Property of the Watertown Historical Society The Watertown-OokvilTTtmek Weekly s Timely Coverage Of News in The Fastest Growing Community in Litchfield County VOL. 24 NO. 1163 Subscription Price, $5.00 Per Year Priic* 15 Ctnh APRIL 23, 1970 EDITORIAL Council Begins Program We 'believe the Watertown High Students and their teachers who 'arranged the recent series of Drug' 'Seminars, for adults 'deserve a very large Well Done from the entire town. Hie 11th grade humanities classes, guided by Mrs. To Clean Up Environment June Legge and William, 'White, faculty advisors, plan- ned and executed the 'entire series. After a very poor The Town Council has begun a turnout at the first 'Session,, Watertown's adults re- Nine Girls To Vie For series: of steps aimed, at helping deemed themselves somewhat and audiences in, the to clean, up Watertown of some neighborhood of 250' per night were on 'hand for the of the debris, and, litter which is remaining' meetings. Miss Watertown CrownclfiHfiring the community. Nine girls are entered, in the Fisher, Guernseytown Rd.. is a Actions Include steps to rid Town Council Chairman Robert' W. Witty present-' the town of junk automobiles, to ed. the students with, a Community Citation, at the Miss Watertown Scholarship Pa- '(continued on. page 1,6) geant 'which will be held, Satur- halt the/ littering of streets by final. Seminar on April 16. We join him, in adding; our' day, May 2, at, 8 p.m. at. the Grand Opening trucks enroute to the town dump, personal commendation. to limit the use of the dump to 1 Watertown High 'School auditor- Of' John Deere When nearly 200 'Students at the high, .school admit ium. WatertP'Wn residents only, and to to 'having used illegal drugs, at least once, it appears They are: April QptiUo,. dau- Agency Saturday provide refuse barrels for the that we do have a problem, in, Watertown. To be sure. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew The Watertown Equipment Co.. business districts. many of those who admitted in the student survey Cipullo, » HUlcrest Aw., Oak- Inc., 975 Main St.. will have its A communication 'has; been sent 'Carried, elsewhere on page one to having tried narcot- ville. Miss Cipullo is a graduate grand opening on .Saturday, Apr. from the Council, to 'the Police ics were' one-time users wondering what it was 'ill of Watertown High 'School and a 25', from 10a.m. to 3 p.m. Commission asking the Depart- about freshman at Mattatuck Comm- Established: by former employ- ment's aid, in .the enforcement, 'What scares the heck out of us is that so many «f unity College, majoring in liberal ees of the Watertown Co-Oper- of an. Unsightly Equipment Or- our young peopte even, tried, it that first time;. We CUB t arts. ative Assn., the, new firm is, dinance. Police are 'being asked, help 'but wonder how mutr wil try it a second, time Almedia (Mimi) Burke is the 'headed: by Jerald W. Kinzly, Pre- primarily to spot: unregistered, . and a third. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert sident and John E.Waldron. •Gen- junked cars throughout the; town, We cb have a problem. .And, it « our1 hope 'that the H. Burke, Sr.,, lOlBusfanellAve.. eral Manager. and to see that: they are removed. •ffort made by this fine group of young people has Qakville. A senior at Watertown •On, hand to greet visitors to the by the owners. alerted enough of our adrift population, to the danger .High, she hopes; toanend the Uni- showroom will be Barbara Gor- Chairman Robert Winy and versity of 'Connecticut as an, art ton, .Miss Watertown of 1969. and! other members of the Council •o that some definite steps •will be taken to' stamp out major. the nine lovely young ladies who cited instances throughout the the 'problem before the' experimenters' become hart- town where from one to several core users, Janice Belanger is the<daughter will vie for the title of Miss of Mr. and, Mrs. Wilfred, Belanger, Watertown of 1970 in, the Miss 'Cars in, various stages of decay 95 HillcreS't Ave. She graduated Watertown Scholarship' Pageant are rusting away, causing an eye- from Watertown 'High and at- on May 2 at Watertown High sore and potential hazard to c'hil - 156 WHS Seniors Accepted tended the. University of Conn- School. dren, ecticut. As the area's newest John Police also have been asked For Schools, College* Kathleen Mitchell, the daughter .Deere dealer, Watertown Equip- to increase their patrol of Hamil- of Mr, and Mrs. Robert E. Mit- ment Co, will handle a full, line (continued oo page 2) Acceptances 'have been re- Connecticut State College; Maria chell, 101 Prospect St., also of John Deere, equipment from ceived to schools of higher learn- Bruiting, Waterbury State Tech- graduated from Watertown, High bulldozers, bucket loaders and Expect Record ing by 156 members of the senior nical College; Michael Buchek, and currently is a sophomore backhoes, through the complete class at Watertown High School., The University of Connecticut, at Post Junior College where line of weekend freedom mach- it was announced this week by Qutnnipiac College; Edward Bud- she is an executive secretarial ines--garden tractors, push and Turnout For school officials. In some cases ris, Mattatuck Community Coll- 'major. riding mowers.* Also carried are students have been, accepted for ege; Colleen Burke, Mattatuck Christine. M. F is 'her, the dau- the well known McCulloch chain Chamber Dinner more than one school. (continued on page 16) ghter of Mr. and Mrs. HarIan saws and Columbia bicycles. 'This list follows: A record attendance is ex- Jackie Agnew, University of pected at the seventh Annual New Hampshire; Julia Arab, The Meeting of the Watertown-Oak- U'ni vers ity of Connecticut, Mar:ie - Survey Shows 16.1% Of Students ville Chamber of Commerce sch- tta College; Charles Ashton, eduled for Monday, May 4, at Northwestern. Connecticut Com- the Westbury Room, Thomas ton munity College.; Karen Atwood, Road. Mattatuck Community College; At WHS Have Tried Illegal Drugs Howard W. Maschmeier, Gen- Gail Austin. Western Connecti- eral Manager of WNHC-TV New Some 16.1 per cent of the stu- poll was conducted during home were sophomores, 17.4 .per cent Haven, will, 'be the speaker for cut State College; Norma Baer, dents enrolled at Watertown, High room period, therefore, everyone were juniors, and 20 per cent were Western Connecticut State Coll- School admit to having 'experi- took the poll under the same con- seniors. ege, The University of Connecti- mented with drugs, according to ditions. , with the exception of those The percentage, of students who cut; Nicole Balanda, The Uni- a survey released by school of- students, who were absent. They admitted' to using Heroin was .5 versity of Connecticut; Federic ficials this week,. took the poll the following 'day. per cent. Three point 5 per cent of 'Baiocchi. Waterbury State Tech- The survey, taken, last week, Of the entire student, body, 358 the students said, that they 'had nical College,; Susan Baldwin, allowed the students to answer freshmen, 288 sophomores, 305 used LSD. Amphetamines were Northwestern Connecticut Com- a series of questions anony- juniors, and, '249 seniors took, the used by 5.5 per cent of the student munity College; .Randall Bares, mously. Of the enrollment of poll. Northwestern Connecticut Com- body. Barbiturates were used 1295, 1.200 students in the four In response to the question, by 4 per cent of 'the student body. munity College; J. Craig Bedel... grades were polled,. "Have you ever used illegally Westminster College, Hartwick Of the number of students who The figure released by the obtained drugs?'" 16.1 per cent of College; Beverly Beebe, Matta- 'have used drugs, 71.5 per cent school, is considerably less than the school answered ""yes,."" Of tuck College; Deborah Berger, said that they used drugs more 'the figure quoted by a member this: per cent, 8 per cent of the The U. of Connecticut, Boston than, once, In, the freshmen group of the Watertown Police Depart- freshmen, 1,5.6 per cent of the College; David .Bernius, "Water- of users, 48.3 per cent said they ment, who said, during the Drug sophomores, 20.7 per cent of the bury State Technical College; used drugs more than ones, in the Seminar sponsored by students: juniors, and, 22.5 per cent, of the Jean, Bernius. Saint Joseph Coll- sophomore group, 82.2 per cent, that more than 50 per cent of the seniors answered "yes,.'"' ege; Roger Bernius, The Uni- said that they used drugs more student body had used drugs at one In response to the question, lersity of Connecticut; -David than once, in the junior group time or another. ""Have you ever abused, or (over - Bessette, Mattatuck Community 71.4 per cent said, that they used, College; Audrey Blood, The Uni- Since it is possible that some used,) legally obtained drugs?""* drugs more than once, in the versity of Connecticut, Spring- of the students may have answer- 5.5 per cent of the schooi an- senior group 75 per cent said field College; Cart Bohlen, The ed the questions in: the negative swered ""yes.*"* Of this total 4per that they used, drugs more than HOWARD MASCHMEIER University of Connecticiit, Uni- for fear of 'being discovered as cent, of the freshmen, 4.8per cent once. the occasion. Mr. Maschmeier versity of Vermont, -Worcester users, despite guarantees of an- of the sophomores, 6 per cent of In response to the, question, started his broadcasting career Polytechnic Institute, Rensselaer onymity, the actual percentage the, juniors, and 7.6 per cent of "Do you feel that Marijuana should back in a small town, called,'War- Polytechnic Institute; Linda of those who tried, drugs may be the seniors answered yes.
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