Conservative Resources THE PROUD MAJORITY Published by Middle Room Publishing 6924 Chester Trail Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Copyright©2021 by The Proud Majority A Florida 501c3 Non-profit Organization Library of Congress Identification Applied For THE PROUD MAJORITY 2 foreword America didn’t become the greatest country in the history of humanity by accident. It happened because America was founded based on the principles of Natural Law and Natural Rights, which is synchronized with Human Nature. Commitment to these principles enabled Americans to prosper, guided by the optimum balance between liberty and responsibility to community. Simply stated: Natural rights, according to Locke, were those rights that sprang from the exercise of “Natural Law”: · a right to property, since we have a corresponding duty not to steal · a right to life, since we have a duty not to kill ∙ a right to liberty, since we have a duty not to oppress). Today that ideal balance is threatened by the infusion of progressive ideology and principles. America’s core principles are simple and elegant and must be adhered-to, preserved, and strengthened. We are convinced that these truths can overcome the distortion of progressive ideals, but only if enough people understand them. Our goal is to assist Americans identify the quality Organizations, Publications, and Books that promote American core values. The journey of learning our history and principles is very inspiring. Armed with this knowledge, you will easily see through the progressive rhetoric, distortions, and tactics and help in saving our great country. THE PROUD MAJORITY 3 Partner resources Table of Contents Forward . .3 Organizations . .5 Local . 6 National . 7 National Focus . 12 Suggested Reading . .27 Publications . 28 non-fiction books . 29 fiction books. 34 THE PROUD MAJORITY 4 organizations THE PROUD MAJORITY 5 SW Florida organizations Organization URL Focus Lakewood Ranch Republican Club lwrrc.com/ Manatee County Republican Club manateerepublicanparty.com/ Manatee County Tea Party Club teapartymanatee.org/ Sarasota County Republican Club sarasotagop.com/ Local Politics THE PROUD MAJORITY 6 National Organizations Organization Web Site History / News Media Tank Think Policy Conflict Racial Reintegration Americans Young American Values American Affairs Current Senior Citizens Senior Free Speech Free Affairs Foreign Reform Government Rights Gun Healthcare Issues Judicial Strength Military Constitutional Economics Education Immigration Enforcement Law Defense Candidates / Election Values Family 1776 Project PAC 1776projectpac.com X X 1776 Unites 1776unites.com X X Action Institute Action.org X Alexander Hamilton 7 theahi.org Institute X X X America First Legal aflegal.org X America First Policy americafirstpolicy.com Institute X American Conservative Conservative.org Union X X X X X American Cornerstone AmericanCornerstone.Org Institute X X American Family Afa.net Association X X American Greatness amgreatness.com X American Institute for Aier.org Economic Research X X X American Majority americanmajority.org X Americans for Prosperity americansforprosperity.org X Association for Mature amac.us Citizens X Benjamin Rush Institute benjaminrushinstitute.org X Bill of Rights Institute billofrightsinstitute.org X X X X X National Organizations Organization Web Site History / News Media Tank Think Policy Conflict Racial Reintegration Americans Young American Values American Affairs Current Citizens Senior Free Speech Free Affairs Foreign Reform Government Rights Gun Healthcare Issues Judicial Strength Military Constitutional Economics Education Immigration Enforcement Law Defense Candidates / Election Values Family Breitbart News breitbart.com X X X Cato Institute cato.org X X Center for Election Science electionscience.org X X X Citizens United citizensunited.org X X X X 8 Claremont Institute claremont.org X X X Club for Growth clubforgrowth.org X Common Good commongood.org X X X Commonsense American commonsenseamerican.org X X X X Congressional institute congressionalinstitute.org X X X X Conservative Caucus conservativeusa.org X Conservative Partnership conservativepartnership.org Institute X Constituting America constitutingamerica.org X X X Convention of States Conventionofstates.com X X David Horowitz Freedom davidhorowitzfree- Center domcenter.org X X X Defend Florida DefendFlorida.org X Defend Our Union DefendOurUnion.org X Defending the Republic Defendingtherepublic.org X X X X Eagle Forum eagleforum.org X X X Family Research Council frc.org X X National Organizations Organization Web Site History / News Media Tank Think Policy Conflict Racial Reintegration Americans Young American Values American Affairs Current Senior Citizens Senior Free Speech Free Affairs Foreign Reform Government Rights Gun Healthcare Issues Judicial Strength Military Constitutional Economics Education Immigration Enforcement Law Defense Candidates / Election Values Family Federalist Society fedsoc.org X X X X Federation for American fairus.org Immigration Reform X X X X Florida Citizens Alliance floridacitizensalliance.com X 9 Foundation for Economic Fee.org Education X X X Foundation for Individual Thefire.org Rights in Education X X X Foundation for Liberty and Flagusa.org American Greatness (FLAG) X X Frederick Douglass fdfnational.org Foundation X X X Freedom Watch freedomwatchusa.org X X X Freedom Works freedomworks.org Foundation X X X X X X Fund for American Studies tfas.org X X George W. Bush Bushcenter.org Presidential Center X X Goodman Institute goodmaninstitute.org X X X Heritage Foundation heritage.org X X Hillsdale College hillsdale.edu X X X X Hoover Institute hoover.org X X X X Hudson Institute hudson.org X X X national Organizations Organization Web Site History / News Media Tank Think Policy Conflict Racial Reintegration Americans Young American Values American Affairs Current Citizens Senior Free Speech Free Affairs Foreign Reform Government Rights Gun Healthcare Issues Judicial Strength Military Constitutional Economics Education Immigration Enforcement Law Defense Candidates / Election Values Family Independent Institute independent.org X X X X Institute for Humane Theihs.org Studies X X X Intercollegiate Studies 10 ISI.org Institute X X X X Jack Miller Center jackmillercenter.org X X James Madison Institute jamesmadison.org X X X John Lock Society thejohnlockesociety.com X X X John Locke Foundation www.johnlocke.org X X X John Locke Institute johnlockeinstitute.com X X X Judicial Watch judicialwatch.org X X X X X Leadership Institute leadershipinstitute.org X X Liberty University liberty.edu X X X Lou Frey Institute loufreyinstitute.org X X Loving Liberty lovingliberty.net/ X X X Media Research Center - mrc.org/freespeechalliance Free Speech Alliance X X X National Association of nas.org/ Scholars X X X National Constitution constitutioncenter.org Center X X X National Defense PAC nationaldefensepac.org X X X National Rifle Association nra.org X national Organizations Organization Web Site History / News Media Tank Think Policy Conflict Racial Reintegration Americans Young American Values American Affairs Current Citizens Senior Free Speech Free Affairs Foreign Reform Government Rights Gun Healthcare Issues Judicial Strength Military Constitutional Economics Education Immigration Enforcement Law Defense Candidates / Election Values Family Other Side Academy theothersideacademy.com X Pacific Research Institute pacificresearch.org X X X X Parents Defending Education defendinged.org X X 11 PragerU prageru.com/ X X X Project Veritas projectveritas.com/ X X X Protect America Now Protectamericanow.com X X X X X X Ripon Society Riponsociety.org X X X Seeking Educational seekingeducationalexcel- Excellence lence.org X Stand for America standforamerica.con X X X X Teaching American History TeachingAmericanHistory.org X X X Thomas More Society thomasmoresociety.org X X X X Turning Point USA tpusa.com X X X X University of Chicago uchicago.edu X X X USA Facts usafacts.org X Walk Away walkawaycampaign.com X X Young Americans yaf.org Foundation X X X National organization focus Description Logo 1776 Project PAC - Promoting Patriotism and Pride in American History. We are a political action committee dedicated to electing school board members nationwide who want to reform our public education system by promoting patriotism and pride in American history. We are committed to abolishing critical race theory and ‘The 1619 Project’ from the public school curriculum. 1776projectpac.com 1776 Unites - is a project led by African-American academics and advocates to promote founding American values like entrepreneur- ship, self-determination, and mutual social support. 1776 Unites is supported by Robert Woodson, President and founder of the Woodson Center; academics including Carol M. Swain, Glenn Loury, Jason D. Hill, Wilfred Reilly, Shelby Steele, John McWhorter, and John Sibley Butler and other contributors including journalists Coleman Hughes and Clarence Page. They will present stories of upward mobility and resilience that document the successes of African Americans. 1776unites.com Action Institute - The Acton Institute is a think-tank whose mission is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. Action.org Alexander Hamilton Institute – Inspired by Alexander Hamilton’s life and work, the AHI was created to help cultivate a genuinely free marketplace of ideas and promote excellence in scholarship through the study of freedom, democracy and
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