.Y I, l~ =::::::::a Names, airmen ' ~\10N CALENDAR Cloudy PROCESSED Fe ODS blue ,tamp. A8 throulh VS vaUd Inde!l­ nlleJy ' MEAT reel slamps A8 II.Toullt W8 valid IndeUnltely' SUGAR Moose • tamp· 30. 31 (book 4) valid Indellnltely, .lamp 40 for cannlne sugar .. IOWA: Cloudy, wanner• • xplr.. Feb. 28. 1945; SHOE "tamp. airplane ilamps 1 and 2 (book THE DAILY· IOWAN 3) _ yalld Indefinitely; GASOLlNl!: A - 12 coupon expires SeM. 22; • FUEL Oll.. p~r . .. Dna :l coupons e)(pue :sepl. 30. !n of the Iowa City's Morning Newspaper have been \lard Orgall, fIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1944 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 236 Frank J, g; Mrs. Jo. ervi~e; Mr., ~ and train. Ir, alumnae; Russians Capture 500 Places; lbrary; ?i.... leart; ?i.... haven; Ml1. guild; Ml1. relief; Mra. Yanks Clean Cherbourg 1 Up ' ership; Ro .. ._, Mrs. Frani )eorge Se,y. Rest Is Needed a Glance- ; Mrs. TDIl1 At Germans Maintain Knock , Oul ' friendship; Russians Push owers; Ml1. Ceaseless Blitz r8. Clarinda 25 Nazi Tanks Today's h Rummel. With Robot Bombs On20 Miles wlrs. Georle , thy ROllel'l, Hurl Back Iowan Winged Destruction Day's Fighting IIrs. OakeJ Counterattacks Hurtles Across Channel and Marr Prepares Way Around Caen British forces* hurl* back* German 'os and Mra. 16th Straight Night For Minsk Assault COllnterattncks SOLI t h we s t of STJPREME HEADQUAR· LON DON (AP)-The Na~is Caen. LONDON, Sunday (A1?)­ erve as sen­ TERH, AlIiN\ Expeditionary have maintained their ceaseless, I lrgus will be Force, ' Ilnday (AP)-Britain's eerie blitz on southern England tor Driving irresistibly wostward, Second army knocked out 25 Reds make advances of up to 16 straight nights, hurtling winged I Red h'oops made advances of as German tanks and hurled back 20 miles toward While Russian destruction across the channel, and I much as 20 miles on the flanks a dozen ('nemv cOllnt('rattacks capitaL in the face of rumors and anxiety of the Wll ite Russian capi tal of 'ee ROllthwt'St of "('8en yesterday, in this country today-especially Minsk yesterday and captmed rday filed a whil(' American troops cleaning AmerIcans slowly consolidating in the regions thus far out of the I more than 500 placeR including gains in bloody fighting on Sui- range of the flying bombs-the the district, up thr 1101'lhwffitern 1ip of thr th£' large railway center of Bori­ Iresh, chari' government may unfold more of ~ov, Mo~cow fin11011I1<led . THE GASOLINE TRUCK at the side of the Inn was said to be the cause of the tire which began late ChorbomA' p('nin~llla captnred 11 treatment. pan. the story of these altacks. yesterday afternoon. _ ' -I , f ... 2,000 Germans- boosting axis The day's fighting, adding .rney. Pressure Develops thouS8 nds mOl'e killed and cap­ 'ried March ¥ I dead and priSOnl'l'R 011 thl' Aml'r­ Nazis continue robot bombing of As the Germans continued try- *** ...... *** tUl'ed (let'mnn! to the ] 088(,<; al­ Ild', Ill., and jean front aiol1(, to nC'arly 50,000 southern English coast. ing to counter iheir battle reverses men. --------------lwiih the blind bombardment, ready infJicted on the shattered nz;' rOI'ce~ , prepared t11e way Both lind th" pressure developed in parliament tor a franker official reporting on tor a final assault on Minsk itself. lllB, quiuea Germans were rushing men and Marines, Doughboys the weapon, and one member, Al­ Associated Press Correspondent material into the line arching on ng a school fred Denville of Newcastle-on- OVER _ TmED and threatened Eddy Gilmore in a dispatch from , three sides of Caen for impednlng Tyne, said he would ask British Moscow said three oC the four Ilt GarrlSOQ I Consolidated Gains . with a.nemla, Anne Shirley, Hol- critical tank battles on the 120- S I Home S ecre 1ary H er ber t S . MOTfI- Ru ssi,1n armies fighting in White son to shorten the siren sound for Iywood film star. plans a complete R . 1 h d 't d th . dgators are mile invasion . route to Pari~, and IOn Bloody alpan ussla a ready a un) e elf purpose ill Marshal ErWin Rommel himself • raidwarnings and all clears, or rest for at least two months after , IS been tul. was reported to have arrived at discontinue them, as a step to linlshlng her current assignment. i forces and begun theIr attack on Elli ott said, the Caen front. Holed-In Japs • c 0 u n t era c t the inconvenience The actress, who beran her screen I t~e g~eat city whIch guards the 1e here and Headquarters communique No. • W· d 0 I c;aused by the steady procession career ZZ yea.rs ago as a child per- ~IStOI'lC route to Warsaw and Ber- fleet duty.- 52, issued at 11:30 p. m., said: "No Being Ipe ut , of robot bombs, former, was stricken last week 1m. furtber gains have been made in Says Communique Similarly, Commander Oliver while workln.- In picture, "Fare- Bonsov,' 46 m~les from Mmsk tbe strong allied bridgehead across Locker-L amp son. Handsworth I My Lovely" on the direct raIlway, was com- the Odon river" southwest of Caen. Conservative said he would ask we,. pletely occupied early Saturday Attempts Unsuccessful U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD- the minister to "initiate a differ- morning after a night of violent A local enemy movement in the QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, (AP) ent form of nlert which would Japan"se OffenSI"Ve street fighting in wbich more than vicinity of Esquay, two miles -American marines and dough- free workers Crom work." ., 8,000 Nazi officers and men were across the Odon and six miles boys are slowly consolidating their, Watched Intently I H P I k i 11 ed, Moscow's communique southwest of Caen, was noted by gains on bloody Saipan island as Prime Minister C h u r c h I· 11 n unan rovlnce early today80 said.Tanks Taken headquarters which also said thal . watched intently for more than enemy infiltration attempts from they liqUidated pockets of Jape- . h ... ·d th f'ght aaainst Tit J I F Many prisoners were laken and the east "were unsuccessful." ~ese hldmg, ... m caves behmd.. their SIXthe weird,ours" fIexplosive-laden ay e I. pro- rles 0 oln orces 80 tan k s and more t h an 200 guns front .cI1Sl1!1 tJ;hlls &~d the ~'­ hnes, ., jectlles. He may make a brief were destroyed as the Germans ' mans also hit" th~ west flonk of Adm. Chester w,. N!mi~ s Sat- statement to commons Tuesday. C HUN G KIN G, (AP) _ The were pounded back in utter rout, the allied bridg~bead 0 dozen urday Cl 0 m m 1I n I que reported But. "ndications wel'e that be the supplement stated. f Itimes during the day "with no "small gains" Thursday an_d a dd e d would not disclose much, and Ve~- Japanese have launcned their E ven b efBi ore or SOy e11 R ed )j • long-expected offensive nor t h- h d d . f b d d i success at all." These jabs were that. holed-in Japanese .. ypasse d non Bartlett, Independent member ward from the Canto narea, the troops a rIVen al' eyon an beaten off in the Cheux, Grain­ preVIously, "-,,ere being WIped. out, from Bridgewater, served notice Chinese high command announced Moscow announced that two dis- ville-sur-Odon and Cheux areas, . The Amencan forces ~ere f~ght, he would ask Morrison "whether trict centers north of Minsk, Be- which are from three to four miles mg over rough terraln-ndge~ . tonight, with the enemy making goml and Pleshchenitsy, had been northwe:st of Esquay and on the slashed by ravines and dotted with m o.rder to lessen the uneasmess an effort to join forces driving captured. nOrth side of the Odon. caves. The work of consolidl\ting outSide so~thern F!ng~and, to stim- down the Canton-Hankow railway In the south the first White The destruction of 25 more Nazi gains was slow and tough, u~ate confidence In'lde It and to through bllttered Hunan province Russian army of Marshal Kon- tanks made a total of 167 demol­ Continue RaIds discourage the German. pe~~le, h~ which, if successful, would be a stanin K. Rokossovsky, advanced ished by the British since D-Day The Japanese continued their Will. cO,nsider. the advlsa~l!Jty °e disaster for the Chinese. 20 miles northwest of Slutsk and KEN AND FERN'S INN at Tiffin was burned to t he ground yesterday and Oxford firemen appeared and a total of 347 destroyed or nightly n u i san c e raids over publlshmg fIgures shOWing th Beran June Z8 captured the town of Kopyl. In 011 the sccne soon aftcr to throw streams 01 water on the flaming debris. disabled. American he I dar e a s. They average of casu.alties caused by The general northward advance the same are Krasnaya Sloboda 1r .* * Bury 4,Z12 dropped ex p los i v e s Thursday each b.omb leav!~g the emploce- began in Kwangtung province and Gresk also were taken. ... ... ... * * * A dis pat c h from American night. One Japanese plane was ments m France. June 28, the Chinese said, report- PluD&'e Onward • headquarters on the penInsula said shot down. Some have seen these r,alds as ing that heavy lighting was in pro- The third White Russian army the Americans had buried 4,212 Naval shells and aerial bombers an attempt to lure the allies Into gress along the route as the in- of Gen.
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