REFERENCIAS DE HISTORIA FREAK DEL CINE (VOLÚMENES I Y II) VOLUMEN I Introducción 1 "Nigeria surpasses Hollywood as world's second largest film producer" United Nations News Centre, 5 de mayo de 2009 http://www.un.org/apps//news/story.asp?NewsID=30707&Cr=nigeria&Cr1= Capítulo 1 2 Theodore Corbett. "St. Augustine Pirates and Privateers". Ed. Arcadia Publishing, 2012. ISBN: 9781614236535. Pág. 57 https://books.google.cl/books?id=o452CQAAQBAJ&pg=PT57 3 Douglas Botting. "The Pirates". Ed. Time-Life, Incorporated, 1978. ISBN-13: 978-0809426508 4 1- Bill Bryson. “At Home. A Short History of Private Life”. Ed. Doubleday, 2010. ISBN: 9780385533591. Localización: 5169 2- Timbrell, John. "Butter Yellow and Scheele's Green".Ed. Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 978-0-19-280495-2. http://books.google.com/?id=qYYOtQU37jcC 5 1- Bryson, Bill. "A Short Story of Nearly Everything". Ed. Black Swan, 2004. ISBN 0552997048. Págs. 131 2- Clifton JC 2nd (2007). "Mercury exposure and public health". Pediatr Clin North Am 54 (2): 237–69, viii. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2007.02.005. PMID 17448359.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17448359 6 Robert Hirsche. "Seizing the Light: a Social History of Photography". Ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York, 2009. págs. 34–35 7 Gerald F. Gaus, Fred D'Agostino. "The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy". Ed. Routledge, 2013. ISBN: 9780415874564. Pág. 221 https://books.google.cl/books?id=z7MzEHaJgKAC&pg=PA221 8 Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Volumen 26. Ed. Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 1936. Pág. 93 http://books.google.cl/books?id=QKQFAQAAIAAJ&q=11+minutes 9 Bill Bryson. “One Summer: America, 1927”. Ed. Doubleday, 2013. ISBN 9780385537827 Localización 3991 10 Paul C. Spehr. “Eugene Augustin Lauste: A Biographical Chronology”. Film History, Vol. 11, No. 1, Film Technology (1999), pp. 18-38 Indiana University Press http://www.jstor.org/stable/3815254 11 Friedel, Robert, Paul Israel. “Edison's electric light: biography of an invention”. Ed. Rutgers University Press, 1986. págs 115–117 12 1- Martin Banham. "The Cambridge Paperback Guide to Theatre". Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780521446549. Pág. 283 https://books.google.cl/books?id=Ubr35UeE- UQC&pg=PA283 2- Peter Cossins. "Butcher, Blacksmith, Acrobat, Sweep: The Tale of the First Tour de France". Ed. Random House, 2017. ISBN: 9781473546790. Pág. 29 https://books.google.cl/books?id=WioCDQAAQBAJ&pg=PP29 3- Jim Dawson. "Who Cut the Cheese?: A Cultural History of the Fart". Ed. Potter/TenSpeed/Harmony, 2011. ISBN: 9780307778789. Pág. 36 https://books.google.cl/books?id=dzXo09e488kC&pg=PA36 13 Georges Sadoul. "Histoire générale du cinéma". Ed. Denoël, 1947 14 Dean Nelson. "India’s mission to Mars ‘cheaper than Hollywood hit Gravity’ ". The Telegraph, 30 de junio de 2014 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/10935920/Indias- mission-to-Mars-cheaper-than-Hollywood-hit-Gravity.html 15 Elizabeth Ezra. "Georges Méliès". Ed. Manchester University Press, 2000. ISBN: 9780719053962. Pág. 19 https://books.google.cl/books?id=NW12OEyynkQC&pg=PA19 16 1- Bill Bryson. "Made In America: An Informal History of American English". Ed. Random House, 2010. ISBN: 9781409095699. Pág. 168 https://books.google.cl/books?id=XMKkEh9JHncC&pg=PT168 2- Norman V. Richards. "Cowboy movies". Ed. Bison Books, 1984. ISBN: 9780861240982. Pág. 28 https://books.google.cl/books?redir_esc=y&hl=es&id=tspF- fFtL7AC&dq=The+Great+Train+Robbery+fainted&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=fainted Capítulo 2 17 Rosemarie Ostler. "Dewdroppers, waldos, and slackers: a decade-by-decade guide to the vanishing vocabulary of the twentieth century". Ed. Oxford University Press US, 2005 ISBN 9780195182545 Pág. 7 http://books.google.com/books?id=qD6SwN7oZ9wC&pg=PA 18 Allem, Jon-Patrick, et al. "The Charlie Sheen Effect on Rapid In-home Human Immunodeficiency Virus Test Sales." Prevention Science (2017): 1-4. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11121-017-0792-2 19 1- Gaelyn Whitley Keith. "The Father of Hollywood". Ed. Tate Publishing, 2010. ISBN: 9781616634759. Pág. 50 https://books.google.cl/books?id=nAgAv3duwZEC&pg=PA50 2- Diario de Margaret Virginia Whitley (1886) http://thefatherofhollywood.com/images/HJ%201886%20name%20Hollywood0002.JPG 20 “Life with Maloney”. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 30 de marzo de 1944, Pág. 32 21 Gerald Schiller. "It Happened in Hollywood: Remarkable Events That Shaped History". Ed. Rowman & Littlefield, 2010. ISBN: 9780762761920. Pág. 71 https://books.google.cl/books?id=AzzY-vccRmAC&pg=PA71 22 Christopher Hooton. “When the Hollywood sign was changed to ‘Hollyweed’ in 1976, the art student responsible was given an A”. The Independent, 2 de enero de 2017 http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/hollywood-sign-holyweed-danny- finegood-changed-altered-1976-all-different-alterations-access-a7505346.html 23 A. Scott Berg. "Goldwyn: A Biography". Ed. Simon and Schuster, 2013. ISBN: 9781471130069. Pág. 257 https://books.google.cl/books?id=TbMAAAAAQBAJ&pg=PP257 24 Peter Hay. "Movie Anecdotes". Ed. Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN: 0195045955. Pág. 17 25 “The Various Shady Lives of the Ku Klux Klan”. Time, 9 de abril de 1965. Capítulo 3 26 Rosemary Guiley. "The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters". Ed. Infobase Publishing, 2004. ISBN: 9781438130019. Pág. 217 https://books.google.cl/books?id=5soL2qxSBDgC&pg=PA217 27 Lotte H. Eisner. "F.W. Murnau". Ed. University of California Press, 1973. ISBN: 9780520024250. Pág. 222 – 223 https://books.google.cl/books?id=lOgRKn07oMIC&pg=PA222 (Hay dos versiones respecto de quien conducía, el biógrafo concede mayor verosimilitud a aquella que señala al sirviente filipino) 28 Simon Peaple. "European Diplomacy: 1870-1939". Ed. Heinemann, 2002. ISBN: 9780435327347. Pág. 104 http://books.google.pl/books?id=vKLaQOcbW84C&pg=PA104 29 Jay Robert Nash, Stanley Ralph Ross. "The Motion Picture Guide, Volumen 5". Ed. Cinebooks, 1985. ISBN: 9780933997059. Pág. 1781 30 Peter Hay. "Movie Anecdotes". Ed. Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN: 0195045955. Pág. 162 31 Maureen O'Hara, John Nicoletti. "Tis Herself: An Autobiography". Ed. Simon and Schuster, 2005. ISBN: 9780743269162. Págs. 39-40 https://books.google.cl/books?id=aNhAdQK5CyMC&pg=PA39 32 Eric Schuldenfrei. "The Films of Charles and Ray Eames: A Universal Sense of Expectation". Ed. Routledge, 2014. ISBN: 9781317593461. Pág. 72 https://books.google.cl/books?id=IlC2BQAAQBAJ&pg=PA72 33 John Luckas. "Junio de 1941: Hitler y Stalin". Ed. Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2008 ISBN 9789681685164 Pág. 71 http://books.google.cl/books?id=RmW_xhSSLZAC&pg=PT71 34 Isabel De Madariaga. "Ivan the Terrible". Ed. Yale University Press, 2006. ISBN 9780300119732. Págs 341-343 http://books.google.cl/books?id=xdFVn1v3FMUC&pg=PA341 Capítulo 4 35 Bill Bryson. “One Summer: America, 1927”. Ed. Doubleday, 2013. ISBN 9780385537827 Localización 4910 36 Peter Hay. "Movie Anecdotes". Ed. Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN: 9780195364422. Pág. 126 https://books.google.cl/books?id=qWfRCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA126 37 Susan Orlean. "Rin Tin Tin: The Life and Legend of the World’s Most Famous Dog". Ed. Atlantic Books Ltd, 2012. ISBN: 9780857897213. Pág. 72 https://books.google.cl/books?id=8ahSypYdhF8C&pg=PT72 38 Bill Bryson. “One Summer: America, 1927”. Ed. Doubleday, 2013. ISBN 9780385537827. Localización 5092 39 Jacks, Beth; Womer, Kelly (2008). Every Day Thoughts: Words to Woof by (Ed. 2008). China: New Seasons (Publications International Ltd). ISBN 1-4127-4371-0. 40 Wheeler Winston Dixon, Gwendolyn Audrey Foster. “A short history of film”. Ed. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978081356057. Localización 689 41 Peter Hay. "Movie Anecdotes". Ed. Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN: 0195045955. Pág. 186 42 Milton, Joyce. "Tramp: The Life of Charlie Chaplin". New York: HarperCollins, 1996. ISBN 0-06-017052-2. Páginas 62 - 63 https://books.google.cl/books?id=dfO4AwAAQBAJ&pg=PT62 43 Diana Serra Cary. "Jackie Coogan: The World's Boy King: A Biography of Hollywood's Legendary Child Star". Ed. Scarecrow Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780585466873. Pág. 51 https://books.google.cl/books?id=dEJSPx9zESwC&pg=PA51 44Greg Merritt. "Room 1219: The Life of Fatty Arbuckle, the Mysterious Death of Virginia Rappe, and the Scandal That Changed Hol". Ed. Chicago Review Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781613747957. Pág 392. https://books.google.cl/books?id=kaZuAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT392 45 1- "Dorothy Cumming”, Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922. http://search.ancestry.com/cgi- bin/sse.dll?rank=1&new=1&MSAV=1&msT=1&gss=angs- c&gsfn=dorothy&gsln=cumming&msbdy=1894&cpxt=0&uidh=en3&cp=0&pcat=34&h=31107 44&db=AusBirthIndex&indiv=1&ml_rpos=1 2- James Fisher, Felicia Hardison Londré. "The A to Z of American Theater: Modernism". Ed. Rowman & Littlefield, 2009. ISBN: 9780810868847. Pág. 506 https://books.google.com/books?id=y7OCKIf0LH4C&pg=PA506 46 Neal Gabler. "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood". Ed. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2010. ISBN: 9780307773715. Pág. 101 https://books.google.cl/books?id=S8MMhPYLG2sC&pg=PA101 47 Cecilia de Mille Presley, Mark A. Vieira. "Cecil B. DeMille: The Art of the Hollywood Epic". Ed. Hachette UK, 2014. ISBN: 9780762455379. Pág. 560 https://books.google.cl/books?id=Bcg_DgAAQBAJ&pg=PT560 Capítulo 5 48 David Wark Griffith. “The Movies 100 Years from Now”. Collier's, Volumen 73, 1924. Pág. 47 https://books.google.cl/books?id=29gcAQAAMAAJ&q="want+the+human" 49 Jack L. Warner, Dean Jennings.”My First Hundred Years in Hollywood”. Ed. Random House, 1965. Págs. 167-168 50 Dennis Fischer. "Science Fiction Film Directors, 1895–1998". Ed. McFarland, 2011. ISBN: 9780786485055. Pág. 225 https://books.google.cl/books?id=7msrAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA225 51 Ed Power. “There can be only one: why Highlander will live forever”. The Telegraph, 16 de junio de 2016. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/2016/06/16/there-can-only-be-one-why- highlander-will-live-forever/ 52 Peter Hay.
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