y a r G e i l r a h C y b y h p a r g o t o h P DIRECTED B Y JAMES M ACDO NALD PRODUCED B Y SONIA F RIEDMAN P RO DUCTIONS Running time : 3 ho urs , including a 15-min interval and a brief pause between Acts 2 and 3 Coming next Cast Yerma Martha IM ELDA ST AUNTON George CONLE TH H ILL In ci nemas fro m 14 Oc tober Ho ney IMOG EN POO TS by Simon Stone Nick LUKE T READ AWAY after Federico Gar cia Lorca Pla ywrigh t EDWAR D AL BEE a You ng Vic Theatre production Directo r JAMES M ACDO NALD Designe r TOM PY E Ligh tin g CHAR LE S B A LF OUR Soun d a n d M usic ADAM C OR K Hair, w ig s a nd m ake-up CAR O LE H ANCOCK Casting AM Y B AL L Assistan t D irector JOHN HA IDAR Figh ts BR ET Y OUN T Dia le ct/Voi ce PEN NY D YER Chor eograph y IMOGE N KN IGH T Angels in America Part 1 – 9 Se ptember and Bro adc as t Part 2 – 16 September ( Screen D irector TIM V A N S OMEREN ( A Gay Fan tas ia on Natio nal Themes Technica l Pr oducer CHR IS B R ETNALL Ligh tin g D irector MIKE L E F EVRE by Tony Kushner So und S upe rvisor CONR AD F LETCHE R a National Theatre production Head o f B roadcast EMMA K EITH Part One and Two in cinemas. aPr oducer , Pr ogrammin g and A dm inistrat ion FLO B UCK ERI DG E Pr oducer KATE MO ORE Pr oductio n M anager JASMI NE S AND ALLI Ma rket ing SH AR ON GR OGANS & K ATIE W ILLIAMS Salom é In cin ema s from 4 Nove mber Interna tion ally acc laimed directo r Ya ël Farber ’s (Les Blancs) urgent, hypnotic pr odu ction, ca ptured live # fro m th e Nat ion al Theatre. # Find your nearest venue and book at ntlive.com Turn over for details of more upcoming broadcasts Upcoming br oadcasts Yerma by S imon St one after Feder ico Garcia Lorca a Yo ung Vic Theatr e produc tion In c ine ma s f rom 14 October WINNE R - Be st Reviva l - 201 7 O livier Awards! WaINNER - Best Actress (Bill i e Piper) - 2017 Olivie r Award s! I F The inc redible B illie Piper (P enny D readfu l, Great B ritain) retur ns in h er awa rd-win ning r ole. A young w om an is d riv en to th e un thinkable b y her desperate d es ire to hav e a chil d in S imo n Stone ’s radic al prod ucti on of Lorca’s achi ngly power ful mas terp iece. Th e unm is sable thea tre phe nomen on sold out at the Y oung Vic a nd crit ics call it ‘a n extraor dinary theatrical trium ph’ (The T ime s) an d ‘s tunnin g, sea ring, un missable’ (Mail on Sunday). Billie Piper’s lead performance is described as ‘spellbinding’ (The Eve nin g Sta ndard ), ‘as tonishing ’ (i New s) and ‘de va statingly powerfu l’ (The Daily T ele gra ph). Set in contem porary Lon don , Pipe r’s p ortr ayal of a wom an in her thirties desperate to conceive builds with elemental force to a staggering, s hoc king, c limax. Angels in America Salomé Peter Pan A Gay Fan tasia on National Themes a new play by Yaël Farber by JM Barrie a Nat ional T heatre production a N ation al T hea tre prod uction devi sed by th e C ompanie s a co-pro duction with Bristol Old Vic P art 1 – 9 Sep tem be r and In cinemas from 4 November In cinemas from 2 December P art 2 – 16 Septe mb er The story has been told before, but never Cap tured l ive at the Nation al Thea tre, a like this. recorded performance of JM Barrie’s much- America in t he mid -1980s. In the midst of loved f am ily classic scre en s in cinem as this the AID S crisis a nd a con serv ative Reagan A n occupied de sert nat ion. A ra dica l from s umme r. administration, New Yorkers grapple with life and the wilde rness o n h unger s trike . A girl wh ose When Peter Pan, leader o f the Lo st Bo ys, lose s death, love and sex, heaven and hell. m ysterious dance will change the course of his s hado w, h eads trong W end y he lps him to the world. reattach it. In return, she is invited to Neverland, In Tony Ku sh ner’s m ulti -a ward-w inn ing two-pa rt where Tinker Bell the fairy, Tiger Lily and the play, Andrew Ga rfiel d (Sil ence, Hac ksa w R idge) Th is cha rged retelling turn s t he i nfam ous bib lical vengeful Captain Hook await. plays Pr ior Walt er alon g with a cast including tale on its he ad , placing th e girl we call S alomé A delight for children and adults alike, Sally Denise Gough (People, Places and Things), at the ce ntre of a revolu tion. Interna tiona lly Cookson (NT Live: Jane Eyre) directs this Nathan Lane (The Producers), James McArdle accl aim ed theat re directo r Y aël Fa rber (Les wondrously inventive production. (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and Russell Blancs ) draws on multiple accounts to create her Tovey (The Pass). Directed by Marianne Elliott urgent, hypnotic production. (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- Time and War Horse). BOOK NOW AT NTLIVE.COM.
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