SECTION 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 Environmental Consequences 4.1 Introduction The Environmental Consequences Section forms the basis for the comparison of alternatives as stated in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1502.14. It includes discussions of direct and indirect effects and their significance. This Limited Scope Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (LS SEIS) incorporates analyses made in the 2014 Limited Scope Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement (LS SFEIS) by reference. Specifically, this LS SEIS adopts the following analyses of the 2014 LS SFEIS: • Analyses of the off-alignment alternatives and their elimination from further consideration. • Selecting the No Corridor Preservation Alternative for the US 151/WIS 23 interchange. • Eliminating the Transportation System Management Alternative from further consideration. • Eliminating the Transit Alternative from further consideration. • Eliminating the reconstruction of the existing 2-lane highway from further consideration. The analyses and decision to adopt the elimination of these solutions can be reviewed at the following web link: http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/by-region/ne/wis23exp/enviro.aspx This Environmental Consequences Section differs from the Environmental Consequences Section in the 2014 LS SFEIS in that it: • Does not include analyses of the previously dismissed alternatives. • Includes analyses of the Passing Lane and Hybrid Alternatives. • Updates information when more recent information is available. • The demographic and income data have been updated from more recent data sources. Yellow highlight signifies updates since the May 2018 Limited Scope Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (LS SDEIS). Minor changes to grammar, punctuation, and usage are not highlighted. Highlighting of a figure or table title signifies updated or new information. 4.1 INTRODUCTION This section describes the beneficial and adverse social, economic, and environmental consequences of the No-Build Alternative, build alternatives, and corridor preservation associated with build alternatives. The section is divided into subsections. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 address commitments of resources and the relationship between uses of the environment and long-term productivity. Sections 4.4 and 4.5 address indirect and cumulative effects. Sections 4.6 and 4.7 provide a summary of the impacts in matrix form, and Section 4.7 contains factor sheets that provide more detail on individual impacts. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), Wisconsin State Historical Society, United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) were involved with the scoping process with the initial documents and have commented on this proposed project. Coordination with these agencies will continue. Coordination during this environmental document also involved the United States Coast Guard for the river crossings along the corridor. A. Indirect and Cumulative Effects The indirect and cumulative effects discussion in Sections 4.4 and 4.5 provides a summary of the indirect and cumulative effects of the Range of Alternatives Carried Forward for Detailed Study discussed in this document. Section 4.4 discusses indirect effects which occur later in time or removed in distance from the actual construction of the alternative. Section 4.5 provides a summary of the cumulative effects of the build alternatives under consideration. Cumulative effects are the incremental impacts of the alternative Project ID 1440-13/15-00 4-1 WIS 23–Fond du Lac to Plymouth 4 Environmental Consequences 4.1 Introduction on resources, when combined with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions, regardless of who creates the impact. B. Environmental Cost Matrix Table 4.6-1 summarizes the impacts associated with the No-Build, Passing Lane, Hybrid, and 4-lane On-alignment Alternatives. It also summarizes the resources, land types, residences, and businesses within the corridor preservation area for the Passing Lane, Hybrid, and 4-lane On-alignment Alternatives. Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) purchased right of way for the 4-lane On-alignment Alternative between 2010 and 2015 before the Record of Decision (ROD) was vacated by the US District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin. About 38 percent of the acquisition was completed in Fond du Lac County, and 100 percent of the acquisition was completed in Sheboygan County. Much of the residential and farm relocations associated with the 4-lane On-alignment Alternative were purchased. Therefore, the table designates how much is needed based on the existing right of way prior to 2010, as well as how much has been purchased since 2010. In some instances, more land was purchased than was needed because not purchasing the land would leave an uneconomic remnant.1 This land is considered excess right of way and is listed in Table 4.6-1 and 4.6-2. Right of way previously purchased for the 4-lane On-alignment Alternative may not be needed for the Passing Lane or Hybrid Alternatives. However, it would be needed as part of the corridor preservation associated with Passing Lane or Hybrid Alternatives. The WisDOT expenditure for right of way already acquired was not considered in the identification of the Preferred Alternative. The land could be resold to abutting landowners, but the cost of the buildings razed is irretrievable. Additionally, since no construction has taken place, impacts to natural and physical environmental resources within the already acquired right of way have not occurred nor has mitigation for potential impacts progressed beyond the conceptual evaluation stage other than the Section 6(f) land conversion and boundary update for the Northern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest (KMSF-NU). C. Environmental Evaluation Matrix The matrix contained in Section 4.7 provides an overview of the effects of the No-Build, Passing Lane, Hybrid, and 4-lane On-alignment Alternatives as well as the corridor preservation associated with build alternatives. The effect of each specific factor is defined as adverse, benefit, none, or not applicable for each corridor alternative. The environmental effect is summarized for each factor, and if further investigation is necessary, a detailed evaluation of the factor is presented further in Section 4.7. D. Detailed Factor Sheets Following the Environmental Evaluation Matrix, detailed evaluation of the specific environmental factors is presented using individual factor sheets. Factor sheets are a more condensed method for documenting the results of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. They are generally used by WisDOT and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in Environmental Assessments and Environmental Reports. Since the 2010 FEIS and 2014 LS FEIS used the factor sheet format, it has been retained in this LS SEIS, except for the format of Section 5 (Section 4(f) and 6(f)), which was revised. 1 42 USC 61 Section 4651 states “(9) If the acquisition of only a portion of a property would leave the owner with an uneconomic remnant, the head of the Federal agency concerned shall offer to acquire that remnant. For the purposes of this chapter, an uneconomic remnant is a parcel of real property in which the owner is left with an interest after the partial acquisition of the owner's property and which the head of the Federal agency concerned has determined has little or no value or utility to the owner.” Project ID 1440-13/15-00 4-2 WIS 23–Fond du Lac to Plymouth 4 Environmental Consequences 4.2 Irreversible or Irretrievable Commitments 4.2 IRREVERSIBLE OR IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENTS OF RESOURCES Prior right-of-way acquisition was based on the 4-Lane On-alignment Alternative selected as the Preferred Alternative in the 2014 LS SFEIS and prior to the ROD being vacated. This acquisition does not prevent the selection of the No-Build Alternative, nor is it considered in the evaluation of the build alternatives. 1. No-Build Alternative The No-Build Alternative includes irretrievable money, time, and personal hardship related to the rate of personal injury and property damage crashes that are anticipated along the existing route. Funding for maintenance would also be committed to the project. The increases in cost, time, and frustration levels associated with the decreasing levels of service, for portions of the corridor, for vehicle movement and operational energy expenditure are tied to the inefficient facility. The impairment of recreational, service, emergency, and business travel within the project area also creates irretrievable commitments of resources. A substantial investment and conversion of private land to highway right of way has already occurred based on the approvals given in the 2014 LS SFEIS and prior to the ROD being vacated. The following bullets summarize resources that have been committed to the project that would no longer be needed if the No-Build Alternative was selected. • 2 528 acres of right of way that was purchased would no longer be needed. • 30 residential relocations have occurred, with 27 of the residences razed. These relocations would no longer be needed. • 3 business relocations have occurred, with all of the business buildings razed. These relocations would no longer be needed. • 17 farm relocations have occurred, with 16 of the farm operations having their buildings razed. These relocations
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