Canadian Bishops Stress Catliolies' Position in ^Mw Bishop, Clergy

Canadian Bishops Stress Catliolies' Position in ^Mw Bishop, Clergy

POTS 7W© ,mBwamwm. iw^iiy^^y^wp-- ^y^|' ffr lyMt' 'fas®, !E. 1S*2 Canadian Bishops Stress Catliolies' Position In ^mw Joint Pastoral Signed By 59 Of Hierarchy Mass Sting For Them In London Extols Sacrifices ] IX>iNFIK>N— (N C f—Stantfing tn the open ipiJtd t*te ruim Decree To Bestow •>f bowed ^«t unyielding' Malm, a 'Jevout people listened M Qt'Efigf «N <" t -"Anyaftf, b*> hv stofrfier. sailer, air­ iradio sets broujrfat to tfaciti a of lirterci'ssion that was man <:>r civilian, who givws hia life tor life feftew-dttzarm, if itang in Wcimnmiflter C*£hcdraJ •- ., .. ,.- _» auinutt««i with dispositions erf falih and £*•«$ fwy justice, at- Title of 'VeneraDie' • Tboy board F-to Eajincncc .warcta whtcli »o» roeoaee At . *rthur Cardltiar fflrailay. Arch- r «,-ortd u>ea tre «6i»a know unt uina Jo sh« highest dt»)&r«» ef i _ ... ., _.. *«3hop of Wesuaimlet. proanffe ! S!aJt«'»' same stand* foi an an- dlafiljl. liws i® A/OjiJialiojKJ »wJ , ""H*Wv*f «« qtust fWTOlMT DnKateriTekakwrtha 'hai the Wand** s.hni!er«d churchfc» : «ina*J>is roe& oroidat ihe Oiceet tn3t 9 fet»fa«ps «{ uuwdd dwiarn Mi a , modern war Is not voa hy wt_«B» t^-w. _t._«rehafl.t And ^ jjj^j n, ^ ua»p»c»t» that C*CT «rw«rjrt OTT«» «m jtnxt f*aoifwtti fc>ii*s o» "ites post-! *&* Agfe"*. fora&s alana Wo - a,MM IM*. «f «,«r c^thoiie iseoptit te the I wast fee pr©pa#ed to mppon our VATICAN CTTV Hh HWh—igX «* ^ ^* " ^i^^', w present war j SaJl?!sg forces also in a raotwial w The tsust M> aliened S>? H» B»ni «? % <wr *abor r* war b.<fw»- wlll.ogljr w» toe pubfMiionof« de J %«»«>-«l«r«>«»liate h*-~ «atd ayu.l of its peopls. ujireTsid and »=»;«,< (U«3JI»I»« Cardinal VIBe •'**•*• •"'i"1 «e»l«!fiir» and fey par- f "Tt*h» to)0|f o»r«»wioi»y with tt? mwsv*. OM.1 , AfT,45.bt9fe»5j «* %»- ! ttdpattag 8s tf» ntctlisi? ssprtees. t!Mi Boer** c ^gwgsaoo o* m.«, «•?•& J^»««» «* ruftalag Eng- r„^rt. of r^^t, ^^^ and ^ fe*e. S3 othor Arerl»&lahop» ami 4*3 Again, iny tntrcstiiag in war {nans, hy readily acEPpttng taa regttis- Tho fsticf icafKt sgaiaat die liana comemiftg tho savfny aae} ra- MotowteL- w^ herote br^luUnu! to the cftdl b> u« .^^ ^^ ^ ^^ Bnackta* «t«JKf>!' *\ef tatati?iirifti!i»n». end Uwnlng of ott» resources, by sufr- rnittir>g to U»<5 thaaeand r«siric- „ 7 ^ ^ I In partieulttT. U»c rtnglog lonet. 4 (ri,eo, urges that wfosa pease » estah, Ttw ftoJy Pathc* rauficd the '>at C^dtosl HiaaJisy. "5»lH!,^'u,^*^ " ilsjktl U «rtli Its on a haate of jwf MO»A iBspK^asrf on gss by wartime f»w»raMe r«»utt at the Sacred COR. throws* «M «»>«»« rutos wttb tft«i» i IJ^a*, waBMif tT*** . „ . „ tt*» oatf ctet*Hy. prosJa'-tton. an4 eiwUSaa &t<mt*. tog ^rtcutlorj'B discaaaiona at on audi- Imesaagw of hope, «&ening Ba he-1 Of «h* terolc cteisey of Malla Oi* *t"e t»*«#dow» {fee •janistimec of nasiattns in plana tew reJiaMUail&Ti ence (Kceorded Juae 13 to ilia Emi­ f role p«wt to U»« atortotw prcscnl.! <^rdlj»al saJd: "A3 the d*i.'oUa(» Of* <3a«t em the country «JM| turr fttUsrm, atiXT thi! war . nence .Carlo f*ardJnu.t BoJotU. f*re- made (rwrey b«wt beat tester. I purfua Rather Mood to hts pert to "At the same tircp, wben wn» fect of" 'he S»t«?red ringrfgatlon of ' the doomed fortress of St Elmp ia d»m H w«s s»s aside for a Be* SMI1 J«9»» Honored ttttalett-'tsfato eseajisasiwiieft ofGsfl- ihlBk of tbt suffeflap and prlv«- Rite* ml Roister of Katert Tekuli ludcd «rlth the ! ??*• «ftrtvtRf aMMMftil of jwr. trda Co <^br*^t cs*« t£*n$. Uoira inflicted an so tasatiT coun- ^wttha's cause To* m.u<Sittive fol- ^raoaiaa ttaat aSdfeT. ""famoaa ^ •**«•« «* *• pnto; ,ai-t*fn«rjr tJeclsiruig th**» ("mjiirlt' victory Soared a meeting of the Sacr<«c) cbareftea and tHWldio® «wwJd bo re- «"«•> «-> ^read of Ijtfe. «b«» w&o frtei we ajiiatllti ttJSiik God for haw­ Congftigaftoi hel«f Wcdnraday of #peai«l thore distant (ten had jbeea ing mercifully spartd oa fmin »«cb buftl ftBd would bo atlU more ta«r- f*.^ "TTrLS?'*****' fast Qreefe. In ttw proaenr* of Pope ored by all Chrt*«»o* men for thotr ^st, b!nwj2L?"4*,-mtera> "° "• ei<'ifJci{rti«3Kj and that the dangtfr "la trtels up to tbn present." Plus XII <o constder tfie wtrtu»» of coming n«p rr.r ho«»s and fhroa«««»- •cm ^Hfllrted by a rwao-balTted J*"""" Prlo^ hemrto. and. ctar*r W*rn A)K*Iir»t rMwolIty fho Aitif-raii indttin maiden , cnomy, m«a and womra «rltb tc»r» f "»,r Wh> t» tho «ir read sticlter. trig wore ofMUvotjif* every day " the Ttec C«'h»Jic Bishops WiM-n that The 'JJ T 'h« puhUcatmn of ' „Biml dol(l „ ;be;r chcetu hv >«« and cxam^Se and strength. en r 1 rlta ,tM »...-„ !.«,.«"»., ,f will not be[L^u^ t»iew»«c *H1 L^v ST»W th« 4e« •. .yet be»a n^ed * JuUnc<J &*nds .« overcome thotr t ""* «» * « " ««"«»««• ,h 01 t3 a «I »ui>ctn< i«l and merely »sferna.I ! J_„„ ,K . ._ r t-.^t But wber :t dots tppea—* - r th-e "d-e 'erootton *t the tboujfht that thexi "^ » "*-" they are also fcnrt g*>»( e. not a m«f<> i «"»aatl/»n of nna- ' ™ M lno {Iel M i <UM«s-n iiK; future witate at our cree wit! »*y!e Katort Tebattwltha *ere oot ftghttng Jonft but ware ! «*» »• «*» » » » tillsl«a, «stVi»-h wo«tt«J ogen the way as Veo-f^ble *nd In the ruture sha part of a groat Chrtation com ; drttss""* aw«y »hen' l&e vteuma , k tow of raity b? a«i>w«<Jd by that tltl© muntty whoao .ufftermgs were feft' '* comfort for tho «pmi .or. site* .f,* .^..itfi ^f fjwJ ,«,, »ortar! * OiftaUivn mfiTOhts." tho ,han or 1 Wtth Ore publtcaCloo of the <Je »nd understood and «*!<»• trt • ' «*• »«^y In^utit.i >•<• •>!" .s.'I Urntift to jo un p&ttlot s>>>'t> *nio.i£i who have been umpbs were ,»<:. Uumed eqoally ' Mj^H'ns directly to -trratnkablo c^llfd to ttte traaoingi camps sJaouM creo firtKb. .i 'i*g loe vtirtoee of t^r punSahwl: rcjn»iate&i' that they Rie»d • mturo 'Lily ol the Mohttwh** to havr ! ct cry-where" 'Mstlta." tho Cardinal do.-laredt liubiuno tipfat»TO itere than awr. been heroic :he ftmt part of the] In iWestmlnJter fiithedraL the-'"fJatbored bm today In Wpajmln- ' JltiiM-'.T (lie |,faft> (or whu h we vn iha UnttletlclJ 'bey must proct-aj! for *.t«. U-ut Hr atlon. name ! Kin|* wu repreaniiited by Lord »»tor natbedriit we ofTer up 6«r tong sttttst be a true pesuee, ii»a Ituif not coropromlao tbetr trnirai ant! fy, tlftl with hor porsona) | Clarendon nnd the tlovernmont by i snpplicatJons for you, the »utV«rin* ol jualiisp »od charity. pct»«s that pijy.ikul Integrity >o sinfiiJ pteos- quall'K-». »HI nave beon completed [Lord franhorne T«»«' War Offlee I t>e»t»Je of Malta. We ttnplar* the Will establish ft wW<f itJid strong In urcs af»ri wast© the strenijth tiiry Then will beam the second part of and the Air Mlnutry ««*» official-•( <!re»t H\gb Priest and Vl<ru« *t l«rn0M'<mal oTtJ«r, w^tci) in l«m IHHr4 for the servtec erf Sod «n^ the Apn-iSolie frnrara, oacnely. that l« represented i our S.icrtflc* to tries* and reward *US guarantee th^> personal Hghto «ro«ntry " dealfri,» *lth nviruelea proposed In Cardinal Utnsley preached from' your fortitude under your stern oi ttt^»vtdudls, »a w«?!S &)» tl^e 0«n- [ The- teltcjr voters m tflgorowsi pro- her catur The purpose wtll be to the e-xt. from the Arts "And when ' trials- to coaaoto tho sorrowing, to teat against l!*o Increase of vice obtain a <trrrea staling that mir- we Intd escaped then we knew th*t ] asuijase Use pmlsa at the •roondnt emi (i«0'J «»' natinna ami of t!w to g»v» «# «ndl trtefhal p«*ee t* human mee oa a commerdal basis, ftnrt the use •Ela fcall> wore worked through [the uland was callc4 Mnin, of ooot ra<>erpt»vei». whieh tinprtncl- the l-ntor<^f«s'l^n at Kateri Tekah He said, m part I those v*-ho have /atlen vtetlma of "CIVJS sntuitialiovntf society p!cd propasandists make bold to wttha. Tttcn beatification eul he ~Wlten by Hod's wtrenjth. Ghn»- ' these tony months of im-ruam at- Bsas* 6« no organtsetl on tho a»>- («Jvcftis© oven amonj( the srftied deddetf tendom has escaped the stoma and tacit 8huJie»b!e prtnclplw ef the Oosi«J, fopeca." that the l!>(3ivi<Juu.i. tbe famitj> and Abuses In the msttt-r of atronx the sl«$e may fteil tm& seape fop tlflnif, hla.'!pfc«?my and profanity fhrff t«ff}tiHia!o apfitui/iiD and alxa. arv nforcd. aiois. at»a that foif llic wtsoio hut- Bishop, Clergy Imprisoned raac raee, ttoeiai (U« s"rtaj» -onee "ApprelMmsioa" U voiced at ™«ee- move bixmnt! an ultl and tt sup{i6Ti h>jf so mnny women, aiMi Mpeelal- ratbsr-! than a WnditiM**.

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