George Washington University Law School Scholarly Commons Amicus Curiae, 1961 Amicus Curiae, 1960s 3-1961 Amicus Curiae, March 1961 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.gwu.edu/amicus_curiae_1961 Recommended Citation George Washington University Law School, 10 Amicus Curiae 3 (1961) This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Amicus Curiae, 1960s at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Amicus Curiae, 1961 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol.10 No.r...; The George Washington University Law Bchool March, 1961 Robert Kramer Named Dean of J~U1-g~ Army Office of Chief of Ordinance he e awe 0 0 e~tered private practice in New York Special to Amicus Curiae From IRS th L S h I CIty. For those law students who are in- In George Washington University terested in the dynamic field of Fed- Dean Kramer sees a grand opportunity eral tax law there are two areas of for an outstanding national law schooL endeavor available at the Internal The nation's capitol has never had a Revenue Service. "top" law school, and he feels there The first is the position of Tax is a definite need for a school of the Law Specialist which is available Harvard, Yale or Columbia calibre in only in the Office of The Assistant the. Capitol. The new law center in Commissioner (Technical) in Wash- the opinion of Dean Kramer may hold ington, D. C. This position involves the key for this achievement. How- Federal income, corporation, excise, ever, a law school is an essential employment, estate and gift tax mat- pre-requisite for the establishment of ters; issuing tax rulings and decisions; such a center. participating in the drafting of tax A national law school needs a good legislation; preparing tax regulations DEAN KRAMER full time student body. This is not to and forms; and studying special tax say that there is no place for a night problems. Robert Kramer, formerly Assistant school, for one must not be neglected Law school students who have Attorney General, Office of Legal for the other. Counsel, U. S. Dept. of Justice, has completed at least 24 semester hours been named Dean of the Law School. It is the desire of the American Bar of law may qualify for Tax Law Association to interest more able Specialist (Trainee), starting salary Dr. Charles B. Nutting, Dean of the students to enter the law field. In $4,345 per annum. Those who will University's National Law Center, light of this, the school. is taking complete all law degree requirements who performed the duties of Dean steps to increase its full time enroll- before appointment may qualify for during the past year, states that.with ment by making it possible for a Tax· Law Specialist, starting salary the appointment of Dean Kramer the greater number of qualified students $5,355 per annum. In either case, staffing of top administrative offices to become acquainted with the law successful completion of the Federal devised to carry out the University's school. G. W. faculty members are Service Entrance Examination is re- recently expanded teaching and re- making trips to the various campuses quired. search program in law is completed. to meet and acquaint prospective law Selectees for the position will re- The new Dean has a distinguished students with law school. Dean ceive on-the-job training in the funda- legal record as teacher and scholar. Kramer points out that professional mentals and techniques of tax work He received his An degree cum laude school recruits "brains and ability" including a H)-week intensive training in 1935 from Harvard, and his LLB much as colleges and sports teams do course. The Tax Law Specialist who degree magna cum laude in 1938 from athletes. To aid this p'0gram addi- demonstrates superior aptitude or Harvard Law School. He served as a tions to the scholarship funds will be management potential will be offered professor of law at Duke University established and the law school bulle- training in supervisory and executive for 12 years and also taught summer Cont'd on p. 2, col. 2 development. The training and work sessions at Stanford, N.Y.U., Univer- assignments are directed toward pro- sity of North Carolina and North- SBA motion after 1 year to Tax Law western Universi ty. Specialist, $6,435 per annum. More PLANS PROGRAM advancements each year thereafter are Special izing in the field of taxa- FOR MARCH 9 available for individuals possessing tion, administrative law, conflict of outstanding abil ity, laws and juris prudence, Dean Kramer Proposed Legislation for Protection Those completing all law school has made important contributions to of Commercial Designs legal journals and edited three case requirements will qualify for those .books on taxation. His first position The need for a new statute dealing positions by passing the Federal was with the National Labor Rela- specifically with the ornamental fea- Service Entrance Examination. The tions Board. In 1940 he joined the tures of industrial designs has long examination will be given on March 18, staff of the U. S. Dept. of Justice as been recognized by many members of April 15, and May 13, 1961. Those an attorney in the Anti- Trus t Division. the copyright and patent bars. When interested in this position should no- After a period of war-time service the patent bar, through the National tify the Director, Personnel Division, ending as Lieutenant Colonel in the Cont'd on p. 7, col. 1 Cont'd on p. 7, col. 3 Page 2 A.micus Curiae AmitUli QIuriar LETTERS TO·THE EDITOR Editors in Chief •.Thomas J. Harrigan Charles L. Marinaccio Associate Editor ••William S. Hochman Research Editor ••.•.•.•. Allan Plumley Day Editor ...••.•.....• Wallace Dickson January 5, 1961 prep for the National Competition Night Editor •.•.•••••..... All an Ephraim should be deplored rather than emu- Public Relations .••. Gary N. Nateman The Editor Editorial Staff: Amicus Curiae lated. Edward J. Snyder Robert Price Appellate practice is indeed "an Stephen Grayson Dear Sir: inval uable facet of education." No Robert E. Lynch I would like to join in your praise one to my knowledge has favored Jason Shrinsky "abolishing" it. Many believe, how- Charles T. Manatt for our National Moot Court Team. Jerry Stevens Their industrr and achievement was ever, that such an important program Faculty Advisor ••••..• John J. McAvoy of a high qua ity. However, I do not should be operated more competently believe that it detracts from their and that it should be made part of AND success to state some unpleasant legal training for all of our students, facts about the National Competition and not just for a fraction of one ifty-three new;tudents have and about our own Case Club. percent. ed at George. Washington La School the spring semester • Pr You suggest that the main reason Yours truly, fessor Monroe H. Freedman is visor. given for our droppinp, out of the Na- for the United States Commission of· ivil Rights, Consulting Attorney for tional Competition is 'the preparation advantage given away to other teams." Monroe H. Freedman he American Civil Liberties Union' . Assistant Professor resident of the Middle Atlantic Di As one who strongly favors our with- is ion of the American Society fo drawal from the Competition, I have MHF:tl Legaillistory, Consultant to the Edu never given or heard such a reason. cc: Student Dar Association cational Testing Institute for the La Nor is the premise sound. that our .. School Admissions Test, and a memh team has had only "nominal faculty i.' of the Law School Admissions Polic Committee •.•• Congratulations to AI supervision." We have never broken the rules in this regard, as may have The Editors of AMICUS CURIAE would i" nridgman, Coast .Guard Officer, fo like to echo the sentiments of Pro- K~;..·.I>.eing num~er'()~e;.·.s.tlldent:()£tp~:,Ja been done elsewhere, but our faculty graduating class of the law school • has certainly cooperated fully with fessor Freedman in regard to the co- Professor Ilalph C. Nash Jr. nam our team. This year five professors operation received by members of the ... Director of the Government Contract and several others contributed many faculty contributing to the success . Institute. The institute will he Ma hours to preparing for and judging of the Moot Court Team. Although. 1-3 at Lisner Auditoriu Profess practice arguments. Professor Merri- somewhat belatedly, the AMICUS ash is also Consultin e CURIAE would like to extend its ap- e American. Machine ou field, one of the leading labor law mpany ••• If any students wish authorities in the country, participated preciation to Professor Merrifield, nd in post cards, the should do twice. Our team could not have been Professor Ledakis, Professor Freed- ediately. The pos ds will better prepared; further practice time man, Professor Seidelson, Professor iled from the Dean ffice wh would not have been well spent. McAvoy, and Professor Sharp. Ed. grades are received from the in ual professors. udents sho The good reasons for our withdraw- t contact the ffice c ing are the following: (1) the cases Kramer, cont'd fro p. 1, col. 2 eming grades typically are poorly balanced, and the adces have he tins will be revised and brought up to ades will not be. dist records deficient for proper moot LL professors hand in .the gra es court appeals; (2) the judges are often date. The new Dean feels the appoint- Students will receive their final grad given the briefs late and are often ment of Dr.
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