VOLUME 44 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 NUMBER 1 New Secretary Home Economics Leaders Finnish Relief Driye Canners Win Three January Meeting Will Meet For East Jordan P..-TV A. Third Lesson on Jan. 9 of Fair Ass'n Launched In State and Lose One Next Thursday Night The third lesson in our present CHARLEVOIX COUNTY FAIR DI­ H. P. PORTER LOCAL CHAIRMAN. home economics project, Home Man­ TAKE, MANCELONA, NORTHPORT The East Jordan P.-T. A; will hold Bennett — Rogers RECTORS ELECT L. O. ISA- agement, will be given on Tuesday, MONEY CAN BE LEFT AT I AND BOYNE CITY. ELLS­ its January meeting Thursday even­ Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MAN, ELLSWORTH, SECY •lanuary; 9th, in the Boyne City Li­ , STATE BANK ing, January 11, at 8 p. m. in room WORTH WINNER Dan Bennett, and George Rogers, son brary ,beginning at 10:00. It is ex­ 14 of the High School. pected that a full attendance of lead­ of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rogers, were Directqrs of the Charlevoix County The speakers of the evening are ers arom the thirteen, communities Ray E. Routsala, vice chairman of Coach Alex Sinclair's Red & White united .in marriage Sunday evening, Fair Association met at the City Mr. LaBerg, head of the Farm Se­ will be present. the Lansing chapter of the Finnish Can»ers won three games while Ios- Dec. 31, at the close of the regular Building, East Jordan, Thursday curity Division with headquarters at Relief Fund, Inc., spent New Year's «j one, the past week and a half. Sunday evening services in the Men- night,. DeC-._28, _forjthe election of As we enter the new year, it is in- Boyne City. His subject is "Farming week end in. East Jordan. Ruptsfrla The Northern Michigan champs are nonitc Church. Rev. Homer Matteson officers. As the electionr proceeds^ -teresting-. -to.", note.,-that, the - .women on a Business Basis." B. C. Mellen­ folks have now participated in ex­ states that a committee has been Or­ not going «3 strong as they were at performed the ceremony, using the Chas. P. Murphy who has served the - camp, County Agr'l Agent-of Charle­ ring service. Association efficiently for a number tension : projects since the spring of ganized in Lansing in connection with this time last season. Thus far they voix County~wiirspeak~6n the-subject- The bride was attired in .a green of years, withdrew his name and L. '925 and, during this time, have par- the National drive to assist Finnish have been Unable to get going on "Farming as an Occupation for your crepe dress and wore a corsage of 0. Isaman of Ellsworth, was elected ;cipa,ted in seventeen different pro­ refugees. Dr. John E. Heeko has been their dog shots. This cost them the Son and Daughter." __„ baby mums ajhd pink roses. Lottie secretary. Following are the officers jects; It is significant that there have named chairman and Neil A. Rurja, Ellsworth game and has tended to Hitchcock attended the bride and Ir­ elected. been some communities that have not secretary of the executive committee. keep the score down in the other • nis'sed a single project. Honorary members of. the- committee games. 1 ving Bennett, brother of the bride, President —• Jess Smith, Charle­ Detroit Man Purchases include: Governor Luren D. Dickin­ attended the groom. voix. .The following communities and lea­ Despite this, they defeated the ders are participating in the Home son; Mayor Templeton of Lansing; Mancelona Independents 37 to 28, 3200 Acres of Land Miss Ruth Slate played the wedding Vice President — John F. Kenny, Management projeqt: Pres. Robert S. Shaw of Michigan the Northport Merchants 49 to 42 march and furnished appropriate mn-, East Jordan. In Antrjm County Horton's Bay — Mrs. J. A. Kotes- State College; Murray D. VanWagon- and,the Boyne City Mayors 40 to 39 sic throughout the service. Vice President Russell Burden, tey ana Mrs. David Sut{lh-.-=———- er~StaTe—^Highw: while losing to Ellsworth 39 to 32. After the ceremony a buffet lunch­ Boyne City. , Marion Center — Mrs. Max Davis Bishop J. H. Albers of the Lansing fcONA-GAME__^ R. W. Milesof Detroit recently eon was sez-ved the wedding party at Secretary — L. 0. Isaman, Ells­ the home of the groom's parents. Mr. worth. " <ind Mrs. Bob O'Dell. diocese of the Roman Catholic church. Friday, Dec. 22nd, the Canners completed a~deal in which he pur- East Jordan No, 1 — Mrs. Paul Rev. Julius -Fischbach, president of took a fast and scrappy Mancelona chased over 3,200 acres of adjoining and Mrs. A. G, Rogers. Treasurer — Geo. Nelson, East r The young couple have taken an Jordan. ,isk and Mrs. Lester Walcutt. the Lansing Ministerial Association Independents by a score of 37 to 28. land in Jordan,. Echo, Chestonia and , East Jordan No. 2 —• Mrs. Bud and Ray Potter, President of the Lan­ The. game was"fast"from start to fin­ apartment in the Cole residence on Marshal —- Percy Reiness, East Kearney townships, .Antrim County, jcttt and Mrs. Clifford Brown. Mill St. , Jordan. sing National Bank. ish, the tall ran^y Mancy boys push­ from the East Jordan Lumber Co. It Clarion — Mrs. Henry Hinkley and ing the locals most of the way. The Both Mr. and Mrs.: Rogers are Hair c(ates~foT -the—i*4e-^-exh4iit Finland is being invaded. The Fin­ is located twelve miles south of .East TSTfsr~eeurge-Ma4tey, " ^ Canners were in front 14 to 9 at the graduates of the East Jordan High were set tentatively to start Sept. 10. ish—people arc fighting- a dpfpnsive Jordan, just west of M-66. Peninsula :— Mrs. Orval Bennett 1 School in the Class of '37. Pres. Smith and See'y Isaman plan war to protect their homes and their and 23 Ui 20 at Uie-end of tho- - —Mv Mil,,., .}mp "ondu"tf'd a. surcess- and Mrs. Clayton Healey. third period. The final period was ful meat market business in Detroit —Ihe-hgsl' Brifih%s__of_their many fri- to attend the State Fair Ass'n meet­ religious and democratic principle's, ends are extended for~a happy and " South Arm — Mrs. Kenneth Isa­ extremely hard fougtl and, with only for the past twenty-six years, and ing at Detroit about Jan'y 20th. while the brave Finnish men and boys prosperous future. man and Mrs. Archie Murphy. are putting up a heroic struggle. tin two and one half minlfes to play, the plans to use the range for a stock —Charlevoix — Mrs. Jeff Novotny the battle front. The .women and chil­ locals, were leading by s»ly one point farm, specializing in whiteface Short- Mrs. Audrey DeWitt ^nd Mrs. Thomas Higman. dren refugees need food, clothing and OR t" 9^ Then they spurted with a horn cattle_for use in his market. Arnott •— Russell Will Address Garden Barnard — Mrs. Clyde Warner and medical aid. -•*; final rally and put the game on ice. o Mrs. -Clarer.ee Murray. Mancelona (28) FG. FT. PF. Mr. Wilfred G. Arnott and Mrs. — —Club:; Next Tuesday Evangeline —- Mrs. Paul Clark and Howard P. Porter, President of Turnipseed, l.f. __•_„_ 3 1:0 State Bank of. East Jordari, has been Harriet Russell, both of. the •Penin- Mrs. Earl-Martin. _,_ i_._ _^ Thomas, r.f. 0 0 " 1" Will Improve. s^lerted--chftirma-n^f^he-FHimsh--ReT- sula,-jyexe. united. j.n_ marriage at the fc'-^ji. ' jp s . At 2:30, Tuesday afternoon, Janu­ Boyne City — Mrs. Canstance Van Hardy; e'.'-_f~—zrr.;'"2-.-^"J0--~—t Presbyterian manse on New Year's^ ary 9th, at, the. City Building, ( Mrs. lief Fund drive in East Jordan. All Hoesen. Nothstine, c. :__ 0-0 0 —Dairy Herds morningrRevr G^W-T^Sjd«boiham-offL-. Audrey DeWitt of the Educational money left at the State Bank will be Deer Lake^ — Mrs. Earl Barber and Smith, lg. 4 0.1 dating. They were attended by Mr. Division of the Michigan State Con­ "iss Sidney Lumley. „••• .j. promptly forwarded in full. Expenses Makel, l.g. T„_.- 1 0.1 and. Mrs. Ray Loomis. servation Dep't will address the Gar­ •-, B. C. Mellencamp, connected with collection and for­ SEVEN YOUNG SIRES RECENTLY warding, to Finland are taken care of .Flannery, r.g; 3 1 3 den Club. Mrs. DeWitt's talk wil] be County Agr'l Agent. PURCHASED BY DAIRYMEN illustrated by motion pictures in .col­ orivately so that every dollar^ contri­ o —• Totals -_ ...- 13. -2 7 or. Tea will be served at the close of buted Will go to Finland: We are all MacDonald — Miller Eatt Jordan (37) FG. FT. PF. the meeting. WITH THE sorry for P'inland. Let us help now The recent arrival of a truck load L. Cihak, l.f. 1 2 2 Miss Anita MacDonald, daughter of when it is most needed and will do the of young, dairy sires out of high pro­ Mr. and Mrs. N. D. MacDonald of —A^T4UM__XmiNTY_ R. Saxton, l.f. 2 0 1 most good. ; _ ducing herds will do more than any- "Eveline Tjownship, and Mr. James itfrrefhakr-r^v- 3— L ± Gay Week For Temple AGR'L AGENT Odttg e!s£_Jow^aj^ ^improving the, Milh3i^j3f__Cleyeland, Ohio, were uni- H. Sommerville, c. —_- 6 0 1 .dairy production_in the county. These r J W. Kirkpatrick, Extension Agent L tedin~mnrrlag e ~at~3:30 o'ciuuk Fii-' -1^ ^jSfe'^' be. easy to recognize Tem- Home visits were made, 1155 office C. Sommerville, l.g.
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