Volume XXVIII Number 3 Chairperson’s Report with the skills to fulfill this position, con- Interested in contributing tact Webservant@nicotine- to Seven Minutes? anonymous.org. See page 9 for addi- Send letters, articles, stories, poems, Happy September to my fellow members tional details. artwork, or other material to: in Nicotine Anonymous. The summer is SevenMinutes over and life is grand. I want to thank c/o NAWSO This was the first time in many years 6333 E. Mockingbird Lane the 2016 delegates who elected me as that minutes from the conference week- #147-817 chair-elect. Now I’m attempting to fulfill Dallas, TX 75214 end were sent out in NicA News my duties as active chairperson and em- or email to: (formally Two-Way Talk). The new board SevenMinutesEditor@nicotine brace this adventure, one day at a time. voted to send links for the minutes to ­anonymous.org members who choose to read them. To My first action has been the replacement All submissions may be edited as sign up for NicA News, go to http:// of coordinators who stepped down from necessary for grammar and content. nicotine-anonymous.org/nica-news- their service positions. Members who email-communications.html Subscription requests, circulation have volunteered their service include additions and deletions may be sent by mail to the address above, Wendy H as Paper Pen Pal Coordinator, or go online to: A review of the structure of Nicotine Jorie M as Email Pen Pal Coordinator, www.nicotine-anonymous.org Anonymous was presented at a work- Gary M as Email Coordinator, Sharon C shop during the 2017 conference. A All articles accepted for publication and Steve M on the Traditions Commit- may be reprinted in outside committee is being developed to explore publications in their entirety at the tee and Martha K as Traditions Coordina- whether our membership is interested in discretion of the chair and editor. tor, and Chad O as Logo Protection Com- proposing changes in the fellowship’s Your trusted servants, mittee Coordinator. Chris H - Editor structure to increase and improve our Teresa I - Subscriptions I am an avid believer in the rotation of member’s ability to participate. This service. Meeting individuals and discuss- year’s conference had 31 delegates ARTICLES & FEATURES making the decisions for everyone in our ing their new responsibilities helped me become more acquainted with the ser- fellowship. Surveys have been emailed “My Experience of Recovery on vices Nicotine Anonymous offers. If you to our delegates, trusted servants, inter- the Free Bridge” are acquainted with anyone who has group contacts, and coordinators to by Bob….………………………………. Pg. 3-4 Quote Corner…………………………..Pg. 4 served or is now offering to serve, committees that report to the board. The “Southern California Intergroup please “PAT” them on the back to thank board is looking forward to reviewing Annual NicA Retreat” them for the patience, acceptance, and how our fellowship feels about restruc- By Angela P…………………………….Pg. 4 tolerance they possess to help addicts in turing at the August 12 online meeting. “It Does Work If You Work It” our fellowship. I personally want to If you would like to join this committee, By Christine H………………………...Pg. 5 thank the numerous members who re- please contact Chad, coordinator of this Heard it at a Meeting……………….Pg. 5 ferred the new trusted servants to me! newly-formed committee at Chairperson “NicA Meeting: A Mutual Meeting the new volunteers added some Support Group” [email protected] excitement to my recovery! By Checko M…………………………..Pg 5-6 I’ve communicated with members who “What Was Your Excuse?” We are currently seeking someone to are in the process of starting meetings By Free Bridge phone group...….Pg. 6 coordinate and develop an Archives Seven Minutes Meditation………..Pg. 7 and intergroups in Brazil, Australia, Eng- Committee. NicA needs someone with “NJ/PA Intergroup Annual land, and Norway. As a result, I found it initiative to get this committee working - Funweekend” necessary to form an International Com- one step at a time. By Jan S………………………………….Pg. 7 mittee. Our Translations Coordinator, Fall NicA Events……………………….Pg. 9 Checko M, accepted this service position We will also be looking for someone to Profit and Loss YTD ………………...Pg. 12 continued 1 on page 7 replace our webservant in 2018. Anyone Birthday Congratulations…………..Pg. 13 The Twelve Steps of Nicotine Anonymous 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all 12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation 1. We admitted we were powerless over nico- these defects of character. of all our traditions, ever reminding us to tine—that our lives had become unman- 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our short- place principles before personali- ageable. comings. ties. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, The Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics than ourselves could restore us to and became willing to make amends to Anonymous sanity. them all. 1. Our common welfare should come first; 3. Made a decision to turn our will and 9. Made direct amends to such people where- personal recovery depends upon A.A. our lives over to the care of God, as we ever possible, except when to do so unity. understood Him. would injure them or others. 2. For our group purpose, there is but one 4. Made a searching and fearless moral 10. Continued to take personal inventory, and ultimate authority--a loving God as he inventory of ourselves. when we were wrong, promptly admitted may express Himself in our group 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to it. conscience. Our leaders are but trust- another human being the exact nature of 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to ed servants; they do not govern. our wrongs. improve our conscious contact with God as 3. The only requirement for A.A. mem- bership is a desire to stop drinking. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove we understood Him, praying only for 4. Each group should be autonomous all these defects of character. knowledge of His will for us and the except in matters affecting other 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our short- power to carry it out. groups or A.A. as a whole. comings. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening 5. Each group has but one primary purpose 8. Made a list of all persons we had as the result of these steps, we tried to --to carry its message to the alcoholic harmed, and became willing to make carry this message to other alcoholics and who still suffers. amends to them all. to practice these principles in all our af- 6. An A.A. group ought never endorse, 9. Made direct amends to such people fairs. finance or lend the A.A. name to any wherever possible, except when to do so related facility or outside enterprise, lest would injure them or others. The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous problems of money, property and pres- 1. Our common welfare should come first; 10. Continued to take personal inventory, tige divert us from our primary pur- personal recovery depends upon Nico- pose. and when we were wrong, promptly tine Anonymous unity. 7. Every A.A. group ought to be fully self- admitted it. 2. For our group purpose there is but one supporting, declining outside contribu- 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to ultimate authority - a loving God as tions. improve our conscious contact with He may express Himself in our group 8. Alcoholics Anonymous should remain God as we understood Him, praying conscience. Our leaders are but trusted forever nonprofessional, but our ser- only for knowledge of His will for us servants; they do not govern. vice centers may employ special work- and the power to carry it out. 3. The only requirement for Nicotine Anon- ers. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the ymous membership is a desire to stop 9. A.A., as such, ought never be orga- result of these steps, we tried to carry this using nicotine. nized; but we may create service boards message to other nicotine users and 4. Each group should be autonomous ex• or committees directly responsible to those they serve. to practice these principles in all our cept in matters affecting other groups or 10. Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion Nicotine Anonymous as a whole. affairs. on outside issues; hence the A.A. name 5. Each group has but one primary pur• The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions ought never be drawn into public con- pose - to carry its message to the nicotine troversy. reprinted and adapted here with the addict who still suffers. 11. Our public relations policy is based on Inc. 6. A Nicotine Anonymous group ought attraction rather than promotion; we Permission to reprint and adapt the Twelve Steps and never endorse, finance, or lend the need always maintain personal ano- Twelve Traditions does not mean that A.A. is affiliated Nicotine Anonymous name to any nymity at the level of press, radio and related facility or outside enterprise, films. with this program. A.A. is a program of recovery lest problems of money, property, 12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation from alcoholism-use of the Twelve Steps in and prestige divert us from our pri- of all our traditions, ever reminding us to connection with programs and activities mary purpose. place principles before personalities. which are patterned after A.A., but which address 7. Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought Our Preamble other problems, does not imply otherwise. to be fully self - supporting, declining outside contributions. Nicotine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous 8.
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