Chapter 5 Example 1 Heap Sonata: Allegro (1st movement), bars 1-10 J. AlleL-ro erazioso. m. x. =8o. Clarinetto in 11. Pianoforte. `ý - -ý ý- "1"ip cl, Example 2 Heap Sonata: Adagio (second movement), bars 1-16 Adagio. 4L66. % erjrr: iivo ' --_ crew. )6 Y Example 3 Prout Sonata: Allegro maestoso (first movement), bars 48-49 P Example 4 Osborne Sonata: Andante (second movement), bars 27-28 Solo line given here scored for cello Ok * i ; !Ifý ý l Example 5 Osborne Sonata: Andante (second movement), bars 3-17 Solo line given here scored for cello OL r- S M _ý- I&L Example 6 Osborne Sonata: Finale (allegro) (third movement), bars 1-16 Solo line given here scored for cello Allegro. Example 7 Tovey Sonata: Andante tranquillo (third movement), bars 60-62 Example 8 Tovey Sonata: Allegretto (first movement), bars 161-164 Example 9 Stanford Sonata: Allegro moderato (first movement), bars 76-79 `1 J Ne Example 10 Stanford Sonata: Adagio (second movement), bars 1-3 and 15-19 Adagio (quasi Fantasia. ) ý`ý f ýý Example 11 Stanford Sonata: Allegretto grazioso (third movement), bars 1-4 Allegretto grazioso. Example 12 Bell Sonata: Allegro moderato (first movement), bars 29-37 r, 36 RI` Example 13 Bell Sonata: Allegro moderato (first movement), bars 45-52 Raff. A Tempo lora ý'ý P` 49 RAIL Rall.. 48 / Li S2 Temee t Example 14 Linstead Sonata: bars 36-40 36 Example 15 Linstead Sonata: bars 193-201 193 >> 0 199 ý-ý 1,. 1 >ý 199 mf 6 Example 16 Linstead Sonata: bars 28-29 Example 17 Linstead Sonata: bars 61-63 63 Example 18 Bax Sonata: Molto moderato (first movement), bars 1-11 Molto moderato taxe. _- R" ýý dim. pocof Is `- sit( p" pocof {ý ý.ý if dim. IT ta a C7 4t 4ý bye rý cýe. y ýbýeG- _ s._ Qmm. I" ® t'dim. If -., p3 3T dim. pp - 'Cr Example 19 Bax Sonata: Molto moderato (first movement), bars 42-51 Pochettino piü mosso Example 20 Bax Sonata: Vivace (second movement), bars 1-11 Vivace p PP pp pp p pp p ul vvi 3 g71 PP Apr --- lýrý amme'd bqý `T vp leggier i C mf --f bb %k Example 21 Lucas Sonata: Andante (first movement), bars 32-36 21 --- []34 Example 22 Lucas Sonata: Andante (first movement), bars 92-95 ý-ý- _--1- q - --_ - ---- ý ff ff 140k ý3J Example 23 Bowen Sonata: Allegro moderato (third movement), bars 29-36 f ý_ T 10 6&' f mart. qý 33 bq cresc. cresc. p Ll pt t;mmIt --ý,6ýi3tIi FBI ff A I- 0 k1l. -P ff >>> Example 24 Bowen Sonata: Allegretto poco scherzando (2"d movement), bars 85-86 Example 25 Ireland Phantasy Sonata: bars 1-5 Jz Andante moderato 66-sa approx. #IF Example 26 Ireland Phantasy Sonata: bars 60=70 60 J_J) LL 8... ý .. K. `ý --- y= F7761 Example 27 Ireland Phantasy Sonata: bars 150-154 J Piü lento 62- 64 approx. ßi60 -- ___a_ p' AL NA m_. w WWI If hI W- Is ot l 77 .4' -du- \Sk* Example 28 Ireland Phantasy Sonata: bars 253-272 J= con risoluzione 88-92 approx. I-S tL5 L ffe 4123- - ', is 64ä466 b6 a1zsis FIS IN mill > of nip 66qqq SO OR so ON :t-k t :t-m cresc. - 6q mf cre= -to- Aj IM !IP 260 LEI s a s4 44 >12 t1 26 si > 6 .f- tnf We ah " 14 - +1 I6 PE f! E je. -U " ;- h- _______ X64 7- 6b F2770] Broader °s"a Example 29 Bax Sonata: Vivace (second movement), bars 11-12 44 Chapter 6 Example 1 Waterson Morceau de Concert: bars 207-211 ra1L e Example 2 Balfour Salmon Pool - no. III: bars 73-77 Example 3 Greaves Idyll: bars 114-116 Example 4 Dunhill Phantasy Suite: bars 82-90 Andante espressivo n L) pp # . L-V-p asp diao. AI r1 catmato poco rit. mp poco fit I dim. ... Example 5 Lovelock Romance: bars 52-56 Solo line given here scored for violin ppp ad li/. I--R 712 VP lk% 4k% Example 6 Carse Happy Tune: bars 4-13 P b )7. Example 7 Browne A Truro Maggot: bars 12-21 )6 'ý. o ýý Example 8 Murrill Prelude, Cadenza and Fugue: bars 1-9 5 %-... ý--mf f Example 9 Walthew A Mosaic in Ten Pieces (first movement): bars 1-7 P recto. V iý Example 10 Raybould Wistful Shepherd: bars 60-64 "r -ý .. it #it 1- -4 i Ta Example 11 Lutyens Five Little Pieces (second movement): bars 9-11 1 iati . in Example 12 Raybould Wistful Shepherd: bars 11-14 rý` pp sub ito C Example 13 Pratt Idylle Printaniere: bars 1-12 A11ezretto scherzando. C; 1\ Example 14 Lloyd Suite, in the Olden Style: bars 1-24 Allegro vivace. (J"-144) ýý Mf A I II ''I ,p Example 15 Clinton Fantasia on Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia: bars 215-216 iy . 9 OMZ47* 10 1 40- At 1 ý/ Example 16 Lazarus Fantasia on Scotch Melodies: bars 21-23 d-I 2'3 ý. Example 17 Pitt Concertino in C minor solo cadenza beginning in bar 219 Cadenza. A- rf (origin a! rer. iun.) fete tb 6habfbt2ýi hr\'61 OLe b,ýý rl\ Example 18 Holbrooke Cyrene opus 88: bars 15-16 71T _J1 1 A MOSAIC IN TEN PIECES. (WITH. DEDICATION) R. H. SVALTHHAV Presto. Clarinet in A or Viola. 9 PINTO. S 3 4 I 'v +ý cý 3 ý ýý xf -- - t.. /,. Cupyright, l9OO, by Dooley & CQ -a 2 >I- 11 _- V\ a A )tosaic is Too pieces. 11.2809. S tiý\ j %.k t. j j j 3 Sý 3 y Sb e 49 7 7 II. £808. 4 II. Tempo dl Valse. ruf 1usingimdo. Tempo di False, ý- Lýl_ .. If rt-0- A -90: 4,71 CoatPedale. 1- =FL 4: tw -. -w lwý l4 Poco pia mosso. 1)n A Mosaic in Teu Places. 11.2809. r S ýb Tempo I9 -d_-ýs ...... -. rat/. - Tempo 49 -w ar NPL -df 4 3ý 3 y Lks ti ti " "U'C, II 7-e0 Pfote'. If. R80L. GA 0 I I 16 -r 9 j lp . j 3 A. J 13 di ni 'r, 09 e A Mosaic Ten In Places. If. 9R4'lI MA 8 IV Andaute . rmnricc S yyyy.. l yy`: y v G'äCF_ -- - -- --- - ------ pocof con espress. y ýy y ; -dP-0- -O poco f con esprsx. IF r* >I A Moielc It Tom Plecei. U. YSOU. J 9 )S j y Tempo 19 23 dolce. Al 'ý `,Z, ý ý. º_ýt. 'ý rail. a! fine. ll iop .J #! M ii: 60 F4 Ala" fine. -00, . al w 'W- - --segue; .. A Mosaic iu Too Pieces. ýýr N. *ROf. im 10 v Alle rro non tronno. ý- ý- .YM rTýý . -I, -44 11 ----------- - =;!!! I Tj th ral ; ý: ;1- i r4 L-a jr, dr -01 = =1 N3 Pooo piýi mosso. ZpL P ~-- chci4andö. Pooo pfü niosso. _ -F: -- 4- F A Alo6alc in Inn Piocco. Ir. XNOH. 11 1S 3ý- pI 3 `6 LL %31 s 1 >ý ý rife 41F 6 1 1 u n. ß00. I_ A Iloeele in Tau Placce. 12 S\ Tempo I4 S(. r= - of T--'' Aý f _ýý X cresc. LL Tea A Mosaic in Pit-cps. 11. Y809. 13 9 VI. 9 s Allog retto cou grazia. Is S b 'j 'j 'j \\ 'j 'y d9 ý 1L 44 09 A Mosaic is Ten Piccea. N. x809. ZWO 1* ýO ! -J rit. a enppo. pa tempo. ri ý. 114 3\ _ v A Xuaric in Too PI! (ea. II: KtlOU. 15 vH. PrMRtn_ de 2) )S oil I. 'J IL7- t/ t cý t dJ 1ý ,' A Iioºuic in Tru Pieces. Z809. 1 Ost J(. IG vi. Allcu"r«tto cou grazia. 'Ir II $L F- F OL-op- --o AN Ar If- At a Coi(a purte, u tempo. -NI-- I 1 d r.- -- ,-I ý )3 -- -- - Piu -ý -ý- -- e- its 1. pill mncvn -K -toy1 X -ý h Pit -t .m 11,2809. A Morale In Too Pirc. a. 17 25 Tempo Al 01 19 rail. Tempo 19 29 rail. Id 30 1) 40 E Ed - 34 rut. (I tempo. avl/« purtc. P ' 'ý t 9tLT 31 f= --b- raII =- As- V-v : A xa.. jc to TeaPiece.. H. 8O9. Is Ix. Senta Pedale. \\ '1:" 16 A llvaaic in Tou Pieces. 11.9800. i 19 `L.\ 24 ýi ýý C) A Senza Pedale. e ,ji; ý 'ý 'ý 96 0l. A Luualc I. Too Plorti. I(. Z! 20 X. Molto Allegro u ugituto. S 1\ 1"i A Mosac iu Ten Plod,. 5809 Ff . 9 I2 . y J; fI rl rýý ._ __ _.. _ lh - d )1osiic .A is Teariace . it, *8O9. 22 33 Dedication. Leuto a ptacere. Andante tranquillo. FA , Andante traut rll1o. Lento a piaccre. q : M F 4v. -- ff- -dr - 6; -- -0 ý'w p8 Or - ý rl ;64 PLý11; 1 191, ."L, 3. -I - -1 I -ý w ý_.,... 3ý _..ý-ýý ______} ytý AM iý ý; ;;; r-;:; Lý- Alp: 1= I I -#-I - A=Fýi A---) ýý /- i , V c\ M; v it Mosaic in Tea Pieces. H. 9609. 23 11 s,\- Iý Iº ý4 " If. Z800. A Mosaic In Ton Pieces. inolto "aninnato e .passionato. ý5 / . -... l nIi llln.. n. f /n 1Y 1?,1- ýý iý A Muauc im Tea P)octs. 11. x809. NOCTURNE.
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