PAGl!: TWO CITY I fH DAlLV lOWAN : ~~----------------------------------------------------------~ Published .. verY morning eX- I AROUND OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETL' cept Mondn by Student Publica­ Items In tilt UNlVERSITV CAU<:NDt\R llre 8chfll tiol s Incorporated at 126 - 130 How Shall World Peace Be Made? TRETOWN uled In the President's Office, Old Capitol. Jlero [0 a avenu , Iowa City, Iowa. or Ihe GENERAL N01'lCF:S are deposltrd wt t~ the campus editor or The Daily 'olVan or may lit Board Of Trustees; Frank L. placed In the box provided for their deposit in ChicRgo sive, non-military federation of convention, wn!! Intl'oduced on our eye.~ shu t or with our eyes open. Ibt ott, Odi. K. Patton. Swen M. offices of 1'hc Dally rowan. GENERAL N OTIC~ MHcEw n, Kirk 8 . Porter, George Editor, The Dally Iowan: nations of democrallc structure." request). AR (lulte the opposite Is true, Wltb must be at TIle Dally Jowan by 4:30 " .m. tll C d. ,1 Dun , J ohn Evans, Edward Hoag, In your editorial "What Kind In other words, th rest of th To l'eturn to til ' Srhollt'ltic ~J'm­ and a8 war in some form goes on pl'ccelling first publication; notices will NOT b ace ple{} by telcllhone, and must be TYPED • ONlald Dodge, Frederick Loomis. of Peace Did You Say?" In which world Is not to permit the bellig- posium, it is inter sting to note on Ali continents whether with the cons nt of t he peoples or not, it LEGlBLY WRJ'rl'EN 'ind tGNED by • responslbl-: Fred M, Pownall, Publisher you quote from and comment on erents ngnin to settle matters to ihnt of lhe twplve II'Rders whoSE' would appear that the whole idea pcrson. Thomas E. Ryan, Scholastic Magaztne's symposIum the exclusive ndvantage of on. views were ask d, two (Nye and of naHonn l sovereignty is a lready MEaLB Vol. XU. No. 4'75 TUl'sday, December 19, 193. BWlloess Manager on the kind of peace terms Amer- side or the other, but the whole Norris) imply some sort of world del1d. Nations like Individuals can Jamea Fox, Editor MILLER icans should support, in your is- world must benefit by the estab- organization in theil' statements, no longer do as they please. The University Calendar Entered as lleCond class mail Sl,le of Nov. 8, the quotation from lishment of a rramewOl'k of fed- nnd six (Shotwell, Fenwick, Can- question is wheth~r We are gOillg Tuesday, Deeember 19 (F 0 r information relardlDa Her at the postottice at Iowa Mme. Rosika Schwimmer's state- eral world govel'l1m nl which wlll field, Mumford, Lazaron, and Ro- to I'egulnte 'this rellltionship be­ 2:00 p. m,- Bridge, UnivenltJ dates beyond this .chedule, see City, rowa, under the act of con· ment leads the l'Oader to believe provide for the continuous solu- sikn Schwimmer) speak speciflc- (ween nations so as to give all the club, 1l1!ll March 2, 1879, that Mme. Schwimmer, in oppo- tlon of world problems in the saml' (Illy uf wOI·ltl redpl'olion, which peo):>le II voice In its regulation or wYNt> wrnYo '1." OW We(lnMila.y, January 3 reservations In the ,resillent', 01. SublcliPtton rates-By mail, $5 silion to Senator Nyc, would ac- way that the United States Con- shows PI' tty cl arly that th prob- whether ware going to continue CHICAGO, lit - I've thought 8:00 a. m.- Classes resuml'd, flce, Old CapItol.) {*r lYeatr ; by carrier, 15 cents cept just any klnd of peace. gre s provides for 11 continuous lem ill not a "European" one. If it living and dying under a chaotic, for the lost three weeks that thc eakly, $5 per year, On the contrary, Mme. Schwim- solution of national probl ms. were, lh neutrals would carryon dictatorial, haphazard, dangerous United States is more likely to General Notices The other day it war against Russin thnn any other l'be Associated Press la exclu, mer in her statement to SCholas-1 In your ~o lumn you also say Itheh' normal lives, their shipping Iworld aict.llt.orship of irresponslble Lombardi's setting vely enutled to use tor republi- tic urged that the neutral coun- that Mr. Stl'eil's plan for federal unmolested, their men Ilnd Women madmen on the one hand, and me- country in Europ . , . Ev nts hap­ Iowa. Unlol\ Musio Room . tin bonru outside the south en- the world's series; ation ot ail new. dispatches tries demand immediate cessation, union is the only one with whiell bacJ{ at pen 'e-llme pursuits in - diacrities on the other. p ning h l'e seem to justify that Following is th(' Iown Union truncc of MlIciJrlde hall or the oddity, but also ga' belief, .. crecltted to It or not otherwise of hostilities on all battletlelds ,' you are familiar. May I send you, sl ad or mobillz d and armed to 'l' lli s is lhe basic issue. The so­ music room schl'dule up 10 and chul'ch notic's 111 tho uewspapers. Iowa's 4-0 footbal I:l'eC11ted 10 tbU paper and also (not just in Europe) without ac- therefore, some material on our th teeth "to JjL'cserve neutrality", ; lulion sho\lld be apP'llI'ent to including Saturdny, Del:. 23. Re- FATHlm HAYNE. Purdue, In fnct, quests will b<' plOYI'd tit lheH(' e local news published herein. eepting the conditions laid down campaign, older than MI'. Streit's, Our congrcss wou ld have nttended i Americans oC all people. We are Therc's & battle just now among who hit lhe homer Uhlver5tty of Chicago students times. To Gradnate Students TELEPHONES by any bellig rent. At the 8ame I and the only on worl<ing on leg- in ~<pecil\ 1 session to \he problems I living under the f deral system, loaded. and the administration over the Tuesday, DC'r. 10- 1 p. Ill. to 3 Each. student in the gmduale I*~uu Oflkle ______U92 time, she urges that "the neutral islative action in this field, (Con- of adequate relief, conservation we Invented it, we've seen its sue- forthcoming visit of Mr. Earl p. m. college who expects to receive a Wlilch can be itocJe&y I!:dt&or U9a nations must issue jointly an invi-, gressman Jerry Voorhis' Concur- and J'lood COlltrol, l1nd hou, iog in- cessful wOI'king, Is it possible that Bro\\/der... Apparently with the Wednesday, Dec. 20 J p. m, to degree at the university conyoca, thM even tbe a_,- OHIoe U91 tation to all the nations of 'the rent Resolution No. 27, urging lhe stead of 10 11 long-drawn-out de- the solution Is 0 simple that we altProval of Mr. Hutchins him­ 3 p. m. tion to be held Jan, 30, 1940, or at sible person or --- - world IOl' a conference to prepare j presiaent to prepare and call Im- bate as 10 whether we shall help ourselves f~il to think .of it? self, the un Iverstty Wltlrt to kcep Thursday, Dec, 21- 1 p. m. to a subsequent convocation, must funny result. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1939 1the constitution of an all-inclu- mediately a World Constitutional one side a~ninst another with our EdLth Wynner Browder out on a technicality, 3 p. m. have on file in the registrar's of. game was not Frid~y, p. In. to The lItadents are firMing It with Dec. 22, 2 4. fice ('omplete official tr ..... lScripls 01 but it will gO , p. m. An Anticlimax the civil Uberties battle-cry. all undergraduate and graduate ords as one of SatUrday, Dec. 23- No Pro­ work completed in other in:.,tllu. Ings. To A Great StewartLook TowaniSweden and No 'way They~reNot grnm. liuns. If you are IIOt certain that A Communist meeting was EARL E. llARI'Im tilese records arc on file, ca ll a\ I sat in the . , Sea Battle A Next in The Path of RU8sia~s r Mac inc broken up Sunday artel'l1oon ..• 1h(' registrar's office witho"\ de· fayette that WINSTON CHURCHILL yes- W Si ies! And the Chicago Daily News on A. A. U. W. FeUowshl)ls IllY. eyes wcar down terday denounced the destruction * * * Sunday carlied a story (r'om Le­ Women graduate students in­ HARRY G. BARNES. and oulscore of the Graf Spec in Uruguayan Rumors are current that Fueh- By CHARLES* * P.* TEWART . assumpt.!ol1* is *thai * Comrade Stalin Vera Zorina As ens land Stowe, with th Finnish terested in fellowships to be Reglstrar tics and, belicve territorial waters as a despicable reI" Hitler wouJd like to make Oentral Press Columnist will pl'oeeed to scoop in Sweden Dance Boys Tougher troops, which was strangely simi­ granted tills year by the Amer- even consider action and against international I peace but no~ody ~urmlses that and at leost llol'th rn Norway. lar to the atrocity ~tories of the ican A~soeiation of University LIBRARY JlOlJR8 frcll kish angle law. Thus the mblit dramatic nav-l Comrade Stolm thmks of any pointed in their direction. He FOI' gell<'nttiol1s Russia has Thuu Athletic Pugs last wnr which Walter Millis in­ WO.men HhouJd write for appli· During the holiday ]'ece~s, Det wurd and being 61 battle of th present war enoed letup in HIS campaign. can atlol'd to leave them until been bUrsting lor an Atlantic sea­ cludes in his "Road to Wnr." catton blanks to the association 18 through Jon. 2, thc libl1ll7 scoreboard.
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