GOA UNIVERSITY G.R. KARE COLLEGE OF LAW SYLLM SEM III CRIMINAL LAW (PAPER I) CRIME AND ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Jun 2015 Jan 2015 July 2014 Jan 2013 Jun 2012 JAN 2012. JULY 2011, JAN 2010, 2009, JAN 2008 Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner 11111111111111111111111111111111111101 DBK-108 LL.M. (Semester- Ill) Examination, July 2014 CRIMINAL LAW (Paper - I) Crime and Administration of Criminal Justice Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75 Instructions: 1) Answer any 5 questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (15x5=75) 1. "It is difficult to provide a comprehensive definition of crime". Explain in the context of the changing concept of crime. 2. In various decisions, the Supreme Court of India has taken note of torture and custodial death very seriously". Comment. 3. "Anticipatory bail being an extraordinary privilege should be granted only in exceptional cases". Discuss in the light of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. 4. "The opinion of experts is admissible under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872" - Explain. 5. Examine the salient features of the Accusatorial and Inquisitorial systems. 6. Discuss the law in India relating to plea-bargaining. 7. Examine the procedural requirements of arrest with and without warrant. 8. Write short notes on any two : a) Classification of criminals. · p) Problems and issues in the administration of criminal justice. c) Hierarchy of criminal courts. ..; illllllllll llllllllllllllll !lllllllllllllllll BSM -1327 LLM. (Semester ·- Ill) Examination, January 2013 CRIMINAL LAW (Paper - I) Crime and Administration of Criminal Justice Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75 Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (5x15=75) 1. Explain hierarchy of Criminal Courts of India after independence. 2. Critically examine the constitutional and legislative frame work relating to the rights of the accused. 3. Discuss the use of narco-analysis in extracting information for the purpose of criminal trial. 4. "Disposal of cases by the method of Plea Bargaining is an alternative method to deal with the huge arrears of criminal cases" - Explain the provisions of law relating to Plea-Bargaining in India. 5. The success or failure of the administration of criminal justice depends upon the efficacy of the police and prosecution. Discuss. 6. Critically analyse the legal regime in protecting of witnesses in India. 7. Explain the opinion of experts in the light of admissibility in evidence. 8. Answer any two : a) Double Jeopardy b) Charge sheet c) FIR. :! !ililllll!l !fl iii" !IIi 1111 BSM -18 LL.M. (Semester - Ill) Examination, June 2012 CRIMINAL LAW (Paper - I) Crime and Administration of Criminal Justice - I ration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75 Instructions: 1) Answerany five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Define crime and explain why a precise definition of crime is a difficult task. Explain the organizational hierarchy of criminal courts, its powers and functions. Make a brief note on FIR (First Information Report) and its importance in the law of evidence. Critically examine the provisions of bail under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. Examine the legal rights of the accused. Explain hostile witness. Discuss need for witness protection in India. "The police plays a vital role in the criminal justice system including crime control" - Discuss. Write short notes on any two : a) Expect evidence. b) Preventive detention laws. c) Purpose of criminal law. B IU 17 (Pages: 01) BSM-28 l .. ful N .. "' ()uc·sfions: 8) LL.M. (Semester- III) Examination, January- 2012 CRIMINAL LAW- I Crime and Administration of Criminal Justice lhu ;aCima : _, llours Total Marks : 75 . 1m.-tr11ctiou.'i : 1) Answer any ftve questions.' 2) All questions carry equal marks. (5 X IS= 75) '.!I) Ex plain arrest. State the rights of the arrested person. 'J2) Examine the applicability of the Double-Jeopardy rule in CrimiQ(\.1 Justice. '}3) Critically examine the Bail provisions under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. '!4) "Plea~ bargaining is a means of expediting the delivery of criminal Justice" - Comment. '!.5) "It is imperative that adequate safeguards are provided to witnesses in India"~ Discuss. ']6) Examine the importance of the FIR (First Information Report) in Criminal investigation and trial. }7) Examine the advantages and dtsadvantages of the Adversarial system in Criminal Proceedings. lS) Write notes on any two : a) Charge-sheet. b) Evidentiary value of narco-analysis test. c) Concept of Crime. ••••••••••••• • • • B- 1017 Wages: 01) BSM-28 [Total No. of Questions: 8] LL.M. (Semester-III) Examination, January- 2012 CRIMINAL LAW-I Crime and Administration of Criminal Justice Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75 Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions.' 2) All questions carry equal marks. (5 X 15 = 75) QI) Explain arrest. State the rights of the arrested person. Q2) Examine the applicability of the Double-Jeopardy rule in Criminal Justice. Q3) Critically examine the Bail provisions under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. Q4) "Plea-bargaining is a means of expediting the delivery of criminal Justice"- Comment. QS) "It is imperative that adequate safeguards are provided to witnesses in India"- Discuss. Q6) Examine the importance of the FIR (First Information Report) in Criminal investigation and trial. Q7) Examine the advantages and d~sadvantages of the Adversarial system in Criminal Proceedings. Q8) Write notes on any two : a) Charge-sheet. b) Evidentiary value of narco-analysis test. c) Concept of Crime. ••••••••••••• • • • C-1277 I Inial No. of Questions : 8] LL.M. (."••mttlfllt Ill) 1'' -.uulunfluu, .tulr !. Oil c 'IUMINAI.I.A\\' tl•n1u·r I) CRIME & ADI\11 NI~'I'UATH )N c )I,· < 'IU 1\11 N A L .JUSTICE Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks: 75 Instructions : 1) Attswer (1111 ' /It••• 'I"''''"''" 2) All questiou' ,.,, t' ,.,,,,,,,, 11 ' · QI) Criminologi.;;t~ have always di I fl·ll·d in thvil v inv ~• nwanling crime causation. Explain the causes for crime. Q2) Critically examine the constitutional and legislative framework relating to the rights of the accused. Q3) Discuss the circumstances in which police can arrest without warrant. Can a private person arrest without warrant. Q4) · What is First information Report? Discuss the evidentiary value of the F.I.R. QS) "The criminal justice system represents society's organised endeavour to control crime and anti - social behaviour" - Suggest measures to reform the criminal justice delivery system in India in the light of the above. Q6) "A person accused of an offence may file an application for plea bargaining in the court in which such offence is pending for trial"- Discuss the provisions oflaw relating to plea- bargaining in India. Q7) The success or failure ofthe administration ofcriminal justice depends upon the efficacy of the police and prosecution - Discuss. Q8) Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: a) Perjury. b) Use of scientific techniques in criminal investigation. c) lfoslite witness. ... ...... o~t~ l( 2.-0\ t> c_~j~4) lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NNK-31 LL.M. (Semester-_III) Examination, 2010 CRIMINAL LAW (Paper - I) Crime and Administration of Criminal Justice Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75 Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. "Criminologists have always differed in their views regarding crime causation". Explain what are the causes for crime ? 2. Discuss the importance of FIR and examine the procedure for recording FIR. In what way is evidentiary value of an FIR greater than that of any statement recorded by police in course of investigation ? 3. Discuss the constitutional and legal safeguards in respect of accused in India. 4. Explain and distinguish acquisitorial and inquisitorial systems of Administration of Justice. 5. Explain plea bargaining as an alternative dispute resolution in Modem Indian Criminal Jurisprudence. 6. "Justice delayed is justice denied". Discuss the above statement with respect to various problems and issues in the administration of criminal justice in India. 7. Critically analyse the legal regime in protecting of witnesses in India. 8. Answer any two : a) Narco analysis b) Charge sheet c) Perjury. L.L.M. (Semester- ill) Examination, 2009 CRIMINA LAW- PAPER-I CRIME AND ADMINISTRATION-oF CRIMINAL-JUSTICE ___ Duration : 3 hours. Total Marks: 75 Instructions: i) Answer any five questions! ii) Each question carries 15 marks. Q. 1. Critically analyse the legalistic coneptualization of crime provided by Galmille WilJiams. (15) Q. 2 "To arrest a person is to deprive him of his liberty". Outline the safeguards against arbitrary arrest and detention. ( 15) Q. 3 Critically examine how for F.I.R. in a criminal case is vital and valuable piece of evidence at the trial of that case. (15) Q. 4 Explain the opinion of experts in the light of admisability in evidence. (15) Q. 5 Examine:"'the right to bail of an arrested person. When can an anticipatory bail be rejected? (15) Q. 6 "Terrorism in India has reached new heights,,. Examine the efficacy ofTADA and POTA and the need for anti-terrorism legislation. ( l 5) Q. 7 Discuss the use of narco-analysis in extracting information for the purpose of criminal trial. (J 5) Q. 8 Answer: (15) (1) Sentence- bargaining (2) Double jeopardy ******** L.L.M. (SEMESTER III) Examination January 2008 CRIMINAL LA 'V PAPER I CRIME AND ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Duration : 3 hours Ma~. l\1arks : 75 Instructions : 1. Answer any 5 questions. 2. All questions can·y equal marks. matters. Define the concept crin1e and mention various causes in the cornmission of crime. 2. More recently police officials in India have turned to Narco-analysis for assistance in extracting information from accused. Examine the admissibility of such information in India. 3. Examine the right to bail of arrested person. \Vhen an anticipatory bail can be granted. 4. Explain the procedural requirement of aiTest with and without warrant. 5. The role of the judge in criminal proceedings depends on the system of prosecution adopted by the Nation.
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