^^^^^^^^^^^«^^^^^^^v^^*^^^^* DL DONS AND CAELS an Jfranxt^co Jfogfjoot BATTLE AGAIN rJLiahth•9> house OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS SUNDAY <y^My^yy^yy^^yyyy^yyw^wy>i By THE EDITOR UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Tradition as defined by Web­ ster is "something handed down Vol. 32, No. 6 San Francisco, March 27, 1946 Wednesday from the past; an inherited cul­ ture, attitude etc." Thus tradition can bo applied to a university with remarkable correctness. Now what is it about tradition which must reassert itself with each succeeding class? Why can­ not tradition be broken instead of perpetuated? Wc are not try­ ing to discard old customs, only wondering why traditions have to be followed if thc progress of the University is hampered in any manner. A school can never have enough tradition and ideals, for these are tho true foundations. Tho more of these, the better solidified will it be. But if tho time over comes, THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL when those ties with the past Collins have to be unknotted, then no­ thing must restrict this untying. vans Lead Fight: If the college stands to be the loser with those "shackles," then >resents I we say, remove them. We are in the midst of the • ^aW W most trying period of the Hill­ The Hfflto top's history; many are the cus­ JUSTIN SMITH CHOSEN toms and ideals which we would AS ALTERNATE SPEAKER like to see maintained and for the majority they will be always Following the intramural com­ with us. But there are several petition hold on Friday, March 5, KU 111 HUH traditions which have ceased to Gregory Collins was selected as be of use in tho midst of the the speaker to represent the Uni­ Repercussions of the recent Executive Committee meeting great transition which is going versity in the Annual Oratorical were being felt throughout the campus this week as more and on. Contest sponsored by the Hearst more of the students and especially members of the Executive Some few traditions are out­ Papers. Justin Smith was select­ Council came out openly and endorsed a change in the present dated, outmoded and useless, ed as alternate speaker. ilECEPTI ASUSF Constitution. hampering the progress and unity Greg Collins is familiarly Louis Dito, ASUSF prexy, while not wishing to commit of the university. To the small known as the member of tho B. ON mm percentage of the students who S.C. who so lucidly described the himself openly, said, "1 think it is time that the Constitution On Sunday evening, March 31, be reworked and many of its passages entirely revised and steadfastly hold that tradition "if and why's" of the Board's the University of San Francisco must be adhered to at all costs, rules at the recent convocation. will hold its initial reception for rewritten. I am not advocating a complete new Constitution, we reply that for their selfish­ Highlights of his oration were: the Dominican College of San but I would like to see many of the ambiguities ironed out." ness—and it is selfishness—the "Andrew Jackson not only af­ Rafael, following the Gael-Don Dito further stated that at the next meeting of the Execs school must suffer. This is neither- fords us a fascinating character baseball game here. he would recommend that a committee be appointed to look logical nor sensible. study, but his words and deeds The reception committee head into the possibility of "transforming the Constitution into We repeat again that we do should equip us with a keynote a coherent working unit." for the problems of today. ed by Vice President Jack Dur not advocate changing any of the kin, is already making prepara Two men who came out openly and heartily agreed that traditions associated with the "Jackson never permitted him­ self to be frightened by appa tions for a gala evening. In addi­ the university needs a complete new Constitution were Mau­ Hilltop, but we do maintain that tion to the dance, the committee if the time ever arises when one ently overwhelming odds; he rice Evans, frosh representative, and Jack Durkin, vice-prexy fought on against a whole bank­ is planning an original entertain­ of the student body. of the traditions is detrimental ment program. to the progress of the university, ing system, against the press, Shown here are the class officers who make up Paul Kozomian, Bob Rezan, Dick Ahearn, Terry Said Durkin, "We have already RULES CONTRADICTORY then is the time to break with against big business, and he won the Exec Council which called for a revision in McGuire, Guido Saveri, Bill Richards. Sitting Durkin pointed out that many interpretations were false tradition and begin to build some because the people wanted the the Constitution this week. Standing, left to are officers of the A.S.U.S.F., Jack Durkin, vice- extended the invitation to the of our own traditions. things he wanted. right: Dan Carmazzi, Don Farbstein, Dick Raf­ president; Lou Dito, president, and Jim Dona­ Dominican College, and they have and that too many arguments were arising over the allocation * * * feto, Maurice Evans, Bob O'Malley, John Ward, hue, secretary. Missing is Herb Carmazzi. heartily accepted. However, due *of power. Several test cases have FINALS HELD HERE the extreme limit of space in our arisen in the past few weeks. He At last, the merits of the Fog­ auditorium only one hundred "To most of us, Andrew Jack­ advocated the drawing up of a horn are being recognized by all. twonty-five girls could be invit­ Execs complete set of new rules to take Our colleagues from St. Mary's son has come to stand for certain ed." great ideals. His fight was the 'MIGHTY MITE' PUNS Night Meet place of the present Constitution. College devoted two full columns "The present Constitution," to "exploiting" the prowess of fight of the downtrodden—he won INFORMAL AFFAIR his fight with a two-fold weapon TO REORGANIZE EIRE Featured said Durkin, "is badly outdated. this humble journalistic venture. It was passed almost twenty We, having set the example, now —a passion for justice and an Has Famous Student body president, Louis ardent and flaming patriotism. Jack Durkin, ASUSF vice-prexy, years ago, and many of the prin­ welcome back the St. Mary's Col­ has signified his intention of re­ ARE COMPLETED Dito added, "In this our first ciples cannot be applied to our legian to the ranks of collegiate "America's present struggle organizing the once powerful and reception for the Dominican Col­ present semester. Several weeks weeklies. Guido Saveri, President of the lege of the new semester, we hope for the things she believes in is active USF Irish Club, the Clana Spea Junior Class, announced last ago, the question of financial % H= H= a perfect parallel on an interna­ Ireianna. to repeat what has been one of control came up, and upon look­ week that the annual Junior tho highlights of the past years Following the recent tlebate in tional scale. We can win it if Durkin stated that with the ENTOMOLOGIST Prom will be held Saturday, May ing up the governing laws con­ we flourish proudly the twin- at the Hilltop." tlie Executive Council, we are help of the Irish "wheels" of the PRESENTS TALK 18, from nine til one in the Gold Begun by ASUSF vice prexy cerning this, I found that several heartily in favor of rewriting the edged sword of an Andrew Jack­ Hilltop, it should be an easy mat Room of the Fairmont Hotel. Dancing will be in the Univer­ Jack Durkin, tho Executive Com­ of the articles contradicted them­ Constitution or at the very least son, tho sword of justice and ter to once again force the Ma­ FOR WASMANN Bert Whiting and his ten-piece sity auditorium, so that only a mittee engaged in the liveliest selves." patriotism. a limited amount of Dons can of revising the more important raschi Club to remain on the back The Wasman Biological Society orchestra will provide the music. session to date, in their wookly Evans echoed the sentiments of articles. As the Constitution "America armed, like Jackson, page and to continue to use the Mr. Saveri stated that "the attend. "We will probably have meeting in the Semeria Room last Durkin when he said, "There with the moral courage of her holds its first evening meeting of to work the attendance of the stands now', the phrasing and phrase, "Maraschi's Meet Soon— the semester tonight. This meet­ dance would bo informal in ac­ week. should be no reason for this ir­ overall construction is pathetic. conviction will smite down these Saveri." cordance with the majority of University by invitation," sard Originally introduced by Dur­ regularity. Surely we can spare foes of world serenity with the ing will feature a very distin­ Dito. He also expressed his hope In many places it is amazingly Huddled around the. mighty guished guest speaker, Doctor- opinion of the students checked kin was a suggestion that the some time this semester to pre­ ambiguous while in other spots force of her moral greatness, as mite in the Green and Gold at random throughout tho Uni­ of the reception's success. Exec. Council consider a motion paring a draft for the fall term ever before she smote them with Edwin van Dyke. Dr. van Dyke the contradiction is obvious. room laying plans for the big is well known throughout the versity." Tho dance will be informal and to rename the Foghorn, the USF when wo will have a larger stu­ her armed might.
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