed to be exeCuted next Monday. latest appeal. tHbuted offiCially to drowning. an obviona, indireCt warning to pMtnerahlp of Clergyman and many, is surrounded by the C ^ - Chessman “waa snatehed from Anti-Rhee Crowds munlst Bast.
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